Star Trek

Chapter 281 New Journey 3

At this time, Liu Zheng saw that finally, the enemy's submarines finally began to attack his three commandos. Although Liu Zheng is also worried about this, judging from the current situation, he can't get rid of it at all.

Yes, you know, if you can't find the enemy's submarine in the sea, then it means that your combat strength can only wait to die. In addition, there is indeed no better way. If you can't find someone, how can you fight? I saw that the * bullets were wrapped in a stream of water, clinging to it and rushing forward. It looks like a whale, wandering away very quickly.

After hitting the target, just under the water, a dark red explosion fog rose, and the sound of a "boom" explosion kept coming. At the same time, the water splashed everywhere, and at the same time, a scream came. Liu Zheng saw that one of the commandos could no longer hold on. After draining the last drop of blood, he finally sank into the sea with hatred.

"Damn it, he is. I didn't expect that my special forces could not deal with submarines. What a mother's wine bag." Liu Zheng couldn't help cursing. But at that time, Liu Zheng could only curse, and there was no better way. At this time, the other two commandos were finally out of danger and landed safely.

After seeing this, Liu Zheng couldn't help taking a long breath. Damn, these two enemy submarines are here for the time being. I will settle accounts for you when I recover. For the rest of the time, Liu Zheng decided to clear all the enemy's military facilities on this island according to the requirements of the mission. Yes, before that, he blew up a huge cannon of the enemy. In addition, several power plants and a hospital were built on this island. Now, it's time to blow them up. After arriving here, with Liu Zheng's order, the remaining dozen commandos went separately to destroy some of the enemy's military facilities.

coaxing - baking - in this way, without the trembling interference of the enemy, some of Liu Zheng's commandos, but in this small world, it is simply Zhang Fei eating bean sprouts - a piece of cake. As they randomly threw the bomb on the target and the injury explosion came, the dark red explosion of the group rose to the sky, and then countless debris and fragments after the explosion fell. In this way, the enemy's military facilities on those islands were quickly and completely removed.

At this stage, according to the requirements of the headquarters, I have completed the first task: the island of combat power, as a prerequisite for the next step to build a military base here. In his posture, Liu Zheng couldn't help but count all the combat forces in his hand: three training warships, including a Regression-class warship and two heavy cruisers. In addition, it was the more than 10 commandos who were reinforced by the headquarters. So far, I still have 13 special forces commandos in my hands, that is, on that island.

At this time, Liu Zheng actually found that there were five to seven technology drilling wells on another island. However, Liu Zheng saw at the same time that those technology drilling wells had been occupied by the enemy. However, although it has been occupied by the enemy, there is no enemy combat force guarding there. Therefore, from the moment he found the island, Liu Zheng was ready to occupy those technological oil wells. Moreover, the island is not very far away from its own island, and it is just across a strait. Therefore, in this case, there is naturally no need for Liu Zheng to send his own commandos to blow up those technology drilling wells. After building your own base, those technological oil wells are 10 points important for the construction of your own base.

In this way, five minutes later, a message came from the headquarters that a new batch of reinforcements would arrive soon. Moreover, it was also delivered by airdrop. Sure enough, soon after, Liu Zheng saw that with the sound of rumbling planes flying from the air, several large military transport planes had soon flew over Liu Zheng's small island. Then, Liu Zheng saw that some military supplies were dropped from those large military transport aircraft. Among them, there is a construction factory, a military radar, and several flame soldiers. To be honest, Liu Zheng doesn't know much about this kind of interconnect. Yes, it can be said that this kind of interconnection is a new combat force for me, and I have never used it before. In this case, I think it is really necessary to study the next step.

So far, Liu Zheng knows that this island is the center, and he is actually about to have his own base. Next, he will take this base as his base and start a protracted battle with the enemy. Liu Zheng knows that this series of battles really has a long way to go and requires his own multifaceted qualities. He will take this base as his base and start a protracted battle with the enemy. Liu Zheng knows that this series of battles really has a long way to go and requires his own multifaceted qualities.

First of all, strong military command ability is the most important. The other two points are good economic development capacity. Without money, you can't produce enough combat power, and you don't have enough combat power. It's all on paper that you want to destroy the enemy's goals and how many enemy's main forces to destroy.

In this way, in Liu Zheng's expectant eyes, Liu Zheng saw that the base car packaged by the headquarters for himself was slowly descending to the ground under a huge parachute. At the same time, there was a military radar station that slowly dropped. Finally, eight seconds later, the two most important military facilities for Liu Zheng finally landed safely on the island. After seeing this, Liu Zheng breathed a sigh of relief happily, and a stone in his heart finally fell to the ground.

At this time, Liu Zheng received news from the headquarters that the enemy's good attack troops would soon arrive and asked Liu Zheng to be fully prepared. After receiving the news from the headquarters, Liu Zheng naturally felt a lot of pressure. Yes, now, although the base has sent a certain reinforcement force to itself, most of these reinforcements are only some infantry combat forces. Now, although the base has sent a certain reinforcement force to itself, most of these reinforcements are only some infantry combat forces.

includes some special forces, some ordinary infantry soldiers, and several flame soldiers. However, of course, Liu Zheng knows that if there is a real fight, relying on infantry combat power is naturally far from enough. At that time, it was mainly to see what combat troops the enemy sent to attack.

Of course, on the one hand, Liu Zheng quickly deployed, and on the other hand, Liu Zheng did not stop building his own base. Yes,

In terms of base construction, whether to build the barracks or the ore refinement factory first is really a question for Liu Zheng. Yes, in fact, that's true.

If you build barracks first, you can produce several engineers, and then transport them to another island across a strait from your base. On that island, there are five to seven technology refinement factories. Of course, Liu Zheng knows that those science and technology refined factories are of great significance for the construction of his base and the production of combat power.

And if you build that ore refinement factory first, it is actually very reasonable, but then again, there is really a difference. The construction of an ore refinement plant requires at least 2,000 production and construction funds. In addition, it will take at least two minutes. In these two minutes, I can't earn any more production and construction funds, let alone produce any combat power. In this case, once the enemy attacks itself, then with this force in his hand, he is really not sure that he can defend his position.

If the barracks are built first, because the production and construction funds consumed by the barracks are only 500, they should be built soon. After landing, you can produce engineers, even if your husband produces two or three engineers, then you are sending your own transport helicopter to transport the engineers just produced to the island on the other side, and then occupy those scientific and technological drilling wells.

In that case, there will be a continuous flow of production and construction funds to enter your account. In this way, you will have sufficient production and construction funds to produce your own combat strength. In this way, naturally, your combat strength will be greatly strengthened. Thus, it has greatly strengthened its defense ability. I will have sufficient production and construction funds to produce my own combat strength. In this way, naturally, your combat strength will be greatly strengthened. Thus, it has greatly strengthened its defense ability. In the face of the enemy's attack, he naturally became more confident.

Therefore, after some analysis, Liu Zheng decided that it was better to build a barracks first. In this way, Liu Zheng spent 500 production and construction funds to build a barracks. Immediately, Liu Zheng set up a training plan for five engineers. Yes, for his current base, an engineer may sometimes be equivalent to 70 infantry soldiers. All they have unique abilities and unique strengths can save their bases from extinction in many cases and in many cases.

At the same time, Liu Zheng moved the transport helicopter sent from the headquarters to his barracks. In this way, the engineers trained in the barracks can directly enter the helicopter, and then send the helicopter of the loaded engineer to the island on the other side. There, Haozuo Technology is drilling oil wells and is waiting for his own engineers to occupy it.

Yes, it should be said that for Liu Zheng, he is really facing a very good combat opportunity. Once you occupy the technology drilling wells on the opposite island, you will have a continuous flow of production and construction funds into your pocket. With money, you can build military facilities that should have been long and produce the combat forces you need. In that case, I will not be as embarrassed as I am now. With money, you can build military facilities that should have been long and produce the combat forces you need. In that case, I will not be as embarrassed as I am now.

Finally, after half a minute of anxious waiting, Liu Zheng finally produced three engineers. At this time, his transport helicopter had already stopped next to the barracks. Therefore, Liu Zheng should not be late and put all his three newly trained engineers into the transport helicopter almost in the first time. Then give an order and take off! Therefore, the helicopter of his own transport slowly rotated his propeller from the side of the barracks in his base, getting faster and faster.

Finally, in the high-speed rotation of the propeller of the buzzing camp, his transport helicopter finally slowly left the ground, and the three engineers at home flew across the strait, and then flew to the island on the other side of the strait. And just above that island, there are five technology drilling wells.

And the five technology drilling wells have long been seen by Liu Zheng. In a sense, the five technology drilling wells are specially prepared for their own bases. If you don't occupy it, it's really disrespectful.

Just when Liu Zheng carried his transport helicopter carrying the two engineers and landed on the island on the other side, Liu Zheng had not had time to call his two engineers out of the transport helicopter, let alone occupy the two technology drills on them. At this time, Liu Zheng found that the enemy's attack was really coming.

And it was not until this time that Liu Zheng regretted it. Yes, that's true. Long ago, the headquarters sent a message to itself that it had found transport ships in two directions of the enemy. At that time, Liu Zheng did not understand the headquarters, because the enemy's transport ship found was only to deliver supplies for the enemy. At that time, Liu Zheng was still puzzled and found two enemy transport ships. Anyway, the exam was a transport ship, so what does it matter? It's worth the fuss!

So, Liu Zheng didn't pay so much attention to it at that time. However, it turns out that the central proposal is still very correct. And the two enemy troops who come to attack themselves now seem to be the two transport ships found by the headquarters. After seeing this, Liu Zheng couldn't say anything more, and many soldiers came to block the water and cover the earth. After thinking about this, Liu Zheng gave an order, so some of his Prime Minister's fighting power on the island was divided into two parts, part by Liu Zheng. Block the attack force of the enemy at the left end of the island, and the attack force of an enemy at the right end of the leased island. In this way, although it has been a little hasty, it has finally established its own defense line.

Knowing this time, Liu Zheng found that the attack forces of the enemy who attacked his positions from the left and right sides were all transported by transport ships on both knees. Yes, with the sea full of islands, it is true that the transportation between islands mainly depends on this kind of amphibious transport ship. Although the transport helicopter can also transport some troops, after all, that kind of transport helicopter is not very large. It's okay to use it to transport some infantry combat power. But if you want to use it to transport some chariots, it won't work. Therefore, the transportation of troops between islands mainly depends on that kind of amphibious transport ship. Therefore, the message sent to me by the headquarters is still very valuable. In the current situation, the so-called transport ships can only transport troops. Therefore, the second-stage transport ship was found, and the enemy's transport fleet was found, which was also a signal of the enemy's action.

The battle was extremely tragic. Because most of Liu Zheng's troops are infantry, and although there are many special forces, they have no better way to face the enemy's attack troops, which are mainly chariots. Da Da Da Da Da, Liu Zheng saw that some of his infantry fighting power, with the rifles in his hand, fought to the enemy's offensive power. A shell exploded in the middle of them, and several of their own infantry were blown into the sky. For a moment, the island where Liu Zheng's base was located was shrouded in smoke. However, later, under the fierce attack of seven anti-tank soldiers, the enemy's attack force was finally eliminated on both sides. Anti-tank soldiers, they can release a laser beam, which happens to be very lethal to the chariot. Without those anti-tank soldiers, this first large-scale blocking battle may also end in Liu Zheng's defeat.