Star Trek

Chapter 235 Rise of the Empire 2

Moreover, just as Liu Zheng led his seven heavy missile tanks and rushed to the enemy's base, he had just climbed up the steep slope and found that on the steep slope, there was actually a Apocalypse mecha controlled by his Yuri replicant! After seeing this, Liu Zheng couldn't help but be very happy. Haha, haha, that's good. After I have this Apocalypse mecha, it will be even more powerful!

Yes, Liu Zheng is very clear about the performance of his own heavy missile tank. Yes, that's true. Although its own heavy missile tank and launched missiles have quite good missile launch capability, it comes back. The lethal ability of those missiles is very poor. Often, even if the missiles are fired out like a rainstorm, they still do not cause much lethal ability to the target!

Therefore, as soon as he saw that he could "spent" a Apocalypse mecha, the joy in Liu Zheng's heart was almost indescribable. Wow, this is really good for me, and this is really good for me!

In this way, in front of it, there is the Tianqi mecha. Behind, he followed Liu Zheng's heavy missile tanks closely. The army along the way, which looked very vast, rumbled towards the enemy's base. In front is the battle bunker of the enemy. In this way, with Liu Zheng's order, his group of mecha attacks on the enemy's battle bunker immediately began. With the sound of the "whisw" missile, the red-tailed missiles, spraying the orange tail flame, shot out from its missile launcher, broke the wind and roared away! Turning through several arcs, he quickly attacked the target in the sound of breaking wind and rapidly attacking the target with that kind of faster and faster acceleration. Boom~~ As several red-tailed missiles hit the target one after another, a sound of explosion suddenly sounded...

And in front of it is the pain of the three-cylinder cannon of the Apocalypse mecha controlled by itself! As the fierce sound of the gunfire sounded one after another, the shells shot out one after another, crossed the arcs and hit the target directly. Boom~ With the sound of the violent explosion, the target exploded...

In this way, there is the one in front that has finally been upgraded to a Samsung Elite-level Apocalypse mecha, and behind it is the missile attack of the seven heavy missile tanks! As the missiles shot out one by one, they roared away and hit the target one after another. In the explosion and roar in front of them, on the enemy's base, the artillery fire was continuous, and the light fog of the explosion rose to the sky. Soon, there was already a mess. ......


The task is finally completed! And Liu Zheng is really exhausted. After getting off the line, Liu Zheng slept for two days. When he went online again, a message from the headquarters had appeared in front of him: there was an emerging empire that was constantly expanding. Now, their power has threatened the safety of our team. Order your battle team (self and Mei Ting) from that day on, take the wormhole tunnel on F-4 to go to the 9888 cosmic area, first stand firm, and then push back the imperial force named "Wanqis" as much as possible. If possible, eliminate it directly.


To be honest, it is really difficult for Liu Zheng to fight there for such a relatively strange star. Wow, this is actually an obvious thing. Anyway, I have rarely left my own star. The terrain, combat type, special personality of opponents, etc. are quite strange! And in the face of such a strange environment, it is really hard to say whether I can complete my mission or not!

The base is close to the sea. This is Liu Zheng's first impression after coming to the new star. After seeing this, Liu Zheng couldn't help but feel some relief. Yes, no matter what, I have always been fond of the ocean. Or, relatively speaking, I prefer naval warfare, which is also very likely.

Because before this, Liu Zheng has learned the personality characteristics of his opponent, that is, he is relatively aggressive and good at using air power. Therefore, Liu Zheng asked Mei Ting first. Anyway, he had to build several anti-aircraft turrets first. Moreover, since he has built a combat laboratory, Liu Zheng asked Mei Ting to build several anti-aircraft turrets first. Moreover, since you have built a combat laboratory, you can simply build that kind of "laser air defense turret" directly. After all, this kind of laser anti-aircraft turret is much more powerful than that of ordinary conventional artillery and air defense.

"...According to reliable information, your opponent is very good at using airborne troops to fight..." This is mentioned in the headquarters's own information. Liu Zheng is naturally very important for this. Yes, only if you really know yourself and know your enemy, you will be invincible. Liu Zheng is naturally very clear about this.

Therefore, in this case, you must start with air defense and snipering enemy infantry (paratroopers) in this way. Otherwise, it is very likely that he has not improved his defense system, but has been defeated by the enemy.

"Buzz~~" Three enemy invaders roared and soon flew over Liu Zheng's base. After seeing this, Liu Zheng couldn't help sighing. Wow, thanks to the construction of two laser anti-aircraft towers in advance, otherwise, Liu Zheng couldn't help sighing in the face of the enemy's invaders. Wow, thanks to the construction of two laser air defense towers in advance, otherwise, in the face of the enemy Those invaders fighters (most likely, with bombing capabilities) and their bases will suffer huge losses.

"choo-choo~~" So, Liu Zheng saw that with the extremely sharp sound, the sharp laser beams broke through the air one after another and hit fiercely in mid-air. The three enemy's intruder fighters made a roar. Immediately, Liu Zheng saw that in the face of the attack of his two laser anti-aircraft turrets, the enemy fighters were seriously injured. One of them fled in a hurry, while the other two dragged the rolling black smoke and glided to the ground and blew up.

"Wow, fortunately, I have been prepared for a long time, otherwise, this matter would have been really troublesome, but this matter would have been really troublesome!" Liu Zheng couldn't help thinking about it.

And while Liu Zheng was still sighing, the enemy's laser fighter finally came again! Moreover, this time, five of them came at once! Fortunately, at this time, Liu Zheng has also built at least six or seven laser anti-aircraft guns in his base. In this way, it will not be caused by the five laser fighters of the enemy.

"Squeaky~~" laser beams slowly came. It looked like a long sword, piercing Liu Zheng's military facilities above the ground. The laser beams from top to bottom, slanted out, roared away, and walked through the wind. Wherever it passed, the space was almost slightly turbulent.

"Boom~~" All the targets attacked made a dull roar. At the same time, countless wreckage and debris also flew out of the attacked military facilities. At the same time, on the ground, as many as six or seven laser anti-aircraft turrets also shot away the laser beams. Therefore, for a moment, the ocean of laser beams was almost formed between the day. The laser beams intersect with each other, forming a laser network, which looks dazzling.

However, soon, Liu Zheng also tasted a more powerful attack by the enemy. That is...

Yes, just as Liu was preparing to sort out his combat strength and prepare for a counterattack, the situation suddenly changed significantly. Outside his own base, there was a burst of gunfire. Boom ~ ~ According to his own experience, Liu Zheng knows that the sound of artillery should belong to the sound of the artillery attack of that kind of the enemy's grizzly bear mecha. However, Liu Zheng really doesn't care much about the enemy's kind of "grizzly bear mecha".

Yes, I have now built nearly 20 stealth tanks. And that kind of stealth tank, on the one hand, has quite good stealth ability. On the other hand, that guy can be both air and ground, which is a real, multi-functional and quite practical chariot!

Therefore, since you have such a good combat power for defense, the general enemy's combat power is naturally not feared for you. Therefore, although Liu Zheng had already heard some of the enemy's shelling that should belong to the Grizzly Bear Mecha, he didn't pay much attention to it at that time. However, at this time, Liu Zheng suddenly felt that something was wrong. An unusual sound came into his ear. After hearing this, Liu Zheng realized that it was broken and broken. It seemed that the enemy's powerful combat power was really coming!

So, Liu Zheng moved his eyes to the enemy, who had just rushed to the edge of his base, and some combat power came up. Sure enough, just in front of his base, behind the jungle, the front is five enemy's grizzly bear mecha (which is exactly the same as Liu Zheng's guess), and behind it is an enemy-weather control chariot!

After seeing this, Liu Zheng couldn't help but be shocked. Wow, damn it, it's really a powerful character, it's really a powerful character! Weather control chariot! Well, that guy, once it is allowed to fire, then it is very likely that his base will be on the verge of destruction! Damn, I didn't expect that the opponent's production speed was so fast that he had such a powerful combat power! Liu Zheng naturally sighed about the appearance of the enemy's weather control chariot.

Liu Zheng saw that the weather-controlled tank was not too big. In the middle of the roof, something that looked like radar rotated quickly. Then, suddenly, Liu Zheng found that over his base, there were dark clouds, clouds, lightning and thunder. Then, one thick blue and white beam after another fell from the sky, poking straight down from the clouds, like ice spears, poking fiercely on the ground. And as the continuous thick beams hit the ground fiercely, a roar sounded one after another. With the sound of thunder, the whole earth seemed to shake, thus forming a huge shock wave, and almost all the military facilities affected by the shock wave have exploded quite a lot of life...

However, Fortunately, Liu Zheng has already prepared his own defense force, that is, his kind of invisible tank. With an order, some of his stealth tanks suddenly rushed out of the jungle, looking at the translucent appearance. However, the attack distance of those invisible tanks is still quite large. With the sound of the "whisw" missile, the ground-to-ground missiles broke through the space, roaring and breaking through the wind. They all dragged the gray tail smoke and constantly adjusted the direction of flight. In the wandering, they hit the target one after another, making a sound of "boom" explosion, which was endlessly heard...

In this way, although the enemy's weather control chariot was very powerful, it only caused an attack on Liu Zheng's base. For the rest of the period, basically, Liu Zheng's more than a dozen invisible tanks did not give the guy any chance to blow it up in the missile launch.

After seeing this, Liu Zheng couldn't help but take a deep breath of cold air. Wow, damn it, this enemy really has a few brushes! Well, the weather control chariot is indeed, and it is also quite powerful! I really can't take it lightly anymore! Wow!

However, next, Liu Zheng saw that he now has nearly 20 stealth tanks. In addition, he has finally produced his most powerful weapon - the ion cannon. Therefore, Liu Zheng felt that he should also launch an attack on the enemy base now. Well, even if it was a tentative attack, it finally produced its most powerful weapon - the ion cannon, so Liu Zheng felt that he should launch an attack on the enemy's base now. Well, even if it's a tentative attack, it's okay!

In this way, the 20 stealth tanks were in front, and their own ion cannon (belonging to space weapons) slowly followed in the air and attacked the enemy's base. Soon after, he came close to the enemy's base. At this time, Liu Zheng saw that six or seven enemy's hyperspace mining vehicles were collecting ore there, not far from the enemy's base! After seeing this scene, Liu Zheng couldn't help thinking about it: Well, in this case, just right, just right! I can just use my own stealth tank to destroy some of the enemy's mining trucks first!

Yes, destroy the enemy's economic power first, which has always been Liu Zheng's combat style! After thinking of this, Liu Zheng gave an order, so his more than a dozen invisible tanks rushed to the enemy's hyperspace mining vehicles that were collecting ore there!

Yes, Liu is correct and true. For his kind of attack ability of the time-out mining vehicle, it is absolutely incompetent. Therefore, although the enemy's kind of hyperspace mining vehicle has the ability to transfer instantly, in the face of the super missile attacks of Liu Zheng's stealth tanks, it must not be so easy to run!

"Fight!" In this way, with Liu Zheng's order, Liu Zheng's more than a dozen stealth tanks began to fire on the enemy's stealth tanks. With the sound of the "whisw" missile, the ground-to-ground missiles broke through the space, roaring and breaking through the wind. They all dragged the gray tail smoke and constantly adjusted the direction of flight. In the wandering, they hit the target one after another, making a sound of "boom" explosion, which was endlessly heard...

"Boom~~" continued to sound with the sound of explosion, and several enemy super-space mining vehicles were quickly blown up. The other cars were not good at first sight, and then their bodies flashed. When the blue light flashed, they soon disappeared.