Star Trek

Chapter 246 Island Battle 4

"Mom, it takes at least 2,000 production and construction funds to build an ore refinery. What the mother is enough for such a little production and construction capital!" Liu Zheng couldn't help sighing.

However, Liu Zheng certainly knows that in many cases and in many cases, in order to move forward, even if it is a step back first, it is okay. Well, that's it! In the long run, it seems that you have to sell some of the military facilities of your base first.

However, even in this case, Liu Zheng has nothing to do. Yes, that's true. Otherwise, if not, what can I do? After all, without the money, the construction and production of your own base will certainly come to a standstill. And such a situation is absolutely what you don't want to see.

Subsequently, Liu was helplessly selling his motor chariot factory and obtained 1,500 production and construction funds. In this way, with the five or six hundred production and construction funds that exist on the accounts of your base, it is naturally more than enough to build an ore refinery. In this way, with the five or six hundred production and construction funds that exist on the accounts of your base, it is naturally more than enough to build an ore refinery. Well, it's definitely no problem.

Of course, this time, Liu Zheng also learned to be obedient, that is, since it has been built, then he simply built two ore refineries in one breath. In this case, although at that time, there may be a shortage of production and construction funds on hand. However, in the long run, it is worth it. Yes, it's really worth it. For this, Liu Zheng has a 100% recognition in his heart.

Of course, after the construction of the two ore refineries, Liu Zheng further strengthened the defense in his base, especially the defense of the enemy's long-range naval guns from the sea. The second aspect is to restore some of your combat strength, especially for the mobile chariot factory that you have sold, and naturally you have to build it first.

Yes, Liu Zheng is very clear about this. If you don't build your own mobile chariot factory, then naturally, some of your own advanced combat units will not be produced. Liu Zheng is very clear in his heart. If you don't build your own mobile chariot factory, then naturally, some of your own advanced combat units will not be produced.

And the third point is, that is, to mobilize some of your combat forces and go to the two bases of the enemy to prepare for the final counterattack.

Yes, so far, Liu Zheng has seen that due to the existence of his seven or eight V5-intercontinental missile launchers, under their long-range attacks, especially in theirs, autonomous, automatic and conscious, to all valuable targets of the enemy. In the case of the attack, many targets on the two enemy bases in the distance have been almost blown up. Therefore, it should be said that the time is almost ripe to send some combat strength to carry out the final counterattack.

And at least what kind of combat power he sent, Liu Zheng did not feel any difficulty. The attacking force can be mainly composed of two troops. The leading force can be served by its own multi-functional laser attack mecha chariot. Their laser weapon has a long range and a relatively high firing frequency. At the same time, they also have the special air-to-air launch and can carry out air defense attacks.

And later, it can be served by its own kind of short-range missile launcher. Their own kind of short-range missile launcher has an attack distance of more than medium-range. At the same time, what is more rare is that they have good, high-precision guidance ability and can carry out tracking attacks on moving targets. And this is undoubtedly the most important.

In this way, Liu Zheng quickly organized his own attack troops. In front, it is composed of 15 infantry fighting forces and seven multi-functional laser attack mecha tanks to form the attack vanguard. Behind them are their own five short-range missile launch vehicles as a mobile long-range attack force.

"Let's go!" In this way, with Liu Zheng's order, his attack troops went straight to the enemy's first base. Out of his own base, he walked around the coast for a distance, and in front of him was a narrow valley. After passing the narrow valley, it will be the high platform of the enemy's base.

However, just as Liu Zheng's troops entered the narrow valley, a sudden sound of "buzzing" suddenly sounded. As a senior player, Liu Zheng heard that that sound was clearly the sound of the turret rotation of the enemy's giant cannon!

Wow, what, hasn't that cannon been killed? No, I remember that I once had killed my V5-intercontinental missile launcher? But, but now, why is it like this again?

"Well, even if it is knocked out, so what? Won't the enemy build another one? Damn, that's stupid!" Liu Zheng couldn't help laughing at his thoughts. Then, there was a loud sound, so a huge cannonball roared through the inside. After drawing an arc, it accurately hit Liu Zheng's forward troops and came to a center to blossom! A huge shell roared inside. After crossing an arc, it accurately hit Liu Zheng's forward troops and came to a center to blossom!

"Boom~~" With the earth-shaking loud noise, Liu Zheng saw that with the huge cannon shell exploded in his first echelon, and at least three or four of his infantry were blown into the air on the spot. Naturally, there is no life. And its own multi-functional laser attack mecha chariot has lost at least 30% of its health by the huge explosive force.

After seeing this, Liu Zheng couldn't help but get angry. Mother, mother, what a fucking bastard! Unexpectedly, it caused such a big loss to myself! V5-Intercontinental missile launcher, kill that guy, kill that guy quickly!

In this way, with Liu Zheng's order, he saw that the V5-Intercontinental Missile Launchers in the rear of his base were already ready to attack in the jungle. They set up their missile launchers one after another, and then, with the sound of missile launch suddenly sounded, Liu Zheng saw that several rockets began to spray the fierce flames from the launcher, and at the same time, a rolling black smoke rose on the ground. Then, in the roar, the missiles launched by the V5-continental missile launchers sprayed the orange tail flame and soared to the sky under the acceleration.

Then, after flying to a certain height, it suddenly changed direction, and then, in the middle of the sky, it passed its own base, flew through the jungle, and flew through a large area of the sea, and then continued to roar towards the cannon in the enemy base...


Next, Liu Zheng led his attack troops and saw that the huge cannon in the enemy base was finally killed by himself, so he continued to move forward. However, fortunately, there was no enemy's ground combat power. For a while, the troops advanced smoothly, but it was really smooth. Finally, as he got closer and closer to an enemy base, Liu Zheng finally found that his short-range missile launchers could finally enter the attack state of the target.

"Fight!" In this way, with Liu Zheng's order, his five short-range missile launchers seemed to be waiting in an arrow-like array, and then began to attack the target. On the slender short-range missile launcher, missiles roared out one by one. Their rear tails dragged the sparkling tail flames while flying and constantly adjusting their direction. At the same time, there was a shrill sound, which sounded endless. .

Because this kind of missile flies too fast, Liu Zheng doesn't have to worry about the problem that they will be intercepted during the flight. Yes, that kind of problem is basically not there. Moreover, because they have a high-precision guidance system, even facing movable targets are enough to kill them.

In this way, for those fixed goals, naturally, not to mention. Then, the missiles crossed the ever-changing arcs and hit the target - a power plant in the enemy base! Therefore, with the sound of "boom" explosions one after another, the light fog of the explosion kept rising at the target...

In this way, Liu Zheng successively used his short-range missile launchers to carry out a carpet-style bombing of the target from near to far. In just half a minute, three power plants, a barracks and a ore refinery have become the results of their five short-range missile launchers. For a moment, in the enemy's base, the wreckage flew around, the fire rose to the sky, and the smoke was filled with gunpowder...

However, at this time, just as Liu Zheng's short-range missile launcher was playing hard, suddenly there was another buzzing sound. Then, there was another sound of firing, and then another huge cannonball came through the wind and roared, suddenly hitting Liu Zheng's short-range missile launcher. Suddenly, Liu Zheng saw that his short-range missile launcher had lost 60% of his health.

"Mom, cannon? So soon, another one was built? So soon, another one was built? What a mother's high efficiency, what a mother's efficiency!" After thinking of this, Liu Zheng naturally did not dare to neglect, so he urgently ordered his short-range missile launcher to retreat, go back to the safe area first, and then return to the safe area first.

Then, looking at his car, which had been shot out by 67 percent, Liu Zheng couldn't help sighing. Wow, Fortunately, this guy has been upgraded to the Samsung elite level, otherwise, I'm afraid he would have been killed directly. After all, after upgrading to the Samsung elite level, not only its attack ability and range have been improved, but also its defense ability has naturally been strengthened.

However, Liu Zheng also knows that, after all, although after upgrading to the Samsung elite level, his short-range missile launcher has the ability to restore its own health. However, after all, the speed of recovery is too slow, and it is indeed too slow. Therefore, the best way is to have special maintenance tools.

After thinking of this, Liu Zheng informed Mei Ting to expedite the production of two field repair vehicles. However, Mei Ting said that now, there is not much money on the account in her base. When she had no choice, Mei Ting had to cancel the excavator under production, so half a minute later, two field repair vehicles were finally produced. Then, with Liu Zheng's order, the two field repair vehicles rushed straight to their front positions...

Ha ha, ha, Liu Zheng found that his two field vehicles had such a fast movement speed. When they moved, it was like a lightning. Therefore, it took less than five seconds to get to my front position from my base. Then, with Liu Zheng's order, after setting it to that kind of automatic repair state, he saw his two repair cars waving iron pliers. In that "squeak" sound, the huge iron pliers were in contact with the repaired chariot, and sparks everywhere. At the same time, the repaired chariot suddenly flashed golden light, bright and dark. It looked as if it was about to transform. And its health value is also recovering at a speed visible to the naked eye...

Liu Zheng couldn't help but feel very happy to see that his two field repair vehicles had such good maintenance performance. Yes, I really feel very happy. Because with such a kind of battlefield maintenance to escort yourself, what else is there to be afraid of yourself? Haha, haha, that feeling is so good!

And Liu Zheng's next battle plan includes two steps. The first step is to repair that bridge. Otherwise, although his attack force can also pass through the narrow valley, above the narrow valley is the enemy's various attack forces. Naturally, some of his combat power through the narrow valley will also be able to pass through the narrow valley. However, above the narrow valley is the enemy's various attack forces. Naturally, some of their combat power passing through the narrow valley will also be fiercely attacked by the enemy's combat power above the narrow valley!

And Liu Zheng really dares not say how much loss it will cause. So, the best way is to try not to pass through that narrow valley. If you don't pass through that narrow valley, then the only passage is the bridge that has been blown up by the enemy. If you don't pass through that narrow valley, then the only passage is the bridge that has been blown up by the enemy. Well, it seems that I have to repair that bridge first.

In order to save time, Liu Zheng decided to transport the engineer with his newly produced excavator. Yes, it's the excavator. That guy has a very good diving function. No matter what kind of terrain, no matter how high the mountain is, except for the water, it can be passed. In this way, the speed of his march will naturally be greatly accelerated. Generally speaking, no matter what kind of target, it can be reached in a straight line, which greatly shortens the travel time and greatly improves the efficiency of the operation. That's a pretty good thing, quite a good thing!

And Liu Zheng's second plan is to use his first attack detachment to destroy some important military facilities and some important, relatively powerful defense forces in the enemy base after repairing the bridge, and then sneak over with a submersible vehicle (excavator). Transport several of his own SEALs. In this way, you can use those SEALs to install the military facilities in the enemy's bases, and then destroy them one by one.

It should be said that this is a fairly comprehensive battle plan.