Star Trek

Chapter 234 Rise of the Empire 1

It should be said that after the battle reached this point, Liu Zheng has also achieved a phased victory. Yes, that's true.

The enemy's base in front of me has now built the main factory, chariot factory, barracks, etc., and these most important military facilities have been almost beaten by themselves. In this case, when the enemy's base will finally be destroyed by itself, in fact, it is only a matter of time. There is no suspense at all.

Sure enough, just as Liu was thinking about how to solve the enemy's base that had been mutilated by himself, he suddenly saw some dilapidated military facilities, such as power plants, magnetic explosion coils, battle bunkers and other military facilities on the enemy's base. The facility suddenly shook, and it looked like an earthquake. Then, the enemy's military facilities with large and small wrecks actually shrank to the ground one after another. At the same time, the combat power of the broken enemy, the chariots exploded, and the infantry, in the scream, turned into a pool of green water...< /P>


After seeing this, Liu Zheng couldn't help opening his mouth. Wow, damn it, I finally don't have confidence? Finally defeated by me, right? Cut! I can't help fighting!

However, despite saying that, Liu Zheng also knows that that guy is really not ordinary. No matter which aspect of the combat power, in fact, it has caused great damage to itself. Looking at the empty ground almost in an instant, Liu Zheng couldn't help sighing.

Immediately, Liu Qingshan waved his master to the west. He knew that just above the big narrow valley was the enemy's second base. Well, after defeating that base, I finally won the final victory. However, I really don't know the strength of the enemy's second base. Well, let's play it first! Maybe it's not as powerful as I expected!

Now, Liu Zheng has led his own attacking force and marched in that big narrow valley. Now, it has come to the side of the enemy's second base. Moreover, Liu Zheng has also seen some of the edges of the enemy base. Yes, although most of the enemy's base was covered by the fog of war, Liu Zheng still saw the tip of the iceberg.

A battle bunker. A power plant. Well, that's all.

After seeing this, Liu Zheng first thought for a moment and felt that although his combat power was in the narrow valley, and the enemy's combat power was on the cliff, he had a magnetic and electric chariot, which naturally could carry out that kind of bottom-up, long-range attack! Moreover, this is exactly the specialty of that kind of magnetic electric chariot - even if it is separated by the cliff, it can still attack!

So, after thinking of this, with Liu Zheng's order, he saw that his five magnetic and electric chariots had begun to move towards the target. Finally, as the target was included in its own attack range, the attack began. And the first target is the enemy's battle bunker built very close to the cliff. Several light purple magnetoelectric beams shot out of those magnetoelectric chariots and broke through the wind at a speed visible to the naked eye! At the same time, a strange sound of "you" followed, which sounded like a voice outside the sky.

And at the moment when those magnetic and electrical beams touched the target behind, the sound of "boom" came out. Between the seemingly illusory light purple beam shaking, there seemed to be too many health values, which were constantly being absorbed. At this time, the space around the magnetoelectric beams also fluctuated slightly with the continuous strengthening of the magnetoelectric beams, which seemed to be almost distorted. The health value of the enemy's machine gun bunker also dropped a lot...

The sound of explosion suddenly sounded. Then, the enemy's battle bunker was suddenly blown into countless wrecks and fragments, shot into the air one after another, and then fell from the air, and even many of them hit Liu Zheng's chariots one after another, and most of them directly hit the narrow Inside the valley, there were bursts of empty valley echoes.

Then, in the same way, Liu Zheng killed a combat laboratory next to the battle bunker. After the battle came here, for Liu Zheng, this is the only thing he can know and see. Naturally, if you want to carry out other attacks, you need to break the fog of war.

After thinking of this, Liu Zheng couldn't help but give an order, so his five laser floating aircraft had already flew to the enemy's base in the "buzzing" sound. Of course, in Liu Zheng's heart, he is also prepared for such a thing, that is, in the enemy's base, there must be anti-aircraft fire against his own laser UFO, but naturally, his laser UFOs will not be shot down at once...

However, when Liu Zheng's five laser UFOs finally flew to the enemy's base, as the fog of the war was broken one by one, Liu Zheng saw that the situation there was really not as he imagined! There is no enemy's air defense firepower there. Or, at that time, he was not attacked by the enemy's air defense firepower!

After seeing this, Liu Zheng couldn't help but be overjoyed. Yes, it should be said that the situation in this enemy base has greatly exceeded my expectations. I thought that after such a long period of operation, there must be a considerable number of enemy and all kinds of combat forces there. But in fact, there is nothing!

There is only one anti-aircraft gun, and there is a fire there. It seems that there is some way to deal with business. After seeing this, Liu Zheng couldn't help smiling. At this time, there is a power plant under their own laser UFOs. Therefore, Liu Zheng gave an order, and his five laser UFOs went straight to the power plant and pressed away.

Liu Zheng is fully confident that he can control the power plant, and then he will naturally cut off the power supply of the enemy base. Therefore, with Liu Zheng's order, his laser UFOs and the power-off attack on the enemy's magnetic power plant finally began. With the strange sound of "buzzing" sounding one after another, the pale yellow aperture went up from bottom to top, from small to large, rising and rising. It's as if there is too much magic, taking the endless power supply from that power plant. Then, as the pale yellow aperture continued to rise, the power supply in the enemy's base was basically completely cut off! All the Patriot missiles have stopped the missile, and all the light towers have stopped rotating. It looks like there is no life at all, dead, like a pile of scrap iron...

Then, Liu is using his five magnetic and electric chariots to once again kill the edge of the enemy's base. After the battle bunker that has just been revealed, Liu Zheng is already thinking about what he should do to destroy the enemy's base. It's over.

At that time, the most important thing was to send a ground attack force to attack in the direction of the enemy's base. Yes, anyway, now, the combat power of this one in my hand is only that kind, that kind of special force nature, and is not suitable for that kind of siege and land-plundering battle. Therefore, naturally, Liu Zheng also realized that if he wanted to really destroy the last base of the enemy, he must send troops suitable for ground combat. Otherwise, it is impossible to complete such a task.


However, at this time, Liu Zheng returned his perspective to his base and took a look. Wow, there was no combat force more suitable for ground attack. Although Liu Zheng has already set his ground attack power as a "heavy missile tank". However, it's just a plan. In fact, so far, I haven't produced one! Well, although there is really no shortage of production and construction funds in Liu Zheng's base now, then again, there is no shortage, but the production power can not be produced at once.

However, although that kind of heavy missile tank was not produced, Liu Zheng found that there were seven or eight Gate machine gun chariots in his base. Moreover, because several enemy Kirov airboats were killed when protecting their own base, most of their levels have been separated from the original level and become one star, ranging from two stars. A few have been upgraded to the Samsung elite level. And such a batch of Gate machine gun chariots, naturally, for Liu Zheng, can also serve as a combat force to enter the enemy base!

After thinking of this, Liu Zheng had set out from his base and rushed straight in the direction of the enemy's base with his own virus sniper. Go straight away.

And the first target of Liu Zheng's six or seven Gate machine guns was the super magnetic explosion coil. At this time, the power supply in the enemy's base had long been cut off by Liu Zheng's laser UFOs, so the super magnetic explosion coil has naturally lost power support and can no longer launch attacks. But we can only let Liu Zheng's Gate machine gun chariots attack with all their strength!

"Fight! Damn, the Gate cannon for air defense can still kill you! The Gate cannon for air defense can still kill you!" Liu Zheng couldn't help roaring. So, with Liu Zheng's order, he saw that his several Gate machine gun chariots immediately began to roar at the super magnetic explosive coil of the enemy! Da Da~~ A fierce sound of shelling kept ringing, and the high-frequency Gate artillery fire, especially the six or seven Gate machine gun chariots, fired at the target at the same time, the lethality was still quite large.

Soon after, with the dense firefire, finally, the target, the super magnetic explosion coil of the enemy, was finally knocked out of the last bit of health, and exploded with a bang!

At this moment, several enemy mobilizers ran out of the ruins that had just been knocked down, holding the rifle flat, and looked aggressive. However, at this time, Liu Zheng has already upgraded his own one to a Samsung elite virus sniper. Therefore, with Liu Zheng's order, he saw that his own virus sniper opened fire on the enemy's mobilization soldiers not far ahead! Ha ha, ha, that scene was like training. The enemy's mobilization soldiers were eliminated one after another, like explosive beans!

Yes, it should be said that once that kind of virus sniper is upgraded to the Samsung elite level, its range and shooting frequency will be greatly improved. At this time, Liu Zheng narrowed his eyes slightly and couldn't help but appreciate the performance of his Samsung elite virus sniper when attacking the target. With the sound of the sharp shooting of the sniper rifle, a dark green light fog rose and floated on the ground. It looked like a ghost fire.

And some of the enemy infantry suddenly sounded with the sharp calls of the extremely sharp sniper infantry, and soon turned into bright green human light fog, which seemed that there were countless viruses surging and corroding on them. Soon after, the human light fog gradually dissipated and turned into the light fog of different sizes. In the continuous jumping, in the constant floating, it turned into nothingness...

And then, with Liu Zheng's order, Liu Zheng began to attack the enemy's battle bunker! Yes, to be honest, it is the first time to use the Gate cannon chariot to attack the enemy's kind of battle fortress. However, now, because Liu Zheng has an overwhelming advantage over the enemy, naturally, he doesn't care much about these Gate cannon chariots.

Yes, after all, there are as many as 50,000 to 60,000 production and construction funds in their own base. And so many production and construction funds are really useless for a while! Therefore, now, Liu Zheng has a feeling that he can fight as he wants. You can play whenever you want.

At this time, Liu Zheng's five or six Gate cannon chariots had rushed to the side of the enemy's battle fortress. Then, with the sound of "dad" attacks sounded one after another, the attack officially began. However, what Liu Zheng didn't expect was that some of his own Gate cannon chariots were not lethal at all for the enemy's battle fortress! After playing for a long time, it didn't cause much damage to the target!,

After seeing this, Liu Zheng couldn't help but be a little anxious. Damn, Damn, I didn't expect it, I really didn't think of it! However, what Liu Zheng didn't expect was that although his Gate cannon chariot could not cause much damage to the enemy's battle fortress, the firepower fired from the enemy's battle fortress was quite powerful! From the shooting hole of the masonry-structured battle fortress, a mass of flame flashed, and the sound of gunfire sounded one after another...

"Boom~~" A Liu Zheng's Gate machine gun chariot suddenly exploded. Then, the other one, also quickly, lost 60 to 70 percent of its health. After seeing this, Liu Zheng couldn't help but feel very anxious. Mother, mother, he! This time, it seems that I really have to send new combat forces to solve this problem!

So, soon after, Liu Zheng withdrew his Gator cannons to the safe area. At the same time, Liu Zheng saw that as many as seven "heavy missile tanks" had been produced in his base. Looking at his seven heavy missile tanks, Liu Zheng couldn't help sneering. Then, he waved his big hand, and then, in the "rumbling" vehicle marched, his heavy missile tanks waved to the enemy's base, and then the "rumbling" In the sound of vehicles moving, their own heavy missile tanks rushed to the enemy's base at full speed!

Yes, Liu Zheng knows that there is a task for them! Moreover, it should be said that those tasks are not very risky. Moreover, these "heavy missile tanks" also have long-range missile strike capability, so it is natural to kill the target.