Star Trek

Chapter 217 Mecha Competition 2

By the way, it's really beautiful. Soon after, Liu Zheng heard a strange noise at the entrance and exit of his base. Wow, what kind of combat power has attacked? Yaya, I'm not as good as before. I have enough combat power now! To deal with those enemy attacks!

And just as Liu Zhengma's eyes shifted, his eyes suddenly lit up. Haha, good guy! There, it is actually an enemy battle fortress! Good boy, I haven't seen the super fortress for a long time! And this time, I finally opened my eyes again!

Yes, of course, Liu Zheng knows what kind of attack ability that kind of enemy battle fortress has! Its large cabin can accommodate a considerable number of infantry! Whether it is Yuri replicators, virus snipers, etc., they can enter there without exception. Therefore, it is absolutely no exaggeration to call it a veritable large military vehicle.

Second, it is also the most powerful place of that kind of super fortress, that is, that guy has a special ability, that is, the ability to crush! Whether it is all kinds of chariots or infantry, once they are caught up by them, they will be ruthlessly crushed under their rolling wheels without exception! Especially the chariot, even the Apocalypse tank with particularly strong defense capabilities, and the armed mining vehicle, are not opponents at all in the face of his crushing.

However, soon, Liu Zheng no longer worried about what would happen to that guy and what harm he would do to his base and his position. Because at this time, several of their Yuri clones were stationed on the entrance and exit of their base! Therefore, with the powerful remote control ability of his own Yuri replicator, it should not be difficult to control that guy.

The enemy's super fortress rumbled in! At the same time, just a few hundred meters away from Liu Zheng's Yuri replicators, a string of bullets shot out of his shooting hole! At the shooting hole, Mars shot everywhere, and the harsh sound of "Dada" was endless, which made Liu Zheng feel a chill. Wow, damn it, did he fire first?

"Ah~~" and followed by the sound of fire, Liu Zheng saw that his several Yuri clones actually lay down one after another in that scream. And in the blink of an eye, there were already corpses everywhere on the ground.

After seeing this, Liu Zheng couldn't help biting his silver teeth: Yaya, it's really hard! That firepower is quite strong! However, Liu Zheng is not very worried, because his men have a considerable number of Yuri replicators deployed there! In this case, the previous ones will fall down, and the latter ones will naturally rush up one after another! I saw that his hands were stretched forward, and the action looked like an ape. Then, the sound of a spell came one after another...

Of course, in the face of such a scene, Liu Zheng knew that once the target was pulled into the air by his magnetic and electric chariots, his laser UFOs could also attack it. Yes, it should be said that it is quite a good way to use that kind of laser UFO to attack the enemy's grizzly armor that has been pulled up.

And when the enemy's grizzly armor, under the action of the beam of Liu Zheng's magnetic and electric chariots, slowly fell from the ground in the air and towards the ground, finally, Liu Zheng's laser UFO attacks from the air finally began. I saw the colorful glow on the rotating edge of Liu Sen's laser you fu, which looked bright and extinguished, showing a very mysterious look. Then, from the shining light of the five disputes, suddenly a dazzling laser beam shot out, as if a dazzling lightning came out of the dark clouds, with the sharp sound of breaking the air, as if it had ignited the air around it all of a sudden.

Moreover, at this time, the rotating speed of the flying saucer-like laser UFO is getting faster and faster, and the colorful light above is also getting brighter and brighter, as if it is nurturing the next attack. The laser beam that had just been shot hit the enemy's multi-functional infantry fighting vehicle below after a shrill cry. So, in the sound of the bombardment explosion, in the middle of the air, in the sound of a tight explosion, the enemy's cars were pulled into the air by Liu Zheng's magnetic and electric chariots. In this way, the enemy's grizzly bear combat power finally exploded one by one...


Then, soon after, Liu Zheng led the miscellaneous troops - including some of his own combat strength, as well as the combat power taken from the enemy's hands - to rush in the direction of the enemy's base.

It's a narrow valley that doesn't look very long. However, it's true that although it's not very long, it's really scary. It looks very narrow. And on the peaks on both sides, there are dense weeping willows, which look lush and make people yearn for it very much. And Liu Zheng's large army, just under the scorching sun, in the cover of the weeping willows, hurriedly in the direction of the enemy's base at the end of the narrow valley.

However, just as they were about to reach the end of the valley, the five enemy's grizzly bear mechas rushed to the opposite! Shit, that's obviously five standard robots! The robotic arm, mechanical legs and feet, two antennas are erected above the square head, and the missile launcher gun is held in his hand. So, this is really the so-called narrow road meeting!

"Wash~~" missiles shot out one by one, and some of the enemy's grizzly bear mecha actually rushed towards Liu Zheng's attack team with that fearless momentum! Boom~~ One by one, missiles hit Liu Zheng's chariots fiercely, making a deafening explosion sound, which was endless.

However, compared with his huge military strength, these enemy's mechas are indeed true and have not been taken into Liu Zheng's eyes at all. Therefore, with his follow-up, the encirclement attack on the five or six grizzly mechas of the enemy also began.

The first to fight was the battle fortress that was still controlled by the enemy. On the one hand, from the launch hole, missiles dragged the gray-white tail flame and exploded on the enemy's grizzly bear mecha. At the same time, another aspect, Liu Zheng valued more, which is to use its rolling function.

So, with Liu Zheng's order, the battle fortress controlled by the enemy rumbled forward and rushed towards the oncoming grizzly mecha of the enemy. In the process of marching, the battle fortress kept making a violent sound, and the distance from the enemy's grizzly armor rushing to the front was constantly shortened.

Moreover, while constantly approaching the target, a bunch of missiles kept shooting out of the missile launcher at the top, dragging gray and white smoke, constantly changing directions, and then hitting the target fiercely and making a loud noise. After that, the battle fortress slowly touched the target and made a loud noise. After that, the battle fortress slowly touched the target and suddenly arched forward. Liu Sen only heard a "la" sound, followed by Mars, and a thick black smoke rose to the sky. Then, the enemy's grizzly bear mask disappeared.

"Wow, damn it! This is really delicious! This is really delicious!" Liu Zheng couldn't help admiring again. However, just as Liu Zheng wanted to lead his battle fortress again (in fact, it was clearly controlled by the enemy's hands), and hurriedly followed behind, the enemy's four or five grizzly bear mecha had surrounded Liu Zheng's battle fortress! Then, there is the sound of shelling one after another, booming ~~~

Poor Liu Zheng's battle fortress, although that guy does have quite good health, anyway, the number of mecha attacking it is really too much. It's really hard for a good man to beat! Therefore, Liu Zheng saw that the health value of the battle fortress was clearly falling and falling at that speed visible to the naked eye. Next, with the loud noise, the battle fortress controlled by Liu Zheng from the enemy exploded with a bang.

And then, the three heavy tanks that came behind Liu Zheng have already launched an attack position! Shortly after the enemy's grizzly bear mecha destroyed Liu Zheng's battle fortress, a thunderous shell suddenly came! Then, heavy shells shot out and hit the target fiercely.

"Haha, haha, it's still my heavy tank, or my heavy tank!" Liu Zheng couldn't help admiring. Then, with the shooting of the meteorite-like shells, not far ahead, in the bursts of artillery fire, in the spread of the sky, with the shooting of the meteorite-like shells, not far ahead, in the bursts of artillery fire, the bursts of fire, the burst of fire In the spread of artillery fire, the target exploded one after another. On the ground, large and small craters are everywhere...

And in the next time, Liu Zheng wants to test the same attack effect of the light-edagonal mecha controlled from the enemy. However, one attempt made me very disappointed. In Liu Zheng's consciousness, it must be a sharp laser beam bursting out and breaking through the air, just like the very powerful cursor chariot! However, in fact, in Liu Zheng's expectant eyes, what he saw was just missiles, dragging the silky tail smoke...

"Wow, I'm also famous for producing such a edged mecha!" Liu Zheng couldn't help taking a sip. Next, looking at the edge of the enemy's base, the seemingly huge light tower is rotating in an orderly manner. Liu Zheng knows that if he continues to send his combat power, he will definitely be ruthlessly killed by the enemy's light tower! And the only way to crack it is to use your laser UFO and cut off the power in the enemy base first! Then consider other attacks...

After thinking of this, Liu Zheng couldn't help but give an order, so his three laser UFOs began to fly to the power plant closest to his combat strength at the edge of the enemy base.

Then, the strange sound of "yo-yo-yo~~" sounded one after another. Liu Sen saw that the light yellow aperture, from top to bottom, from small to large, shot out from a laser UFO, and then enveloped the power plant below. . The light yellow aperture slowly rises from the top of the controlled power plant, from bottom to top, from small to large, as if it were a laser UFO, which is absorbing infinite energy from that power plant. At the same time, a strange sound of "buzzing" kept coming, as if it were a heavenly sound from heaven. Under this strange attack, the enemy's base was immediately cut off from the power supply almost at that moment...