Star Trek

Chapter 286 New Journey 8

Now, Liu Zheng is about to set up the short iron curtain for his three heavy missile helicopters. Once the short iron curtain is successfully set up, Liu Zheng knows that it is basically the time for the enemy's base to perish. Liu Zheng is looking forward to it.

Time is very tight, so Liu Zheng's action must be carried out immediately. Otherwise, once your actions continue to be noticed, it will be more and more difficult to implement your own plan with the influx of a large number of enemy ground combat forces. Therefore, after thinking of this, Liu Zheng did not hesitate any more. With an order, three heavy missile armed helicopters immediately landed on the ground from mid-air.

Liu Zheng saw that as the three heavy missile helicopters landed on the ground, they also became land-based artillery in turn. This land-based gun has a long barrel, which is similar to the overall shape of the helicopter before deformation. After seeing this, Liu Zheng couldn't help smiling. Then, Liu Zheng knocked back his control panel and held the implementation button of his short iron curtain tightly in his hand.

The explosion sounded, which made Liu Zheng feel the urgency of the situation. Yes, after all, this is under the eyes of the enemy. If you are not careful, your action will fail this time. After thinking of this, Liu Zheng stamped his feet, gritted his teeth, and then made Liu Zheng feel the urgency of the situation by pressing the implementation button of the short iron curtain that time. Yes, after all, this is under the eyes of the enemy. If you are not careful, your action will fail this time. After thinking of this, Liu Zheng confidently stamped his feet, gritted his teeth, and then turned the implementation button of the short iron curtain to the helicopter that had just landed on the ground and deformed into a land-based artillery state.

So, Liu Zheng saw that with a strange sound, some black light spots were mottled, covering the three land-based artillery. Next, the black spots became more and more conspicuous. As time went by, they suddenly changed from the mottled appearance just now to pure black. During this period, a silver-white light also kept shining, which made people feel very strange.

Looking at the three heavy missile helicopters under the action of the iron curtain device, they looked mysterious, full of mystery, full of fear, full of a breath of blood and killing. After seeing this, Liu Zheng couldn't help sneering, and then gave an order, so the three helicopters under the state of land-based artillery began to slowly turn their propellers.

Then, Liu Zheng saw that his three heavy missile armed helicopters finally flew from the ground to the sky with the acceleration of the rotation speed of the propellers. Then, with Liu Zheng's order, the three heavy missile helicopters that had been wet with short iron and wood flew straight to the enemy's base against the whilling sea breeze.

Yes, through the reconnaissance just now, Liu Zheng has found that there is a nuclear power plant inside the enemy's base. Yes, Liu Zheng's first attack target was the enemy's nuclear power plant. You know, that nuclear power plant can be equivalent to a small nuclear bomb. Once it is blown up, its huge explosive power will also blow up the enemy's base in a mess. At the same time, Liu Zheng also looked at his transport helicopter. At this time, the transport helicopter was still suspended over the sea at the edge of the enemy base, spinning his propeller at high speed between the sea and the sky.

"Start the attack!" In this way, with Liu Zheng's order, his three heavy missile helicopters finally flew straight to the nuclear power plant inside the enemy base without hesitation. It should be said that Liu Zheng's first attack target is still very correct. Once it is destroyed, on the one hand, the power supply of the enemy's base will be fundamentally cut off. Second, the huge explosive power of a nuclear power plant can also be used to destroy as many military facilities and defense forces as possible in the enemy base. It can be said that from this point of view, Liu Zheng's small calculation is still very good.

In this way, Liu Zheng's three heavy missile armed helicopters flew to a nuclear power plant in the enemy base without hesitation. On the ground, the sound of the firing of an anti-aircraft gun came, and an anti-aircraft shell roared into the sky, accurately hitting the target, and a cloud of black smoke exploded. In the sky, it looks like a black flower. However, because Liu Zheng's three heavy missile helicopters have been subjected to a short iron curtain, they are now invulnerable. A cloud of black smoke exploded. In the sky, it looks like a black flower. However, because Liu Zheng's three heavy missile helicopters have been subjected to a short iron curtain, they are now invulnerable.

Swish, one by one, anti-aircraft missiles dragged the gray-white tail flame and roared through the air. In the process of flying, they constantly correct the direction of flight, either left or right, and front or back, and the speed is getting faster and faster. Under the control of their own high-precision guidance system, they finally hit the target with 10-point accurate tracking. The explosion came at first sight, but Liu Zheng only saw his heavy missile helicopter. After being attacked by anti-aircraft missiles again and again, it only shook slightly, but it did not change their flight direction, and their health did not disappear at all.

In this way, under the attack of the enemy's raindrop-like anti-aircraft missiles and the interception of the enemy's tadpole-like anti-aircraft missiles, Liu Zheng's three heavy missile armed helicopters finally flew to the nuclear power plant inside the enemy's base. Under the interception of the enemy's tadpole-like anti-aircraft missiles, Liu Zheng's three heavy missile helicopters finally flew over the nuclear power plant inside the enemy base. Then, with Liu Zheng's order, the air attack on this important military facility, the nuclear power plant, finally began.

Liu Zheng divided his three heavy missile armed helicopters into three routes, left, middle and right, respectively, in the three directions of the enemy's nuclear power plant, and launched an attack at the same time. With the sound of solenoid missile launch, air-to-air missiles roared and shot out of the missile launch groove under the helicopter, dragging orange flames and constantly correcting the direction of flight, like a bird supporting angels, screaming and hitting the target one after another.

After all, Liu Zheng hit three armed missile helicopters, and their missile attacks are quite powerful. As the successive air pairs of missiles hit the target one after another, bursts of explosions came from the enemy's nuclear power plant. A dark red explosion fog rose into the sky, which looked like a carpet-style bombing. Under the deadly carpet bombing, Liu Zheng clearly saw that the health of the enemy's nuclear power plant was declining at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Soon, Liu Zheng saw that the enemy's nuclear power plant was finally destroyed, and a deafening explosion came. Liu Zheng saw that a huge dark red mushroom cloud rose to the sky, and as time went by, the mushroom cloud continued to Expansion. At the same time, the super shock wave began to foul from Daejeon to the surroundings. Affected by the shock wave, the timely meter-high air wave surged like a wave, destroying all the obstacles encountered.

On the ground, the high-intensity radiation dyed the ground into bright green. And in the dazzling bright green, Liu Zheng saw that the chariots exploded one by one. The infantry fighting power of the enemy made the ground bright green. And in the dazzling bright green, Liu Zheng saw that the chariots exploded one by one. The infantry fighting power of the enemy was quickly melted one after another. It turned into a pool of bright green water stains. At the same time, a scream kept coming.

Liu was looking at the military facilities paid attention to by the enemy's nuclear power plant. At this time, everyone was blown up with a dark red flame, and his health was also blown up to 7788. After seeing this, Liu Zheng knew that he had finally reached his target. Then, with Liu Zheng's order, three heavy missile helicopters, three heavy missile helicopters, which had been equipped by the Iron Curtain, acted separately and each responsible for attacking an enemy's military facility.

Like a forever solid black triangle, Liu Zheng's three heavy missile helicopters launched a crazy attack on the target under the protection of the Iron Curtain device. Air-to-air missiles shot out, broke through the air, roared, and hit military targets on the ground one after another. A series of dark red explosive fog rose to the sky, and a loud explosion came one after another. On the ground, almost at that moment, it became a sea of fire. The smoke is ringing, and the smoke is rolling.

In this way, soon after, Liu Zheng's three heavy missile helicopter gunships, after basically killed all the military facilities in the enemy base, finally gathered from three different directions to the last military-building factory of the enemy base. Looking at the three big bird-like heavy missile helicopters, the effect of the iron curtain device on it has not disappeared. Liu Zhengke is very excited. Yes, with the protective effect of this short iron curtain, finally, it will gather towards the last military-construction factory of the enemy base from three different directions. Looking at the three big bird-like heavy missile helicopters, the effect of the iron curtain device on it has not disappeared. Liu Zhengke is very excited. Yes, with the protective effect of this short iron curtain, what am I afraid of? What other tasks can't be completed?

Now, this enemy base has been basically disabled by itself. Only the last main factory is left. After seeing this, Liu Zheng couldn't help smiling coldly. Then, under an order, three heavy missile helicopters, from three directions, went to a main building of the enemy's factory to carry out the final air-to-ground missile attack.

The attack has finally begun. Under the gloomy sky, listening to the sound of surging waves hitting the sea, Liu Zheng saw that his three heavy missile helicopters spared no effort to open fire. The sound of continuous missile fire suddenly sounded, and then air-to-ground missiles emerged one by one. The huge air-to-ground missiles dragged the thick orange tail flame, constantly adjusting the direction of flight, roaring through the wind from top to bottom, and then hit the enemy's main construction factory on the ground one after another. Therefore, with the sound of the explosion of "banging", Liu Zheng saw that the target was finally blown up, blown up into countless wreckage and fragments, scattered, shot into the air one after another, and then fell down...

In this way, Liu Zheng saw that the enemy's main factory finally exploded under the bombing of his three heavy missile helicopter gunships. At this time, the enemy's base was full of ruins. Only a lonely spy satellite is left, located there. And that lonely spy satellite, Liu Zheng knew, was prepared for himself. And the reason why I fought this battle is to occupy this lonely spy satellite.

After seeing this, Liu Zheng gave an order, so his own transport helicopter suspended above the sea came and soon fell next to the spy satellite, the last military facility of the enemy. Then, two engineers came out of it. Liu Zheng stationed one of them into the spy satellite. Suddenly, Liu Zheng saw that the spy satellite suddenly changed color and obviously became his own military facility.

In this way, according to the content invested in the headquarters, once you occupy the spy satellite, you can detect the location of the enemy's shore guns. Yes, that's indeed what the news said. However, after Liu Zhang sent an engineer to occupy the spy satellite, he did not find any instructions.

"Damn it, he is. Laozi has occupied the spy satellite. In this case, according to the instructions of the headquarters, after Laozi's generation occupies the spy satellite, the enemy's shore artillery group will also be completely exposed to the bombing of our bombers. In this case, according to the instructions of the headquarters, after the old generation occupies the spy satellite, the enemy's shore artillery aircraft will also be completely exposed to the bombing of our bombers. But why haven't you taken action yet?" Liu Zheng couldn't help asking himself.

Soon, Liu Zheng's question was answered. That is, Liu Zheng knew that he had blown up the enemy's nuclear power plant during the bombing just now. Through the information snatched by the system, Liu Zheng knew that he had blown up the enemy's nuclear power plant during the bombing just now. In this way, it will naturally affect the operation of this spy satellite.

In this case, if there is sufficient power supply in your base, then it doesn't matter. After all, after she occupied this spy satellite, she also belonged to her own. The problem is that from the current situation, it is difficult to build enough power plants in Liu Zheng's base due to its small area.

Before that, Liu Zheng knew that he now had sufficient production and construction funds to build a nuclear power plant. However, because there is no territory and the area of the island is too small, the nuclear power plant in Liu Zheng's mind has not been built for a long time. In this way, the power supply of his base is already very tight. Now, he has occupied a spy satellite of the enemy. Naturally, the power supply of his base is even more tight. Therefore, in this case, although he occupied the fleet, he certainly could not work without electric support.

And this is the reason why he has occupied the spy satellite, but has not let the spy satellite play its role. However, soon, Liu Zheng's eyes lit up and the solution came. Because at this time, Liu Zheng actually saw an enemy general power plant not far from the spy satellite.

If you occupy this power plant, can you solve the current urgent need? Moreover, I happened to bring two engineers. A spy satellite that has occupied an enemy's spy satellite, and the remaining engineer can just occupy the enemy's power plant. This is really God's will. After thinking of this, Liu Zheng gave an order, so his second engineer rushed to the enemy's power plant with a toolbox.