Star Trek

Chapter 274 Stormy Day 9

When Liu Zheng carefully prepared his base defense, what he didn't expect was that this time, he actually miscalculated. Yes, that's true. This time, I originally paid great attention to the defense of the enemy's air power, because according to previous experience, at this time, when the base was founded, Wang Shuo, the enemy's air attack had unprepared power. Relatively speaking, that kind of ground attack is often acceptable to itself. This is also the main reason why fluency gives priority to the development of air defense.

However, what Liu Zhang didn't expect was that this time, he really miscalculated. Yes, under the air defense effect of the light armored vehicles produced first, the purpose of the enemy's armed helicopter that attacked its base was obviously not achieved, and it was unable to capture any of Liu Zheng's military facilities by the enemy engineers. There is no doubt that this is very successful. However, as the saying goes, Gu Wei can't fight, which really makes Liu Zheng Gu can't fight. Obviously, he was able to defend against the enemy's air attack, including any air action, which was a very gratifying thing for Liu Zheng. However, soon after, the problem followed.

Because Liu Zheng's transition focuses on air defense operations, it naturally leads to a great decline in his ground defense. So far, Liu Zheng's ground defense force, in addition to the 3 or 4 ballistic missiles, is just some of the combat power brought by the system itself. Including more than a dozen of their own infantry fighting strength, and 5 or 6 tank tanks, which are light ground guard tanks. However, what kind of defensive effect can you produce with such a ground defense force?

Just as Liu Zheng was preparing to wait and see, soon, the opportunity to test his ground defense ability had come. At this time, Liu Zheng suddenly found that more than 10 enemy tanks of all kinds had rushed all the way from the southwest of his base and had rushed to the edge of his base. Of course, in the face of this situation, their ballistic missiles will naturally play the role of their long-range attacks. As a whistling sounded one after another, the ballistic missiles opened fire one after another. "Oh, several missiles were fired from those launchers, spraying the orange tail flame, roaring and being blow away by the wind. The missiles flew quickly through the clouds and fog. After crossing a melon line, they hit the roaring enemy chariots very accurately.

Moreover, what makes Liu Zheng feel some incredible is that the guidance ability of this kind of ballistic missile is so powerful! Even if the position of the target has changed, the ballistic missiles still follow like shadows until the target is hit. After touching the target, those ballistic missiles bombarded and exploded one after another, blowing up a dark red exploding fog and rising to the sky. It is enough to show the power of that kind of ballistic missile.

At the beginning, Liu Zheng was very happy about the excellent performance of his ballistic missiles. Thinking to myself, with the excellent attack ability of these ballistic missiles, including their long-range interception, their accurate guidance ability, and of course, their good lethality, all these can destroy some of the enemy's attack tanks halfway. More.

However, only half of Liu Zheng's prediction was correct. That is, his analysis of the performance of his ballistic missiles is still very correct. However, its expectations for the outcome of the battle are very outrageous. Later, Liu Zheng gradually realized that even if his kind of ballistic missile had so many advantages, after all, the number was too small. 3-4 ballistic missiles, facing more than 10 enemy tanks at the same time, is indeed a drop in the bucket.

Yes, that's actually the case. In this way, Liu Zheng's ballistic missiles were finally unable to stop the attack of more than 10 various tanks of the enemy. Although two or three of the enemy tanks were destroyed by Liu Zheng's ballistic missiles in the process of attacking Liu Zheng's base, the remaining enemies All kinds of tanks of the army finally broke through the blockade of Liu Zheng's ballistic missiles and invaded Liu Zheng's base. Although two or three enemy tanks were destroyed by Liu Zheng's ballistic missiles in the process of attacking Liu Zheng's base, the remaining enemy tanks finally broke through the blockade of Liu Zheng's ballistic missiles and entered Liu Zheng's base.

Naturally, after seeing this, Liu Zheng suddenly panicked. Yes, it's time. Of course, Liu Zheng knows that his ballistic missiles can no longer play any important role. Because after all, it belongs to the long-range strike force, and the target is under his eyes. For this kind of ballistic missile, it is undoubtedly the torture of them.

"Oh..." At this time, some of the enemy's tanks had attacked all kinds of tanks in Liu Zheng's base and began to fire on some of the military facilities in Liu Zheng's base. Shells came one by one, roared across the arcs, and accurately hit the target, making a roaring explosion. It was not until this time that Liu Zheng realized what a big mistake he had made. However, now, Liu Zheng has become a skillful woman who can't cook without rice, even if she has a good plan, after all, she doesn't have many troops to use. Only the original combat power brought by the start-up system of my own base. However, Liu Zheng knows that with those primitive combat power alone, it is conceivable that it is difficult to destroy at least 8-9 enemy chariots now.

However, when Liu Zing Garlic packaged his own main factory into a base car, and then took 36 as the best strategy, the situation suddenly changed. Unexpectedly, some of the original combat power in his base, including five to six of their own guardian tanks and more than 10 infantry combat power, actually exerted much stronger combat power than expected. In particular, with the assistance of some ballistic missiles in his base, he gradually gained the advantage of fighting. Soon, Liu Zheng saw that at this time, his base was already full of gunpowder smoke and fire. Their own ballistic missiles kept attacking the targets located in their own base, and even the enemy's combat strength around them - the various tanks, which seemed to attack reluctantly and helplessly. In addition, some of Liu Zheng's original combat power, especially the combat power of more than a dozen infantry, is obviously in addition to their well-trained basic qualities.

Often, two or three infantry fighting forces besieged an enemy chariot, but the enemy's chariot Gu Dong couldn't go around, Gu Fu couldn't fight, but Liao Sanming and Liu Zheng's infantry fighting power was confused, and finally it was knocked off. In addition, those guardian tanks of Liu Zheng, with the cooperation of their own infantry combat strength and ballistic missiles, are also bigger and more energetic, and brave, almost firing shells to hit the target one after another, and the attack success rate has been greatly improved. In this way, after such a scuffle, when Liu Zheng smashed several important military facilities, for example, a power plant, a barracks, and a ballistic missile were destroyed by several enemy tanks that rushed into the base. However, despite this, after all, Liu Zheng relied on the heroism and tenacity of some of his original combat power, and finally eliminated the enemy's attack force. However, Liu Zheng also sounded the alarm, that is, whether in terms of air defense or ground defense, he can't take it lightly, otherwise, his base may be destroyed by the enemy at any time. This is a bloody lesson.

After that, Liu Zheng naturally has to clean up the battlefield - wow, he is. I didn't expect that my base would become the first battlefield for the two sides to fight. It's really a ruthless irony for myself. Looking at his base, Liu Zheng's face was solemn, with only his lips, and his heart was fierce: I will definitely settle this account with you.

After the Dazuowan battlefield, Liu Zhang naturally built some important military facilities destroyed by the enemy in the battle just now, including a power plant, a barracks, and a ballistic missile. Then, Liu Zheng thought for a moment and decided that in order to commend the following heroic infantry in the defensive operation just now, this time, he let the infantry combat power play the protagonist of the defensive battle. Thinking of this, Liu Zheng suddenly produced more than 20 infantry, but divided these infantry into three parts and stationed them in three civil buildings in different directions of his base. In this way

, you can safely make other preparations. At this time, Liu Zheng was not sure whether his deployment could play a role and achieve his intended purpose. However, Liu Zheng can also think about it. Many times, many things can only cross the river by feeling the stone and talk about it step by step.


Yes, fortunately, there are exactly three civilian buildings around their own base, and it seems that the three civilian buildings are almost in the shape of a regular triangle, guarding all the military facilities in their own base. They really look like three powerful buildings. The samurai, who protects his base, looks very warm in his heart. After seeing this, Liu Zheng couldn't help but feel more secure. Um, that's right, that's right, but, why didn't I think of this just now? Why didn't I think of this just now? Wow! Otherwise, if I had thought of this just now, then naturally, there would not be a scene of those chariots by the enemy in their own base. Mother, mother, it's really my fault, it's really my fault!

Yes, now, Liu Zheng has stationed as many as seven or eight infantry soldiers in each civilian building. Liu Zheng knew that once the infantry fighting power was stationed in the building, it would naturally greatly improve his combat ability. Yes, that's true. Whether it is its range or its lethality, it will not be doubled. Therefore, it is true that we should have made full use of these civil buildings.

In this way, Liu Zheng finally completed his deployment of the three buildings. In this way, naturally, the defense ability of his base has also been further strengthened, which is of course very important for Liu Zheng. And just after Liu Zheng finished the deployment, another enemy attack began again. After seeing this, Liu Zheng couldn't help sneering secretly. Then, he thought to himself, "Wow, damn it, just right, just right! I can just see if he can resist this attack from the enemy after his defense is strengthened this time! Well, yes, this is indeed a very good opportunity to test your defense ability!"

Facing such an opportunity, Liu Zheng naturally grasped it very strongly. This time, the attack was still a mixed force of the enemy's infantry and mechanical forces. However, when they just attacked the entrance and exit of Liu Zheng's base, the residential house there suddenly sounded the sound of machine guns firing one after another. The dark red fire tongue spewed out of the house, which greatly strengthened its shooting distance and its attack strength.

"Boom~~" In this way, with the coverage of the dense firepower network, the enemy's chariots finally exploded quickly. And the infantry of the enemy quickly fell down in the howling. After watching the scene at that time, it was really exciting and exciting. And the infantry of the enemy quickly fell down in the howling. After watching the scene at that time, it was really exciting and exciting.

At the same time, the three or four ballistic missiles in Liu Zheng's base also shot out. In that roar, those missiles seemed to have finally found a great opportunity for revenge. As a whistling sounded one after another, the ballistic missiles opened fire one after another. "Oh, several missiles were fired from those launchers, spraying the orange tail flame, roaring and being blow away by the wind. The missiles flew quickly through the clouds and fog. After crossing a melon line, they hit the roaring enemy chariots very accurately.

However, so far, Liu Zheng is no longer surprised by how powerful his ballistic missile is. Yes, that's true. Because soon after, I have actually seen its power. Its guiding ability is so powerful! Even if the position of the target has changed, the ballistic missiles still follow like shadows until the target is hit. After touching the target, those ballistic missiles bombarded and exploded one after another, blowing up a dark red exploding fog and rising to the sky. It is enough to show the power of that kind of ballistic missile.

"Boom ~ ~" "Ah ah ~ ~ ~"

In this way, with the joint attack of Liu Zheng's armed building and his own ballistic missile, the target is naturally flesh and blood flying, and the wreckage and debris rose one after another, and then fell one after another. A violent explosion, the kind of scream when the infantry was killed, came one after another. Liu Zheng felt the cruelty of the war again.

However, soon after, the enemy's attack power finally came back. Wow, damn it! All the enemy's combat power has begun to gather to attack its own civilian building! Inside, there was the group of infantry fighting power stationed by Liu Zheng.

In fact, as early as before, Liu Zheng had found that the health value of his residential house stationed in infantry combat power had been destroyed a lot. Now it seems that there are only less than 40 percent left. However, during the melee at that time, the enemy's attack power had been eliminated a lot. Now it seems that there are only less than 40 percent left. However, during the melee at that time, the enemy's attack power and attack targets were naturally not so dedicated, because they should naturally deal with other Liu Zheng's defense forces.