Star Trek

Chapter 298 Who Fights 9

"La la la" With the harsh sound, Liu Zheng saw that the magnetic explosion coil of the enemy, which still has a fairly good attack ability, was launching an attack on his multi-functional laser attack mecha chariot. Similarly, Liu Zheng saw that although his multi-functional laser attack mecha chariot has a good laser attack ability, the attack distance is not very short. However, compared with the enemy's magnetic explosion coil, the magnetic arc light emitted by the enemy's magnetic explosion coil is far from the attack distance.

So, Liu Zheng saw that after his multi-functional laser attack mecha was attacked by the magnetic explosion coil in the area, a rolling black smoke immediately rose, and then a dark red flame rose to the sky. Then, with a loud explosion, Liu Zheng saw that his multi-functional laser attack mecha chariot was ruthlessly wiped out by the magnetic explosion coil of the enemy.

In addition, there is another important reason why Liu Zheng must first destroy the enemy destroyers on the river. The important reason is that the enemy's huge cannon is located in the core area of the enemy's base. In this way, if you use your own powerful long-range missile launchers to attack, you will be intercepted by the enemy's air defense system. And if you use your own short-range missile launchers to attack, because of your own short-range missile launchers, the attack distance is not very far, so it is naturally inappropriate.

But the enemy destroyers moored on the sea are different. After all, they are far away from the enemy's base, so that Liu Zheng's short-range missile launchers can get close to them and use their strong vitality to kill them in one fell swoop. Of course, in order to destroy the target in the shortest time, Liu Zheng has decided to pull his long-range missile launchers over and participate in the attack together.

In this way, your newly launched mobile chariot factory will still be attacked by the enemy's cannon. Just in case, Liu Zheng decided to turn the deployed mobile chariot factory into a small base vehicle, so that he could use the two field repair vehicles to repair it. At the same time, after transforming into a base car, it can naturally be moved to a safe place.

The preparations have been completed, so, with Liu Zheng's order, all his long-range attack forces, including the five short-range missile launchers and the powerful long-range missile launchers, were all thrown into the battle against the enemy destroyers. The main force of the squid in this battle, that is, the singing of the protagonist, is naturally the five short-range missile launchers. Therefore, naturally, the five short-range missiles were launched to the front. Of course, if their position is not too good before the exam, they can't beat the enemy destroyers at all.

Su Susu, one by one, dragged the orange tail flame and roared out of the five Liu Zheng's short-range missile launch vehicles. In the process of their flight, under the adjustment of their own high-precision guidance system, they constantly corrected the direction of flight, pierced through the air and roared. Flying through the jungle, flying over the mountains, and finally hit the target accurately. It was red, and suddenly remembered with the sound of an explosion. Liu Zheng saw that after the enemy's destroyer that was attacked had lost its last health value, the bow suddenly sank, and the stern of the ship rose high, and then sank into the water with a bang.

It should be said that Liu Zheng is really more and more impressed by his kind of diving car now. Yes, that's true. In particular, Liu Zheng felt extremely admirable for the efficient transportation.

The reason is actually very simple, that is, since this submersible vehicle is operated from underground, no matter what kind of terrain it is, it cannot stop the action of this submersible vehicle. Therefore, in this case, it can basically be said that the route of this submersible vehicle walking underground is basically a straight line.

Like, it can be said that there are not many people who can really act in a direct way. At the same time, Liu Zheng also knew that although that kind of helicopter, of course, it should be that kind of transport helicopter. Although they also operate in a straight line, because they are also exposed to the sky, naturally, the whereabouts of the transport helicopter can easily become the target of the enemy's anti-aircraft firepower. In this way, the realization of this kind of transport helicopter naturally has little value. However, from this perspective, that kind of diving vehicle of Liu Zheng is the real valuable means of transportation. Because they are underground, they don't have to worry about being detected by the enemy.

Not long ago, Liu Zheng once again led his diving car, set out from his base, crossed several kilometers underground, and once again came to his front position. Then, Liu Zheng released his three spy soldiers from his own dive truck. Then with an order, one of the spy soldiers disguised himself as an enemy infantry soldier.

However, soon, Liu Zheng felt very unable to laugh and cry. The reason is very simple, that is, when he finally invited the spies out of the diving car that had just drilled out of the ground, Liu Zheng took a closer look and couldn't help laughing: Oh, damn it! What kind of spy is this? It should be his own SEALs. How can this be? How can this be? Obviously, they loaded three spy soldiers into the submersible car, but why did they all become many commandos? Why is this? Liu Zheng is really a little confused as a monk now.

Although this is the case, Liu Zheng also has his own plan, that is, because it can be said that there are inextricable production and construction funds in his own base, so in this case, it is enough for him to produce a few more spy soldiers. After thinking of this, Liu Zheng once again told Mei Ting to transport them to his front position with that kind of submersible vehicle after producing three spies. You know, now, my attack on an enemy base is about to begin.

In this way, Liu Zheng focused on calling another spy from his base to his front position. In this way, looking at his diving car and getting out of the ground again, Liu Zheng's heart actually opened the drum again. Shit, I don't think it will be wrong this time.

Soon after, Liu Zheng led a spy soldier who had just been mobilized from his base and turned him into an infantry soldier of the enemy. After that, he led him to the enemy's base again, and then cut off a power plant of the enemy. The power supply. In this way, naturally, it will create opportunities for Liu Zheng's other attack forces.

In this way, Liu Zheng once again cut off the power supply of the enemy base with one of his spy soldiers. In this way, due to the lack of power support, the enemy's base once again fell into chaos.

And Liu Zheng seized this opportunity. First, he used some of his long-range attack weapons, such as the eight powerful long-range missile launchers, and the five short-range missile launchers, etc., and first knocked down some important military facilities in the enemy base, including those such as barracks and chariot factories. Super magnetic explosion coil and so on. Then, Liu Zheng had not sent his own large troops to launch the final attack on the enemy's base. As a result, he found that his general situation had gone. Of course, all the combat forces in the enemy base, this refers to those movable combat forces. Unexpectedly, they came out of the base one after another. It seemed that they wanted to have a final battle with all Liu Zheng's combat strength. However, for Political Commissar Liu, this kind of behavior of the enemy is actually exhausted.

In fact, Liu Zheng does not need to use his other combat forces now, just those laser mecha. Since they have long been upgraded to the Samsung elite level, in this case, whether it is the attack frequency, the attack distance, or the lethality of each attack, It has improved a lot. In this way, some of the enemy's bases that want to launch a decisive battle against Liu Zheng's combat power, including some rasterical chariots, grizzly bear chariots, etc., and of course, some enemy infantry combat forces. They rushed out one after another and rushed to Liu Zheng's group of combat forces ready to attack the enemy base.

In the face of this crazy final attack by the enemy, Liu Zheng just smiled coldly, and then gave an order to see that his laser armors were ready for the final attack. At this time, laser beams shot out from the multi-functional mecha tanks. It looked like a light sword, breaking through the wind and hitting the target fiercely, making a loud explosion. Moreover, the laser emission frequency of those multi-functional mecha chariots is quite high, almost one after another! The attack laser beams came from different directions, and the momentum was so powerful that it was quite terrible.

In this way, it didn't take long for Liu Zheng's laser mechas to wipe out some of the enemy's desperate combat forces. After seeing this, Liu Zheng couldn't help smiling and said to himself, "So far, I have finally killed a base of your girl. So far, there is no way to return to heaven, and the current situation is irreparable."

And the actual situation, as expected by Liu Zheng, although the last combat strength of the enemy still has to carry out stubborn resistance, it has no effect. Borrowing the time in the atmosphere, Liu Zheng simply wiped out all the enemy bases and combat power.


Finally, a loud voice was made again. For these victories, Liu Zheng can now be said to be somewhat common. In fact, what he needs now is not a victory, but some wonderful battles. Facing the commendation letter sent by the headquarters and looking at his partner Mei Ting, Liu Zheng smiled slightly, finally greeted Mei Ting, and then went offline. Yes, you know, he has a new task to do tomorrow. Therefore, in any order to do so, he has to maintain sufficient physical strength.


Three days later, another new battle and another new base, but the players are still Liu Zheng and Mei Ting.

"Brother Zheng, we often come into contact with some new weapons now, and I really don't have any confidence in these new weapons. After all, it's too strange, so it's very awkward to use. Mei Ting said with her eyebrows.

After listening to Mei Ting's words, Liu Zheng smiled and said, "What's the problem! I have long learned a lot about some dense weapons, including some important military weapons of the enemy. Therefore, you don't have to worry at all. You just need to build our base, which is a great achievement. Liu Zheng said to Mei Ting with a smile.

"For example, the new ballistic missile in our base not only has a fairly good attack distance, but also has a strong braking ability of this ballistic missile. She is not like an ordinary large pair of rockets, attacking those fixed targets appropriately. Because they do not have a guidance system, and our new ballistic missile has made considerable improvements in the system. However, it is a fixed target or a movable target. As long as it is within his range, it will definitely be able to attack the target. Liu Zheng still smiled and explained to Mei Ting.

Mei Ting is still very interested in Liu Zheng's explanation. Brother Zheng, listening to your words is better than reading for ten years. However, I still don't quite understand what the light armored vehicle in our base is for. Mei Ting's eyebrows tightened.

After hearing this, Liu Zheng spread out his hand to Mei Ting and continued: This is actually very simple. In our base, there are some very strange combat forces, including the light armored vehicle you just mentioned. Yes, at the beginning, not only you, but also I felt very strange. Light armored vehicles, as the name implies, should be characterized by lightness and convenience, and should be a ground combat force. However, in fact, this light armored vehicle is a very important air defense force. After I said this, I may not have said anything. However, this is the truth.

After listening to Liu Zheng's words, Mei Ting couldn't help asking further: In this case, Brother Zheng, what kind of anti-aircraft gun in our base has been useless for a long time?"

Liu Zheng smiled and said, "You actually asked this question well, yes

, in fact. In terms of actual air defense capability alone, our kind of anti-aircraft gun is really not as powerful as this kind of light armored vehicle. Therefore, in many ways, our base is very different from the normal base. Will you slowly adapt in the future?

At this time, Liu Zheng saw an enemy helicopter flying towards his base. After seeing this, Liu Zheng couldn't help but be shocked. The enemy's action was fast enough. Five minutes after the game began, he began to attack Laozi's base. However, in the face of this situation, Liu Zheng is not too afraid. Because he has a pretty good defense now. Liu Zheng, who has always been good at defending and counterattacking, will not worry about the enemy's move.

Yes, anyway, Liu Zheng has built five ballistic missiles and produced at least five light armored vehicles. In this case, although the military strength is not very strong, it should be said that such combat power is already very good at the beginning of the game.

It is precisely because he has such a combat ability and because he is fully prepared that Liu Zheng naturally does not take the attack of the enemy helicopter seriously. Soon, Liu Zheng saw that the enemy's helicopter had flown over his base. Liu Zheng knew that in fact, this enemy helicopter was not here to attack his base. Instead, they sent some engineers to occupy some military facilities in their base. It should be said that this kind of calculation of the enemy is still very shrewd. It can be said that this is a profitable business. You only need to pay the price of an engineer to occupy an expensive military facility. Good things like this, no matter who wants to do it.

However, now that I have a very good anti-aircraft firepower, then, in this case, I will simply shoot down the enemy helicopter. After thinking of this, Liu Zheng gave an order to lead all his five light armored vehicles that had just been produced to the forefront of his base. So, just as the enemy's helicopter was landing on the ground towards the wreath, a battle between Liu Zheng and the enemy began.