Star Trek

Chapter 218 Mecha Competition 3

For a long time, Liu Zheng felt very puzzled, that is, since his Yuri replicator controlled the enemy's battle fortress, some of his combat power, whether it is infantry combat power or his own chariot combat power, often, unconsciously, unexpectedly Unconsciously, the mysterious disappearance! The mystery has been eliminated!

Before that, Liu Zheng was busy defending or attacking, so he didn't care about things like this at all. Moreover, not long ago, when I had concentrated some of my combat strength and was ready to launch a comprehensive attack on the enemy's base, what I didn't expect was that my heavy missile tank actually received some firepower from my own combat power. Attack! Moreover, the strong attack power really shocked Liu Zheng!

In this way, his own one has always been regarded as a treasure by Liu Zheng. The health value of his heavy missile tank is actually falling and falling at that speed visible to the naked eye. A mass of black smoke also rose quickly on it, rising and seemed to curl around. Then, with a loud noise, roaring, okay, your own heavy missile tank exploded like this! After seeing this, Liu Zheng couldn't help but be dumbfounded. Wow, damn it, it's really awesome, it's really awesome!

Yes, although it is true for me, such a heavy missile tank is not a thing. However, the problem is not here. It's true that it's not here. That is, among my group of combat forces, such a heavy missile tank is nothing. However, the problem is not here. It's true that it's not here. That is, in the fighting power of his group, there was a traitor! Yes, this is what Liu Zheng is most worried about and angry about.

"I really didn't expect it. I really didn't expect it! What the hell is going on? What on earth is this going on?" Liu Zheng really had some angry thoughts at this time. However, Liu Zheng soon came up with a way. That is, traitor, that must exist. However, the traitor must not be his own strength! Liu Zheng is also sure of this.

And in this case, who will be the traitor? Thinking about it again and again, Liu Zheng felt that there was only one possibility, that is, the battle fortress controlled by the enemy! Well, yes, it must be it!

However, although he thought so, Liu Zheng was soon puzzled: since the enemy's battle fortress has been controlled by his own Yuri replicator, in this case, he should not hide traitors secretly and still fire at his own combat power? In the past, it had been controlled by one of its own Yuri clones. So, in this case, shouldn't you hide traitors and still fire at your own combat power? In the past, such a thing has never happened? Wow, this is really a ghost!

However, Liu Zheng is also a smart person after all. He suddenly thought, could it be the ghost of the enemy infantry hidden in the battle fortress controlled by the enemy? Well, it's really very possible, and it's really very possible!

The reason why Liu Zheng thinks so is that he knows that even if the infantry force is loaded, it doesn't matter. Because what his Yuri clones control is only that battle fortress. Yes, that's all. And the infantry forces hidden in it are often not controlled.

After thinking about this, Liu Zheng finally understood. Wow, it turned out to be that Yaya, those who hid in that battle fortress, the enemy's infantry fighting power is the ghost! After thinking of this, Liu Zheng couldn't help but hate it. However, how to kill them is also a strategic issue.

"Haha, he, just kill them with a virus sniper! Well, virus sniper! That should be the best way to attack!" Liu Zheng couldn't help thinking about it. After thinking of this, Liu Zheng quickly trained two virus snipers (since Liu Zheng has built a replication center, the virus sniper naturally sets up one, but can produce two). Then, they were all mobilized to a more spacious area.

Everything is ready! Then, with Liu Zheng's order, his battle fortress controlled by the enemy drove towards his two virus snipers. About 500 meters away from his two virus snipers, Liu Zheng sneered, and then invited the infantry strength of the enemy there from the battle fortress!

And when the enemy's infantry fighting power rushed out of the battle fortress, suddenly, the two Liu Zheng's virus snipers shot at the enemy's infantry fighting power that had just come out of the battle fortress 500 meters away! His hands shook, and the virus sniper gun in his hand did not see any fire, and the target had turned into a green monster in the bright green fog, and his body was nearly twice as large as before. After that, the dark green monster ran around painfully, rushed to the ground and died, turned into countless and bright green small light masses, scattered and flew away...

In this way, with the scream of "ah ah" sounded one after another, the enemy's infantry strength was destroyed one after another just after stepping out of the battle fortress. Looking at the targets one by one, they all fell into the pool of blood so quickly, and Liu Zheng took a long breath.

"Wow, damn it, it seems that this is also a way to grow wisdom! Well, when I encounter this situation again in the future, I will really be more careful! Otherwise, these are a few ordinary infantry. If they enter the battle fortress, which is the more powerful arms, how much loss they will cause to themselves! Wow!" After experiencing this incident, Liu Zheng should also learn a lesson.


And in the next time, Liu Zheng saw that the battle fortress he controlled from the enemy had been upgraded to the level of Samsung Classic! And Liu Zheng doesn't know how his mother's upgrade was successful. However, after all, it has been successfully upgraded to the Samsung elite level.

After upgrading to such a level, Liu Zheng naturally knows what it means. Yes, of course, that's very clear. First, both its crushing ability and the attack ability of the stationed infantry inside will also be greatly improved. Second, after upgrading to the Samsung elite level, it also has the ability to recover from its health. And this is undoubtedly quite important for this kind of combat force that often engages in close combat. In this way, it means that its health will definitely last longer.

Next, Liu Zheng took three Yuri clones, plus two virus snipers, all of which entered the battle fortress controlled by the other party. In this way, its own battle fortress has truly become a mobile infantry fortress, which has a natural enemy killing ability for both enemy chariots and infantry.

Yes, in the face of the enemy's chariot combat power, with the excellent remote control ability of Yuri replicators, coupled with this axis of battle fortress itself, it has also been upgraded to the Samsung elite level. Therefore, its control ability and control distance will certainly be further improved. And in the face of the enemy's infantry combat power, it will naturally be excellent. You know, the two virus snipers in it are even more rare long-range sniper combat power!

And just after Liu Zheng had just made preparations for the above, he found that an enemy's hyperspace mining vehicle was actually driving this way! After shuttling through a jungle, he soon came to the front of Liu Zheng's attack troops. He found that an enemy's hyperspace mining truck was actually coming this way! After shuttling through a jungle, he soon came to the front of Liu Zheng's attack troops. After seeing this, Liu Zheng couldn't help smiling coldly: Haha, haha, okay, okay, just let me experience the long-lost pleasure of rolling chariots!

After thinking of this, with Liu Zheng's order, his battle fortress rushed straight to the enemy's hyperspace mining truck. However, after all, the speed of action of the battle fortress is too slow after all. In this case, it was still slipped away by the enemy's super-space mining truck! However, their own heavy missile tanks fired missiles at the enemy's hyperspace mining vehicle in time!

"With the missiles dragging the orange tail flame and roaring through the wind, Liu Zheng clearly saw a very lethal attack method to break the wind! Boom~~" With the missile hit, the enemy's hyperspace mining truck was blown up so much that it almost turned over, and then, when it was helpless, it turned over the front of the car and wanted to escape again. However, this turning of the car hit the men of Liu Zheng's battle fortress!

"Haha, haha, now you can't run away, now you can't run away anymore!" With Liu Zheng's sneer and order, the battle fortress kept making a violent sound in the process of marching. At this time, the two sides were moving towards each other, so soon, the battle fortress suddenly hit the enemy's hyperspace mining truck and suddenly arched forward. Liu Sen only heard a "chir" sound, followed by Mars, and a thick black smoke rose to the sky. Then, the enemy's one A mining truck disappeared.


At this time, Liu Zheng suddenly saw that four or five multi-functional infantry fighting vehicles were rushing out of the enemy's base! Then, along the narrow valley, he rushed straight in the direction of his base. After seeing this, Liu Zheng was not too nervous, but felt very gratified. Yes, that's true. Because Liu Zheng knew that this performance of the enemy just showed that the current state of the enemy was already very different.

Yes, this belongs to the kind of messy performance. You know, now, there must be at least seven or eight replicators of Liu Zheng's side, who are ambushed in that narrow valley, together with those inside and outside the battle fortress. In this case, once you start to control, there must be at least seven or eight of the Yuri replicators of Liu Zheng, who ambushed in the narrow valley, together with those in and outside the battle fortress. In this way, once the control begins, the enemy's multi-functional infantry fighting vehicles will not be a problem.

And, in addition, there is another point, that is, now, for Liu Zheng, he is really afraid of the enemy's multi-functional infantry fighting vehicles. Because according to Liu Zheng's combat plan, if you want to really destroy the enemy's base, you must first cut off the power supply in the enemy's base. However, it is not easy to do this. Yes, that's true. Because if you want to cut off the power supply in the enemy's base, the first thing is that you have to send your own laser UFO first.

However, send its own laser UFO. Although there are also air defense land-based air-to-air missiles in the enemy's base, it also needs to be supported by electricity. Once his laser UFO flew over the enemy's power plant and successfully cut off the power, it means that there is basically nothing wrong with this matter.

However, some movable air defense forces, such as this kind of multi-functional infantry fighting vehicle, are different. They don't need any power support! Moreover, their air defense attack ability is also quite strong! In this way, some of their laser UFOs need to successfully fly to the enemy's power plant, and their air defense attack ability is also quite strong! In this case, some of your laser UFOs need to successfully fly to the enemy's power plant, which is also useless. The enemy's multi-functional infantry fighting vehicles will make their plans never succeed.

So, when he saw several enemy multi-functional infantry chariots that had rushed out of his base, Liu Zheng was quite happy, which was quite happy! At this time, after the enemy's multi-functional infantry chariots had rushed into the woods, then the Yuri replicators who were ambushed in the woods, and the Yuri replicators stationed in the battle fortress drove towards the target almost at the same time. Start to control it!

You know, the movement speed of the enemy's multi-functional infantry fighting vehicle is quite fast! However, no matter how fast they are, there is nothing they can do in the face of the spiritual control of the Yuri replicator. I saw that his hands were stretched forward, and the action looked like an ape. Then, the sound of spells came one after another, and at the same time, a "buzzing" sound came. Then, soon, the orange control lines came out one after another. Therefore, the enemy chariots rushing in front of them were controlled one after another, and then, with those that had not yet been The chariot behind him started a fierce battle. However, soon after, the war ended, because soon, all the enemy's chariots had been controlled by Liu Zheng's Yuri replicators.

After that, Liu Zheng threw several of them, the newly controlled multi-purpose infantry fighting vehicles away from the enemy base, into the troop recycling factory in his base and exchanged them with a production and construction fund. Liu Zheng did not pay attention to those multi-functional infantry fighting vehicles that were too close to the marching base. Because Liu Zheng knew that after they were controlled by his Yuri replicator, the super rim tower on the edge of the enemy base would not let them go.

Sure enough, it was exactly as Liu Zheng expected. With the thick and powerful blue and white laser beams breaking through the air, three multi-functional infantry fighting vehicles were soon killed by the enemy's super ray tower.

And after seeing this scene, Liu Zheng couldn't help sighing secretly. Wow, damn, what a motherfucker, what a motherfucker! I didn't expect that the enemy's super ray tower had such a powerful destructive and lethality! Wow, this is so awesome!