Star Trek

Chapter 231 Snow Life 3

At this time, Liu Zheng found that the two technology drilling wells that he had just controlled were actually attacked! Moreover, one of them has lost fifty or sixty percent of its health.

After seeing this, Liu Zheng couldn't help but be furious. After a closer look, I found that this was what the enemy's armed mining trucks had done. Damn, Damn, it's actually what they did! After Liu Qingshan saw this, he couldn't help but be furious.

"Well, it seems that the two technology drilling wells there really need to be guarded! Otherwise, it would have been defeated by the enemy! You know, now that production and construction funds are quite important, those two technology drilling oil wells are quite important for you!" Liu Zheng couldn't help thinking about it.

After thinking of this, Liu Zheng sent his five laser UFOs that had just been produced and flew towards the target. Moreover, in this process, Liu Zheng saw that several of the enemy's Apocalypse mecha were attacking his base. After seeing this, Liu Zheng couldn't help but be overjoyed for a while: Haha, this is good, this is good! Well, wouldn't it be better for me to use the Apocalypse mecha sent by the enemy to guard the two technology drilling oil wells?

Of course, that's not Liu bragging. He now has at least 20 or 30 replicators of Yuri. In this case, isn't it a small matter to control the enemy's Apocalypse mecha?

After thinking of this, Liu Zheng couldn't help smiling. Yes, you know, that kind of enemy's apocalypse mecha, although those guys have considerable attack ability, after all, their movements are very slow. In this way, naturally, it creates very good conditions for their Yuri replicators to control them. Naturally, Liu Zheng's heart is also very clear about this.

"Haha, haha, this is God's help to me, this is really God's help me!" Liu Zheng couldn't help but be very happy. Yes, can he be unhappy? At the time when he most lacked combat power, the enemy actually sent so many Tianqi mecha. Hey hey, hey, this is not the greatest support for themselves, so what is it?

So, not long after the enemy's Tianqi mecha came out of the jungle, it was targeted by several Yuri replicators of Liu Zheng. Then, his hands stretched forward, which looked like an ape. Then, the sound of spells came one after another, and at the same time, a "buzzing" sound came. Then, soon, the orange control lines came out one after another. Therefore, the Tianqi mecha of the enemy that rushed in front was controlled one after another, and then, it was not with those There was a controlled Apocalypse mecha and a fierce battle. However, soon after, the war ended, because soon, all the enemy's chariots had been controlled by Liu Zheng's Yuri replicators.


After seeing this, Liu Zheng couldn't help but be very happy. So, with an order, he commanded the remaining three Apocalypse mechas (originally five, but in the process of their mutual attack, two were knocked out by themselves, so now, there are only three), followed by the laser UFOs that went ahead in mid-air, and there was a buzzing sound. In the buzzing sound, he attacked and moved forward in the direction of the two technology drilling wells.

Soon, Liu Zheng saw that his laser UFOs, leading the ground, his own Apocalypse mecha that had just been controlled from the enemy's hands, had almost rushed to the vicinity of the two technology drilling oil wells. Then, Liu Zheng saw that there, several enemy armed mining vehicles were constantly attacking the two technological oil wells. In addition, he had not forgotten that they were also constantly collecting ore.

After seeing this, Liu Zheng couldn't help but get angry from his heart! Wow, damn it, now, I have sent an excellent combat force here. Damn it, how dare you do this! Let's see how I kill all your little ones! After thinking of this, with Liu Zheng's order, his five laser UFO attacks began first. I saw the colorful glow on the rotating edge of Liu Zheng's laser floating, which looked bright and extinguished, showing a very mysterious appearance. Then, from the shining light of the five disputes, suddenly a dazzling laser beam shot out, as if a dazzling lightning came out of the dark clouds, with the sharp sound of breaking the air, as if it had ignited the air around it all of a sudden.

Moreover, at this time, the rotating speed of the flying saucer-like laser UFO is getting faster and faster, and the colorful light above is also getting brighter and brighter, as if it is nurturing the next attack. The laser beam that had just been shot hit the enemy armed mining truck below after a harsh cry...

At this time, Liu Zheng saw that his Tianqi mecha, which had just been controlled from the enemy, finally rushed over. Then, towards the target, to the enemy's armed mining trucks that were collecting ore, began to carry out that very easy-to-hand attack!

Yes, although that kind of enemy armed mining vehicle is indeed real and has quite good health value, and its defense ability is indeed quite large. However, come back, despite this, after all, that kind of Apocalypse mecha also has a stronger attack ability!

So, in this case, Liu Zheng saw that with the sound of "buzzing" and violent shelling, the three barrels were stretching one after another, and then three huge shells shot out and crossed three arcs, in the very sharp cry. In a bang, it hit the five armed mining vehicles that were collecting ore in the distance.

Huge shells crossed the arc and roared away. In the middle of the sky, it was almost dyed red by the flight trajectory of the shells. And just as soon as the three huge shells fell to the ground, Liu Zheng saw that it was like a carpet-like bomb. The black and red explosive firelight looked like a small mushroom cloud rising to the sky, stretching and spreading around one after another.

And in the explosion fog rising from the sky, the enemy's armed mining vehicles, which were collecting ore, had no resistance at all. Soon, with the explosion fog rising to the sky, they turned into countless wreckage and fragments. , scattered away...


Now, Liu Zheng saw that at the other entrance and exit of his base, several enemy air cushion boats, um, it seems that there are no less than four or five, just like floating posture, at the other entrance and exit of his base, several enemy air cushion boats Well, it seems that there are no less than four or five cars, which looks like floating and rushing down the cliff along the slope.

Liu Zheng now knows that that kind of enemy's air cushion boat has quite good attack ability - of course, their "good" attack ability is mainly reflected in both air and ground. Therefore, Liu Zheng still valued that kind of enemy's air cushion.

However, now, because Liu Zheng's base lacks that kind of production and construction funds, even if that thing is good, Liu Zheng is not interested in it. Yes, now, what he is most interested in is money! He must develop his own economy, and then regenerate his own characteristic combat power to launch an attack as soon as possible!

So, after seeing this, Liu Zheng naturally, out of a reflexive instinct, immediately sent several of his own Yuri replicators to ambush down in the jungle. Yes, the ambush in that place is naturally relatively secret, and naturally difficult to be discovered by the enemy's forces, which will be better and create very good conditions for their ultimate control goal.

Haha, haha, come here, come here! Looking at the enemy's air defense cushion boats getting closer and closer, Liu Zheng's mood naturally became more and more nervous and excited! Then, with Liu Zheng's order, his more than ten Yuri clones began to attack the target at the enemy's air defenseboats that were marching along the jungle at that time!

"Wsh~~" And at this time, the enemy's air defense cushion boats had also found the target. Therefore, with a continuous sound of "swsh", Liu Zheng saw that the Yuri replicators in front of him were quickly hit, and then made a miserable sound. Extremely loud.

"Damn, these guys' missile attack is really good, really good!" Liu Zheng couldn't help sighing. Then, Liu Zheng saw that the target control stage of the Yuri replicator, which belonged to him, also began. I saw his Yuri clones, who braved the missiles of the enemy's anti-aircraft artillery vehicles and stretched out their hands forward. They looked like apes.

Then, a sound of spells came one after another, and at the same time, a "buzzing" sound came. Then, soon, the orange control lines came out one after another. Therefore, the enemy chariots rushing in front of them were controlled one after another, and then, they followed those The uncontrolled rear chariot started a fierce battle. However, soon after, the war ended, because soon, all the enemy's chariots had been controlled by Liu Zheng's Yuri replicators!

Then, Liu Zheng led the five air-proof cushions to the troop recycling plant in his base. Yes, that's where they end up! For Liu Zheng, no matter what, he has to first control the enemy's air cushions that have just been controlled, and then send them into his army recycling plant to convert them into production and construction funds. Now, he is the one who is the most short of money to spend...

I saw that the five anti-air cushion boats that had just been controlled from the enemy's hands looked like five penguins, and their movements were very heavy, twisting and marching towards the army recycling plant. Soon after, it finally reached the edge of the army recycling plant. Then, with the entry of the captured chariots, a harsh and messy sound sounded one after another, and the fiery red light also rose to the sky over the army's recycling plant. At the same time, in the upper part of the army's recycling factory, some of the mechanical arms opened Dahe, a burst of dense sparks of Mars, looks very dazzling. Then, in the harsh sound, in the dazzling shooting of Mars, thousands of production and construction funds were added to Liu Zheng's base accounts...


Along the narrow valley, Liu Zheng's four troops, the troops controlled by the enemy - Tianqi Mecha troops - moved forward. On both sides are straight up and down cliffs and cliffs, with a lot of green pines and green cypresses. At the bottom of the valley, it looked even more green, but the frost and snow covered the trees, adding a little cold and solemn atmosphere.

And that valley is really long! Even after a long journey, it still hasn't reached that end. However, despite this, Liu Zheng saw that in the shadow of the trees, there were actually two technological drilling wells that had been occupied by the enemy! After seeing this, Liu Zheng couldn't help but be overjoyed! Haha, haha, I have now occupied two technology drilling wells! Now, if you occupy these two, then I will occupy a total of four technology oil wells! Well, what does it mean to drill four technological oil wells? Quite good, that's a pretty good thing! In that case, you should not be too short of your own production and construction funds, right? Haha~~~

After thinking of this, Liu Zheng couldn't help laughing happily. Moreover, with these four of them, the apocalypse mecha controlled from the enemy's hands, hehe, it will never be too difficult to guard the four technology drilling oil wells.

After thinking of this, Liu Zheng then trained four engineers, and then trained two super Yuri replicators (since Liu Zheng had already built the replication center, naturally, he was able to train that kind of super Yuri replicator at one time). After that, they were all loaded into that one, as well as the air-proof cushion boat controlled by the enemy. Then, lead the air-proof cushion boat and drive along the valley to the technological oil well located in the valley not far ahead.

However, just as Liu Zheng led the air-proof whaling full of engineers and super Yuri replicators in the narrow valley, he suddenly found that two enemy Kirov airboats were flying along the valley in the direction of their own base. After seeing this, Liu Zheng couldn't help but be shocked again. Wow, damn it, it's really a pretty quick move! Unexpectedly, it's coming again!

However, the good thing is that Liu Zheng now has five laser UFOs, which are located near those technology drilling wells. In this way, you can use them to carry out air defense attacks! Therefore, with Liu Zheng's order, his five lasers began to attack the enemy's two Kirov airboats!

However, since the enemy's two Kirov airships are flying in the direction of their own base, naturally, if you want to attack them, then your own laser UFOs must follow closely and fight! Otherwise, it will not be able to complete the attack at all!

However, the good thing is that the flying speed of that kind of laser UFO is far faster than that of the enemy's Kirov airboat. Therefore, while the flight chased, Liu Zheng's laser UFOs closely followed the buttocks of the enemy's Kirov airboats and made tracking attacks from time to time! I saw the colorful glow on the rotating edge of Liu Zheng's laser floating, which looked bright and extinguished, showing a very mysterious appearance.

Then, from the shining light of the five disputes, suddenly there was a "squeak" and a dazzling laser beam came out, as if a dazzling lightning came out of the dark cloud, with the sharp sound of breaking the sky, as if it had ignited the surrounding air all of a sudden...