Star Trek

Chapter 230 Snow Life 2

"Ha ha, ha, okay, okay, next, I will hand over all of you to that army recycling plant!" Liu Zheng couldn't help thinking. Then, with Liu Zheng's order, Liu Zheng saw that his three heavy missile tanks controlled from the enemy (originally four, but in the battle not long ago, one was killed by his own wind tanks) towards himself. At the edge of his base, he rushed to the recycling factory of the army of the chariot captured by himself to receive the enemy.

At this time, Liu Zheng saw that his recycling plant was waiting for the arrival of this batch, um, which can also be said to be the first batch of controlled chariots. Yes, it should be said that the guy has not tasted the deliciousness of this feast for a long time. It seems that the outline of the whole recycling plant is slightly black, like a giant beast, squatting there, and it seems that it may get up at any time and rush towards the enemy's combat power.

"Damn, it seems that guy is a bloodthirsty owner! Well, what's the hurry? These controlled and captured chariots are all things in your belly sooner or later? Liu Zheng couldn't help muttering.

Immediately after, Liu Zheng has led the three heavy missile tanks controlled from the enemy to his own unit recycling plant. Then, with Liu Zheng's order, with the entry of the captured chariots, a shrill and chaotic sound sounded one after another, and the fiery red light also rose to the sky over the army's recycling plant. With Liu Zheng's order, he saw As the prisoners and chariots entered, a harsh and messy sound sounded one after another, and the fiery red light also soared up over the army recycling factory. At the same time, in the upper part of the army recycling factory, the mechanical arms opened and closed in bursts. The scattered sparks all over the place, which looks very dazzling. Then, in the harsh sound, in the dazzling shooting of Mars, thousands of production and construction funds were added to Liu Zheng's base accounts...


However, Liu Zheng's heart is naturally very clear, that is, in fact, the enemy's attack on his base has just begun. Yes, it's true, that is, the layout has just begun. The real larger-scale attack should come later. However, although he has the control of Yuri's replicator, it is also very difficult for Liu Zheng. Yes, that's true. After all, this time, I am facing two cruel enemy opponents!

At this time, Liu Zheng suddenly heard a roar in the air. Liu Zheng, who had been very familiar with almost all sounds for a long time, naturally figured out what kind of sound it was at that moment. Wow, what's the sound? The sound of the enemy's large transport aircraft! It seems that an enemy airborne soldier began to land.

Sure enough, with the roar slowly disappearing, more than a dozen enemy airborne troops have begun to land over Liu Zheng's base. However, Fortunately, Gate cannons have been built in Liu Zheng's base. Their attacks and their air defense attacks are still very good, so Liu Zheng is not too worried.

The air defense attack of the Gate cannon with a tight sound also began. The dense gunfire broke away through the wind and roared at the airborne soldier of the enemy who was descending from the sky.

A strange sound came, a mass of blood splashed away, and a scream echoed in the air. After a long time, Liu Zheng saw that the seven or eight airborne soldiers of the enemy's blood splashed away, and a scream echoed in the air. After a long time, Liu Zheng saw that the seven or eight airborne soldiers of the enemy were finally killed by his own Gate cannon.

"Mom, mother, this is too peaceful for me! This is too peaceful for me!" Liu Zheng couldn't help thinking about it. However, the thing that did not give him peace has just begun. Soon after, from the jungle on the left side of his base, Liu Zheng saw several enemy missile launchers looking for something towards his base. After seeing this, Liu Zheng couldn't help but be very nervous.

Yes, now, to be honest, the military power in my base is not very good. Yes, it's really not good! The only thing I can rely on now is the Yuri clones. Yes, it's his own Yuri clones. He completely relied on his few Yuri replicators to decipate every attack of the enemy, and also regarded every attack of the enemy as one of the important sources of funds for the production and construction of his own base and production of combat power.

However, this time, I saw that those enemy chariots were not ordinary chariots, but that kind of missile launchers. Liu Zheng is naturally very clear, that is, that is, that kind of enemy missile launcher is not an ordinary chariot, but that kind of missile launcher. Liu Zheng is naturally very clear, that is, that is, that kind of enemy missile launcher has medium-range strike capability! Therefore, my worries are naturally here.

That is to say, once the attack of the enemy's medium-range missile launcher exceeds the control distance of its own Yuri replicators, then some of its own Yuri replicators will also be suppressed or even eliminated. Because if that's the case, then some of the enemy's medium-range missile launchers will not be able to give Liu Zheng's Yuri replicators any opportunity to attack! In this way, it is impossible for the enemy's medium-range missile launchers to give Liu Zheng some of the Yuri replicators any opportunity to attack! In this way, the tactics of the Yuri clone that he completely rely on to control the enemy's combat power will also be ruined.

So, now, Liu is seeing that after the enemy's medium-range missile launcher came, he naturally felt a little hairy.

However, despite this, Liu Zheng's wisdom also appeared at this time. Soon, Liu Zheng came up with a strategy of "attacking east and west". Therefore, Liu Zheng gave an order, and his remaining four gale tanks rushed straight from the left to the enemy's missiles.

At this time, the enemy's missile launchers saw Liu Zheng's windy chariots and rushed straight to their side. Naturally, they panicked. So, one by one, the medium-range missiles came out. With the sound of the "whisw" missile, the red-tailed missiles, spraying the orange tail flame, shot out from its missile launcher, broke the wind and roared away! Turning through several arcs, he quickly attacked the target in the sound of breaking wind and rapidly attacking the target with that kind of faster and faster acceleration. Boom~~ As several red-tailed missiles hit the target one after another, a sound of explosion suddenly sounded...

Looking at his own windy tanks, in the process of impacting towards the target, he couldn't help but be secretly surprised by the enemy's medium-range missile launchers. Naturally, there was a burst of physical pain in my heart. Wow, damn it! What a bastard! What an asshole! Liu Zheng couldn't help cursing repeatedly.

However, soon, his five or six Yuri replicators, at this time, have gradually approached the location of the enemy's medium-range missile launchers from the right wing. Then, with Liu Zheng's order, the control attack on the target was also fully launched!

At this time, the enemy's missile launchers are still attacking Liu Zheng's gale tank! And just as they attacked vigorously, on the right wing of their position, Liu Zheng's Yuri replicators, had begun to do so. One by one, they stretched their hands forward, which looked like an apes. Then, the sound of spells came one after another, and at the same time, a "buzzing" sound came. Then, soon, the orange control lines came out one after another. Therefore, the enemy chariots rushing in front of them were controlled one after another, and then, with those that had not yet been The chariot behind him started a fierce battle. However, soon after, the war ended, because soon, all the enemy's chariots had been controlled by Liu Zheng's Yuri replicators!

In this way, Liu Zheng finally controlled two of the enemy's missile launchers. And the other cars were knocked out in the kind of infighting between them. Looking at the two missile launchers, Liu Zheng was so happy. Yes, that's a missile launch vehicle, which is the most lacking thing now. Well, no matter what you say, you can't throw them into your own army recycling plant, but treat them as a powerful attack weapon!


Now, Liu Zheng has decided to launch an attack first! In fact, this is not a real attack. Because the combat force gathered by Liu Zhengyi is obviously just two missile tanks that have just been controlled from the enemy. In addition, there is also an air-proof cushion boat controlled from the enemy.

So, in this way, it means that Liu Zheng just wants to use the combat power controlled by these enemy to conduct reconnaissance on the enemy's base. Yes, anyway, I have to know where the enemy's base is, right? Otherwise, all your own combat plans will never be able to make.

In this way, Liu Zheng led his three chariots controlled from the enemy's hands and drove in the direction that the enemy's base might exist. Along the way, the wind and snow drifted, and the piercing cold wind really made people feel a kind of killing chill. As Liu Zheng led the three chariots controlled by the enemy and continued to rush forward, the terrain characteristics of this area gradually became clear.

Yes, here turned out to be a narrow valley, a narrow valley that looks very huge. Could it be that this big narrow valley is connected to its own base and the enemy's base? Well, this possibility is not without it. Liu Zheng couldn't help thinking about it.

Finally, when Liu Zheng's three chariots traveled several kilometers along the narrow valley, as the fog of war continued to unfold, Liu Zheng suddenly saw a light in front of his eyes. Wow, there are actually two technology oil wells, and at this time, those two technology oil wells have not been recognized as owners!

After seeing this, Liu Zheng was very happy. Yes, it can be said that the biggest thing that bothers you now is the problem of resources. Now, although I have built three slave mines, the ores on the edge of my base have been almost collected by my three slave mines. Therefore, in such a situation, it is very necessary for you to be able to further develop your own resources.


After thinking of this, Liu Zheng led his air-proof cushion boat from the front of his position to his base. At the same time, the two engineers who had just been produced walked towards their own air-proof cushion boat. Of course, the reason why Liu Zheng did this is purely to improve the speed of his march. After all, in many cases, time is still very important.

Sure enough, after loading his two engineers into the air-proof cushion boat, Liu Zheng saw that the action speed of the air-proof cushion was much faster than that of his own engineer. It's really much faster. For this reason, Liu Zheng is also very grateful for his correct decision. Soon after, the anti-air tarship carrying those engineers finally arrived next to the two technology drilling wells. Then, get out of the car and put the two engineers into the two technology drilling wells.

However, at this time, Liu Zheng's mood was not very good, because his other two chariots had been knocked off at this time! Yes, the two missile launchers controlled by the enemy have disappeared now. As for what kind of combat power was destroyed by the enemy, Liu Zheng is not clear, but it is true that his two-axle missile launcher has been killed by the enemy!

Moreover, when he sent his two engineers to occupy his two technology drilling wells, he was also attacked by two armed mining vehicles of the enemy! Moreover, one of his own engineers has been killed by the enemy's armed mining truck! After seeing this, Liu Zheng's first thought was that he had to send combat power to guard his two newly occupied technology drilling oil wells! Otherwise, the two science and technology drilling wells are likely to be lost!

After thinking of this, Liu Zheng saw his replicator Yuri. At this time, he finally controlled three enemy missile launchers. After thinking of this, Liu Zheng gave an order to rush the three missile launchers that had just been controlled from the enemy's hands to the two technology drilling oil wells. .

"Well, it should be a good thing to let your own missile launcher guard the two technology drilling wells! Well, even if you are killed by the enemy, you won't be too heartbroken! After all, that's not your own strength!" Liu Zheng couldn't help thinking about it. Thinking.

However, just as Liu was thinking about making a better deployment of his base defense and find a way to attack the enemy's base, suddenly and suddenly, things also changed substantially: the two teams of Kirov airboats, from two different directions, However, it also comes from different bases, flying in the direction of Liu Zheng's base...

After seeing this, Liu Zheng's heart was shocked. Yes, Liu Zheng was very afraid of the enemy's kind of Kirov airboat. Yes, that's true. And once you are flying over your base by that guy, it will be really too late to attack again!

After thinking of this, with Liu Zheng's order, his laser UFOs set out from their own base and flew straight to the enemy's Kirov airboats! However, Liu Zheng felt that those laser UFOs alone did not seem to be enough. Well, send a few more of your own Gate cannon chariots! Anyway, in order to defeat those enemy Kirov airboats, I risked myself!