Star Trek

Chapter 282 New Journey 4

After seeing this, Liu Zheng breathed a long breath again. Wow, damn it, I didn't expect that the enemy's dreadnought warship almost destroyed Laozi's main construction factory. And if that's really the case, it will be really troublesome. You know, once I don't have to build a factory, how can I fight next? After all, so far, I haven't even built a chariot factory! Wow!

Yes, when I think of the big thrust rockets launched by the enemy's dreadnought warship, they actually have such a strong lethality. If I hadn't been in a hurry and used my own engineers to constantly repair my base, I'm afraid that now, I He has been out for a long time.

It should be said that after the battle just now, Liu Zheng still gained a lot. One of the most important points is that we should make full use of the special combat capabilities of our commandos. For example, in the face of the big thrust rocket attack of the enemy's dreadnought warship, if it is not your own commando, install the bomb on it and blow it up in a special way. Then, it is also possible that this base of your own has been eliminated. Yes, in fact.

Although at that time, I was competing with the rocket attack of the enemy's dreadnought warship by constantly repairing with engineers, over time, the advantage will naturally become more and more inclined to the enemy. Because after all, the fire attack of the enemy's fearless warship does not require any financial support. That's how long you can play as long as you are willing to play. In this regard, if you want to continue to persist, at the very least, you must produce an engineer in at least 15 seconds. It's like a seriously ill patient who has to rely on some kind of drug to maintain his life. Once the medicine is given, his life will be over.

So, in the battle just now, Liu Zheng also relied on his own special forces to blow up the enemy's fearless warship. In this way, it has avoided the result of killing its own base, at least the main construction factory in its own base, in one fell swoop when the enemy reinforcements arrived. It should be said that it was very good for Liu Zheng to achieve such a result in the battle just now.

Now, at least, Liu Zheng has occupied the island and built his own base. And this base will also be Liu Zheng's base camp. In the future, all Liu Zheng's attacks will take this as the starting point. Of course, this is his strongest supply line. It is the big rear he needs most. Therefore, no matter what, you have to build this place well. This is your old house.

However, the enemy also found that Liu Zheng had occupied the island. Naturally, the enemy would not let Liu Zhengde become so easily, so they sent landing troops one after another to attack the island occupied by Liu Zheng in an attempt to destroy all of Liu Zheng's troops on this island. Now, Liu Zheng has a general understanding of the following combat forces in his hands. There is basically no combat power of chariots. The chariots sent by the headquarters to give their vows have long been wiped out by the enemy in the defensive battle. Therefore, Liu Zhang's most reliable combat force is just the more than a dozen kinds of infantry fighting forces.

And the more than a dozen infantry fighting forces include both special forces and ordinary infantry fighters, and some of them are that kind of anti-tank soldiers. That is, the kind of anti-tank soldiers who can launch laser weapons. In the battles of the troops against the enemy's landing operations just now, it was this kind of anti-tank infantry that played the most important role. The laser weapons in their hands do have the lethality that other combat forces cannot have for the enemy's chariots.

So, almost, it can be said that without my anti-tank infantry, it can be said that Liu Zheng's base, the island occupied by Liu Zheng, had long been under the enemy's attacks. Yes, that's true.

Therefore, it is also for this reason that Liu is building his own business, and the first thing that comes to mind is to produce more anti-tank infantry. Because in future defensive operations, it should be said that some of the enemy's landing troops are still dominated by that kind of chariot combat power. In this case, it is naturally quite correct to prepare more anti-tank weapons.

So, now, the most important thing for Liu Zheng is undoubtedly to build his own base. In order to do this, Liu is now facing three problems. The first problem is the current defensive problem. Because of his current island, it has been discovered by the enemy. Therefore, the enemy naturally tried every means to send troops to destroy themselves. In order to eliminate their troubles.

So, according to these enemy attacks, it is as strong as once again and again. However, Liu Zheng's combat troops are getting smaller and smaller now. Yes, in the face of fierce attacks by the enemy, of course, you need to consume a lot of troops. However, now I can only replenish one barracks. However, it requires considerable production and construction funds. In this way, naturally, it is also a huge test for Liu Zheng's current economic operation system.

However, judging from the situation at that time, these troops in their hands could barely support several enemy attacks. In particular, I have now built four magnetic explosion coils. And the magnetic arc emitted by this magnetic explosion coil is quite lethal. It is still helpful to use them to assist some of their infantry fighting forces and defend their islands together. In addition, Liu Zheng also deployed the headquarters support to his self-propelled howitzer to his base. Moreover, at this time, Liu Zheng found that his self-propelled howitzer was still very helpful to defend his island together. In addition, Liu Zheng also deployed the headquarters support to his self-propelled howitzer to his base. Moreover, at this time, Liu Zheng found that his self-propelled howitzer had been upgraded to a Samsung elite level.

Obviously, Liu Zheng is very clear about how powerful the attack ability of the Samsung elite self-propelled howitzer is. They are not only lethal, but also have very good long-range strike ability. In this way, both the enemy's ground attack forces and the enemy's surface naval forces can be within the attack range of the self-propelled howitzer.

The trend makes Liu Zheng feel that the number of self-propelled howitzers is too small after all. After all, he only has one. If there were three or four islands, the defense of their own island would not be a problem. Therefore, in Liu Zheng's defense plan, with the soundness of his military facilities, he will further strengthen the construction of this land-based defense force. For example, that kind of ballistic missile is a good kind of land-based defense. Yes, in fact, that's true.

Therefore, Liu Zheng's first plan is to increase his defense force as much as he can. At that time, in order to enhance their defense capabilities, on the one hand, a group of anti-tank infantry was produced again. After all, once the enemy's attack force entered their own islands, they still relied on them for defensive operations. In addition, in order to strengthen the defense of your island, you must build more land-based long-range strike forces as soon as possible. For example, that kind of ballistic missile is a good choice.

Liu Zheng's second battle plan is to further develop his economic ability under the premise of doing a good job in the defense of his island. In order to develop his economic ability, Liu Zheng knows that the most important factor is that other technological refineries on the island across the river have been occupied. So far, I have only occupied two of them. In addition, there should be at least three technology drilling wells there. Therefore, as a very good opportunity for God, there is no reason not to occupy them. Once those technology drilling wells are occupied, it means that he has a continuous and stable capital supply base.

That is to say, once you occupy all the technology drilling wells on the island on the other side, it means that you will no longer be penniless. At the very least, the production and construction funds provided by the five technological oil wells on the opposite island can basically meet the needs of the construction of their own base, and they will no longer be penniless. At the very least, the production and construction funds provided by the five scientific and technological oil wells on the islands on the other side can basically meet the needs of their own base construction and will also meet the needs of their own combat production.

Liu Zheng's third combat plan is that under the very solid premise of his own defense base, and at the same time, the economic situation of his base has also improved considerably. In this case, he will improve all the military in the base. In this way, some of your best combat forces can also be produced in large quantities. Including ground combat forces, surface combat forces, and air combat forces. At that point, you will be able to complete the tasks assigned to you by the headquarters.

For Liu Zheng, the first problem he is currently facing is the lack of production funds. Therefore, now, Liu Zheng's first thing to do is how to vigorously develop the economy. Liu Zhang has thought that if he wants to achieve a complete improvement in his economy, he can mainly take two ways. One road, as just analyzed, will occupy all the remaining three technology drilling wells on the opposite island. In this way, at least 70% of my own economic problems will be solved.

Another solution is to build your own ore refinement plant. Yes, for Liu Zheng, for Liu Zheng's base, the construction of an ore refinement plant is of course very important. In particular, Liu Zheng found that although the island where his base is located is not very large, and the island is also very messy, there are still two gold deposits there anyway.

Although the area of those two gold deposits is not very large, what is there? On the one hand, this kind of gold deposit can be regenerated. Even if it is collected now, it can continue to be collected after a period of time. One of them. In addition, after all, it is much faster to earn production and construction funds by collecting ore than drilling oil wells with technology. Especially in the current situation, naturally, using this method of collecting ore to earn production and construction funds is much faster than drilling oil wells with technology. Especially in the current situation, Liu Zheng naturally needs such an ore refinement factory.

Because, from the current perspective, the situation is very urgent. Once the enemy sends a large number of attack troops, but they do not have enough economic strength to produce enough combat troops, then in this case, the only way Liu Zheng faces is to be driven to the sea by the enemy to feed fish.

After thinking of this, Liu Zheng knew that the time was very urgent, so he should put the plan into action as soon as possible. Therefore, Liu Zheng first trained five engineers. Then, Liu Zheng looked at the five newly trained engineers with serious eyes and said to her very solemnly, "You are about to shoulder the heavy responsibility of whether our military base can exist. Please do everything to you." After saying that, Liu Zheng waved his hand and shouted loudly: Let's go!

In this way, the five engineers who had just been trained boarded the transport helicopter one after another with Liu Zheng's order. Three seconds later, the propeller of the transport helicopter finally began to rotate slowly, and the faster it turned, the faster it became. The sound of the beautiful propeller spinning at high speed soon sounded over the island. Soon after, an armed transport helicopter rose from the island occupied by Liu Zheng, and then flew across the strait to another island on the other side of the strait.

Soon, Liu Zheng saw that his transport helicopter carrying five engineers finally successfully landed safely on the island on the other side. Then, five engineers came out of the transport helicopter one after another, and their own transport helicopter carrying five engineers finally successfully landed safely on the island on the other side. Then, five engineers came out of the transport helicopter with their toolbox in their hands.

Then, with Liu Zheng's remote control, they entered the remaining uncontrolled technology drilling wells. Soon after, Liu Zheng finally saw that all the technology drilling wells on the island waved their flags. It also proves that the five scientific and technological drilling wells have all become Liu Zheng's. In this way, there will also be a continuous flow of production and construction funds injected into the accounts in your base.

"I'm rich! I'm rich!" After seeing this, Liu Zheng couldn't help shouting excitedly.

Liu Zheng's next task is to build his own ore refinement factory. Building your own ore refinement plant is indeed of great significance. On the one hand, it can provide a large amount of timely production and construction funds for its current base construction and combat production. After all, in creating wealth, the speed of earning production and construction funds through ore refineries is much faster than the speed of earning production and construction funds through scientific and technological drilling.

In addition, there seems to be a more important role in building an ore polishing plant. That is, only after the ore refinement factory is built can you build a chariot factory. Liu Zheng knows that for any base, without a chariot factory, it is like a tiger without teeth. Only then can you build a chariot factory. Liu Zheng knows that for any base, without a chariot factory, it is like a tiger without teeth. Because no matter when or under what circumstances, the chariot is the most important attack and defense force. And if there is no chariot factory, it is undoubtedly a dream to produce chariots.

Therefore, it is his dream to build his own chariot factory as soon as possible. If he doesn't build his own chariot factory for a while, then Liu Zheng's heart will naturally be unstable for a while. If you want to build your own chariot factory, first of all, you must build your own ore refined factory. Therefore, Liu Zheng's next task is to build his ore refinement plant in time no matter what method he thinks, how many difficulties he overcome and how much pressure he can withstand. Otherwise, his base has actually resisted many attacks by the enemy, but that does not mean that it can withstand the more rampant attacks of the enemy in the future.