Star Trek

Chapter 247 Battle of the Islands 5

Liu Zheng knew that his submersible car could actually be used as a vehicle. Yes, that's true. Moreover, Liu Zheng also knew that the capacity of that kind of submersible vehicle was also large enough to carry at least seven infantry. And like such a large capacity, it should be said that for a small submersible, it is already quite good.

After seeing this, Liu Zheng had loaded one of his engineers into the dive car at the first time. Then, with an order, the submersible car began to break down. On the ground, the originally light green land began to turn earthy yellow, and for a moment, it surged. Then, the dive car began to sink slowly, and soon after, it sank into the ground, and the place where it had just sank, leaving only a pile of loess, which was the only trace it left. Then, the submersible car began to dive on the ground. Liu Zheng only saw that a sign was moving, directly crossing a cliff, crossing a narrow valley, and then crossing a high mountain again, and then stopped at the bridge of the stone bridge.

Then, on the ground, the loess rolled again and the land began to break. Therefore, the diving car slowly emerged from the ground, and the whole body was still as old as before. Moreover, it looks energetic. And where it drilled out of the ground, there is still a pile of arched loess, which looks like a small grave.

Then, with Liu Zheng's order, the engineer came down elegantly from the diving car and dusted his body - wow, he was quite good at fork. What's the dust? The diving car hasn't been stained with any dust, not to mention that you are still sitting in the diving car. Cut!

Then, the engineer took the toolbox and walked towards the broken stone bridge. At the end of the broken stone bridge, there is a maintenance hut. With the flash of Liu Zheng's engineer and brushing, the originally broken stone bridge has been repaired.

"Well, next, after I kill some of the enemy's base, which have some threatening infantry for my SEAL, then the second step of my combat plan can naturally be successfully implemented! After I kill some of the enemy's base, which have some threatening infantry for my seal commandos, then the second step of my combat plan can naturally be successfully implemented!" Seeing that the bridge was finally repaired, Liu Zheng led his three short-range missile launchers to the stone bridge and began to attack the machine gun bunker that was not far from the enemy base!

"Fight! Damn, first destroy those machine gun bunkers in the enemy base! Clear the way for my SEALs!" In this way, with Liu Zheng's order, his three vehicles have been upgraded to Samsung elite-level short-range missile launchers and began to launch rockets towards the machine gun bunkers in the enemy base. On the slender short-range missile launcher, missiles roared out one by one. Their rear tails dragged the sparkling tail flames while flying and constantly adjusting their direction. At the same time, there was a shrill sound, which sounded endless. .

Then, the missiles crossed the ever-changing arcs and hit the target one after another! Therefore, with the sound of "boom" explosions sounded one after another, the light fog of the explosion continued to rise at the target, and the health of the enemy's machine gun bunkers began to decline. Boom ~ ~ Continuous missile fire came one after another. However, what made Liu Zheng a little helpless was that he saw that although the missiles launched by his three short-range missile launchers were very dense and the explosion sounded, he did not know why the lethality of the enemy's machine gun bunkers was not so great!

So, in this case, then, simply, I will use that kind of V5-intercontinental missile launcher to kill them! Although it is slower, the effect is still very good. Thinking of this, with Liu Zheng's order, the seven V5-Intercontinental Missile launchers in his base couldn't help but adjust their angles again, and then prepared to launch an attack on the enemy's base, the enemy's machine gun bunkers!

For a while, in the jungle where the V5-intercontinental missile launchers were hiding, the seven V5-Intercontinental missile launchers shook for a while. Liu Zheng knew that it was actually the last adjustment before the official attack. So, next, Liu Zheng saw that they had set up their missile launchers one after another, and then, with the sound of missile launch suddenly sounded, Liu Zheng saw that several rockets began to spray the fierce flames from the launch rack, and at the same time, the ground immediately rose. A rolling black smoke. Then, in the roar, the missiles launched by the V5-continental missile launchers sprayed the orange tail flame and soared to the sky under the acceleration.

Then, after flying to a certain altitude, it suddenly changed direction, and then, in the air, it passed through its own base, flew through the jungle, and flew across a large area of the sea, and then continued to roar towards the machine gun bunker in the enemy base...

"Boom~~" Liu Zheng saw that as the missiles hit the target one after another, a dark red fog rose to the sky, and a violent explosion sounded one after another. Finally, in this way, the machine gun bunker in the enemy's base was finally knocked down quickly.

Then, General Liu once again sneaked the excavator with six or seven seal commandos into the enemy's base in that way, and then emerged in a relatively safe corner.

At this time, several enemy infantry not far away suddenly found the situation here, so they rushed over. However, you know, that kind of SEAL is a famous fast gunner. Facing the follow-up of the enemy's infantry, the gun fell, "Papa~~" almost killed one shot. In this way, not long after, some of the enemy's infantry immediately lay down in a pool of blood.

Then, under not much threat, Liu Zheng's SEALs acted separately and deployed the explosive cannon on five or six enemy military facilities. Three, two, one! With the arrival of the last second of the countdown, a continuous sound of explosions sounded one after another. For a moment, the enemy's base almost became a sea of explosion.

And with the final destruction of the enemy's construction factory, in Liu Zheng's satisfied eyes, Liu Zheng saw that on the enemy's base, some broken military facilities, such as power plants, magnetic explosion coils, battle bunkers and other military facilities, suddenly shook. Get up, it looks like an earthquake. Then, the enemy's military facilities with large and small wrecks actually shrank to the ground one after another. At the same time, the combat power of the broken enemy, the chariots exploded, and the infantry, in the scream, turned into a pool of green water...< /P>

"It's finally over!" Liu Zheng sighed very tiredly. However, at this time, an order came from the headquarters, saying that the enemy still had a residual force that had escaped to the 29th area, so that Liu Zheng and Mei Ting must act immediately, take advantage of the victory to pursue, and must truly destroy the remaining troops of the enemy!

"I know you are very tired now, but this task is too important. It's really quite important! Well, once this task is completed, then the headquarters will give you a week off! At the same time, the bonus will also be repeated!" The seductive words of the head of the headquarters still echoed in Liu Zheng's ears.

"Mei Ting, let's go. Naturally, we can't disobey the orders of the headquarters, as long as we still want to do something!" Liu Zheng gently patted Mei Ting on the shoulder, and then crossed the 23rd area through the teleport.


The construction of the base is also being carried out in an orderly manner. Liu Zheng is quite relieved about this now. Yes, in the direction of base construction and economic management, it should be said that Mei Ting has reached a considerable height. There are almost no mistakes.

However, at this time, a magical attack by the enemy actually began. Yes, the magic of that kind of attack made Liu Zheng unbelievable. When several triangular and black bombers roared towards Liu Zheng's defensive position, Liu Zheng did not pay attention to it at all. Yes, now, anyway, no less than five anti-aircraft guns have been built in their own bases. It should be said that it was good to have such anti-aircraft firepower in the early stage of the war. Indeed, it is quite good.

The firepower of five anti-aircraft guns should be quite simple to deal with two enemy bombers. However, one thing is that the scope of its own anti-aircraft gun is not very large. Yes, that's true. Only when the enemy's fighters fly to the edge of their base can they launch an air defense attack on it. Otherwise, they have no choice but to sigh at the opportunity.

However, the two enemy's stealth fighters don't care about you. In the distant sky - they are at least one kilometer away from Liu Zheng's defense base - with the sound of a "you" missile flight, several missiles roared, spraying that kind of blue tail flame, flying straight in the direction of Liu Zheng's base. Come...

Liu Zheng clearly saw that those air-to-ground missiles looked so big that they were simply not at the same level as those ordinary missiles. Is it, is it a nuclear bomb? Liu Zheng was dumbfounded. Damn, if you can already carry out that kind of nuclear missile attack at this time, what does that mean for your base? What does that mean?

Then, with the sound of explosions suddenly sounded, Liu Zheng saw it and only heard a "boom~~~", which was really a deafening explosion! Then, a huge explosion wave, centered on that explosion point, scattered in all directions. At the same time, within a few miles, the dust burst and burst, and everywhere was full of a dazzling bright green light, which almost made people unable to open their eyes. For a moment, there was yellow dust between the whole world, and the strong wind roared, and then a huge mushroom cloud suddenly rose up and went straight to the sky...

At this time, with the light fog of the nuclear bomb explosion falling one after another, on the ground, Liu Zheng's ground that has just been attacked is naturally covered with debris, and the bright green radiation is still continuously immersed and rendered there.

After seeing this, Liu Zheng was really speechless. Damn, this enemy is really fierce, really fierce! Looking at the air-to-ground tactical nuclear bomb blown up by the enemy in his base, Liu Zheng couldn't help feeling a sense of helplessness and an unspeakable suffering.

At this time, the five anti-aircraft turrets in their base finally released their long-time fire. In the dense fire attack, in mid-air, the fire lines were almost completely intertwined into a curtain. Finally, although the enemy's stealth fighter has a quite good defense ability and its health is not low, after all, its flight speed is too slow, so in the end, it was shot down by Liu Zheng's five anti-aircraft guns.

"Youyou~~" Looking at the two enemy's invisible fighters, they dragged the rolling black smoke from the sky, whimpered, dived down, and hit the ground fiercely, and suddenly hit a burst of explosive fog into the sky. At the same time, there was also the faint bright green face. Color. Two large explosive pits, distributed on the edge of their own base, look very eye-catching.

After seeing this, Liu Zheng couldn't help but feel stunned. It seems that the construction and production of the enemy are no worse than themselves! If you want to be not weaker than your opponent in terms of combat effectiveness, you must further change your thinking. The enemy's construction and production workers are no worse than themselves! If you want to be not weaker than your opponent in terms of combat effectiveness, you must further change your thinking. Otherwise, things are likely to get worse.

And from the news Liu Zheng has now, Liu Zheng knows that he is facing three cold-level opponents! Moreover, their combat effectiveness can also complement each other well. In this way, naturally, it will greatly increase the possibility of winning.

Yes, now, it's funny to say that Liu Zheng has no pressure in his heart. Then how can there be no pressure? The three cold-level opponents each have their own unique fighting power. Once they form an encirclement of their own base, then Liu Zheng knows what it means.

However, in the face of such pressure, Liu Zheng was also able to hold on. Now, what Liu Zheng is thinking about is, first, what kind of combat power should he produce to maximize his losses. Second, that is, what military facilities should be built first, because Liu Zheng knows what kind of military facilities should be built first, which means what kind of combat power he can produce.

Thinking about it again and again, Liu Zheng decided that it would be better to produce his own multi-functional laser attack mecha chariot first. Because its own multi-functional laser attack mecha chariot belongs to that kind of laser attack weapon, and its high attack frequency is also comparable to other combat forces.

In addition, it is also the reason why Liu Zheng is particularly particular about that kind of multi-functional laser attack mecha chariot, that is, that guy combines air defense and ground attack. In this way, there is no need to produce other anti-aircraft firepower. Naturally, this is also of great significance for the initial construction of the base.

"In addition, it is the production of that kind of short-range missile launcher. Well, that guy's attack speed is fast, the launch frequency is not slow, and he also has quite good lethality, which is indeed a very good long-range attack power." Liu Zheng couldn't help thinking to himself.