Star Trek

No.294 Who competes with 5

At this time, Liu Zheng remembered that in fact, he could also produce that kind of long-range attack force in his chariot factory. That's the kind of heavy missile launcher. However, to produce that kind of heavy missile launch vehicle, there is quite a lot of production and construction funds. In the current situation, Liu Zheng knows that now is the time to spend money in his base. Therefore, it is not very realistic to produce a sufficient number of heavy missile launch vehicles.

At this time, Liu Zheng saw that his Yuri replicators had begun to stretch out his arms and read words. Soon, Liu Zheng saw that his Yuri replicators' control of the edged mecha of the enemy on the cliff finally began. I saw that his hands were stretched forward, and the action looked like an ape.

Then, the sound of spells came one after another, and at the same time, a "buzzing" sound came. Then, soon, the orange control lines came out one after another. Therefore, the enemy chariots rushing in front of them were controlled one after another, and then, they returned with those The uncontrolled rear chariot started a fierce battle. However, soon after, the war ended, because soon, all the enemy's politan mecha were controlled by Liu Zheng's Yuri replicators!

However, Liu Zheng saw that after his Yuri replicators finally managed to control the enemy's light-beam mechas and was thinking about leading them to the troop recycling plant in his own base. Suddenly, Liu Zheng saw that from the enemy In that base, several enemy orcs rushed out! After seeing this, Liu Zheng couldn't help but be stunned. Wow, damn it, mad orcs? You know, that kind of mad orc is specially designed to deal with mecha combat power! It seems that the hammed chariots that I finally controlled could not be sent to the army recycling plant in his base as scheduled this time. Liu Zheng couldn't help thinking secretly.

After seeing this, Liu Zheng couldn't help but be shocked. Yes, Liu Zheng knows that the enemy's commoners are an important force specializing in fighting vehicles. Shit, damn it, I'm really unlucky. Originally, his Yuri replicators finally controlled the edged mecha of the enemy on the cliff. However, what I didn't expect was that Cheng Yaojin was killed halfway.

Of course, Liu Zheng knows that that kind of mad orc belongs to a kind of mutated body. Yes, due to their new physical condition and mutation, they are not afraid of any steel at all. Even. They actually have a good 10 points resistance to that kind of artillery attack. It can be said that this kind of beam man is simply invulnerable. However, once they come into close contact, all enemy targets will be powerless under the attack of this mad orc.

So, Liu Zheng saw that although he had mobilized several edge mechas that had just been controlled by him, he rushed towards his base. In order to get rid of the attack of many enemy orcs against them. But after all, the mad orc's action speed is not slow at all. Therefore, soon after, the enemy's mad orcs finally chased a small blade mecha controlled by the replicator Liu Zheng and Yuri, and then began to launch an attack on it. As they roared, they kept waving their strong arms. Their mutant bodies were born not afraid of the material of steel and gunfire. Between the waving of their arms, their strength reached a thousand! And with the sound of desperate collisions ringing one after another, sparks were everywhere at the impact. Although the enemy's shells kept hitting them, those terrible guys, who didn't care at all, still hit the chariots in the roar of the position. Four shots, fireworks soared to the sky.

At this time, Liu Zheng saw that the mad orcs of the enemy were opening their teeth and claws, roaring and chasing them while being nailed to his own light armors that had just been controlled from the enemy's hands. Yes, Liu Zheng knows that the health value of the Zhongguangling mecha is not very high. Therefore, in the face of the crazy orcs who specialize in dealing with mecha combat power, they are naturally vulnerable.

Soon, Liu Zheng saw that the large dose of light-edge mecha had come to the edge of his base. Later, the enemy's mad orcs naturally rushed over. Still dancing and roaring, he looked crazy. However, soon, Liu Zheng was relieved. Because he saw that at this time, the two virus snipers in his base had made specific preparations. Yes, why did I forget the two virus snipers? You know, the best way to deal with the mad orcs is to use this virus sniper.

Yes, Liu Zheng knows that his kind of virus sniper has a longer attack than ordinary snipers. Moreover, its lethality is particularly powerful. Generally speaking, it must be one shot to destroy one. Therefore, as long as the enemy commoners do not rush to their roots, then for the two virus snipers, those mad orcs are simply their living targets. It is the best goal to help them improve their level. In this case, as long as the enemy concubines did not rush to their roots, then for the two virus snipers, those wild orcs were simply their live targets. It is the best goal to help them improve their level.

In addition, what reastured Liu Zheng was that as the enemy's mad orcs had entered his base, the land-based Gate cannons in his base should also play their role. Yes, you know, the Lujigate cannon can not only attack against the air, but also a very good air defense combat force. At the same time, it also has a very good lethality for attacks on targets on the ground. In particular, it has a unique advantage in dealing with the enemy's infantry combat power.

"Da Da..." A series of firing sounds sounded, and at the same time, Liu Zheng saw a golden light shining at the muzzle of the land-based special aircraft guns in his base. Then, Liu Zheng saw that several of the mad orcs of the enemy who rushed up quickly made a few screams, and then lay in a pool of blood and never stood up again. At the same time, while his land-based gate cannons were fired, the two virus snipers located deep in their base finally began to attack.

With the sound of the shooting of a sharp sniper rifle, a cloud of dark green light fog rose up and floated on the ground. It looked like a cloud of ghost fire. And some of the mad orcs of the enemy suddenly sounded with the sharp call of the sniper infantry, and soon they turned into bright green human-shaped light fog, which seemed that there were countless viruses surging and corroded on them.

After seeing this, Liu Zheng couldn't help but be admired again by the beautiful sniper method of his virus sniper. Soon after, the human light fog gradually dissipated and turned into the light fog of different sizes. Liu Zheng couldn't help but be praised again by the beautiful sniper method of his virus sniper. Soon after, the human light fog gradually dissipated and turned into the light fog of different sizes. In the continuous jumping, in the constant floating, it turned into nothingness...

In this way, under the joint attack of their two virus snipers and the land-based Gate cannons in the base, the mad orcs of the enemy who followed the light-edge mecha and rushed to their base were finally eliminated. After seeing this, Liu Zheng couldn't help taking a long breath, and a stone in his heart finally fell to the ground. Later, I didn't expect that I, a player who was good at using orcs, was attacked by a group of crazy orcs. Moreover, its own base has caused huge losses. Wow, what a black humor.

Now, Liu Zheng found that although he had controlled a lot of enemy combat forces through the Yuri replicator and sent them to the army recycling plant in his base. As a result, a considerable amount of production and construction funds have been earned. However, the most important factor restricting the development of its own base is still not a problem for production and construction funds. Therefore, it seems that it is not enough to rely on the Yuri clone to control the enemy's combat strength and then send it to this army recycling plant.

In this case, naturally, Liu Zheng should further think about the reasons. Thinking about it again and again, Liu Zheng finally found that an important reason restricting the development of his base happened to be the enemy base closest to him, which restricted the development of his base. Yes, that's true. Liu Zheng saw that the enemy's base, which was almost connected with his base, was built on the mountains because of the enemy's base. Therefore, for Liu Zheng's base, it has a condescending advantage. Yes, that's true.

Not long ago, the battle that happened also explained this phenomenon. At that time, the enemy needed to use its own combat strength,

Now, Liu Zheng saw that there was no money on the account in his base. Wow, damn it, it seems that I have to figure it out again. Thinking of this, Liu Zheng couldn't help looking forward to the enemy's ground attack force coming again. Yes, in the end, to some extent, Liu Zheng is really looking forward to the enemy's ground attack. Because in that case, you can control more of the enemy's ground combat forces through the Yuri clone. Then, the ground combat forces of the enemy who were controlled by themselves were sent to the army recycling plant and converted into a production and construction fund.

However, in fact, the situation is not as simple as Liu Zheng looks like. The attack of the enemy's ground combat power is not up to its own. In many cases, in many cases, I am often more afraid of the enemy's ground combat power attack, but I have a large number of enemy ground attack power. And when I want the enemy to launch a strong attack, I am the enemy but will not launch an attack.

And the current situation is when Liu Zheng is looking at the enemy to launch an attack. However, the enemy seemed to want to sing a stage play to Liu Zheng. The more Li wanted me to hit you, but I came to beat you. However, in fact, Liu Zheng is really short of production and construction funds. Even, it has been lacking to the extent that it affects the construction of its own base and combat production.

So, in the end, Liu Zheng had to come up with a way that was not the way. Thinking of this, Liu Zheng turned his eyes to his ally's base. There, several ally's rhino mecha are spinning around. After seeing this, Liu Zheng couldn't help sneering and said to himself, "I'm sorry, buddy. Now I have to borrow a little production and construction funds from here first. In the future, when I have money, I will double it back to you.

The reason why Liu Zheng said this is that he really fell in love with the grizzly bear mecha in the ally's base. Yes, since he has several Yuri replicators in his hand, he can use his several Yuri replicators to control the grizzly bear mecha in his ally base. After success, they went from the troop recycling plant sent to their own base. Thus, a large amount of production and construction funds can be exchanged. In that case, you can naturally solve the urgent needs of your base.

Although Liu Zheng also knows that if he does so, he will definitely cause some losses to the defense forces in his ally's base. Thus, it also weakens the defense ability of its ally base. But then again, what is that? As long as your strength is strong enough, you will directly support your allies' defense facilities. It will definitely cause some losses to the defense forces in the base of its allies. Thus, it also weakens the defense ability of its ally base. But then again, what is that? As long as your strength is strong enough, you will directly support your allies' defense facilities. Even in that case, we can truly complement each other, support each other and defend together.

In this way, Liu Zheng finally attacked the grizzly mecha in his ally's base. With Liu Zheng's order, he saw his newly trained Yuri clones rushing towards the ally's base. They all stretched out their hands and staggered to straighten their bodies. They looked like zombies one by one.

Soon after, Liu Zheng saw that his Yuri clones finally came to his ally's base. With the Yuri replicators under his hands, he read words, and then the control lines shot out in the secluded sound, and then connected the other end to the target. With the Yuri replicators under his, he read words in his mouth, and then the control lines shot out in the secluded and secluded voice, and then connected the other end to the target

Then, with that control line, the target was connected. In the base of his allies, several grizzly mecha were squeezed into control, and as those control lines were finally connected to them, then, the grizzly bear mecha of their allies , it soon became Liu Zheng's own combat power. Then, with Liu Zheng's order, the grizzly armors that had just been controlled by his Yuri replicator, rushed to the army recycling plant in Liu Zheng's base.

After seeing this, Liu Zheng couldn't help laughing. I thought to myself: Wow, it seems that it's really good to have an ally here. Not only have we jointly established a defense system, thus strengthening our defense forces, but we can also find such complements in economic development and base construction. Not bad, not bad, really good. As the grizzly mechas that had just been controlled from their allies entered, a harsh and messy sound sounded one after another, and the fiery red light rose to the sky over the army's recycling plant.

Then, Liu Zheng saw that almost at the same time, the upper part of the unit recycling plant, with the opening and closing of some of the mechanical arms, bursts of dense Mars scattered, and dark red lights rose to the sky, thus covering the recovery factory of his own army. That scene looks very dazzling. Then, in the harsh sound, in the dazzling shooting of Mars, thousands of production and construction funds were added to Liu Zheng's base accounts...

After seeing this, Liu Zheng finally showed a rare smile on his face. Wow, with his mother's words, he finally calmed down. Yes, I finally calmed down. After all, after holding a certain amount of production and construction funds in your hands, then you can produce all kinds of combat forces you need. Only in this way can your base defense be strengthened. In a word, this time, my allies really helped me a lot. Well, in the future, once there is a chance, then of course, I must repay this favor.