Star Trek

Chapter 222 Corner of Dune 2

The matter has to start with Liu Zheng sending an engineer to occupy the technology drilling well across the river. Yes, it's really like this. You know, now, what Liu Zheng lacks is a word of money! Without enough production and construction funds, it is almost impossible to win a battle. Yes, Liu Zheng naturally understands this truth.

The narrow part of the river is a gravel road. Moreover, Liu Zheng can also see that the gravel road is paved with pebbles. Therefore, both chariots and infantry can pass. And Liu Zheng's engineer, from there, passed through the river, and then wanted to occupy the fully technological drilling oil well.

However, it was at this time that Liu Zheng saw that the opposite side of the river was actually the enemy's base! And just after his engineer crossed the river, a group of enemy combat forces, mainly that kind of rhino mecha, looked tall and powerful - rushed over! Then, a few cannons sounded, and then, soon, with a scream, Liu Zheng saw that his engineer was killed at once.

After seeing this, Liu Zheng felt that he had been greatly humiliated, and then he planned to send troops there to teach his opponents a lesson. However, soon, Liu Zheng saw that a super magnetic explosion coil suddenly rose up! Then, a series of blue and white magnetic arcs shot out of the enemy's super magnetic explosion coil and hit one of their own wind chariots fiercely!

There was a loud noise, and then, soon, his own windy tank was knocked off at once. After seeing this, Liu Zheng couldn't help but be shocked. Wow, damn it, he's really awesome! You know, that kind of super magnetic explosion coil is quite powerful! Whether it is its killing distance or its killing ability, it is quite powerful! It seems that there are really some troubles this time!

Liu Zheng couldn't help sighing. Now, just like a certain stage before, Liu Zheng's hand really has nothing except six or seven Yuri replicators. I hope that my six or seven Yuri clones can solve some problems for themselves. Otherwise, in the face of such an opponent, he is really quite passive, and he is really quite passive! My six or seven Yuri clones can solve some problems for themselves. Otherwise, in the face of such an opponent, he is really quite passive, and he is really quite passive!


However, immediately, the enemy's tentative attack also began. First, several enemy mobilized soldiers, all carrying infantry in their hands, wearing robes and coats, were passing through the cobblestone path and rushing towards their base. However, Liu Zheng had already stationed some of his Yuri recruits in the building by the stream. Moreover, that kind of Yuri recruit has quite a long attack firepower, and its attack characteristics are also very clear, that is, to attack with a ball of flames.

"yo-yo~~~" With the sound of attack, Liu Zheng saw that, soon, with the sound of Yo-yo, some of the enemy's mobilizers were covered with a blazing fire, and soon, He was burned into a fireman, running around, and then destroyed.

However, immediately, the four or five enemy's rhino mechas rushed over. Moreover, towards the building where Yuri's recruits were stationed, he began to bombard! With the violent sound of shelling, the building containing Yuri's new recruits collapsed quickly. And some of the inside, Liu Zheng's Yuri recruits, quickly rushed out of the ruins. However, soon, it was blown up by several shells one after another!

After that, the enemy's rhino mecha rushed straight to Liu Zheng's base. Looking at that, it seems that Liu Zheng's base is about to be destroyed in one fell swoop. After seeing this, Liu Zheng couldn't help but be confused.

Yes, he really didn't expect that the enemy's rhino mecha would really break into his base! Liu Zheng originally thought that the enemy's mecha would definitely retreat to its base after the civilian house was destroyed! Because now, it should be said that it is not the time for a large-scale invasion!

Moreover, the area of this map seems to belong to the relatively small one, so it is normal for both sides to have some misjudgment at the beginning. However, what Liu Zheng didn't expect was that those guys really rushed over! It's really rushing over! After seeing this, Liu Zheng had to lead almost all of his Yuri clones! Yes, in any case, you have to keep your base first! In any case, you have to keep your base first! It's time to talk about combat strategy!

Five or six Yuri replicas, like zombies, rushed in the direction of the rhino mecha of the enemy in front of them. Finally, the distance between the two sides is getting closer and closer! Finally, with Liu Zheng's order, his Yuri clones' attack on the enemy's rhino mecha finally began! I saw that his hands were stretched forward, and the action looked like an ape.

Then, the sound of spells came one after another, and at the same time, a "buzzing" sound came. Then, soon, the orange control lines came out one after another, so the rhino mecha of the enemy that rushed in front was controlled one after another, and then followed the The rhino mecha behind which had not yet been controlled started a fierce battle. However, soon after, the war ended, because soon, all the enemy's rhino mecha had been controlled by Liu Zheng's Yuri replicators!


It should be said that from this point of view, the combat power level of the enemy is still much better than that of itself. And on his side, he relies on the control of that kind of Yuri replicator. Otherwise, I'm afraid he would have been destroyed by the enemy long ago.

At this time, Liu Zheng saw that the enemy's two armed mining vehicles were collecting that kind of gem mine on a high platform next to his base. After seeing this, Liu Zheng couldn't help feeling very uncomfortable. Wow, damn it, who doesn't know what kind of gemstone ore has a much higher gold content than that kind of gold ore! You, if you pick all those gemstones ores for me, then you are rich, but what about me?

So, after seeing this, Liu Zheng naturally felt very unbalanced. Just in my hand, I happened to hold three rhino mechas controlled by the enemy. I used these three rhino mecha to attack the two armed mining trucks of your Yaya!

At this time, the two enemy's armed mining vehicles were collecting ore there, which looked very leisurely. However, Liu Zheng's three rhino mechas have been slowly touched. Finally, when it was at least 100 meters away from the target, with Liu Zheng's order, the sound of shelling sounded one after another. From the muzzle of the rhino mecha, huge shells roared away, cut through the space, crossed an arc, and hit it fiercely. Above the target...

It's strange that in the face of the shelling of the three rhino chariots, the health of the enemy's two armed mining vehicles is so vulnerable! Under the attack of the three rhino mecha, its health value is actually the speed visible to the naked eye, falling and falling. Soon after that, two enemy armed mining trucks exploded one after another.

In the following time, Liu Zheng commanded the three rhino mechas, chased them again, knocked down the enemy's two armed mining vehicles, and then knocked down the enemy's two armed mining vehicles in that way. Liu Zheng knew that he had killed six enemy armed mining trucks in a row, which was enough to attack the enemy!

Yes, it seems that I have caused considerable trouble to the economic development of the enemy. In this way, it will obviously affect the economic construction and production of the enemy. And without money, he still produces a fart!

However, soon after, several enemy mobilized soldiers rushed straight to Liu Zheng's base. No, it should be for Liu Zheng's three rhino mecha. Haha, haha, it seems that they are coming to get revenge! They are here to get revenge! After seeing this, Liu Zheng couldn't help sneering. You know, now, at the edge of your base, there are two virus snipers waiting for them! Come on, come on, I told you to come back!

And with the attack of the enemy's mobilized soldiers, suddenly, Liu Zheng saw that the attack of his two virus snipers also began. With the sound of the sharp shooting of the sniper rifle, a dark green light fog rose and floated on the ground. It looked like a ghost fire.

And some of the enemy infantry suddenly sounded with the sharp calls of the extremely sharp sniper infantry, and soon turned into bright green human light fog, which seemed that there were countless viruses surging and corroding on them. Soon after, the human light fog gradually dissipated and turned into the light fog of different sizes. In the continuous jumping, in the constant floating, it turned into nothingness...

However, now, the problem Liu Zheng is facing is how he can destroy the enemy's base as soon as possible. Yes, for Liu Zheng, that is his most important task. However, it is not easy to destroy the base of the enemy! For this point, Liu Zheng's heart is naturally very well-reliable. It is because there is a super magnetic explosion coil on the edge of the enemy's base!

"Yes, it seems that if you want to kill the enemy's base, you have to kill the super magnetic explosion coil on the edge of the enemy's base first! Otherwise, everything is also a fantasy, absolutely, a kind of fantasy!" Liu Zheng couldn't help thinking about it.

But what can be done to kill the enemy's super magnetic explosion coil? Of course, this is indeed a difficult problem for Liu Zheng. You know, that guy has quite a strong killing ability, and at the same time, he also has a quite good attack distance! Therefore, in this case, it will not be so easy for you to get rid of it.


In this way, just as Liu Zheng was thinking about how to kill the enemy's super magnetic explosion coil, suddenly, Liu Zheng saw three huge objects rising from the sky above the enemy's base - Kirov airboat! After seeing this, Liu Zheng couldn't help opening his eyes in horror. Wow, damn it, Kirov airboat? Three? What a bastard! The enemy is really fast this time! Unexpectedly, three Kirov airboats were produced so quickly?

Liu Zheng was stunned for a while. Soon, he fixed his mind. He knew that this kind of enemy Kirov airship was indeed not so easy to provoke. Most importantly, that guy's defense is so strong that it is almost indestructible.

Liu Zheng was stunned for a while. Soon, he fixed his mind. He knew that this kind of enemy Kirov airship was indeed not so easy to provoke. Most importantly, that guy's defense is so strong that it is almost indestructible.

So, in the face of such firepower, Liu Zheng is really a little frighted. However, what can you do if you are timid? Isn't there only one word: type? Fortunately, Liu Zheng has also produced five light anti-aircraft tanks. Although the cost of this light anti-aircraft tank is quite low, its air defense combat effect is also first-class. Therefore, with their position, I am no longer so panicked.

In addition, there is another point, that is, I have now produced three heavy missile tanks. And this heavy missile tank also has air defense capability. Of course, its weapon is that kind of anti-aircraft missile. Although this kind of guy does not belong to that kind of professional anti-aircraft weapon, then again, at this time, it is often an extra strength and an extra result.

"Buzz~~" At this time, the enemy's three Kirov airships have flown over the river and to the ore refinery on the edge of their base. However, the bombing target is not their own ore refinery, but the chariot factory in their own base. Therefore, they still continue to fly forward.

Of course, at this time, the air defense attack of Liu Zheng's three heavy missile tanks had already begun. One by one, anti-aircraft missiles shot out, roaring, breaking through the wind, dragging the orange tail flame, hitting the target fiercely, making a roaring sound, endlessly.

However, Liu Zheng also saw that his attack effect was also real and not very strong. Alas, it's better than nothing. However, soon, as the three enemy Kirov airships got closer and closer to the core of their base, the attack of their light anti-aircraft fighters finally began. I saw that such a sharp and harsh scream sounded suddenly sounded, and anti-aircraft missiles shot out one by one, crossed the sky, forming a gray-white track, towards the target, towards the Black Hawk fighter in mid-air, straight away. Those missiles, the gray-white tail smoke dragged behind them, looks very smooth. Obviously, the trajectory of this flight also shows the rapid flight of this kind of anti-aircraft missile. They are not like other anti-aircraft missiles, flying while adjusting the direction of flight from time to time, or left or right, but a curve that looks very smooth.

"Boom~~~~" With the loud sound, Liu Zheng saw that after the anti-aircraft missiles hit the target, the enemy's Kirov airboat, which rushed to the front, first had a fierce battle, then the fuselage tilted again, and then rolled helplessly. From that half of the sky, it fell down and loaded it on the ground, blowing up a pillar of smoke...