Star Trek

Chapter 264 Total War 10

Yes, Liu Zheng really didn't expect that the enemy's base would have counterattacked his own base so quickly. After seeing this, Liu Zheng couldn't help but feel a little anxious. However, the good thing is that now, I also have considerable combat ability, so I can barely calm down in the face of the enemy's attack.

"It seems that it's time for me to destroy the enemy's airport! Damn, the threat to the safety of my base is simply too big. Liu Zheng couldn't help but hate it.

After thinking of this, Liu Zheng decided to use his multi-functional laser attack mecha chariots to carry out forced attacks as a forward force. In the back, it is still my own short-range missile launchers. It should be said that such a lineup should not be a problem without special circumstances.

However, before launching an attack on the target, Liu Zheng decided to repair his multi-functional laser attack mecha tanks that had been injured and those short-range missile launchers. After thinking of this, Liu Zheng looked at his base and wanted to find the two field repair vehicles. However, after searching for a long time, I didn't find it. After seeing this, Liu Zheng couldn't help but be confused: Wow, it seems that his two field repair vehicles have been destroyed by the enemy in the battle. No, no, no, I can't do it without this thing!

After thinking of this, Liu Zheng ordered Mei Ting to produce one again. Let's use it for emergency first. After the field repair vehicle was just produced, it rushed to the injured chariots without waiting for Liu Zheng's order. Soon after, it rushed to the side of those chariots. After seeing this, Liu Zheng couldn't help laughing with relief.

And those injured their own chariots also consciously gave up a space, and naturally, they must have given the injured part on that side to their own repair car for repair. The iron pliers of his two repair cars waved, and in the "squeak" sound, the huge iron pliers were in contact with the repaired chariots, and sparked everywhere. At the same time, the repaired chariot suddenly flashed golden light, bright and dark. It looked as if it was about to transform. And its health value is also recovering at a speed visible to the naked eye...

So, after thinking of this, Liu Zheng gave an order, so his seven multi-functional laser attack mecha chariots (three of them have been upgraded to Samsung elite level), followed his three short-range missile launchers and crossed the goose egg again. The stone path came to the edge of the enemy base.

At this time, Liu Zheng had already seen that there was a large plane parked on the enemy's airport, accounting for almost half of the airport. After seeing this, Liu Zheng understood that the large enemy aircraft was a large transport plane transporting paratroopers. Well, he hit it himself, that's this guy!

After thinking of this, Liu Zheng gave an order - the seven multi-functional laser attack mecha tanks in front of him were waiting in place to cover the short-range missile launcher behind. Later, his three short-range missile launchers are fully prepared. With Liu Zheng's order, their powerful attack finally began. On the slender short-range missile launcher, missiles roared out one by one. Their rear tails dragged the sparkling tail flames while flying and constantly adjusting their direction. At the same time, there was a shrill sound, which sounded endless. .

Then, the missiles, after crossing the ever-changing arcs, hit the target one after another! So, with the sound of the "boom" explosion, the fog of the explosion kept rising at the target. The enemy's airport, including the large transport plane, had just moved for a moment, and then suddenly sounded with the earth-shaking explosion. However, both quickly turned into a piece of debris and debris, scattered away.

However, just as Liu Zheng wanted to further expand the results, the enemy's long-range missiles roared over the head of Liu Zheng's combat power, crossed a smooth arc, and then hit Liu Zheng's base fiercely.

After seeing this, Liu Zheng woke up: It seems that that kind of long-range missile launcher in the enemy's base has not been completely destroyed! Or, although he was almost beaten by himself, his chariot factory once again produced several more! Well, from this point of view, this can only be explained.

Facing the enemy's long-range large-scale rockets that roared again, Liu Zheng saw that although his multi-functional laser attack mecha chariots also had certain air defense capabilities. However, after all, the height of that kind of missile is too high, so that kind of multi-functional laser attack mecha can't be reached at all.

In this case, Liu Zheng can only pin his hopes on his heavy missile helicopters. However, this kind of heavy missile helicopter also has a very bad characteristic, that is, in a non-combat state, the guy can only fall on the ground, not always flying in mid-air. Wow, is it possible for him to save fuel?

"Heavy missile helicopter, lift it into the air!" In this way, with Liu Zheng's order, his two heavy missile helicopters suddenly buzzed up with the rapid rotation of the propeller. ( Originally, there were no less than five or six such heavy missile helicopters in Liu Zheng's base. However, not long ago, due to the defense of the enemy's long-range missile attacks, they are now distributed in various places. At present, Liu Zheng can only collect Gather these two) and then, when they flew to a certain height, they began to attack the enemy's long-range missiles that had flown over the highest point!

With the sound of missile launches sounded one after another, missiles sprayed orange flames. In the continuous adjustment of the direction of flight, they roared across the space and pushed the long-range thrust fire of the enemy flying at high speed. The arrows hit and went away. Obviously, the speed of the small missiles was significantly higher than that of the rocket, and the distance between the two was reduced at a speed visible to the naked eye. Finally, with the sound of a "boom" explosion, then a huge explosive fireball in mid-air expanded. At the same time, with a loud noise, the enemy rocket became countless wrecks and fragments in a blink of an eye, scattered, and finally fell to the ground one after another. , it looks like rain...

However, although Liu Zheng's two heavy missile tanks, the missiles fired one by one, knocked out the enemy's large rockets and bombed them in midair, it was impossible to kill all the rockets. Yes, Liu Zheng is actually very good at this point.

"Boom~~~" An enemy long-range missile hit his own ore refinery, which made Liu Zheng feel very unhappy. Wow, damn it, how can you specifically choose my ore refinery to attack? This, this, this, this is too tricky, isn't it?

However, Liu Zheng knew that his ore refinery was quite important to him. It can be said that from the current situation, its own ore refinery is basically a cash cow for production and construction funds in its own base!

And in this case, once it is defeated by the enemy, the impact on its own base is quite fatal. Liu Zheng is very clear about this. Therefore, Liu Zheng concentrated some air defense firepower there. However, it still did not achieve the expected results.

"Engineer, go!" At this time, Liu Zheng knew that he could not take it lightly! With his order, he found an engineer from the side of his barracks and sent it directly to his own ore refinery. And with a crisp "brush" sound suddenly sounded, Liu Zheng saw that his ore refinery, which was still in a raging fire just now, unexpectedly restored its health value and was as new as before...

However, in the end, Liu Zheng was very sorry to see that his ore refinery was still shot down by the rockets launched by the enemy's V3 medium-range missiles! After seeing this, Liu Zheng couldn't help sighing for a long time.

"It seems that the enemy's V3 medium-range missile-launched chariots are indeed a big trouble. Well, if I don't kill him, then my base will never have peace, and there will never be peace!" Liu Zheng kept muttering in his heart. However, the current problem is that it is not so easy for you to destroy the enemy's V3 medium-range missile launch vehicles.

Yes, that's true. Because, first, because the enemy's base is densely covered with that kind of Yuri replicator. Therefore, in this way, naturally, once you directly attack the past with ground combat power, it is bound to be controlled by the enemy's Yuri replicators, and some of your combat forces will also become the food of the enemy. Once you take the ground combat power to attack directly, you are bound to be controlled by the enemy's Yuri replicators, and some of your combat power will certainly become the enemy's food.

And Liu Zheng, who won't do anything like that. Yes, that's true. Liu Zheng, how can he do such a thing? That's a loss-making deal, and as some of the Yuri replicators of the enemy control their combat power, the contrast between the two is too big!

And after losing so much combat strength, if the enemy takes such an opportunity to make a sudden attack on itself, what will it cause? You know, now, my elite combat power is basically concentrated on the front line, and it is concentrated at the entrance and exit of the enemy's base. What will happen? You know, now, my elite combat power is basically concentrated on the front line, and it is concentrated at the entrance and exit of the enemy's base. And in my own base, it is actually very empty. Yes, it really looks very empty.

And if the enemy takes advantage of the virtuality, then it is almost certain that it has almost no combat power to carry out defensive combat. After thinking of this, Liu Zheng couldn't help sighing secretly. Then, as soon as the eyes turned, another battle plan was formed. Yes, it has been formed!

Liu Zheng knew that he could have attacked the enemy's V3 medium-range missile launchers through his own V5-continental missile launchers. However, later, Liu Zheng found that such a method did not work at all. Because the enemy's base still has good air defense capability! Yes, that kind of anti-aircraft gun!

Although the anti-aircraft gun needs power support, the nuclear power plant in the enemy's base has been destroyed by itself, and so far, it has not been built. Yes, yes, that's true. However, come back. Anyway, Liu Zheng can still see that the military facilities that rely on power supply to work at the enemy's base are still working.

Like an anti-aircraft gun and that kind of magnetic explosion coil. Yes, whether the anti-aircraft gun can work or not can not be seen from the surface, but the magnetic explosion coil of the enemy can be clearly seen. If the power supply is normal, then Liu Zheng knows that the enemy's magnetic explosion coil will definitely shine with the blue and white light, shining, which is very good. It looks like the eyes of a ghost.

However, Liu Zheng also knew that once he approached, some of the enemy's magnetic explosive coils would shoot out the blue and white light, which looked like lightning. It seems that there is still a relatively sufficient power supply in the enemy's base. Undoubtedly, that kind of power supply is actually provided by the enemy's group of general power plants.

"First destroy the enemy's power plants, and when the power supply of the enemy base is determined, then, then use your own V5-Intercontinental missile launcher to destroy the enemy's main construction plant! Hey hey, hey, yes, yes, that's it! I have to kill the enemy's main construction plant, so that the enemy will no longer be able to build any power plants!

"Once there is no power plant in the enemy's base, the power will never be restored. And after that time, then, the enemy's base will be tossed as much as it is willing to!" Liu Zheng couldn't help thinking.

Then, Liu Zheng began to implement his own plan. Have your own multi-functional laser attack mecha tanks in front of you, so the short-range missile launchers behind are naturally casual. After thinking of this, after Liu Zheng's order, he saw that his multi-functional laser attack mecha chariots had traveled some distance ahead. Then, behind, his own short-range missile launchers had approached.

"The short-range missile launcher, aim at the target and start firing!" In this way, with Liu Zheng's order, on the slender short-range missile launcher, missiles roared out one by one, and their rear tails were dragging the tail flames with sparks. On the slender short-range missile launcher, missiles roared out one by one. Their rear tails were dragging the sparkling tail flames, flying while constantly adjusting their direction. At the same time, there was a screaming sound, which sounded endless.

Then, the missiles, after crossing the ever-changing arcs, hit the target one after another! Therefore, with the sound of the explosion, the fog of the explosion continued to rise at the target, and the enemy's power plants were blown up one after another. Looking at the debris and fragments that flew away, the happiness in Liu Zheng's heart was simply needless to say.