Star Trek

Chapter 215 Channel Fire 6

At this time, Liu Zheng thought that since he had destroyed the enemy's base, he could naturally park his three heavy missile helicopters to the former enemy base base that had become flat. Then, land it and implement the short iron curtain of its own secret weapon. Once they have implemented a short iron curtain, it basically means that their three Samsung classic-class heavy missile helicopters can destroy the military facilities in the enemy base with quite strong combat capabilities, as well as some horrible combat power. .

Yes, that's indeed the case. At this time, Liu Zheng has seen that there are at least five or six Samsung elite-level nuclear energy mechas in that enemy's base alone. Wow, what kind of concept is that for five or six nuclear energy mecha? Anyway, Liu Zheng knows that it will take at least half a day to produce a nuclear mecha. Yes, that's no wonder, because even after the construction of that kind of industrial factory, the production and construction capital required by the production unit will be greatly reduced, only 70% of the original. However, that's also a rather terrible number, definitely a rather terrible number!

Seeing as many as five or six nuclear mechas in the enemy base, Liu Zheng felt like a poor man who was begging for food. When he saw a rich man driving a BMW car, he really felt very shabby. It's really shabby. Wow, damn it, it's really oily! At this time, Liu Zheng saw that the five or six nuclear mecha of the enemy had begun to move towards him and had begun to move towards him! After seeing this, Liu Zheng couldn't help but secretly speed up the implementation speed of his short iron curtain.

After thinking of this, Liu Zheng quickly landed his three Samsung elite-level heavy missile helicopters on the enemy's base just now, and slowly stopped rotating with its propellers. Then, the three heavy missile helicopters became three fixed Sexual cannon.

At this time, I saw Liu Zheng's combat power appearing in the surrounding area of his base. Then, in the base that was about to become the target of Liu Zheng's attack, several infantrymen rushed here with submachine guns. It seems that there is a great meaning that "the side of the couch is not allowed to sleep peacefully".

However, Liu Zheng knows that his three Samsung elite-level fixed cannons deformed from heavy helicopters are not fuel-efficient lamps. Seeing the enemy's infantry, they rushed here carelessly and couldn't help smiling coldly. Therefore, under an order, the golden light shone at the muzzle of the three cannons, and the shells shot out one by one, drawing arcs and hitting the target fiercely.

"Boom~~" Wow, what a damn cow! A stream of explosive fire rose to the sky, and it looked like a cloud of mushrooms rising to the sky! It's really awesome, it's really awesome! On the ground, the enemy's infantry, burst into flames, and it looked like clouds of mushrooms rising to the sky! It's really awesome, it's really awesome! On the ground, the enemy's infantry had never thought about how this happened, and they had been blown up, and even didn't even make a shout. Shit!

After seeing this, Liu Zheng couldn't help smiling. Then, Liu Zheng decided that he should finish the short iron curtain before the arrival of the enemy's nuclear mecha. After thinking of this, with Liu Zheng's order, I saw that after a strange sound, some black light spots were mottled, covering the chariots. Next, the black spots became more and more conspicuous. As time went by, they suddenly changed from the mottled land just now to pure black. During this period, a silver-white light, and those black spots became more and more conspicuous. As time went by, from the mottled land just now. Suddenly, it turned into pure black. During this period, a silver-white light also kept shining, which made people feel very strange.

After seeing this, Liu Zheng couldn't help but be excited. Haha, haha, this time, let you taste what the bombing effect of the heavy missile helicopter after the implementation of the short iron curtain is like. After thinking of this, with Liu Zheng's order, the three Samsung elite-level heavy missile helicopters, which had just been implemented by Liu Zheng, roared and flew to the enemy's base.

Yes, now, the three heavy missile helicopters with that kind of short iron curtain protection, in particular, have now been upgraded to the Samsung elite level. Naturally, their aggressiveness has also been greatly enhanced. When Liu Zheng commanded the three Samsung elite-level heavy missile helicopters and finally flew over the enemy's base, he found that there were so many nuclear mecha!

"Wow, damn it, I just saw only a very small part of it. The five or six nuclear mecha just now turned out to be only a small part of it! How horrible it will be and how powerful it will be to have so many nuclear mecha!" Liu Zheng couldn't help sighing.

Anyway, you will naturally attack the most important enemy forces first! Yes, relatively speaking, the enemy's nuclear energy armor should be the root force on which the enemy's base exists. No matter how many they are, some of the enemy's nuclear energy mecha should be the root forces that exist in the enemy's base. No matter how much it is, you should do it first! Anyway, the cooling speed of my short iron curtain is also very fast. After removing a few cars, I quickly withdrew and landed to implement the short iron curtain again! In this case, what are you afraid of?

After thinking of this, Liu Zheng ordered his three Samsung elite-level heavy missile helicopters, which had been equipped with a short iron curtain, to launch an attack on the enemy's nuclear mecha above the ground! With the continuous sound of missile swish, it suddenly sounded, and then air-to-ground missiles shot out one by one.

The huge air-ground missiles dragged the thick orange tail flame, constantly adjusted the direction of flight, roared from top to bottom, and went away through the wind, and then hit the enemy's nuclear mecha on the ground one after another. Therefore, as the sound of the explosion kept ringing, Liu Zheng saw that the target's health value did not decline as quickly as he thought, but looked very slow...

"Damn, it seems that it's really different! The nuclear energy mecha, which cost nearly 9,000 production and construction funds, really has extraordinary health! However, the health of this Samsung elite heavy missile helicopter is not bad! In particular, their lethality is also quite powerful!" Liu Zheng's eyes narrowed slightly and looked very calm.

Yes, at this time, Liu Zheng was just thinking that there were so many enemy nuclear mechas gathered in the enemy's base, but the number was far beyond his imagination! Originally, Liu Zheng saw four or five enemy nuclear mechas through the enemy's base that had just been torn apart, which seemed to have just revealed the tip of the iceberg! At that time, Liu Zheng was quite surprised! Shit, it took me more than half a day to get a nuclear mecha! However, why did he produce so many nuclear power mecha in such a short time?

Surprised. Horrible. Worried.

However, now it seems that the nuclear mecha I just saw are only a small part of them! Yes, that's only a small part! It turned out that in the enemy's base, there were such a large number of nuclear mecha! After seeing this, Liu Qingshan couldn't help but be even more surprised.

Good guy, once so many nuclear energy mechas really launch an attack on their own combat power, how much attack ability will be formed! How horrible it will be! Wow!

However, no matter how many nuclear energy mechas there are, for Liu Zheng, they have to fight one by one! Anyway, I have that kind of quite powerful "short iron curtain" to protect myself. Therefore, naturally, when you attack, you will be fearless.

Although the health value of the enemy's nuclear energy mecha is quite strong (after all, it cost nearly 9,000 production and construction funds to produce a big guy, in this case, it is normal for him to have such a strong health and strong defense), but Unexpectedly, Liu Zheng's three heavy missile helicopters have also been upgraded to the Samsung elite level, and the attack ability of the heavy missile helicopter under such a level is quite good, and it is indeed quite good! At this time, it has also been upgraded to the Samsung elite level, and the attack ability of the heavy missile helicopter under such a level is quite good, and it is indeed quite good!

Therefore, in this case, in the face of the attack of Liu Zheng's three Samsung elite-class heavy missile helicopters, after a little longer, there will be a result. However, that result was Liu Zheng. In any case, he didn't expect it!

At this time, finally, with the attack, the last health value of the enemy's nuclear energy mecha was hit. Liu Zheng clearly saw it. Suddenly, an absolutely deafening explosion suddenly sounded, which was really a deafening explosion! Then, a huge explosion wave, centered on that explosion point, scattered in all directions. At the same time, almost a few miles away, the dust burst and burst, and everywhere was full of dazzling white light, which almost made people unable to open their eyes. For a moment, there was yellow dust between the whole world, and the strong wind roared, and then a huge mushroom cloud suddenly rose up and went straight to the sky...

At this time, with the light fog of the explosion of the nuclear bomb falling one after another, on the ground, the ground that has just been attacked by the enemy, is naturally covered with debris, and the bright green radiation is still constantly immersed and rendered there.

However, what Liu Zheng never expected was that after detoning the enemy's nuclear mecha, he actually triggered a series of explosions of all the other nuclear mecha! Wow, after Liu Zheng saw that scene, he was almost dumbfounded! I'm really dumbfounded!

The sound of continuous violent explosions kept ringing, and a mass of explosive light fog rose to the sky! In particular, the mushroom cloud, the symbol of that kind of nuclear explosion, is even more shocking! Yes, of course, Liu Zheng knows that as a nuclear energy mecha with nuclear bomb attack capability, its own power system should be driven by that kind of nuclear energy. And the other aspect, since it can carry out that kind of nuclear bomb attack, naturally, it must also store a certain number of nuclear bombs!

So, after they are detonated, the equivalent of their explosion is at least equivalent to the explosive equivalent of a nuclear bomb! However, because there are too many nuclear mecha in the enemy's base, and they are quite close to each other, in this way, it is naturally very easy to cause a chain reaction after an explosion!

"hong hong~~~hong hong~~~~”

It's really a series of nuclear explosions! Mushroom clouds rose to the sky one after another, and the whole enemy base was almost completely shrouded by the continuous nuclear explosion mushroom cloud for a moment. Even the space has stopped for it. After seeing this, Liu Zheng's eyes were shrouded in the continuous nuclear explosion mushroom cloud. Even the space has stopped for it. After seeing this, Liu Zheng's eyes almost suddenly straightened! Yes, he once saw such a powerful nuclear explosion!

So, since then, basically, the enemy's base was blown up by the series of big explosions! Imagine that after more than ten consecutive nuclear explosions, what base can't be blown up?

Soon after, Liu Zheng received a message from the system: the enemy was finally defeated! After seeing this, Liu Zheng couldn't help laughing for a while: Wow, accidentally, a tentative attack actually detonated a nuclear explosion of such a scale, and more importantly, it killed the whole enemy's base all of a sudden! Haha, haha, it's cool, it's really cool! It's really cool!


Ten days later. After another rest, Liu finally participated in a new task. And this mission is called "Secret Valley". Moreover, it is said that the system has just updated the equipment system, so the number of chariot combat power in the combat power type is much higher than before.

At this time, Liu Zheng first circled around his base. It turned out that I thought it was a passage, and there was a small forest on the right side of his base. Moreover, the grove looks gloomy and lush. Moreover, Liu Zheng seemed to be able to hear the sound of known shouting from there.

So, Liu Zheng continued to lead his three rhino tanks through the grove, and on that side, there were two technology drilling wells that were not occupied by anyone! After seeing this, Liu Zheng couldn't help but brighten his eyes: Haha, haha, technology drilling oil wells! It's really good, it's really good!

So, soon after, Liu Zheng quickly produced two engineers, and then occupied the two technology drilling wells. In this way, in terms of production and construction funds, you will naturally not be so embarrassed.

Soon after, Liu Zheng had built his own barracks again. Ore refineries, chariot factories, combat laboratories, etc. In addition, an industrial factory has been built. The success of the construction of that industrial factory means that the construction of its own facilities and the production of combat power will cost a considerable amount of money!

In addition, what opened Liu Zheng's eyes is that a super magnetic explosion coil can be built here! Look at that head, and the cost - 2500 capital unit, should also be quite good! Out of the novelty of this super magnetic explosion coil, naturally, Liu Zheng also built one casually.