Star Trek

Chapter 297 Who Fights 8

After seeing this, Liu was in a panic and did not forget to dispatch one of his engineers here. Yes, although I can also use the repair tools of the base to repair my own ore refinement factory, then again, the repair speed of the repair tools of the base is too slow after all. Yes, that's true. In this case, if the base repair tool is used for repair, then it is also possible that with the next enemy's air-to-air missile hit, then it is certain that its own ore refinement factory will no longer be able to be preserved. Therefore, before the enemy's second attack, you'd better use engineers to completely repair it.

So, as one of his engineers flashed into his own ore refinement factory, Liu Zheng saw that his ore refinement factory, at the moment when the engineer designed the patent, in a blink of an eye, the smoke just now was full of fire and dilapidated. It disappeared all of a sudden. After seeing this, Liu Zheng couldn't help but be proud of his wise decision.

However, the enemy's air attack from the east of his base has just ended, and several enemy air bombers flew over from the west of his base. It was still Sususu's air-to-surface missiles, but this time, the attack targets of the enemy's several air-to-air missiles were no longer Liu Zheng's ore refinement factory, but the one he had just occupied as the Tianyan spy satellite. However, this time, because his own Tianyan spy satellite was too far away from the center of his base, Liu Zheng had no time to send engineers to repair it.

Therefore, with the second attack of the enemy's air attack firepower, the sky-eye spy satellite, with a bang, with the dark red explosive fire light rising to the sky, became countless wreckage and fragments, scattered one after another. And Liu Zheng's eyes suddenly turned gray. The suddenly cheerful visual effect brought to me by the sky-eye spy satellite just now, and Liu Zheng's eyes suddenly turned gray. The suddenly cheerful visual effect brought to itself by the Tianyan spy satellite just now has suddenly become a thing of the past with the earth-shaking deafening explosion.

After seeing this, Liu Zheng couldn't help sighing. Damn, it seems that in any case, you have to develop your own air defense force first. Yes, on this 10-point map, whether you want to attack the enemy or the enemy to attack yourself, the most important channel is to use the air force to achieve the goal. In addition, it is a long-range missile. The third means, is to use naval combat power, on this 10-point map, whether you want to attack the enemy or the enemy to attack yourself, the most important channel is to use the air force to achieve the goal. In addition, it is a long-range missile. The third means is to achieve the attack on the target through naval combat power.

Relatively speaking, air strikes are the most common and realistic, and they cost the least once and for all. Yes, as long as several intercontinental missiles are produced at one time, whether they are conventional or intercontinental nuclear missiles, it doesn't matter. Anyway, the warhead can fly thousands of miles away and send it to the top of the target's head.

Now, Liu Zheng sees that although five to seven anti-aircraft guns have been built in his base, the allowance of five to seven anti-aircraft guns is far from meeting his requirements. After careful consideration, Liu Zheng decided to strengthen his anti-aircraft firepower from three aspects. One aspect is to build several anti-aircraft turrets. Liu Zheng knows that some enemy air forces, such as airborne troops, are not the kind of anti-aircraft missiles that can attack. Generally speaking, the attack target of anti-aircraft missiles is only aircraft or the enemy's long-range intercontinental missiles. Therefore, the reason why Liu Zheng still relies on building several anti-aircraft guns is to attack the enemy's airborne troops that may come again.

The second plan is that five to seven Red Flag 9 anti-aircraft missiles must be produced. This red balloon anti-aircraft missile, to be precise, belongs to the combat power type of short-range anti-aircraft missile. The range is close, but the flight speed of this bombardment 9 anti-aircraft missile is 10 minutes fast, so the effect is still very good when used with that kind of land-based anti-aircraft gun. This red balloon short-range anti-aircraft missile, which cooperates with the Chinese anti-aircraft gun, is composed of an air defense system, which is enough to completely intercept the enemy's air combat power near their own base and completely intercept them in mid-air without allowing them to attack the military facilities or combat forces in their own bases.

The third is that you have to produce at least five Red Flag 15 medium-range anti-aircraft missiles. This Red Flag 15 medium-range anti-aircraft missile is neglected to medium-range anti-aircraft missiles with early warning capabilities. This kind of medium- and long-range anti-aircraft missile can detect the enemy's air combat power and is still far away from its own base, and can launch interceptor missiles to attack the enemy's air combat power in time. Therefore, this kind of medium- and long-range anti-aircraft missile, this type of combat power called the Red Flag 15 medium-range attack missile, can defend the enemy's air attack force outside the country, making the enemy's air strike force unable to approach its own base at all. Therefore, in this sense, the role and significance of this bombardment of 15 medium-range anti-aircraft missiles is also self-evident.

In this way, Liu Zheng intends to strengthen his anti-aircraft firepower from these three aspects. Once your air defense force is greatly improved according to these three aspects, it can be said that your base is basically under the cover of a net.


Of course, for Liu Zheng, from the perspective of that time, the most important thing was the problem of production and construction funds. Yes, that's true. Now, it can be said that although it still has nearly 20,000 production and construction funds in its own base. However, then again, if you want to expand the scale of the base and build some high-end military facilities, it will cost a lot of production and construction funds.

Another point is that under this missile-determined war mode, you must invest enough production and construction funds to produce that kind of excellent missile combat unit. This is actually a very simple truth. Yes, that's true. To take a simple example, the cheapest missile, that is, the Red Flag 12 anti-aircraft short-range missile, a missile launcher like that, requires 2,000 production and construction funds. The Red Alert 9 medium-range anti-aircraft missile requires 3,000 production and construction funds.

The Dongfeng 11 short-range ground ballistic missile requires 1200 production and construction funds to be produced. And that kind of Dongfeng 21 medium-range missile to produce a missile launcher like that requires 2,500 production and construction funds. The production of the Dongfeng 31 intercontinental nuclear missile requires 3,500 production and construction funds. The production of a Dongfeng 41 intercontinental nuclear missile requires 4,000 production and construction funds.

Therefore, although Liu Zheng still has nearly 20,000 production and construction funds, this is less than 20,000 production and construction funds, which is just enough to produce four Dongfeng 41 ballistic missiles. Therefore, although there are still nearly 20,000 production and construction funds in Liu Zheng's base, it is true that it can't withstand much, and it will be consumed in a short time.

In addition, Liu Zheng has not yet built his own super weapon - super nuclear missile. It is a large intercontinental nuclear missile with very strong lethality and explosive power, and it will not be intercepted by the enemy's air defense firepower at all. In addition, more importantly, if you don't build your own super weapon, the super nuclear bomb launch well, then your own intercontinental missile launcher, whether it is the Dongfeng 31 nuclear missile launcher or the Dongfeng 41 nuclear missile launcher, cannot be produced.

After thinking of this, Liu Zheng wanted to build a technology drilling well. Yes, although that kind of technology drilling oil wells is slower in terms of earning production and construction funds. However, it's better than nothing. Moreover, the continuous production and construction funds are always money! The price is higher than that one continuously.

Moreover, Liu Zheng has always had such a habit, that is, to prevent problems before they happen. Yes, it's hard to say what will happen in the future. Yes, that's true. Especially in the case of such a rampaged missile, it is true and hard to say. Once two or three nuclear bombs come, there will be a loud roar, such as chariot factories and combat laboratories. In many cases, in many cases, as your own ore refinery is blown up, and as your own technology drilling oil wells are also blown up. In that case, on the accounts in your base, if There is no other extra production and construction funds, otherwise things will be really troublesome.

Therefore, Liu Zheng, who has always had the consciousness of "preventing troubles before they happen", will naturally not let that kind of situation occur. Therefore, "it is often timeless to think about it." Now, it is still necessary to build a scientific and technological oil well before the situation permits.

In this way, soon after, Liu Zheng spent 2,500 production and construction funds to finally build a scientific and technological drilling well. However, the construction location was not on land, but on the coast on the edge of his base. That's an offshore technology drilling well. However, in Liu Zheng's consciousness, after he built the technological drilling well, he didn't have to worry about it. I just waited for the rolling production and construction funds to flow into my pockets one after another.

However, at this time, the situation changed dramatically. Just as Liu Zheng was busy producing his own super weapon, the super nuclear missile, he could produce the air-to-air missiles of the Dongfeng system that looked very good, and the air-to-air missiles of the Red Flag system. Just as Liu Zheng was busy producing his own super weapon, the super nuclear missile, he could produce the air-to-air missiles of the Dongfeng system that looked very good, and the air-to-air missiles of the Red Flag system.

Yes, for Liu Zheng, that series of missiles is Liu Zheng's pride! However, it needs to be supported by sufficient production and construction funds. It is also for this reason that I built that technological drilling well. However, just now, it seems that the explosion came from my newly built technology drilling oil well! Just now, it seems that the explosion came from my newly built technology drilling oil well! Wow, damn it, what's the reason?

And when Liu Zheng turned his eyes to the science and technology drilling well he had just built, Liu Zheng suddenly found that there, wow, damn it, unexpectedly... The technology drilling well he had built with 2,500 production and construction funds has disappeared! Wow, damn it, what kind of combat power has been destroyed? After seeing this, Liu Zheng was naturally very annoyed. However, because of the fog of war at this time, I can't see at all what kind of combat power killed my technology drilling well. The fog of war is shrouded, so I can't see at all what kind of combat power killed my scientific and technological oil well. Of course, I don't know where the combat power came from.

"It seems that I really have to build my own sky-eye spy satellite as soon as possible! Otherwise, I would have been beaten half dead, but I don't know who hit me!" Liu Zheng couldn't help thinking about it.

At the same time, Liu Zheng's shipyard was finally built. Therefore, Liu Zheng began to look for the most suitable construction site. It seems that I still like the water area where I just built my own scientific and technological drilling oil well. Well, it belongs to its own inner port, and the security is also good. Well, that's it, that's it! Liu Zheng couldn't help making up his mind. So, with the sound of construction, the sound of Dingdangdang continued to sound, and soon after, in his inner port, his shipyard was finally built!

However, Liu Zheng saw that the construction of his main factory was almost at that moment after it was just built. With the sound of "banging" firing one after another, Liu Zheng saw that shells crossed the line. The arc of the road, like raindrops, hit the top of my newly built shipyard. Boom~~ With the sound of explosions ringing one after another, Liu Zheng saw that the health value of his shipyard was falling and falling at a speed visible to the naked eye. Soon, with the deafening explosion, his own shipyard was blown into countless wrecks and fragments and scattered.

And almost in his own shipyard, just after the explosion, Liu Qingshan finally found that his own sky-eye spy satellite had finally been built! Then, in front of my eyes, it was naturally white! The whole map was immediately presented in front of my eyes! There are vast waters, islands, continents, and mountain beams.

Of course, you can have a panoramic view of the bases of various players, as well as the large and small military facilities in the base, as well as the various combat forces. However, Liu Zheng is not very interested in some enemy bases that are too far away from his base and other facilities. Yes, after all, the most important thing for me is the bases closest to me. This is exactly what the so-called "distant friendship and close attack" is exactly this truth.

Finally, Liu Zheng finally understood that the culprit of his newly built shipyard was killed, that is, the guy who drilled his own technology oil well! Unexpectedly, he is the guy who is separated from himself! That guy's base only occupies a small island, which looks really inconspicuous. Unexpectedly, he is the guy who is separated from himself! That guy's base only occupies a small island, which looks really inconspicuous. However, despite this, that guy's strength really can't be underestimated!

Yes, that's true. Among other things, the weather controller standing there on the guy's base alone is enough to explain everything. Yes, it has indeed explained everything. You know, that kind of weather controller can launch weather attacks! In the lightning and thunder, the dragon and snake-like lightning, mixed with the sound of thunderbolt, was enough to destroy a base!

It's really scary, really scary! And the one who knocked down his own technology drilling oil well and the culprit of his newly built shipyard was actually not the enemy's super weapon - the weather controller, but the shore cannons built on the edge of the coast! After seeing this, Liu Zheng couldn't help but blush with anger.