Star Trek

Chapter 288 New Journey 10

Yes, Liu Zheng didn't expect that his mother's two heavy missile helicopter gunships were shot down by the enemy's heavy soldiers. The car is really a great shame. Liu Zheng couldn't help staring and clenching his teeth.

Yes, I really didn't expect that my two heavy missile armed helicopters would really be shot down by the enemy's heavy soldiers. This is incredible, incredible. However, this also shows that I am really careless. This time, there will be no problem with heavy missile armed helicopters with such attack capabilities. Not long ago, he relied on these two heavy missile helicopters to destroy the enemy's base. Then, he occupied the enemy's spy satellite, creating conditions for his J-10 bomber heavy bomber to bomb the enemy's cannons thousands of miles of coastline.

However, this time, Liu Zheng really didn't expect that a big boat would turn over in the small river ditch. Looking at his two heavy missile helicopters, under the attack of the enemy's heavy soldiers, they suddenly lost their balance, turned over, fell from the air, and smashed fiercely on the ground, with a dark red explosive fog. Liu Zheng couldn't help but be confused. Shit, damn it, now, wow, I'm loaded.

Just when Liu Zheng felt very anxious, suddenly, Liu Zheng found that there were two strange-looking combat units in the center of his base. Or, whether it is a combat unit or not, and it is also his own. However, it looks like two halves of a toad.

So, Liu Zheng switched his perspective and planned to look at it carefully. Yes, it means that you should take a good look at it. It's a shame that he doesn't know what power Wu has in his own base. However, after Liu Zhang moved the two combat units forward for a distance, Liu Zheng almost jumped up happily. Wow, damn it, it turns out that those two natural units are actually two nuclear mecha! After seeing this, Liu Zheng could hardly believe his eyes.

Yes, not long ago, why did you obviously withdraw the production plan of two nuclear mecha, but after such a long time, why didn't you see the production of a nuclear mecha? Now it seems that one of the reasons is that the appearance of that kind of nuclear mecha is too eye-catching. Five looks as if it has been painted with half a protective color, which is almost difficult to distinguish from the surrounding environment.

With this kind of nuclear energy mecha, and I actually have two such nuclear mecha at once, so it will naturally be quite helpful for my next action. Among other things, the long-range attack ability of this nuclear mecha alone can also easily defeat the military force near the enemy's coastline, which naturally has a considerable help. Among other things, the long-range attack ability of nuclear mecha alone can easily destroy the military forces near the enemy's coastline, so as to prepare the necessary conditions for yourself to truly occupy the combat command center.

In addition, Liu Zheng also knows that that kind of nuclear mecha can move on the water. In this way, naturally, his range of activities and attack ability have been greatly strengthened. After thinking of this, Liu Zheng couldn't help frowning again. Because in its own sea, the enemy's submarines have not been removed so far. It's like a few nails, which makes you very uncomfortable.

Yes, in this case, if your two nuclear mechas move to the other side through that sea area, they will definitely be attacked by enemy submarines in this process. However, if the two nuclear mechas that cost nearly 20,000 production and construction funds are really destroyed by enemy submarines, then they don't have to live. That's my own life.

However, what Liu Zhang did not expect was that he inadvertently moved the position of the two nuclear mechas and approached the coastline slightly. At this time, Liu Zheng suddenly found that the enemy's submarines in that sea suddenly appeared! Yes, it's in force! You know, it took a lot of time to find the enemy's submarines. Yes, in fact, that's true.

Does your own nuclear energy mecha have the ability to make the submarine current? If that's the case, that would be great. Anyway, at that time, as his two nuclear mecha continued to approach the sea, Liu Zheng saw that the location of the three enemy submarines had been exposed. After discovering their addresses, their two nuclear mechas began to attack with ordinary artillery at the stalls and began to attack the enemy's submarines that had been found.

Wan, Liu Zheng saw that his nuclear mecha was also quite powerful, and three barrels were protrudes in front of him, so they could fire three shells in one attack.

The three shells roared, broke through the wind, crossed three arcs, and accurately hit the enemy's submarine. Coaxed and squeezed to stop and rise to the sky. Then, Liu Zheng saw that the health of the attacked enemy's submarine was falling at a speed visible to the naked eye. Finally, with an explosion, an enemy submarine was sunk.

As the enemy submarines paid attention to nowhere to hide, Liu Zheng's other land-based attack firepower also began to attack. And the first to be the brunt are Liu Zheng's ballistic missiles. Yes, the enemy submarines were under their noses. Of course, they had nothing to do with them when they were not found. However, now that they have been found and have appeared, naturally, their ballistic missiles should naturally give full play to their capabilities. Yes, after all, their responsibility is mainly to protect their own bases. Now, in the face of the thundering attack submarines of the enemy that pose a considerable threat to their base, it is quite normal for these ballistic missiles to launch attacks on the target at the right time and when the time is ripe.

I only saw that in Liu Zheng's base, especially near the edge of the sea, Liu Zheng was a ballistic missile. At this time, he was ready to launch and could launch an accurate attack of ballistic missiles on the target at any time. With Liu Zheng's order and the whistling sound, the ballistic missiles fired one after another. "Oh", several missiles came out from those launchers, spraying the orange-red tail flame, roaring and being blow away by the wind. The missiles flew quickly through the clouds and fog. After crossing a melon line, they hit the roaring enemy chariots very accurately.

Moreover, what makes Liu Zheng feel some incredible is that the guidance ability of this kind of ballistic missile is so powerful! Even if the position of the target has changed, the ballistic missiles still follow each other until they hit the target. Boom~boom~" After touching the target, those ballistic missiles bombarded and exploded one after another, blowing up a dark red explosive light fog and rising to the sky. It is enough to show the power of that kind of ballistic missile.

In this way, the ballistic missiles on the edge of Liu Zheng's base finally started the range. As the ballistic missiles roared away, they broke through the air. Under the definition of their own high-intelligent guidance system, they constantly corrected the direction of flight, and finally hit the target. Therefore, with the sound of a bombardment, Liu Zheng saw that two more enemy submarines were sunk in this way. After seeing this, Liu Zheng couldn't help clapping and shouting: Great, great, that's so great. Constantly correct the direction of flight, and finally hit the target. Therefore, with the sound of a bombardment, Liu Zheng saw that two more enemy submarines were sunk in this way. After seeing this, Liu Zheng couldn't help clapping and shouting: Great, great, that's so great.

At this time, Liu Zheng had commanded one of his two nuclear mechas and marched to the sea. With the sound of the king's hard nuclear energy mecha stopping the unique sound of knowledge, Liu Zheng saw that his generation of nuclear mecha was like a flat on the sea. Then, as his nuclear mecha continued to penetrate over the sea, several enemy submarines were found. In this way, once they are found, it will be their doomsday. Well, his own nuclear energy mecha fired shells at the target one after another. At the same time, from Liu Zheng's base, both ballistic missiles and self-propelled howitzers began to attack the enemy's newly discovered submarines.

However, at this time, although the enemy's submarines also fired several * bullets at the nuclear mecha above Liu Zheng's sea. However, in general, their attacks are as powerless as the whole jurisdiction. It looks so insignificant. It seems so insignificant. Soon, the enemy's good submarines that had just appeared were once again destroyed by Liu Zheng's various firepower. At this time, Liu Zheng's nuclear energy armor has crossed the water and approached the enemy's mountain. Wu and, although the missile launch of the swush clan roared, Liu Zheng saw that from the enemy's coastline, several heavily loaded missiles began to launch attacks. Their shoulder-to-shoulder missile launchers kept shaking, several rockets, dragging the orange tail flame and ejected out. Those missiles constantly adjusted the direction of flight and roared through the air. Soon after, they hit the target fiercely and made a loud explosion sound. However, you should know that the health value of that kind of nuclear mecha is quite considerable. Of course, the missiles fired for each enemy's heavy soldiers can't be destroyed quickly.

However, just when the health value of the nuclear mecha was hit by about 30% by the hostile rockets of the enemy's heavy soldiers, suddenly, Liu Zheng saw that his kind of nuclear mecha finally began to fight back. Of course, his counterattack this time will certainly not attack with that kind of nuclear bomb. Instead, attack with the most primitive artillery. The three cannon barrels were stretched one after another, and then three huge shells shot out and crossed three arcs. In that very sharp cry, they bombarded and hit the heads of the heavy soldiers of the enemy soldiers in the distance.

And at the moment when the three huge shells just fell to the ground, Liu Zheng saw that it was like that kind of carpet-style bombing. The black and red explosive firelight looked like a small mushroom cloud rising to the sky, stretching continuously and spreading everywhere. , and in the black and red explosion fog rising to the sky...

So, Liu Zheng saw that in the carpet bombing, under the cover of gunfire, soon, the enemy's heavy soldiers were suddenly swallowed up by the explosive flame of the sound track. Even he was killed without even a scream.

So far, Liu Zheng has seen that he has basically destroyed all the enemy's combat forces near the center. This is certainly a huge victory. That is to say, at this time, you can send your own engineers to occupy the enemy's control center. Once you occupy the control center of the enemy, it means that your mission has been successfully completed.

However, Liu Zheng also saw that at this time, his generation of nuclear energy mecha had dropped to about 40/100 after being attacked by many enemy soldiers. Liu Zheng knew that although his nuclear energy mecha did have quite good health and defense ability, no matter what, he could not resist the attack of such dense enemy firepower. Therefore, Liu Zheng found that since the important enemy's defense force in the control center has been basically destroyed by his nuclear energy mecha. Therefore, in this case, you should put your own nuclear energy mecha back on defense. It is best to use a field repair vehicle to quickly restore its health. In addition, of course, you can be too strong or to occupy this control center. After all, at this time, there is not much time.

Yes, Liu is looking at it. At this time, there are only three left before the headquarters to complete the task. After thinking of this, Liu Zheng moved his nuclear mecha in the direction of his base. There are two of their own field repair vehicles waiting there. Liu Zheng knows that as long as their wonderful hands come back to life, the health value of his nuclear mecha will recover at a speed visible to the naked eye and will soon return to its original state.

In addition, immediately after Liu Zheng's order, his transport helicopter had once again loaded two engineers, and then flew to the control center towards the enemy's coastline.

So, soon after, Liu Zhang's own transport helicopter carrying two engineers from his base and flew across the waters. Soon after, it fell next to the command center on the enemy's coastline.

Yes, at this time, Liu Zheng saw that there was still no defensive force around the enemy's combat command center. Because before that, those defense forces were destroyed by Liu Zheng's nuclear energy mecha. Then, with Liu Zheng's order, Liu Zheng saw two engineers coming out of the transport helicopter. They held the toolbox in their hands and looked 10 minutes free.

Liu Zheng asked one of the engineers to wait in place and ordered another engineer to occupy the enemy's control center. In this way, under Liu Zheng's gaze, the engineer rushed to the control center with the toolbox. Finally, with the belief of the engineer, a strange voice came, and then Liu Zheng saw that the control center had become his own. In this way, the control center was simply occupied by itself for 10 minutes. After seeing this, a stone finally fell to the ground in Liu Zheng's heart.

Just after Liu Zheng occupied the control center, although several pairs of missiles from the enemy soon destroyed the control center. However, it doesn't matter much for Liu Zheng. Yes, because the purpose of occupying the control center is to confuse the enemy's command system. In this way, all the enemy's combat forces on the coastline will not be able to get unified command. In that case, they will be in a state of chaos.