Star Trek

Chapter 275 Stormy Day 10

"Boom~~" In this way, Liu Zheng suddenly found that his house, which had entered his infantry fighting power, exploded with a bang.

After seeing this, Liu Zheng also felt very helpless. Yes, from the current situation, I don't have enough power to stop the enemy from defeating my residential defense. Then, Liu Zheng saw that the enemy's offensive forces once again set off a blazing flame for his other defensive residence. In this way, a total of three people were able to defend residential houses. Liu Zheng saw that there were already two burning flames that had been attacked by the Ji army.

Liu Zheng knows that once his defensive house is on fire, then the combat power settled in it, that is, some of his infantry fighting power, will not be able to defend in it. In this case, some of his infantry fighting power can only run out of it.

Looking at his two broken appearances attacked by the enemy's attack power, and looking at the blazing flames and the rolling black smoke hovering around it, Liu Zheng did not think of any good ideas for a moment. Fortunately, the part of the combat power given to itself by the system, including the three Guardian tanks and eight to nine of their own infantry, did their best to stop the enemy's further attack under the cover of their three ballistic missiles. Therefore, from that time, Liu Zheng saw that some important military facilities in his base were not dangerous at that time. However, Liu Zheng certainly cares about being his own defensive house. Yes, from the current situation, if the two defensive houses can be used by themselves again, then they will form a situation of attack on some of the enemy's invasion forces. In that case, Liu Zheng would not believe that this part of the enemy's combat power can't be dumplings.

After seeing the situation clearly, Liu Zheng's eyes suddenly lit up. Shit, he! If I use an engineer to repair the defensive residential house, won't some of my infantry forces be able to enter and live in again? In that case, once the attack on the defense of residential houses and the attack on the enemy given by the system in the core area of its own base are combined, then that part of the enemy's attack power will definitely be made by itself.

After thinking of this, Liu Zheng ordered Mei Ting to train two engineers quickly. However, at this time, Mei Ting, who had been responsible for the construction and production of the base, said to Liu Zheng, "Brother Zheng, in response to this attack by the enemy, the production and construction funds in our base have now been used up." What, have you used melons so soon? After listening to Mei Ting's words, Liu Zheng felt something unbelievable. However, Mei Ting still believes her own words. It seems that due to the rampant attacks of the enemy during this period, this has led to too much production and construction funds in combat production. In addition, it is possible to neglect management of their own economic construction. In this way, the situation in your own base has created the current situation of not enough to make ends meet, which can also be understood.

However, Liu Zheng also knew that in any case, he should repair the two defensive houses. Otherwise, your whole base may still be hit hard by the enemy. After thinking about this, Liu Zheng couldn't help gritting his teeth and stressed to Mei Ting again, "Meiting, even if you smash the pot and sell iron for me, you have to train two engineers. Remember, at all costs, you have to train me two engineers first. At this time, the order will be ordered."

Mei Ting's machete Liu Zheng was really anxious this time, and then said to Liu Zheng, "Brother Zheng, in this case, I have to sell some relatively un very important military facilities first. Other than that, it's true. There's really nothing else I can do." After Liu Zheng allowed Mei Ting's suggestion, soon after, in the smoke, Mei Ting finally trained two engineers for Liu Zheng. Then, Liu Zheng gave an order and ordered the two engineers to get in and repair the houses. Yes, from the current situation, it is the top priority to repair the two defensive houses.

In this way, Liu Zheng saw that the two newly trained engineers, each with a toolbox in their hands, walked in a hurry, with gunfire, divided into two directions, and rushed to their respective targets - the two defensive houses if they had been destroyed by the enemy. In fact, Liu Zheng also knew that in this case, he had better send some combat effectiveness to escort the two engineers to complete the task. However, judging from the current situation, I really can't get any other strength to escort them. Life and death are made to be rich. Whether these two engineers can complete the task depends on their own creation.

Not bad. The two engineers crawled forward in the rain of bullets under the enemy's fire, showing the quality that a field engineer should have. Soon, the two engineers finally got into their houses. Soon, the two defensive houses were burning. With the entry of the two engineers, they suddenly regained their youth and the fireworks completely disappeared.

Then, Liu Zheng was naturally very happy to see that his two engineers had finally completed the task and repaired the defensive residence that was of great significance to him. Then, Liu Zheng gave an order that his infantry soldiers rushed into the two defensive houses again almost at the first time. Therefore, soon, with the sound of the machine gun attack, Liu Zheng saw that in the shooting holes of the two defensive houses, the dazzling firelight kept shining, and the two defensive houses opened fire together, forming a horn. Therefore, the enemy's attack force was attacked by Liu Zheng. The two defensive houses that have just been repaired make it difficult for the attack.

At the same time, Liu Zheng's ballistic missile once again gave full play to their advantages in long-range attack, coupled with the high-precision guidance ability of this ballistic missile. Therefore, at this time, the enemy's attack force, whose momentum, has been defeated by Liu Zheng. In this way, half a minute later, the enemy's attacking force was finally destroyed by Liu Zheng again. Of course, the location was still in Liu Zheng's base.

Liu Zheng knew that it was his two engineers who could reverse the situation in the battle just now. Yes, of course it is obvious. If my two engineers hadn't repaired the two defensive houses that had been beaten by the enemy, I'm afraid I wouldn't dare to say what their base would have been used now.

Therefore, through the battle just now, Liu Zheng also further realized that repair and maintenance is really quite important for a base, a battle, and even a war. In the same way, Liu Zheng thought that under the current situation that his combat strength is not very strong and the number of his combat strength is not enough, it is really necessary for him to produce a few field maintenance vehicles. In that case, once some of your chariots have been subjected to some water in the battle, you can quickly repair them through your own field maintenance vehicles. In that case, on the one hand, you can save a considerable amount of production and construction funds on the offline, and on the other hand, more importantly, you will not waste fighter planes and better seize the opportunity to fight.

However, Liu Zheng has now learned that production and construction funds are very scarce in his base. Just now, after Mei Ting sold her own power plant, she finally trained two engineers. This also shows how the economic situation in your base is. Therefore, Liu Zheng decided that on the one hand, he must vigorously develop the economic construction of his base, and on the other hand, on this basis, he must carry out the necessary combat production.

The enemy may also have been afraid of Liu Zheng's blocking battle just now, so within the next 20 minutes, no more troops were sent to attack Liu Zheng's base. Liu Zheng also made full use of these 20 minutes to build three scientific and technological drilling wells. In this way, it should be said that the economic situation in his base and the military expenditure of his base have finally been guaranteed. After seeing this, Liu Zheng finally breathed a long sigh of relief. Yes, that kind of scientific and technological drilling oil well can be built by itself. However, due to the continuous battle over the past period of time, and the production and construction funds in its own base are 10 points accurate, which leads to the construction of two scientific and technological drilling oil wells.

However, only Liu Zheng himself knows that he has been frightened for 20 minutes. Yes, if the enemy is launching an attack on the same kind at this time, then it is certain that they will no longer have the strength to defend. This may be God's will. However, now, after building those two scientific and technological drilling oil wells, plus the ore refinery in his base, during this period, Liu Zheng's base account has actually accumulated a lot of production and construction funds. I dare not say that it is absolutely no problem to produce 20 or 30 chariots.

In this case, Liu Zheng should consider what kind of combat power he should produce first. After careful consideration, Liu Zheng decided that the following types of combat power must be prioritized to production within the shortest time. These combat capabilities are: Thunderbolt self-propelled artillery, heavy missile armed helicopters, and at least three to five field maintenance vehicles have been produced. Liu Zheng knows that once he has such a combat force, at least, the defense of his base should not be a problem.

In this way, with the assistance of those two defensive houses, Liu Zheng felt that the safety of his base was naturally much safer than before. Yes, naturally so. Moreover, Liu Zheng has used 20 minutes of protection to start the production of those important combat forces, including five Thunderbolt self-propelled guns, five heavy missile helicopters, and at least two field maintenance vehicles. For Liu Zheng, this combat power is the most basic and the most minimum. Of course, it is far from enough to have such combat power. In Liu Zheng's plan, after he really stands firm, he must build a nuclear energy mecha manufacturing platform so that he can produce nuclear energy mecha. And that kind of nuclear mecha is almost irreplaceable and indispensable for Commissar Liu, especially for Liu Zheng's future attack.

However, in fact, the short distance of the battle was not as Liu Zheng expected. Just as Liu Zheng produced three Thunderbolts and naval guns, Liu Zheng saw that his two defensive houses suddenly began to attack with all their strength. Shit, he's a girl! What is this attacking again? However, Liu Zheng saw clearly that three enemy terror robots were attacking Liu Zheng's base at this time. Horror robot? After seeing this, Liu Zheng couldn't help but feel scared. Of course, he knew what kind of combat capability the enemy's terrorist robot had.

You should know that the enemy's terrorist robot moves very fast. Once it gets into the target chariot, it will make trouble in the target chariot. In this case, unless the target chariot is repaired through a repair factory or through a field repair vehicle, they will no longer be able to survive, or be killed by terrorist robots at high or late. Therefore, Liu Zheng has always called this terrorist robot an invisible killer.

"Big, da da da..." Since he found the enemy's terrorist robots rushing towards his base, Liu Zheng saw that the infantry fighting power in his two defensive houses naturally stopped them with all his strength. Under the intensive fire attack, with a continuous sound of explosions, Liu Zheng saw that two enemy terror robots had been killed. Of course, Liu Zheng knew that this was completely killed by his own infantry stationed in the two defensive houses. Naturally intercepted with all its strength. Under the intensive fire attack, with a continuous sound of explosions, Liu Zheng saw that two enemy terror robots had been killed. Of course, Liu Zheng knew that this was completely killed by his own infantry stationed in the two defensive houses.

Originally, after defeating the enemy's terrorist robots, the matter was over, but at this time, Liu Zheng found that the three Thunderbolt rocket launchers that had just been produced in the depths of his base had also begun to attack. And this is exactly what Liu Zheng is most worried about. Because of their own Thunderbolt rockets, the shells they launch can not only destroy the enemy's battles, but also destroy their own combat forces, including military facilities.

Seeing that with the roar suddenly sounded, Liu Zheng saw that his three newly produced Thunderbolt rockets were firing in the direction of the enemy's two terrorist robots. Although the two enemy's terrorist robots have now been destroyed by their two defensive houses, the problem is also here. That is, when Liu Zheng's three Thunderbolt rockets just found the target, the enemy's terrorist robots had not been killed, so naturally, Liu Zheng's three Thunderbolt rockets naturally attacked them first.

However, the rocket launched by that kind of Thunderbolt rocket will take a certain amount of time in the process of flying in the air. Therefore, naturally, it is very likely that it will cause some errors over the attack time.

The actual situation is that while the rocket missiles were still flying in the air, the target, the enemy's terrorist robots, had been destroyed by Liu Zheng's two defensive houses. However, despite this, the rockets that are flying in mid-air will not stop because of this, and they are still carrying out their established flights. Of course, the bombing point is also established. With the harsh sound of missile fire, bundles of ground attack missiles emerged from the two Thunderbolt rockets, dragging the dark red tail flames and shooting at the target. And its trajectory also looks extremely smooth, and in the process of its flight, the windy roar is endless. It was the roaring all the way, and the fireworks all the way.

Liu Zheng saw that the attack distance of this kind of Thunderbolt self-propelled rocket is still quite far away! Moreover, the number of missiles is still quite large. At the very least, there are at least five or six missiles launched by each Thunderbolt self-propelled rocket. In this way, if two Thunderbolt self-propelled rockets fire at the target at the same time, the bunch of missiles will roar in mid-air, which is simply flying like rain! After hitting the target, the dark red explosive fog that broke out also looked very eye-catching. For a moment, where the missile attacked was naturally filled with smoke and dust, and a large area of purple fog rushed to the sky.