Star Trek

Chapter 219 Mecha Hegemony 4

After seeing this, Liu Qingshan couldn't help thinking to himself: Wow, damn it! No, it seems that if I don't kill the enemy's super ray tower, I can't say anything! Well, in this case, I should kill the enemy's light tower first anyway! After all, Yaya's distance and killing ability are really too strong!

After seeing this, Liu Qingshan couldn't help thinking of the first plan, which was to complete this task with his own magnetic and electric chariot. Yes, you know, the long-range attack ability of your magnetoelectric chariot is also quite excellent! Liu Zheng has considerable confidence in this! Yes, it's definitely like this.

"Well, the magnetic electric beam emitted by its own kind of magnetic electric chariot not only has a long attack distance, but also has a strong penetrating ability! Even across the cliff, it can still penetrate the magnetic and electric beam! And this is also the most proud part of my kind of magnetic electric chariot!" Liu Zheng couldn't help thinking about it.

After that, with Liu Zheng's order, his three magnetic and electric chariots had rushed to the woods. Yes, a little ambush in that small forest, and then, as long as you take a step forward, then you can launch an attack on the target!

Finally, Liu Zheng felt that he was finally almost ready. Therefore, with Liu Zheng's order, he saw that his three magnetic and electric chariots had poked out of the woods, and then three light purple magnetic and electric beams shot out of the three magnetic and electric chariots and broke through the wind at a speed visible to the naked eye! At the same time, a strange sound of "you" followed, which sounded like a voice outside the sky. And at the moment when the three magnetoelectric beams touched the target behind, the sound of "boom" came out, and the health value of the enemy's super prism tower suddenly dropped a lot...

However, immediately, the scene that stunned Liu Zheng also appeared! That is, just as his three magnetic and electric chariots were attacking the enemy's super rim tower, with a loud "squeak ~ ~", a thick blue and white equivalent, dazzling and dazzling laser beam, from the enemy's super rim tower on the edge of its base. It shot out and hit one of the magnetic and electric chariots at once!

"Boom~~" all of a sudden, yes, it only took so much time to blow up the multi-functional infantry fighting vehicle! Looking at the countless wreckage and debris scattered away, before Liu Zheng came to his senses, suddenly, there was the same sound and the same light. Suddenly, soon after, the other two magnetic and electric chariots were quickly knocked down by the super ray tower of the enemy!

After seeing this, Liu Zheng couldn't help but be confused. Wow, damn, what a motherfucker, what a motherfucker! So soon, the three magnetic and electric chariots of their own have been destroyed? At such a long distance, can the enemy's super rim and tower do it?

speechless. Yes, in the face of this super attack ability, Liu Zheng is speechless. Unbelievable. At the same time, this fierce and powerful shock also made Liu Zheng feel a great pressure: Damn, in this case, how should I kill that guy? No, if you don't kill it, then it's really difficult for you to attack the enemy's base!

After thinking of this, Liu Zheng couldn't help locking his eyes on his heavy missile tanks again. Liu Zheng knew that his heavy missile tanks could launch that kind of anti-air and ground missiles, and the lethality of that kind of missile was also quite terrible. However, its attack distance, its own heavy missile tanks can launch that kind of air-to-air and ground-to-ground missiles, and the lethality of that kind of missile is also quite terrible. However, its attack distance must not be as far as the attack distance of that kind of magnetic electric chariot. At least, it is not greater than the attack distance of the magnetic electric beam of that kind of magnetic electric chariot.

In such a situation, then the problem arises: for sure, if you attack with your own heavy missile tank, they will also be attacked by the enemy's super ray tower! However, then again, the defense ability of my kind of heavy missile tank is at least twice as strong as that of my kind of magnetic and electric chariot! In this way, it will not be knocked down by the enemy's super ray tower!

"Well, in this case, you can use wheel tactics to divide your heavy missile tanks into several groups and let them take turns! After the attack of the previous group of heavy missile tanks, one may have lost a lot of health points, but after launching the missiles, they will be returned, so that they will not be knocked out! After that, the second group of heavy missile tanks were attacked!

"In addition, you'd better set up another maintenance force to repair the injured chariot in time. In that way, you can attack in turn without reducing the number of your combat strength. Haha, haha, wouldn't that be good?" Liu Zhengmei thought about his own battle plan.

It should be said that the combat plan considered by Liu Zheng is still very feasible. However, it is not possible to produce and repair chariots in their own bases. It seems that in this case, I can only come from the enemy's base, but in my own base, I can't produce maintenance chariots. It seems that in this case, I can only control a multi-functional infantry fighting vehicle from the enemy's base and send an engineer to do it.

"Damn, I controlled quite a lot of multi-functional infantry fighting vehicles just now, but they were all thrown into the army recycling factory! Alas, if it had been like this, I would have left two or three cars!" Liu Zheng couldn't help but regret that he had not left two multi-functional infantry fighting vehicles. However, things have been like this, so it seems that I have to wait patiently.

However, at this time, a dramatic scene suddenly appeared! That is, a female enemy soldier, with two guns in her hand, turned around the edge of the enemy's base for a while, wrapped a big circle, and then rushed straight to the edge of the narrow valley.

After seeing this, Liu Zheng suddenly understood: Shit, that bitch seems to be afraid of the combat power in some narrow valleys, so she dares not move forward from the center of the narrow valley, but wants to cling to the bottom of the cliff through the valley, and then rush to her base to make a big Destruction.

After seeing this, Liu Zheng couldn't help smiling coldly. Ha ha, the two virus snipers stationed in the battle fortress are not vegetarian! Well, it doesn't matter even when they don't enter the battle fortress. After all, as snipers, they themselves have far better attack ability than the female soldiers of Tan Ya. Now, his two virus snipers have entered the fortress, which naturally enhances their long-range strike ability!

Therefore, in this case, it is almost impossible for the enemy's female soldier Tan Ya to pass through this narrow valley. Damn, if you want to pass, you have to leave your life first! Liu Zheng couldn't help sneering.

Yes, it should be said that Liu Zheng's analysis is still very reasonable. Yes, that kind of enemy Tan Ya female soldier is indeed a force with special combat ability. However, her specialty in shooting is just a fast gunner! That is to say, her shooting frequency is quite high, which is her strengths. As for the shooting distance, it is far worse than Liu Zheng's virus sniper. It's really far away!

Finally, when the enemy's female soldier Tan Ya had reached the bottom of the cliff, she was marching along the bottom of the cliff and was about to enter the dense jungle! After seeing this, Liu Zheng couldn't help but give an order. Therefore, a sharp gunshot suddenly sounded, and then the target had turned into a green monster in a bright green fog, and its body was nearly twice as big as before. After that, the dark green monster ran around in pain, and then soon after, he fell to the ground and died, turning into countless and bright green small light masses, scattered and flying away...

Looking at the bright green light ball, flying, rising and floating on the land, Liu Zheng's heart couldn't help but feel much more relaxed. Hey hey, now, even if the birds want to fly over this valley, they have to leave a few feathers.


Finally, after a period of waiting, Liu Zheng finally waited for an excellent opportunity. At this time, four or five enemy multi-functional infantry fighting vehicles rushed out of their base and then rushed straight to the valley. After seeing this, Liu Zheng couldn't help but be happy. Haha, haha, what a shame, now, finally here comes the dish! My plan will be successful soon!

After thinking of this, Liu Zheng just rushed into the jungle of the enemy's multi-functional infantry fighting vehicles, and then issued a control order. Then, the Yuri replicators who had been ambushed there for a long time, and the Yuri replicators who had entered the battle fortress, almost took action at the same time! Therefore, another battle to control the enemy chariots began immediately.

Liu Zheng saw that the sound of spells came one after another, and at the same time, a "buzzing" sound came. Then, soon, the orange control lines came out one after another. Therefore, the enemy chariots rushing in front of them were controlled one after another, and then, he followed those The rear chariot, which was not yet controlled, began a fierce battle. However, soon after, the war ended, because soon, all the enemy's chariots had been controlled by Liu Zheng's Yuri replicators!

Still, the multi-functional infantry fighting vehicle that was too close to the edge of the enemy's base was soon killed by the super rim tower again. Finally, Liu Zheng obtained two multi-functional infantry fighting vehicles. At the same time, he has already produced two engineers. In this way, when Liu Zheng finally led the two multi-functional infantry fighting vehicles, which he regarded as a treasure, to his base, and then invited the two engineers in, so far, two maintenance vehicles were born.

It should be said that at this time, Liu Zheng is ready. So, Liu Zheng divided his heavy missile tanks into three groups, each with three to four heavy missile tanks, and then Liu Zheng inspected them like a general. Then, with Liu Zheng's order, the first three heavy missile tanks launched an attack on the super rim tower on the edge of the enemy's base!

When the three heavy missile tanks marched only 300 meters away from the target, the attack began with Liu Zheng's order. With the sound of the "whisw" missile, the red-tailed missiles, spraying the orange tail flame, shot out from its missile launcher, broke the wind and roared away!

turned several arc tracks, and in the sound of breaking wind, he attacked the target with an increasingly accelerated flight state. Boom~~ As several red-tailed missiles hit the target one after another, a sound of explosion suddenly sounded, but what made Liu Zheng feel helpless was that the health value of the enemy's super prism tower, hardly saw any signs of decline...

The super prism tower of the enemy will naturally not be beaten in vain, because the heavy missile tank that attacks itself is within its strike range! So, with a harsh sound, a dazzling thick laser beam of blue and white came again and hit one of Liu Zheng's heavy missile tanks fiercely!

"Boom~~" and with the laser beam, the picture was attacked, and the health value of Liu Zheng's heavy missile tank was also suddenly killed by more than 70%. This, in contrast to the attack of his three heavy missile tanks just now, almost did not cause any loss of health to the enemy's super ray tower, which simply formed a very sharp contrast! After seeing this, Liu Zheng couldn't help but feel cold.

After withdrawing the first group of heavy missile tanks, Liu Zheng transferred the second group of heavy missile tanks and attacked again! Similarly, it did not cause much damage to the target, and the health value of another heavy missile tank was hit again! Sixty-seven percent of the site was knocked out all of a sudden. It didn't cause much damage to the target, and the health value of another heavy missile tank was hit again! Sixty-seven percent of the site was knocked out all of a sudden. The same is true of the attack of the third group of heavy missile tanks.

After seeing this, Liu Zheng couldn't help but feel very helpless. Wow, he was almost crazy. However, if you are injured, you have to repair your own heavy missile tanks first! After all, they attack according to their own instructions!

"Repair car, go, mother, this time, it's time for you to play your role!" Liu Zheng gave an order angrily and ordered his two maintenance vehicles to repair his two heavily damaged heavy missile tanks.

So, Liu Zheng saw that with his order, the two repair cars rushed to the side of the injured chariot at the fastest speed. Then, waved the steel pliers above and waved repeatedly at the damaged part, followed by a "squeaky" sound. At the same time, fireworks-like sparks came out, and in the dazzling and dazzling sparks, the health value of the repaired chariot was also At a speed visible to the naked eye, it recovered and recovered. At the same time, the repaired chariot was also shining all over, constantly flashing that kind of golden light, shining, and it looked like it was being reborn.

In this way, Liu Zheng's move wanted to attack the target in turn with his heavy missile tank. In this way, he finally failed and ended in failure. Damn, it seems that I have to think of a new way.