Star Trek

Chapter 214 Channel Fire 5

However, just as Liu Zheng led his Kirov airships and flew towards the construction factory in the enemy base, suddenly, Liu Zheng saw four or five enemy challenger main battle tanks rushed out one after another in the enemy's chariot factory! After seeing this, Liu Zheng couldn't help but be slightly shocked.

Yes, Liu Zheng definitely knows, that is, the enemy's kind of challenger main battle tank is a chariot with quite good air defense capabilities! Moreover, its air defense capability also has distinct class characteristics. It is mainly manifested in the beginning, that in the general situation, that thing, that is, to use that kind of machine gun firepower for air defense, the effect is natural and not too strong. However, with the rise of its level, once it is upgraded to the Samsung elite level, its anti-aircraft firepower will be airborne by the former machine gun firepower. And become that kind of missile fire defense in one fell swoop!

It should be said that Liu Zheng is naturally very clear that this kind of change is a qualitative leap! Yes, it is indeed a qualitative leap! Moreover, once the machine gun fire defense is upgraded to the missile air defense, its air defense performance will rise in that geometric incremental way...

And now, Liu Zheng's Kirov airships have slowly flown towards the construction factory in the enemy's base! Yes, now, it is flying towards the target. However, due to the appearance of the enemy's challenger main battle tanks, Liu Zheng naturally wanted to kill those challenger main battle tanks with good air defense capabilities. Therefore, with Liu Zheng's order, his Kirov airships immediately turned and flew in the direction of the enemy's challenger main battle tanks.

However, soon, the enemy's challenger main battle tanks, due to their fast movement, soon rushed to the bottom of Liu Zheng's Kirov airships. Then, Liu Zheng clearly saw that the anti-aircraft machine gun above the roof of his car began to carry out that kind of air defense attack! With the harsh sound of "dada" sounded one after another, the red light at the muzzle of the gun flashed, and the machine gun kept shaking and shaking with the sound of the anti-aircraft gun.

However, because of that kind of anti-aircraft machine gun, it is indeed in terms of firepower, which is too much, and more importantly, the defensive ability of Liu Zheng's Kirov airboat is also quite strong! Therefore, Liu Zheng did not see how much health was lost by his Kirov airboats.

However, Liu Zheng naturally didn't care about this. Seeing the enemy's challenger main battle tanks suddenly come in and continue to carry out air defense attacks on his Kirov airships, Liu Zheng naturally became anxious. Damn, damn, I will definitely blow you up first!

Although Liu Zheng's Kirov airboats traveled very slowly, the words came back to the fact that because the challenger main battle tanks of the enemy's shafts went against Liu Zheng's Kirov airships, so the two also met soon after. Seeing the enemy's challenger main battle tanks, he finally appeared under his own Kirov airships, so Liu Zheng gave an order and thought he had caught the fighter well!

"Dombing!" In this way, with Liu Zheng's order, Liu Zheng saw that his Kirov airboats slowly sank and sink, as if they were choosing a better attack target and carrying out a more accurate attack. Then, the Kirov airboats slowly lowered their height, and then slowly opened their magazine in the abdomen. Then, Liu Zheng saw that huge bombs were dropped from the magazine one after another.

At the same time, the harsh whistling sound of "youyou" sounded one after another. And after the heavy bombs hit the target one after another, in the roaring explosion, in the dark red explosion fog that soared into the sky, two or three of the enemy's challenger main battle tanks were blown up one after another in the roar. God! The countless wreckage and debris scattered all over the ground. And on top of that, there is a mess, messy smoke debris everywhere. The craters are full of bullet holes and smoke...

However, not all the enemy's challenger main battle tanks have been blown up! After all, it is also a kind of chariot with quite strong defense ability! Liu Zheng's heart is very clear about this. Yes, it's really very clear! And in the successive bombings of heavy bombs, they were still desperately carrying out that kind of air defense attack!

Yes, it should be said that now, the enemy's air defense attack is more fierce! It should also be like this. It is also an instinct to fight with all your strength in the face of the danger of being blown up. It is indeed an instinct! The problem is that those enemy challenger main battle tanks have been carrying out that kind of air defense attack from beginning to end! Therefore, in this case, although their level still belongs to the original level, it will also form a considerable lethality over time! Therefore, unexpectedly, two of their own Kirov airboats were shot down one after another!

Moreover, as his two or three Kirov airboats were shot down one after another, the enemy's challenger main battle tanks were actually upgraded to the Samsung elite level! Then, with the sound of missile launch, one by one, the air-to-air missiles shot out, roaring through the wind, and then accurately hit the target one after another, hitting Liu Zheng's remaining Kirov airships...

When he saw his Kirov airships, he had a lot of trouble at this time, so Liu Zheng decided that he could not let them fight alone any more! If it goes on like this, then your Kirov airboats are likely to be shot down, causing unnecessary casualties to themselves.

After thinking of this, Liu Zheng decided that he could give the enemy another nuclear bomb attack! Well, you can consider attacking its super weapons again! After all, now, the fog of war over the enemy base, which is shrouded over the enemy's base, has basically disappeared. At the very least, I can see the torn crack!

Yes, in this case, Liu Zheng saw several military facilities of the enemy, such as a power plant, a barracks, etc., including the enemy's challenger main battle tanks. Of course, the enemy's main construction factory has not been found yet.

"No matter how much he is, mother, mother, blow him up first! Blow him up first!" After thinking of this, Liu Zheng gave an order, so he ordered his own nuclear mecha, which was still moored on the sea, to start firing at that enemy base! The nuclear missile launcher behind the nuclear energy mecha had been opened, and then, two seconds later, the tactical nuclear missile began to ignite. After a loud sound, a missile that looked like a large warhead sprayed the orange tail flame and slowly rose from the launch frame. It was getting faster and faster. After flying to a certain altitude, it immediately turned a corner and then went straight to the target. The long tail flame is spraying, and the tactical nuclear missile is also flying towards the target with the faster and faster acceleration.

Between the sea and sky, Liu Zheng saw the nuclear warhead roaring through the air, dragging the light blue tail flame and marching forward. It seems that the nuclear warhead, galloping like a cruise missile, roaring between the sea and the sky. Five seconds later, the missile finally hit the target! I only heard a "bang~~~", which was really a deafening explosion! Then, a huge explosion wave, centered on that explosion point, scattered in all directions.

It's such a dazzling flash! Between heaven and earth, it has become a pale color. Of course, the mushroom cloud rushed to the sky, reached the height of several kilometers, and then spread. At the same time, almost a few miles away, the dust burst and burst, and everywhere was full of dazzling white light, which almost made people unable to open their eyes. For a moment, there was yellow dust between the whole world, and the strong wind roared, and then a huge mushroom cloud suddenly rose up and went straight to the sky...

Needless to ask, the enemy's challenger main battle tanks did not leave even a little wreckage. On the ground, a big deep pit appeared in Liu Zheng's sight. Moreover, just around that explosive spot, Liu Zheng saw that it had already become a piece of light. The great power of that kind of nuclear bomb explosion can also be seen from this. After seeing this, Liu Zheng finally felt very gratified by his actions just now.

With such a situation, Liu Zheng knows that this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, and it is indeed a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity! In the face of such an opportunity, if you can't seize it any more, then it will be really quite troublesome!

So, with Liu Zheng's order, his only two Kirov airboats flew straight to the enemy's main construction factory. And the enemy's main factory was exposed at the time of the nuclear bomb attack just now. It happened that Liu Zheng was given such a great opportunity.

In this way, with the super powerful bomb attack ability of the Kirov airboat, with the screaming sound of "yo-yo" sounded one after another, Liu Zheng saw that heavy bombs fell from the sky and hit the ground fiercely. Above, on the main construction factory of the enemy! So, a deafening explosion sounded one after another, and looking at the firelight of the bomb, because the two Kirov airboats have been upgraded to the Samsung elite level, the explosive firelight clearly showed a dazzling dark blue...

Finally, there was a loud explosion that shook the world, and an explosion flame soared into the sky. Then, Liu Zheng saw that the enemy's main construction factory was finally knocked off. However, just as Liu Zheng was about to breathe a sigh of relief, suddenly, an enemy heavy missile helicopter flew straight from another enemy base!

After seeing this, Liu Zheng couldn't help changing his face. Yes, of course he knows what kind of attack capability the enemy's heavy missile helicopter has! Yes, that's a kind of horror in that air combat power! Because Liu Zheng has such a heavy missile helicopter in his own combat power, naturally, he is also very clear about this. It is quite clear indeed.

That kind of combat power can be both air and land! Moreover, they are all launching that kind of supermissile, which is highly prepared and lethal. So, because the enemy's heavy missile helicopter had a faster flight speed than Liu Zheng's Kirov airship, it soon caught up! Then, with the sound of the "wish" missile launch, the missiles broke through the air and hit the target fiercely...

"Boom!!!!" After hitting the target, it will explode in response. And because Liu Zheng's Kiroff airboat, which was attacked, had already suffered some damage, after a blow, soon after, it suddenly stopped all over, and then spiralled and fell down from the air...

At the same time, a prompt message from the system also came out: the computer player has been defeated!

"Damn, I killed a Kirov airboat, and it also lost a computer player! Hey, it's really interesting, it's really interesting!" Liu Zheng couldn't help thinking about it. And when he was leading his remaining last Kirov airship and fled in the direction of his sea position, the enemy's one had successfully upgraded to a Samsung elite-class heavy missile helicopter because it knocked down one of Liu Zheng's Kirov airship. Unexpectedly Instead of following the pursuit, he turned over the nose and flew back to his base.


In this way, Liu Zheng destroyed another enemy base. However, when Liu Zheng turned his eyes to other places, he couldn't help sinking again. The two enemy bases he saw actually belong to that kind of Chinese combat power type of enemy bases! Liu Zheng knows that compared with other types of bases, this should be quite difficult to deal with.

"It seems that I should further strengthen my firepower this time! Um, yes, it seems that we really need to further strengthen our firepower!" Liu Zheng couldn't help but calculate himself. Fortunately, I now have quite a lot of production and construction funds in the base. And with money, it's naturally much easier to do!

So, with Liu Zheng's order, five Thunderbolt self-propelled rocket launchers began to be produced. In addition, its three Samsung elite-level heavy missile helicopters should have been repaired now, and naturally they should be put into new operations again. After thinking of this, Liu Zheng quickly formulated a new combat plan: before all the five Thunderbolt self-propelled rockets were produced, he could use the three heavy missile helicopters to carry out air strike missions!

Yes, since the kind of short iron curtain you have, naturally, you should give full play to their huge air strike role. Yes, when I think of my kind of heavy missile helicopter, which can attack both air and ground in midair, and the sound of explosion will have a scene of light fog similar to a small nuclear explosion, Liu Zheng's heart, naturally, once again It is full of yearning!

So, after thinking of this, Liu Zheng ordered his three Samsung elite-level heavy missile helicopters when his kind of heavy mecha - the other two nuclear energy mecha and the five Thunderbolt self-propelled rockets were being produced. Another military base of the enemy flew straight away.

At this time, with the gathering of too many surface ships, it has led to a piece of darkness. Between the sea and the sky, turbid waves rise to the sky. Lightning flashed between the sea and the sky. Soon, waves of storms came. And in the midst of the storm and thunder and lightning, Liu Zheng's three Samsung elite-level heavy missile helicopters flew to the enemy's base full of mystery and unknown.