Star Trek

Chapter 287 New Journey 9

In addition, Liu Zhang also considered that his Red Star transport plane should not only carry a field repair vehicle, but also add his own nuclear mecha. Yes, once the time is ripe or there is a better opportunity, then you might as well release your nuclear mecha and attack the enemy's base or some military units. Although this attack was not a comprehensive close attack, but a tentative attack. However, even so, once there is a good opportunity, if you can't get it, it is also an act to delay the fighter.

Yes, Liu Zheng's general combat policy is to adopt guerrilla warfare tactics, fight and leave, and constantly harass the enemy, or mushroom tactics. Through continuous harassment, constant containment and continuous consumption, the enemy is exhausted, and I find loopholes in the enemy's defense in this process. Once there is a good opportunity to attack, the enemy's key attack will be specially selected to fight for the enemy's death.

In this way, soon after, Liu Zheng finally formed his own attack force. However, at this time, another enemy attack began.

And at this time, another enemy attack began. Damn, it's really a good time. Liu Zheng couldn't help cursing hatefully. But when the opportunity comes, hit it. First of all, Liu Zhang has just combined three heavy missile helicopters, constantly launching that kind of air-to-air missile from top to bottom. A pair of air missiles, dragging the orange tail flame, broke through the air. Because this missile has a very good guidance system, even the target that can move can't escape the palm of their hands.

At the place where a bunch of missiles attacked, a dark red explosion appeared to rise to the sky, so that in the attack of that beam of air-to-air missiles, the front of the enemy's rhino tanks had been blown up in a mess. However, suddenly, Liu Zheng found that behind the enemy's attack power, there were actually two anti-aircraft vehicles. Moreover, the anti-aircraft weapons used in that kind of anti-aircraft warfare should be very advanced. You can see that anti-aircraft missiles roar out one by one. In that sharp cry, they pierce the air, wear clothes and drill fog, and the actual target.

In this way, one of Liu Zheng's three heavy missile helicopters has lost more than 70% of its health after being attacked by enemy anti-aircraft fire. After seeing this, Liu Zheng was very anxious. Damn, I finally got three heavy missile helicopters, but I was shot down two by my combat force just now, and now one is injured by the enemy's anti-aircraft fire. It seems that my first attack is really a good thing.

However, the good thing is that Liu Zheng's Thunderbolt self-propelled guns located deep in the base once again exerted their powerful attack power. In a blink of an eye, another dense rain of bullets fell from the sky. Rocket shells roared at the target in mid-air. Soon, the remaining enemy tanks, including the two anti-aircraft chariots, were soon submerged by the bombardment of the American Thunderbolt self-propelled artillery. The sound of violent explosions continued to come. Liu Zheng saw that finally, the last three or four enemy chariots were finally buried in the explosion of dozens of Liu Zheng's Thunderbolt self-propelled artillery shells.

However, for Liu Zheng, after all, there is still a heavy missile helicopter that has lost 70% or 80% of his life. In this case, Liu Zheng certainly knows that heavy missile helicopters with only 20 to 30 percent of their health can definitely not go on an expedition. In this case, let's just repair our own field vehicle, and now we will repair it as follows. After thinking of this, with Liu Zheng's order, his two field repair vehicles rushed from the base and stopped under the injured heavy missile helicopter still hovering over the overpass.

Liu Zheng saw that if the enemy's two anti-aircraft fighting vehicles continue to attack Liu Zheng's heavy missile helicopter, then that is almost certain. Liu Zheng's heavy missile helicopter will definitely no longer be able to persist, because he only has about 20% of his health left at this time. . However, just in time, the 56 Thunderbolts and self-propelled guns deep in the Liu Zheng base were fiercely fired, and the heavy missile helicopter was on standby. In the sea of bullets and fire, Liu Zheng saw that the two enemy's anti-aircraft chariots were finally beaten into countless wreckage and fragments and could no longer be seen.

However, Liu Zheng felt very confused that since the enemy's attack power had been eliminated, his own Thunderbolt self-propelled guns were still continuously attacking at this time. At this time, due to the defeat of a considerable number of enemy targets, at least three of those Thunderbolt self-propelled guns have been upgraded to the Samsung elite level. Liu Zheng knows that once upgraded to the Samsung elite level, the attack ability of Thunderbolt and self-propelled artillery will increase exponentially. It can even be said that after upgrading to the Samsung elite level, the explosive power and lethality of the missile fired by the Thunderbolt self-propelled gun are almost as good as that of a small nuclear bomb.

However, this time, all the shells fired by the Thunderbolt self-propelled artillery fell on the overpass. As a result, with the explosion of dark red mushroom clouds, Liu Zheng saw that the two overpasses had collapsed one after another in the deafening explosion. After seeing this, Liu Zheng couldn't help but be speechless. He, such a strong attack power, is simply a day's destruction. When did I point my own Thunderbolt self-propelled guns at the enemy's base full of all kinds of dense combat power, and then come to a bucket of fierce attack, attack as much as you can, and attack happily. Let me take a look at what kind of damage it will cause to the enemy's base. What will the enemy's base look like to Laozi's attack on the trees of Samsung's elite-level Thunderbolt self-propelled artillery, which is close to a small nuclear bomb.

Of course, at this time, the most important thing is not to go to the enemy's base to try how powerful the Thunderbolt and self-propelled artillery have. Because now the health value of its own heavy missile helicopter is less than 20%, and it is in urgent need of repair.

And, at this time, his two field repair vehicles were already ready to be here, so Liu Zheng ordered his own heavy missile helicopter slowly descended from the sky. In the high-speed rotation of the deafening propeller, Liu Zheng's missile helicopter finally landed slowly.

And at the moment he first touched the ground, Liu Zheng saw that it was originally a helicopter, but at this time it suddenly turned into a land-based gun. Liu Zheng saw that the newly transformed land-based gun had a long barrel, but the gun body looked like a large duck. However, Liu Zheng knew that this land-based gun, which did not look good, had a good attack distance and lethality. At this time, his two field maintenance vehicles immediately rushed over, and soon their maintenance work began.

Seeing the well-trained movements of these two field repair vehicles, Liu Zheng couldn't help sighing. Liu Zheng knew that after this heavy missile helicopter was repaired, his first attack on the enemy base would also begin. At this time, Liu Zheng once again focused on the repair work of the two field repair vehicles. I only saw that the two repair cars, at the fastest speed of that kind,

rushed to the side of the injured chariot. Then, waved the steel pliers above and waved repeatedly at the damaged parts, followed by a "squeaky" sound. At the same time, bursts of fireworks-like sparks came out, and in the dazzling and dazzling sparks, the health value of the repaired chariot was also At a speed visible to the naked eye, it recovered and recovered. At the same time, the repaired chariot was also shining all over, constantly flashing that kind of golden light, shining, and it looked like it was being reborn.

In this way, the health value of the heavy missile helicopter Liu Zheng saw was finally repaired. Therefore, Liu Zheng ordered that the three heavy missile helicopters that were rented for granted roaring and rose to the sky again, followed by Liu Zheng's Red Star transport ship. The health value of his own heavy missile helicopter that Liu Zheng saw was finally repaired. Therefore, under an order, Liu Zheng's three heavy missile helicopters that approved the money roared to the sky again, followed by Liu Zheng's red star transport ship, and then flew straight in the direction of the enemy base.

In this way, after everything was ready, Liu Zheng led the newly formed attack force and flew straight in the direction of the enemy base. In front is an open space that looks like a park, but a dinosaur is roaring. Of course, Liu Zhang is not interested in dinosaurs. Still leading his attacking force to fly towards the target. In front of it is a large high-rise building, which looks like the urban area of a certain city, but there is no enemy troops stationed there. In this case, naturally, it can't be called Liu Zheng's target.

After flying over the urban area, Liu Zheng saw that the area in front of the left was one of the enemy's bases, that is, the base belonging to the Allied combat power type. Liu Zhang took a look and thought for a moment. He felt that it was better not to fight against the enemy's base first. Because it is not this base that is really powerful. It's the base with an enemy army that is exactly similar to its own.

Of course, Liu Zheng also knew that he could attack the enemy's collective in front of him first. However, in this way, if another enemy base with nuclear mecha took the opportunity to launch an attack on his base, at that time, Liu Zheng may have no choice. In this way, if another enemy base with nuclear mecha takes the opportunity to launch an attack on its own base, Liu Zheng may have nothing to do at that time.

Therefore, Liu Zheng decided to ignore the Allied occupation type base in front of her, but he concentrated all his strength to attack the enemy base with the same type of combat power as himself. Yes, there are so many nuclear energy mecha in that enemy base, which is really quite exciting for Liu Zheng. If the enemy base is not destroyed, Liu Zheng can't even sleep well.

In this way, Liu Zheng continued to lead his air attack force and continued to fly forward. Flying over a forest and a mountain range, in front of which was another enemy base. Liu Zhan roughly looked at the terrain characteristics of the following enemy base and built the enemy base in a place similar to a basin. From the bottom of the basin, there are primary and secondary mountains respectively. After seeing this, Liu Zheng decided to stop his Red Star transport ship on the outermost second-class mountain range. Because the safety factor there is relatively large. And his three heavy missile helicopters hovered on the mountains of the first episode. In this way, you can naturally attack the targets in the enemy base at any time. Once injured, he will quickly fly to the outermost secondary mountain range. In that case, he will release the Red Star transport ship's war-changing maintenance vehicle and the nuclear power machine as soon as possible. In this way, on the second-level mountain on the outermost part of the enemy base, it looks like a temporary base of Liu Zheng.

According to Liu Zheng's planned attack plan, he first landed his three heavy missile helicopters, and then applied short iron-wood protection facilities to them. After that, he made full use of the short iron-wood protection time of nearly 30 seconds to fly his three heavy missile helicopters to the enemy. Over the base. Then, they launched a fierce attack on the main construction factory in the enemy base. This mode of combat should be called beheading. With the super attack power of the heavy missile helicopter and the air-to-air missile bombing of three heavy missile helicopters in 30 seconds, there is no reason for Liu Zheng to believe that the enemy's main construction factory will not be destroyed by himself.

After thinking of this, Liu Zheng knew that it should not be late, so with an order, his three heavy missile helicopters slowly landed from mid-air and taught to fall down. Their propellers are getting slower and slower until they finally stop completely. At this time, Liu Zheng saw that his three heavy missile helicopters had completely landed on the first-class mountain outside the enemy base, as he requested. Moreover, at this time, all three of its heavy missile helicopters have been successfully transformed into three land-based artillery.

Moreover, in order to facilitate the protection effect of the three land-based artillery and the mentor of the short iron curtain, Liu Zheng just now gathered their positions when the three heavy missile helicopters began to land. In this way, the three heavy missile helicopters have just landed on the ground. After that, the land-based artillery they transformed into are still not far from each other, and they seem to be clinging to each other. In this way, Liu Zheng knows that it is the most suitable formation for setting a short iron curtain.

"The setting of the short iron curtain begins." In this way, with Liu Zheng's order, Liu Zhengjiang's short iron curtain setting button gently touched the three newly transformed land-based artillery. Therefore, in Liu Zheng's expectant gaze, Liu Zheng saw his three newly transformed land-based guns, that is, the three heavy missiles straight With the order of themselves, their body surface has begun to change dramatically.

Yes, to be honest, Liu Zheng has always been satisfied with the setting effect of his short screen. At the same time, it has always been 10 points interesting and feels very good. One of the important reasons why Liu Zheng has such an idea is that he really emphasizing the role of this short iron curtain. Because this kind of short iron curtain can help Liu Zheng a lot in many cases and in many cases.

Yes, that's true. It is also under the effect of the short iron curtain that Liu Zheng knows that even the very weak combat power, due to the effect of the short iron curtain, naturally, has a special ability of nearly half a minute. Well, it is with this kind of invulnerable special ability that you can complete many important tasks that you almost dare not imagine at ordinary times.

At this time, Liu Zheng had implemented the role of the short iron curtain on the three land-based artillery. After a strange sound, some black spots were mottled and covered the chariots. Next, the black spots became more and more conspicuous. As time went by, they suddenly changed from the mottled appearance just now to pure black. During this period, a silver-white light also kept shining, which made people feel very strange.