Star Trek

Chapter 211 Channel Fire 2

Now, it is true that Liu Zheng has felt the power of his kind of regression-class warship. Yes, it's true. That thing really has its own other combat forces, so it has no attack ability at all. Liu Zheng has only figured this out in the recent period of time.

Facing the enemy's group of various chariots, especially the enemy's BTR-70 armored vehicles, and that kind of Leopard 2-A6 main battle tank, Liu Zheng's 67 regression-class warships, in that form at a considerable distance from the coast. A variety of attacks.

Now, Liu Zheng has finally figured out the law, that is, for the enemy's fixed military facilities, it is to use that kind of carrier helicopter to attack. Another way to attack is to attack with your own long-range artillery. No matter which method is used to attack, it should be said that it has a quite unique attack effect.

At this time, Liu Zheng saw that he had gathered as many as seven Tropic-class warships here. Therefore, the intensity of its attacks is naturally more powerful. Facing the enemy's group of dense tanks like maggots, Liu Zheng gave an order, so the rain-like shells fell from the sky one after another, and then, all of them hit the top of the target's head one after another! As a result, the sound of a "bang" explosion suddenly sounded, and at the same time, countless wreckage and fragments of chariots flew away in the explosion of their own rain-like dense shells.

So, not long ago, in the enemy's base, which was still neat, is now covered with the wreckage and fragments of all kinds of chariots. At the same time, many military facilities were also blown up with flames. It seemed that it was simply a piece of smoke and fireworks rising to the sky. And on the ground, there are also craters, large and small. It looks like a cemetery.

However, Liu Zheng knew that he had to use his carrier-based helicopters on his "regression-class warships" to attack the enemy's airport. Otherwise, if you want to rely on their kind of artillery attack, you may no longer be able to reach its range.

After thinking of this, Liu Zheng first made a general adjustment to the location of his six or seven Tropic-class warships. Then, with an order, another way of attack began again. A helicopter gunship flew up from it, and then, in the whirlwind of the buzzing, harsh propeller, the two helicopters had crossed the sea and flew straight to the sky of the target, and then, with a "swish" missile, a Pieces of air-to-ground missiles, dragging the orange tail flame, roaring and shooting at the target.

"Boom~~" As several missiles hit the target one after another, a violent explosion suddenly sounded. Then, the target, in the sky-high fog, was suddenly blown up and exploded into countless wreckage and fragments. The ground shot into the mid-air, and then fell from the mid-air one after another, falling like rain, spilling on the surface of the water, stirring up countless splashes.

In this way, although the accuracy of the air-to-ground missiles launched by the ship-based helicopter on Liu Zheng's return-class warship was not very large and did not destroy the enemy's airport, it destroyed the enemy's four or five power plants and a barracks. It should be said that if such a combat effect can be achieved, it should also be quite good!


However, in fact, Liu Zheng's heart is also very clear, that is, his attack of this kind of "regression-class warship", whether it is an artillery attack or an air-to-ground missile attack of that kind of carrier-based helicopter, can't cause too much damage to the enemy's base. The damage. Yes, that's true.

The base is to fight a dozen first and destroy part of the enemy's combat power first. It belongs to that kind of tactical level of combat power. Now, Liu Zheng has seen that during this period of time, due to the construction of strengthened bases in his own base, especially the production and the earning of construction funds, three scientific and technological drilling wells have been built, and there are also three ore refineries.

Since then, the production and construction funds have rolled into their own pockets one after another. And after having money, what's the problem? What else will be the problem? Damn, damn, in this case, then, grandma's, let's start to produce that kind of important combat power! What nuclear mecha, what Kirov airship, what a Thunderbolt self-propelled rocket launcher... And for Liu Zheng, basically belongs to the kind of combat power with considerable lethality! Basically, it can also cause a devastating attack on the enemy's base!

So, immediately, Liu Zheng has loaded the newly produced nuclear energy mecha into the Red Star transport ship. Yes, after all, if you use that kind of red star transport ship to carry out the mission, the speed of its action is naturally quite fast. Yes, although Liu Zheng also knows that his own kind of nuclear mecha actually has the ability to move in the water. However, that speed is quite slow after all! That's simply too slow!

Therefore, after thinking about it again and again, Liu Zheng still decided to use the Red Star transport ship that had just been produced to carry its own nuclear energy armor and march towards the enemy's base. Soon after, he merged with his sevenhui gui-class warships. However, Liu Zheng found that on the surface of the water, he could not release his nuclear mecha from the red star transport ship. In this way, I can only park the red star transport ship on the ground before I can invite the nuclear mecha from there.

Soon after, Liu Zheng led his Red Star transport ship and flew to an open space without enemy combat power, and then invited his nuclear mecha from the Red Star transport ship. However, in order not to be attacked by any combat power of the enemy, Liu Zheng next glided the nuclear energy mecha that had just been invited to the sea.

Liu Zheng saw that when his nuclear mecha was walking on the sea, it looked like skating, like walking on the flat ground. Moreover, its speed was not very slow, even much faster than when walking on the ground. Therefore, soon after, its own nuclear mecha came to the location of its seven Tropic-class warships. Then, Liu Zheng was always ready to launch an attack that could really play a decisive role against the enemy's base with his own nuclear energy armor!

By this time, everything is almost finished! The preparation work is almost done! Therefore, Liu Zheng was already waiting for the final attack of his own nuclear energy mecha. Finally, after making the final preparations and adjustments, with Liu Zheng's order, the nuclear missile launcher behind the nuclear energy mecha had been opened, and then, two seconds later, the tactical nuclear missile began to ignite. After a loud sound, a missile that looked like a large warhead sprayed the orange tail flame and slowly rose from the launch frame. It was getting faster and faster. After flying to a certain altitude, it immediately turned a corner and then went straight to the target. The long tail flame is spraying, and the tactical nuclear missile is also flying towards the target with the faster and faster acceleration.

The nuclear warhead roared through the air, dragging the light blue tail flame and marching. Five seconds later, the missile finally hit the target! I only heard a "bang~~~", which was really a deafening explosion! Then, a huge explosion wave, centered on that explosion point, scattered in all directions. At the same time, almost a few miles away, the dust burst and burst, and everywhere was full of dazzling white light, which almost made people unable to open their eyes. For a moment, there was yellow dust between the whole world, and the strong wind roared, and then a huge mushroom cloud suddenly rose up and went straight to the sky...

Yes, at that moment, the great power of that super weapon was once again vividly reflected. At this time, as the light fog of the explosion of the nuclear bomb fell one after another, on the ground, the ground that had just been attacked by the enemy was naturally covered with debris, and the bright green radiation was still continuously immersed and rendered there.

Liu Zheng saw that with the earth-shaking explosion, then, almost 60% or 70% of the military facilities in the enemy's base on the ground had been blown up in a mess! Most of them have lost more than 80% or 90% of their health. Yes, at the moment when the dazzling white explosion and firelight almost illuminated the whole world, Liu Zheng knew what kind of power this nuclear bomb attack launched by his nuclear energy mecha had.

"Hey, hey, hey, if I now have two nuclear mecha in my hand, it will be a better attack on the target in turn! That must be a better blow!" Liu Zheng thought secretly in his heart. However, although he thinks so, he also knows that everything can't be perfect. After all, that kind of nuclear mecha has a cost of nearly eight or nine thousand!


Looking at my nuclear energy mecha, it floated on the surface of the water. From the mecha state just now, it suddenly became the style of the current launch platform. It looks really good! Moreover, Liu Zheng also thought that if such a launch platform can be built on the sea, and it belongs to the kind of sudden deformation, it is indeed, and quite good! It seems that my kind of nuclear energy mecha is really worth such a price. The cost of 89,000 production and construction funds is really not a joke, really not a joke!

However, in the same way, Liu Zheng also knows that although his own kind of nuclear energy mecha does have a rather non-long-range nuclear bomb attack ability, that is, after all, it is impossible for the base of the enemy to be attacked by several nuclear bombs at once. Blow it all up. Yes, that's true. In this case, you should naturally think of a better attack plan, and you should change another weapon to attack.

Now, it came with its own nuclear mecha, as well as its four Kirov airships. Um, yes, it should be said that my four Kirov airboats are indeed the best choice to clean up the mess. Yes, that's it.

After thinking of this, with Liu Zheng's order, I saw that his four Kirov airboats flew away from the sea in the direction of the enemy's base in the roar. There, the enemy's base has been almost bombed by one of its own nuclear bomb attacks. This time, Liu Zheng sent his four Kirov airboats over again, and naturally, in order to use them to clean up the mess.

Liu Zheng saw that although his four Kirov airboats flew very slowly, once they really flew over the enemy's base, then the super-capable blockbuster, although their flight speed was very slow, Then again, once it really flies over the enemy's base, then the super-power bomb is quite powerful! It's really quite powerful!

In addition, what makes Liu Zheng more happy is that some of the anti-aircraft fire there has been basically destroyed by his own nuclear bomb attack just now. Therefore, naturally, there is no possibility of being attacked on top of his four Kirov airboats.

The first bombing target, Liu Zheng naturally pointed the spearhead directly at the construction factory in the enemy's base! Yes, the enemy's main factory is the source of all evil! If you don't kill it, then you will never have peace. After thinking of this, with Liu Zheng's order, soon after, the four Kirov airships finally flew to the top of the enemy's main construction factory.

"Dunnel! Bombing" ~ At this time, Liu Zheng's order was finally issued again! Then, the Kirov airboats slowly lowered its altitude, and then slowly opened its magazine in the abdomen. Then, Liu Zheng saw that huge bombs were dropped from the magazine one after another.

At the same time, the harsh whistling sound of "youyou" sounded one after another. And after the heavy bombs hit the target one after another, in the sound of the explosion, in the dark red explosion fog rising to the sky, the enemy's military facilities were blown up one after another! The countless wreckage and debris scattered all over the ground. And on top of that, there is a mess, messy smoke debris everywhere. The craters are full of bullet holes and smoke...

In particular, the main construction factory of the enemy was bombed one after another. With the explosions one after another, it soon turned into countless wrecks and fragments, scattered...

Ha, ha, ha, finally, finally, the construction factory of the enemy was finally killed by me! Finally killed by me! Damn, this time, I can think about attacking the enemy's second base, which is located on this base!

In this way, with Liu Zheng's order, all his combat forces began to go to the enemy's base. These include his own nuclear energy armor, the five heavy missile cruisers, and his own seven Tropic-class warships. It should be said that the whole team is vast and hot.

Moreover, Liu Zheng has also thought about how he will attack the enemy after this time! Yes, there is no doubt that he will still launch an attack with his own nuclear energy mecha! Of course, it is still a long-range nuclear bomb attack! Liu Zheng now, Liu Zheng has seen that in that area of the enemy's base, there are too many nuclear energy mecha! Wow, damn it, that guy is exactly the same type of combat power!

Damn, this time, it may be a little troublesome! Liu Zheng couldn't help thinking about it.