Star Trek

Chapter 266 Stormy Day 1

After some efforts, Liu Zheng and Mei Ting basically surrounded the enemy's position. Yes, that's the situation. Judging from the current situation, the first enemy base has no combat capability, and his destruction will be a matter of sooner or later. Therefore, in this case, Liu Zheng and Mei Ting can finally breathe a sigh of relief.

While there is still a little time left, Liu Zheng habitually analyzed and summarized his combat process for a period of time. Yes, this has indeed formed a habit for Commissar Liu to say. Liu Changqing thought that the ancients said it well, and a person should reflect on his behavior many times every day. In this way, if it is not good, you can constantly sum up lessons learned. In the future, when you do such things, you will not make the same mistakes again. At the same time, you will have some successful experiences. Of course, it can also be difficult to use similar things in the future.

The following is the conclusion of Liu Zheng's reflection this time: First of all, when fighting a war with the opponent, you must first understand the opponent's character. Just like everyone has their own appearance, everyone's personality has its own characteristics. The same is true in terms of combat.

As the ancients said, knowing oneself and knowing each other is invincible. Knowing yourself and knowing your enemy here is not only to understand the construction of the opponent's base, what kind of combat units have been produced, how much production and construction funds have been obtained in the opponent's base so far, and so on. Of course, these are very important, and of course they are what you should know. Yes, this is indeed quite important, and this commander is right to pay attention to this point.

However, in fact, things are not so simple. In addition to the content mentioned above, the so-called acquaintance is also very important, that is, you should fully understand the characteristics of your opponent's personality. For this, it seems that it is more important to understand other aspects. Therefore, Liu Zheng attaches great importance to the study of his opponent's character in every battle. Because of this, Liu Zhengcai has achieved quite good results in previous battles, thus becoming a well-known player at the ashes level.

For example, for example, some opponents like defensive counterattack tactics, so in this case, they should not attack directly against such opponents. In other words, we should try to avoid that kind of frontal attack. Otherwise, the opponent pays great attention to defensive counterattack, so naturally, the opponent's base defense will be very good, and it can even be called solid. Actively, even if you are strong and can fight well, but in the face of the opponent's tough defense and such solid fortifications, it is naturally not easy to break through the enemy's base.

In addition, if the opponent likes to attack, in this case, then you must first do a good job in the defense of your base, and then consider finding an opportunity to raid the opponent's base. The reason for this is that such opponents who like to attack pay more attention to their own attack power, and often do not do enough defense of their own bases. Therefore, in this case, although the opponent's attack is a considerable threat to their own base, it also provides a very good opportunity for itself.

The above is the first aspect summarized by Liu Zheng. That is, you must first understand the character of your opponent. As the saying goes, you know yourself and know your enemy. The second and second points summarized by Liu Zheng is that, in any case, we should first understand the characteristics of the map. Or in other words, you should fully understand the terrain characteristics of yourself and your opponent's base. In many cases, in many cases, some battles are often carried out with the help of terrain.

The third point is that you must not forget the economic construction in your base. Yes, in many cases, people often only focus on developing their combat capabilities. Only in this way can they form an attack on the enemy. However, there is one thing that many people often don't pay attention to, that is, a big war is actually a matter of money. If at the beginning of the battle, players have completely produced most of the production and construction funds into weapons, but the economic development in their own base is basically not operated. In this way, although it may have a certain advantage in military power at that time, as time goes by, as long as the other party fixes his several attacks, this player's advantage will not appear.

Therefore, Liu Zheng summed up such an experience, that is, focusing only on combat strength is actually a short-sighted behavior and does not have a strategic vision. Once the resources in his base are exhausted, but the opponent is not killed, then, in this case, when the opponent's base has not suffered much damage, then the victory or defeat can be seen.

Therefore, for Liu Zheng, during the initial period of the base, in addition to producing some necessary defense forces, the first thing to do was to vigorously develop the economy. After all, nothing can be done without money.

The fourth point is actually that Liu Zheng valued most, that is, he must be familiar with the characteristics of various combat forces between the enemy and us, as well as the relationship between them. After all, the battle is carried out by weapons, so it is very important to fully understand the performance of each weapon, master their combat laws, understand their personalities and tempers, and understand their strengths and weaknesses, and it can also be said that it has basically been decided what to do on this point. 70 or 80th of the victory or defeat of the war.

For example, for Liu Zheng's powerful long-range missile launcher, it should be known that although this missile launcher has a long attack distance and its killing ability is not small, this company lacks a fatal weakness, that is, it is not equipped with a guidance system. Therefore, this kind of powerful missile launch vehicle, strictly speaking, does not belong to the category of missile launch vehicle.

Yes, that's the situation. For Commissar Liu, he is quite familiar with his long-range missile launcher. At the beginning, I couldn't figure out her temper, and I always thought that it would know where to hit, otherwise it would be called a missile! But in fact, what happened in the future made Liu Zheng feel very helpless, very funny and very depressed. Yes, that's indeed the case. Liu once went to his long-range missile launcher, the so-called powerful rocket launcher, to attack several enemy tanks rushing towards his base. However, the scene at that time was that the rockets were launched one by one, spraying the orange tail flame, soaring to the sky and roaring. However, Liu correctly saw that the target had left where his missile launch vehicle and the large thrust rocket launched had been attacked.

It was also from that time that Liu Zheng realized that his powerful long-range missile launch vehicle was a fixed target suitable for attacking the enemy. It is not suitable for attacking movable combat targets of clusters. Because it does not have a guidance system, how can it track movable enemy targets?

For example, if you really understand his function, if you really grasp her temper, then naturally, it will play a considerable role in the battle*. Although his role is not very long, he can provide the invulnerable protection of his chariot for more than half a minute. And the protective ability of knives and guns for more than half a minute can allow their soldiers to complete quite important tasks. Especially at some critical times and at some critical moments, the role of this iron curtain device will be more important.

However, then again, if the player does not understand the function of the Iron Curtain device, then it will be a big waste of this good thing. According to a simple example, if the enemy's super weapon will attack your base soon, but at this time, you find that the enemy's base has 10 points of tight defense, and you want to send combat power to kill the enemy's super weapon, which is really 10 points difficult, but Time waits for no one. Once your base is attacked by the enemy's superweapons, you may really have a chance to win in turn.

In this case, once you are familiar with the function of the iron curtain device, then put the iron curtain device on your several tanks, and then send the chariots wet with the effect of the iron curtain device to attack the enemy's base, to be precise, the one in the enemy base. Superweapons attacked and went away.

In this case, because their chariots are wet with the role of the iron curtain device, when they rush into the enemy's defense position, although they will be fully attacked by all the combat forces in the enemy's defense base, because they are protected by the iron curtain device, Some of the enemy's combat attacks can't cause any damage to them. In this case, the chariots with the iron curtain device can naturally kill the superweapon in the enemy base with the help of the protection of the iron curtain device.


After thinking about this, Liu Zheng felt that after the summary just now, he really gained a lot. Yes, I have been used to such a summary and have been used to such an analysis. In this way, these experiences and lessons naturally summarized will directly play a role in future battles. Liu Zheng is still very confident about this.

And now, looking not far ahead, the base that has been big and has no enemy, looks empty, in sharp contrast to the prosperous scene just now. Yes, once upon a time, the enemy's base was so strong that it even had no power to fight back. However, after his own efforts, he fought with his opponents. On the one hand, he handcuffed the enemy's crazy counterattack, and on the other hand, he did not delay the economic construction of his base. So in the end, the enemy was finally defeated.

Looking at the ground of the enemy's base, the wreckage of various chariots and military facilities are distributed everywhere, large and small craters, and even more scattered, as well as the bodies of some enemy infantry units, as those with broken limbs and arms, divided horizontally and vertically. It was clothed on the ground, and the fireworks were still burning brightly.

After seeing this, Liu Zheng naturally felt very emotional. There is a great feeling of human affairs. However, Liu Zheng recovered from the sentimental state just now, because at this time, Liu Zheng's eyes lit up. He saw that there were still two abandoned bases on the enemy's abandoned base. Yes, it was indeed two technological drilling wells! After seeing this, Liu Zheng couldn't help but be furious!

Yes, for this reason, Liu Zheng knows that he pursues more production and construction funds! And this kind of technology drilling oil wells can continuously provide production and construction funds for their own bases. Therefore, since I have destroyed one of the enemy's bases, these two technology drilling oil wells are also regarded as their own trophies.

After arriving here, Liu Zheng clearly knew that his two engineers set out from his base and rushed to the technology drilling oil well on the abandoned base of the enemy. At this time, Liu Zheng clearly saw that his two engineers, holding a toolbox in their hands, looked very excited. They also wear light yellow hats on their heads, which also look 10 cents cute. They threw the toolbox in their hands very high, and it seemed that if they were not careful, they would be thrown out of the sky.

One of the engineers, by this time, has rushed to the side of the technology drilling well. Then, Liu Zheng clearly saw that the engineer flashed his body towards the technology drilling well. With a swipe, the engineer of his own could not be seen at once.

Then, Liu Zheng saw that the technology drilling well suddenly became his own. After seeing this, Liu Zheng naturally felt very happy. Haha, haha, it seems that I am not white this time. However, at this time, Liu Zheng saw that his second engineer seemed to be in a little trouble. Yes, at this time, Liu Zheng had already heard a gunshot. Da Da, big, several enemy mobilizers were standing next to the technology drilling oil well and fired at Liu Zheng's engineer.

Liu Zheng saw that one of his engineers was knocked down in the face of the attack of the enemy's mobilized soldiers. He crawled on the ground, but still climbed forward happily. After seeing this, Liu Zheng couldn't help but be angry and scolded, "Bastard, if you climb forward, won't you die in vain? The quilt will come, and get back to me!"

Yes, although Liu Zheng is not short of money now, after all, that engineer also needs to consume 500 production and construction funds. In particular, no matter what, I can't let her send it for nothing. After hearing Liu Zheng's order, one of his engineers was really obedient in the future. Then, Liu Zheng gave an order, so his own and multi-functional laser attack mecha chariots, yes, that kind of multi-functional laser chariot, in that sound and buzzed towards several enemy mobilized soldiers next to the technology drilling well.

Because of its own multi-functional laser attack mecha tank, it has quite good medium- and long-range attack ability, so naturally, facing several enemy soldiers, located next to the technology drilling well, the enemy's mobilization infantry, The "first-first" combat plan has been adopted. And with Liu Zheng's order, their attack finally began. At this time, laser beams shot out of those multi-functional mecha tanks. It looked like a lightsa, breaking through the wind and hitting the target fiercely, making a loud explosion. Moreover, the laser emission frequency of those multi-functional mecha chariots is quite high, almost one after another! The attack laser beams came from different directions, and the momentum was so powerful that it was quite terrible.

And the laser beams ejected from the hands of Liu Zheng's multi-functional laser attack mecha chariots. Liu Zheng saw that the enemy's mobilizers could not withstand such a blow at all. Therefore, immediately, with the sound of screams suddenly coming, Liu Zheng saw that under the fierce attack of his axis of multi-functional laser attack mecha chariots and strong laser beams, the last few mobilizers of the enemy guarding the technology drilling well, In this way, it was eliminated one after another.

Then, with Liu Zheng's order, one of his engineers finally returned again, and soon after, he finally occupied the science and technology drilling well that originally belonged to the enemy. In this way, the enemy's base was destroyed, and Liu Zheng obtained two technology drilling wells. I also think it's quite cost-effective.