Star Trek

Chapter 265 Total War 11

Therefore, Liu Zhengbian actively ordered his V5-intercontinental missile launchers to concentrate firepower on the construction factory in the enemy base. At this time, Liu Zheng saw that the main factory in the enemy base did not have other anti-aircraft fighters. In this way, the long-range missiles launched by his V5-Intercontinental Missile Launchers would definitely be able to hit the target.

However, in reality, it is not like that. Yes, until now, Liu Zheng knew that he really underestimated the construction speed of the enemy. It didn't take long at all. As a result, just as Liu Zheng was about to launch a long-range attack on the construction factory in the enemy base with his V5-Intercontinental missile launchers. Suddenly, Liu Zheng saw that the enemy saw the factory. Suddenly, there was a clear brand-up The new power plant has been built! After seeing this, Liu Zheng admired the speed of the enemy's construction even more.

However, just after the construction of this power plant, with the strengthening of power supply, Liu Zheng saw that the power supply in the enemy base was naturally restored. The power plants shone blue again. It looks shiny, like the eyes of shrewd people. Liu Zheng knows that under such circumstances, the long-range missile launched by his V5-intercontinental missile launcher will be difficult to hit the target.

In fact, it is not that some missiles lack accuracy, but because the air defense system in the enemy base will be restored with the restoration of power. Under the interception of the dense anti-aircraft firepower, it is really difficult for the long-range missiles launched by their V5-continental missile launchers to hit the target. Because the protective fire over the enemy base is naturally not so easy to deal with.

There was nothing he could do, and Liu Zheng finally came up with a perfect solution: that is, he continued to bomb the enemy's main construction plant with his V5-intercontinental missile launcher, and on the other hand, he commanded the missile launchers to attack the power plant. Didn't you build it quickly? Ni built one, and I killed one. We have to see whether you build fast or I destroy fast.

Yes, Liu Zheng knows very well that with the successful construction of a new power plant, it means that the power supply in the enemy base will be successfully restored again. Your own long-range attack will mean failure. In this way, under the continuous attack of their own V5-Intercontinental missile launchers, there will always be some leaking missiles that will eventually hit the target. In this way, the health value of the construction of the general factory in the enemy's base will also decline little by little. Although it will not be killed all at once, Liu Zheng thought that as long as he can grasp it once, it is an opportunity to cut off the power supply in the enemy base. Naturally, most of the large thrust rockets launched by his V5-Intercontinental missile launch vehicles will also be Hit the target.

After thinking of this, Liu Zhengbian ordered his V5-Intercontinental missile launchers deployed behind the base to rush to the missile launchers in the enemy base with their own garbage, cooperating with each other and attacking in turn, and the final result was positive. As Liu Zheng speculated, the health value of the main factory in the enemy base is really declining little by little.

In addition, Liu Zheng's missile launchers are fully attacking those ordinary power plants in the enemy base. In between, on the slender short-range missile launcher, missiles roared out one by one. Their rear tails dragged the sparkling tail flame, flying while constantly adjusting the direction. On the slender short-range missile launcher, missiles roared out one by one. Their rear tails were dragging the sparkling tail flames, flying while constantly adjusting their direction. At the same time, there was a screaming sound, which sounded endless.

Then, the missiles, after crossing the ever-changing arcs, hit the target one after another! Therefore, with the sound of "boom" explosions one after another, the explosive fog continued to rise at the target, and the power plants in the enemy base exploded one after another in the roar, in the explosion fog.

After the enemy's power plants were destroyed one after another, Liu Zheng saw that the power supply in the enemy's base was finally cut off again. At this time, Liu Zheng finally seized a quite good opportunity! Yes, this is really a very rare opportunity! And as long as you can make full use of this opportunity, then naturally, you can destroy the construction of the enemy's base.


In this way, as expected, Liu Zheng's V5-Intercontinental Missile Launchers once again concentrated all their firepower and began another full attack on the main construction factory in the enemy base! They set up their missile launchers one after another, and then, with the sound of missile launch suddenly sounded, Liu Zheng saw that several rockets began to spray the fierce flames from the launcher, and at the same time, a rolling black smoke rose on the ground. Then, in the roar, the missiles launched by the V5-continental missile launchers sprayed the orange tail flame and soared to the sky under the acceleration.

Then, after flying to a certain height, it suddenly changed direction, and then, in the air, it skipped over its own base, flew through the jungle, and flew over a large area of sea, and then continued to roar towards the construction factory in the enemy base...

"Boom~~" Because there is no air defense force in the enemy's base at this time. It was originally a fairly perfect air defense system, which has been destroyed by Liu Zheng because of the destruction of those power plants. Therefore, naturally, the large thrust rockets launched by Liu Zheng's V5-intercontinental missile launchers located behind his base have finally hit the target one after another. Therefore, naturally, the large thrust rockets launched by Liu Zheng's V5-intercontinental missile launchers located behind his base have finally hit the target one after another.

And with the deafening explosion, Liu Zheng saw that the main construction factory in the enemy base was finally blown up. Finally, it was blown up. Then, Liu Zheng took the opportunity to kill the chariot factory in the enemy base with his own short-range missile launchers. Of course, Liu Zheng knew what the role of the enemy chariot factory meant. Among the urgently needed bases, in addition to the construction of the main factory, the most valuable one Military facilities.

Yes, of course, Liu Zheng knows that the chariot factory is the place where chariots are produced. Once it is destroyed, it means that the enemy's base cannot produce new chariots, and chariots are the most important combat force in the battle. Once the enemy can no longer produce chariots, their combat capabilities will be greatly affected.

Of course, on the other hand, Liu Zheng did not dare to neglect at all to seize the time to destroy as many enemy power plants as possible. The main construction factory in the enemy base has been completely destroyed by Liu Zheng so far. Therefore, in this case, some power plants will naturally be destroyed one by one. Liu Zheng paid attention to this because as some military facilities in the enemy base were constantly destroyed by himself, and as the number of military facilities decreased, the electricity consumed by the enemy base naturally decreased.

After the power consumption of the enemy base drops to a certain extent, their power supply may be restored. Once the power supply is restored, the natural research will be very unfavorable to Liu Zheng. Therefore, Liu Zheng decided to simply destroy some of the power plants in the enemy base. After thinking about this, with Liu Zheng's order, the missile launchers did not have the ability to carry out long-range attacks. Under the premise of not being controlled by the enemy's Yuri replicators, they launched a new round of offensive against the power plants in the enemy base.

Wow~~, Buddha gradually sounded with the sound of missile launch. Liu Zheng saw that one missile, at least shot out of his several missile launchers, roared through the air, accurately hit the target, and made a loud explosion sound. The power plants in the area were destroyed one after another under such a fierce attack. Yes, the number of chariots in enemy bases is getting smaller and smaller now. In this case, naturally, the defense force in the enemy base is at least. Without defense to protect, Liu Zheng's missile launchers can naturally fall across the enemy's base and kill in the west. Soon after, the power plants in the enemy's base have been almost destroyed by Liu Zheng.

However, for Liu Zheng, there is still a considerable difficulty in front of him to completely destroy the enemy's base, that is, although he has destroyed the main factory, chariot factory, barracks, and even several power plants in the enemy's base. It can be said that so far, Liu Zheng has basically disabled the base in the area. Naturally, the combat forces in the enemy base are also eliminated one by one. Therefore, for Liu Zheng, it is only a matter of time before the base in the area is completely destroyed.

However, Liu Zheng could have sent all his ground combat forces to the enemy's base for a decisive battle on the ground. However, what Liu Zheng felt looking forward to was that there were as many Yuri replicators in the enemy's base. Moreover, according to Liu Zheng's understanding of that kind of Yuri replicator, there will be a decisive battle on the ground. However, what Liu Zheng felt looking forward to was that there were as many Yuri replicators in the enemy's base. Moreover, according to Liu Zheng's understanding of the kind of Yuri replicator, he knows that the control distance of the Yuri replicator is far greater than the attack distance of his missile launchers.

In this case, if you continue to use the garbage missile launchers to attack the Yuri replicators in the enemy base, then naturally, there will be a result that Liu Zheng absolutely does not want to see: his missile launchers were attacked by the enemy when they were preparing to attack. Several Yuri clones were unfortunately controlled. In that case, I will suffer a dumb loss.

However, soon, Liu Zheng came up with a solution to this problem. He took his own combat forces that had attacked the enemy base and returned to the exit of the enemy base. At the same time, the female deer helicopters that ordered him took off from his base and flew in the direction of the base in the area.

Because the power supply had already been cut off by Liu Zheng in the enemy's base, its air defense system has been completely paralyzed. In this way, Liu Zheng's female deer helicopters can fly freely on the enemy's base. Naturally, it is no longer worried that it will be dropped by the enemy's anti-aircraft firepower. Soon after, Liu Zheng's families flew over Xiao He, flew over the jungle, and finally flew over the enemy base.

In the center of the base in the

area, just behind the ore refinery, several enemy Yuri replicators, Buddha looked like a few homeless wild dogs. After seeing this, Liu Zheng couldn't help sneering. With an order, his female deer helicopters flew over the heads of the enemy's Yuri replicators without hesitation.

"Ah, hit me hard!" In this way, with Liu Zheng's order, his female deer helicopters finally began to attack the target. As the sound of missile launches sounded one after another, missiles sprayed orange flames. In the continuous adjustment of the direction of flight, they roared across the space and hit the enemy, Yuri replicators in the center of the base.

"Ah ah~~" With the screams one after another, a famous Yuri replicator of the enemy was wiped out one by Liu Zheng's female deer helicopters. However, because they can't control air targets, there is nothing they can do in the face of the air-to-ground attacks of Liu Zheng's female deer helicopters. Soon after, five or six enemy replicators of Yuri were found on the ground. But there is nothing we can do. Soon after, five or six enemy replicators of Yuri were found on the ground. In this way, a problem that made Liu Zheng feel very difficult was finally solved under the attack of his same female deer helicopter.


In this way, Liu Zheng saw that there were not many combat forces that threatened him in the enemy's base. However, some still saw a magnetic explosion coil in the center of the enemy base. It should be said that under normal circumstances, that kind of magnetic explosion coil also needs to consume electricity. If the power supply in the base is cut off, then naturally, that kind of magnetic explosion coil will definitely stop working.

However, what makes Liu Zheng feel a little confused is that the magnetic explosion coil produced by traditional Chinese medicine at the enemy base still shines dazzlingly. The dazzling light looks like lightning, even ionizing the surrounding air. Liu Zheng really didn't understand this phenomenon when it was opened, but soon after, Liu Zheng finally understood.

It turned out that Liu Zheng saw that in the magnetic explosion coil of the enemy, in the four directions of southeast and northwest, only dozens of meters away from the magnetic explosion coil, there was an enemy's magnetic explosion engineering soldier. Yes, it's really that kind of magnetic explosion engineers of the enemy! Finally, after seeing this, Liu Zheng finally understood. Because that kind of magnetic explosion engineers can transmit their magnetic energy to that magnetic explosion coil.

In this way, because the four enemy's magnetic explosion engineers continuously instilled magnetic energy into the magnetic explosion coil, although the magnetic explosion coil in that area lost power support, the magnetic explosion coil without power support got the magnetic energy input of the four magnetic explosion engineers. Moreover, Liu Zheng also knows that the more magnetic explosion engineers who input magnetic energy into a magnetic explosion coil, then naturally, the stronger the attack ability of that magnetic explosion coil will be.