Star Trek

Chapter 221 Corner of Dune 1

After watching the enemy's police dog rushing towards his group of Yuri replicators, Liu Zheng couldn't help but be stunned. Wow, the enemy's police dog? Yaya, once this police dog rushes into his group of Yuri clones, isn't it like surfing into the sheep? Eat as much as you like?

"Wangwang~~" "Ah job~~" A continuous sound of dog barking, a scream made Liu Zheng feel frightened. However, despite this, Liu Zheng also knew that it didn't mean much to him. Yes, it really doesn't mean much anymore. Now that I know that there is not much enemy defense power in the enemy's base, it is naturally much easier to do. That's true.

After withdrawing his remaining dozen Yuri replicators to a safe place, Liu Zheng then issued an attack order to the enemy base, a mixed force of magnetic and electric chariots and heavy missile tanks, his newly formed mixed attack force. !

Yes, it should be said that both combat forces have a certain degree of long-range strike power. That kind of heavy missile tank can launch short-range missiles, while that kind of magnetoelectric fighting vehicle can launch magnetoelectric arc light. In short, you can attack on the target to form a long-range attack. In this way, with Liu Zheng's order, his mixed troops soon appeared on the edge of the enemy's base. And the first attack target selected by Liu Zheng was the enemy's main construction factory.

Yes, it should be said that it should be right for Liu Zheng to choose that main factory as his target. Because once the enemy's main construction factory is destroyed, then some of the military facilities in the enemy base will really be destroyed one by one. Therefore, the final victory will definitely get closer and closer to yourself.

Moreover, because the super light tower has been controlled by his own super Yuri replicator, there is almost no enemy's combat power to approach the area where Liu Zheng is stationed. You know, the extremely great lethality of that super ray tower is definitely not simple. Almost no enemy's combat strength dares to approach. You know, the extremely great lethality of that super ray tower is definitely not simple.

"Start the attack!" In this way, with Liu Zheng's order, his magnetic and electric chariots and those heavy missile tanks launched the fierce attack on the enemy's construction factory almost at the same time! Two light purple magnetic and electric beams in a row actually shot out of the dark curtain. At that kind of speed visible to the naked eye, it passed through the space and was extremely accurate to the enemy's construction factory bomb. Then, a "boom" explosion suddenly sounded, and then a green smoke began to rise.

And the successive magnetoelectric beams are still continuously transmitting attack energy to the attack target. Therefore, the two magnetoelectric beams seem to show an illusory situation. Soon, the enemy's main factory, under the attack of those magnetic and electric beams, the health value was greatly reduced. At the same time, the ground missiles fired by Liu Zheng's heavy missile tanks roared one after another and attacked the target fiercely.

So, finally, soon after, with the loud explosion of the enemy's main construction factory, the target burst into countless debris and fragments, scattered everywhere...

Of course, it was followed by several enemy infantry fighting forces from the wreckage of the military facility after the explosion of the enemy. However, at this time, the battle fortress equipped with two virus snipers has rushed up. Moreover, with the ultra-long-range attack ability of that virus sniper, Liu Zheng knows that they, the infantry power of the enemy, will also face a massacre.

Sure enough, as Liu Zheng expected. On the wreckage and ruins of the newly destroyed enemy's construction factory, three or four enemy infantry staggered and stood up from it, looking a little dizzy, as if they had not yet understood what had happened. He staggered and stood up from above, looking a little dizzy, as if he had not yet understood what had happened.

However, at this moment, with the sound of the shooting of a sharp sniper rifle suddenly sounded, and a dark green light fog rose up and floated on the ground. It looked like a ghost fire. And some of the enemy infantry suddenly sounded with the sharp calls of the extremely sharp sniper infantry, and soon turned into bright green human-shaped light fog, which seemed to have countless viruses surging and corroded on them. Soon after, the human light fog gradually dissipated and turned into the light fog of different sizes. In the continuous jumping, in the constant floating, it turned into nothingness...

In this way, Liu Zheng's attack formation, composed of several heavy missile tanks and several magnetic and electric chariots, continued to shuttle in the enemy's base after defeating a general factory in the enemy base, looking like it was in no man's land. The missiles roared away with the orange tail flames, and then continued to shuttle through the enemy's base, looking like entering no man's land. The missiles sprayed the orange tail flame and roared away. At the same time, the light purple magnetic electric beams also shot out one after another. The straight magnetic electric beams and the roaring missiles were intertwined, thus truly forming a quite imposing attack scene. It seemed that people couldn't help but I don't want to be proud.

However, just as Liu Zheng's attack force was getting deeper and deeper in the enemy's base. Seeing that the enemy's base was about to have no more advantages, suddenly, the situation changed. That is, that is, suddenly, from behind the enemy's crack generator, with the sound of a "humping" missile, ground missiles, dragging the gray-white tail smoke, roaring and breaking away!

It was not until then that Liu Zheng found that there were several enemy heavy soldiers hidden there! Wow, I said, why are there missiles from multi-functional infantry fighting vehicles? It turned out to be several enemy heavy soldiers! After seeing this, Liu Zheng couldn't help saying "Oh", as if he finally understood what was going on.

However, immediately, with Liu Zheng's order, the battle fortress of his car with two virus snipers finally rushed over. Then, their best, ultra-long-range sniper ability has finally been well reflected again. As the hands of the virus sniper in the battle fortress shook, the virus sniper gun in his hand did not see any fire, and the target had turned into a green monster in the bright green fog, and its body was nearly twice as large as before. . After that, the dark green monster ran around painfully, rushed to the ground and died, turned into countless and bright green small light masses, scattered and flew away...

What makes Liu Zheng feel very interesting is that the battle fortress controlled by his own car is equipped with several Yuri replicators, so naturally, it also has a strong remote control ability. In this way, an enemy American soldier of the enemy was suddenly controlled!

After seeing this, Liu Zheng knew that once that kind of American soldier enters the fortress state, his attack ability will also be greatly improved. Therefore, with Liu Zheng's order, soon, the American soldier who was controlled by himself fell down and suddenly entered that kind of simple fortress state. Then, under the cover of Liu Zheng's other combat forces, he began to launch a fierce attack on the enemy's other combat forces!

The sound of machine gun attack suddenly sounded, and the body of the American soldier controlled by Liu Zheng shaking rhythmically, and the bullet at the muzzle also shook rhythmically.

Because of the cover of Liu Zheng's other combat forces, naturally, the American soldier controlled by Liu Zheng was basically not attacked by some other combat forces of the enemy, but only to attack the target. So, soon, the guy's level increased sharply, and he was quickly upgraded to the Samsung elite level! After upgrading to the Samsung elite level, its attack power is stronger! Whether it is the range or the firekilling ability, it will be enhanced and even powerful to a very horrible level.


In this way, it didn't take long for magnetic and electric beams to fly through the enemy's base, and the missiles were unscrupulous, carrying out that kind of devastating blow to some of the targets in the enemy's base! Before long, the enemy's base was finally destroyed by Liu Zheng's mixed attack force. The opponent led the remaining defeated soldiers and had no choice but to escape to other planets through the transmission channel. So far, Liu Zheng has finally completed his second combat mission.


Then, Liu Zheng took a good rest for a few days. Moreover, during this period, Liu Zheng also learned about the battle situation of his Star Team through the information sent by the headquarters. It should be said that in general, the progress of the battle is still very good. Yuan Qing, the head of state, has won several relatively large victories, thus making the actual territory controlled by his star team almost twice as big as before.

After learning about this situation, Liu Zheng and Mei Ting are naturally very happy. At the same time, they are also looking forward to accepting new tasks. And what the new task is is still unknown for them.

However, despite this, soon after, Liu Zheng and Mei Ting once again came to the new battlefield according to the command of the headquarters.

And when he first came here, Liu Zheng couldn't help but be deeply moved by that scene. This is an idyllic scenery! There are farms, fields, orchards, etc., almost everything. After watching it, people can't help but be infatuated. After seeing this, Liu Zheng couldn't help but feel lucky to be able to fight in such an environment. Yes, that's true. Because such an environment is really too rare for Liu Zheng.

Similarly, according to Liu Zheng's construction habits, he still built the barracks and spiritual control center first. In this way, you can train your own unique combat power - Yuri Replica. Yes, that kind of Yuri replicator is indeed quite important for me. And without them, it can be said that it is quite difficult for you to win a confrontation. Liu Zheng is naturally very clear about this. Yes, that's true.

After that, two of their own Gate machine guns (the land-based one) were built. Because it is almost exactly the same as ground defense, which is this kind of air defense capability. Otherwise, once the enemy's air attack power falls from the sky and catches itself off guard, it will be really quite troublesome.

And shortly after Liu Zheng had done all this, the enemy's first attack had actually begun. And this time, Liu Zheng saw that his main combat strength was actually that kind of rhino mecha. This kind of mecha looks really quite big. However, when the words come back, it doesn't matter. Because, according to what Liu Zheng learned, although the guy is bigger, his killing ability is not very good. Therefore, Liu Zheng is not very popular with that guy.

However, those guys have already rushed over, so naturally they should "entertain" themselves. Fortunately, I have now produced five Yuri clones. Therefore, shortly after the enemy's rhinoceros mecha just rushed over, just as they were about to attack the military facilities in Liu Zheng's base, suddenly there was a change in the situation that made Liu Zheng smile: their Yuri replicators were almost At the same time, he began to carry out that kind of unique mental control towards the enemy's rhino mecha!

And Liu Zheng, at this time, it was like watching a play, looking at his few Yuri replicators with interest how to control the enemy's rhino mecha. I saw that Liu Zheng's Yuri replicators stretched their hands forward, looking like apes. Then, the sound of spells came one after another, and at the same time, a "buzzing" sound came, and then, soon, the orange control lines came out one after another. Then, the sound of spells came one after another, and at the same time, a "buzzing" sound came, and then, soon, the orange control lines came out one after another.

So, the enemy chariots rushing in front were controlled one after another, and then they started a fierce battle with the rear chariots that had not yet been controlled. However, soon after, the war ended, because soon, all the enemy's chariots had been controlled by Liu Zheng's Yuri replicators!

After seeing this, Liu Zheng was naturally happier. Yes, now, I have already built my own troop recycling plant. And Liu Zheng naturally knows more about the role of his own army recycling plant than anyone. What kind of role does that guy have? That is, it can throw some of its own, or the combat power controlled by the enemy, especially those chariots, into it. In this way, they can be turned into production and construction funds that can be built and produced by themselves. Therefore, it can be said that the army recycling plant is indeed of great significance to Liu Zheng.

So, when they saw the enemy's rhino chariots, most of them had been controlled by themselves. Therefore, with Liu Zheng's order, the rhino tanks controlled from the enemy's hands rushed to their own unit recycling plant. Liu Zheng knew that soon, there would be a loud and noisy sound, and then, he would get a considerable amount of production and construction funds from his base...