Star Trek

No.295 Who competes 6

However, at this time, Liu Zheng saw that in the base of his ally, the enemy's air-sky fighter had carried out a rather powerful attack. Yes, it is indeed a quite powerful attack.

With the sound of an alarm, a huge, constantly rotating heavy bomb fell from the sky fighter. That bomb has quite good guidance ability. Even if the target position changes, it will follow and almost won't stop until it reaches its goal. Finally, Liu Zheng saw that the huge guided high-explosive bomb that was constantly rotating kept spinning and finally hit the target - the ore refinery in the ally's base.

Then, Liu Zheng saw that with the deafening explosion, a dark red mushroom cloud rose to the sky. Then, in the green light of the sky, the ore refinery in his ally's base was suddenly blown up without any shadow. Moreover, on the ground, a pool of bright green colors has always been permeated there. Some chariots that were not blown up at that time were quickly blown up. A miserable cry came, which was naturally the scream of the infantry fighting power of the allies. After seeing this, Liu Zheng couldn't help but be shocked.

Wow, damn it, this kind of enemy's air-sky fighter really has quite good attack ability, and really has quite good attack ability! Well, in this case, you should really take precautions. Otherwise, once you are hit by the rotating shell thrown by it, you will be really miserable.

After thinking of this, Liu Zheng finally saw some ways. Yes, that's true. That is, in fact, the enemy's kind of air fighter is not very strong in health. However, after that guy's generation threw out the bomb, everything will be gone. Therefore, the only way to prevent the bombing of the enemy's kind of air and sky fighters is to shoot him down before she drops the bomb. This is the only way.

After thinking of this, Liu Zheng led his five to seven newly produced Gate machine gun chariots to the front of his base. In this way, once the enemy's air and sky fighters attack their own base, then their own Gate aircraft artillery vehicles can be shot down. Yes, Liu Zheng knows that since the enemy's air and sky fighter does not have much health and defense capabilities, then his own Gate aircraft artillery chariots and chariots must be able to shoot down their rights, so as to avoid their bases from suffering the high explosion dropped by the air and sky fighters. Bombing of bomb explosion.

Sure enough, just after Liu Zheng had just deployed his Gate cannon vehicles to the front of his base, with a sharp alarm sound, Liu Zheng saw that the enemy's kind of air-air fighter finally flew over. The enemy's air fighter looked black and looked like a huge bird. Moreover, its flight altitude is quite high, and it is even possible that the guy has actually flown through the atmosphere.

Soon, Liu Zheng saw that the enemy's aircraft had flown over his Gator artillery vehicles that had just been deployed. However, just as the enemy's aerial fighter plane was preparing to attack a military target in Liu Zheng's base, Liu Zheng's Gate aircraft and artillery vehicles suddenly made a roar on the ground. Da Da Da Da, the dense firepower began to attack. With the sound of firing, Liu Zheng saw that the Gate cannon chariots trembled with the rhythm. Then, after five seconds, finally, in mid-air, the enemy's aerial fighter could no longer support it. First, it shook suddenly, and then turned over and detected. A dark smoke fell from the air and hit the ground fiercely, blowing up a dark red flame.

In this way, because Liu Zheng was prepared in advance, there was no result of the bombing of the enemy's aircraft. Otherwise, at this time, it is possible that a military location in his base has been hit by a high-explosive bomb dropped by the enemy's aircraft. You should know that the explosive power of that heavy bomb is quite powerful. The target hit, especially the target of land-based military facilities, whether it is a chariot factory, an ore finer, a combat laboratory, or a power plant, will be hit, the whole target with no possibility of recovery. It was completely destroyed on the spot.


With the continuous development of the battle, the situation has also changed dramatically. Yes, that's true. After all, now, for Liu Zheng, even if it is the added ally, his own camp only has two bases. However, the enemy has six bases. It's not proportional at all. Therefore, with the continuous development of the war, Liu Zheng is facing more and more pressure. Although Liu Zheng is fully prepared for this, in the end, as the enemy's attack continues to strengthen, and his defense strength continues to decrease with the development of the battle. Since then, naturally, the situation has been 10 points unfavorable to Liu Zheng and his allies over time.

Soon, Liu Zheng found that if he continued to fight first, his base would definitely be destroyed. In that case, it would be better for me to take 36 as a plan. As the saying goes, the green mountains are not afraid of firewood. Seeing that the situation is unfavorable to you, then even if you barely fight, there will not be a good result. After thinking of this, Liu Zheng gave an order, so he concentrated the important military forces in his base, which still had 70 and 80ths of their health, and marched to a new place under the cover of the night.

Yes, before that, Liu Zheng had already scouted a place that was easy to defend and difficult to attack. Liu Zheng intends to rebuild his base there. Yes, now, Liu Zheng once again feels that it is almost impossible to defeat the enemy who is much stronger than himself without a solid defense.

Yes, there is a reason why Liu Zheng is very confident in the place he chose. It is surrounded by a small river. There is a wooden bridge over the river. That is to say, from here to the outside, you can only pass through this wooden bridge. Naturally, there is a reason. It is surrounded by a small river. There is a wooden bridge over the river. That is to say, from here to the outside, you can only pass through this wooden bridge. This wooden bridge has become the only connection for the outside world.

Liu Zheng thought that once he built his own base here, the first thing he had to do was to blow up this wooden bridge anyway. Yes, once this wooden bridge is blown up, although you can't go to the outside world to obtain resources, at the same time, the enemy's combat power, to be precise, the enemy's ground combat power will not be able to attack its base through this wooden bridge.

In that case, if the enemy launches an attack against its own base, there are only two ways. The first way is to launch an attack on your own base through air strikes. The second way is to attack your own base through naval combat strength. And the naval combat power, of course, is through this small river, close to its own base, and then attacked by aircraft carriers or long-range naval gunners.

However, at that point, enough solid fortifications have been built in their own base. Therefore, at that time, I will no longer worry about the defense of my base. What I have to do will be how to fight back and how to destroy the three enemy bases.

After thinking of this, Liu Zheng decided to build his own base here. It should be said that in the case of my recent defeat, it is very good to choose such a place with a very good defensive advantage to build a base. Moreover, the scenery here is beautiful, with singing and dancing, birds singing and flowers, and the environment is 10 points good, and this environment is also very suitable for your personality. In addition to the battle, in the gap between the construction of the base and the production of combat power, I can also trigger some feelings towards this beautiful scenery, which is also very suitable for my personality. In addition to the battle, in the gap between the construction of the base and the production of combat power, I can also trigger some feelings and enjoy the beautiful scenery. That's really fun.

But now, for Political Commissar Liu, it is not the time to enjoy the beautiful scenery. Yes, what I have to do now is to blow up the wooden bridge first. Otherwise, once the enemy's large number of combat power attacks, it will be over if you blow it up again. Now, it should be an opportunity. After thinking of this, with Liu Zheng's order, his five wind tanks and more than 10 infantry soldiers rushed to the wooden bridge together.

Liu Zheng put the dozen infantry in front, and five wind tanks were deployed behind by himself. In this way, a variety of firepower fired at the central position of the wooden bridge. At the mouth of the gun barrel of the windy tanks, the light flashed, and then, shells roared across the air, and the rescued fell to the important position of the wooden bridge. Coaxed, and then, with the sound of an explosion, a dark red fire immediately rose in the center of the wooden bridge. Some shells fell into the river and stood up white waves dozens of feet high. The rescued fell into an important position on the wooden bridge. Coaxed, and then, with the sound of an explosion, a dark red fire immediately rose in the center of the wooden bridge. Some shells fell into the river and stood up white waves dozens of feet high. Da Da Da Da, but some infantry fighting power, of course, will not be idle.

From all directions, the dense fire network fired bullets together into the important position of the wooden bridge. Finally, with a loud click, the wooden bridge was finally interrupted. However, until this time, Liu Zheng regretted to find that because a strong wind tank was too close to the other side during the attack just now, as the wooden bridge was blown up, his own wind tank could never return. Of course, if I don't send an engineer to repair this wooden bridge, my wind tank can certainly be brought back. However, Liu Zheng believes that if he really reached that point, he was afraid that the enemy's ground combat strength would have already wiped out his own wind tank.

At this time, Liu Zheng's next task is to vigorously build his own base, vigorously develop his own economic construction, earn enough production and construction funds, and then produce enough combat forces. Of course, at present, the most important way to obtain production and construction funds is to build slave-free mines. Now, since I have blown up the wooden bridge, the place where my base is located has become relatively isolated from the world. In addition to that river, there are two ways in the air, and the enemy can't attack themselves again. Therefore, in this case, the defensive pressure you are facing now is not very large. In this case, of course, you can put production and construction funds on the basis of economic development.

So, soon, Liu Zheng built two slave mines. Fortunately, Liu Zheng saw that on the territory he occupied, the leveling of the gold deposit was not small. For a long time, it should be said that it was enough for his own collection.

In this way, Liu Zheng couldn't help but feel relieved when he looked at his two slave mines, collecting ore conscientiously, and saw that production and construction funds flowed into his pocket. After that, Liu Zheng led his three wind tanks around his base. Yes, anyway, you should have an accurate understanding of the situation, terrain, landform and environment around your base. In this way, even if there is an emergency later, I will take corresponding measures according to the situation of my base.

However, just as Liu Zhang led his three wind tanks and patrolled around his base, suddenly, he made an unexpected discovery. That is, in a dense forest, there is another technological drilling well. Technology drilling oil wells? This is a good thing. Although Liu Zheng also knows that the speed of drilling oil wells is not very fast in terms of earning production and construction funds, it is sustainable. Able to continuously provide production and construction funds for their own bases. And this is also very valuable.

So, soon after, Liu Zheng directed his newly trained engineer to go to the technology drilling well around his base. The engineer, carrying a toolbox, rushed to the technology drilling oil well happily. With that engineer flashing his body, finally, the oil well of technology became Liu Zheng's. Immediately, Liu Zheng saw that more than 1,000 production and construction funds had flowed into the accounts of his base. After seeing this, Liu Zheng was certainly very happy.

However, at this time, because he has not yet built a very important military facility - the spiritual detection center, Liu Zheng has certainly not figured out the situation of the whole map. However, although the wooden bridge was blown up, he just left a wind tank on the other side of the river. In this way, why didn't you order the gale tank to turn around other parts of the map? In this way, even if you don't have that spiritual control center, you can have a general understanding of the whole map. After thinking of this, Liu Zheng gave an order, so his strong wind tank, a wind tank stranded on the opposite bank after the wooden bridge was blown up, rushed to a strange area still shrouded in the fog of war.

Moreover, Liu Zheng has already figured it out. That is, even if your own windy tank is destroyed by the enemy's combat strength, it is at most a windy tank, which will not cause much damage to you. However, the whole map she detected is of considerable significance to Commissance Liu. Therefore, of course, Liu Zheng's action is also very important.

However, Liu Zheng was worried about a gale tank, which had basically turned around a lot, but he did not meet an enemy combat unit. And this, of course, made Liu Zheng feel very much of the stadium. Wow, damn it, what the hell is going on?

However, Liu Zheng's strange things have just begun. Not only did his own gale tank not meet an enemy combat unit, but also did not even encounter a mining vehicle. What makes Liu Zheng feel more strange is that in that vast area, Liu Zheng actually found six to seven technology drilling oil wells one after another. Moreover, those technology drilling wells are still in anarchy so far. That is to say, those technology drilling oil wells are still not occupied by any other players.