Star Trek

Chapter 239 Who Fights 22

With the sound of several swirling missile launches, Liu Zheng saw that one anti-aircraft missiles quickly shot out, drilled into the sky, and hit his own intercontinental missiles that rushed down fiercely. Boom, boom, as the Patriot missile hit the target one after another, a dark red explosive fog kept spreading in mid-air. It looks like a dragging mushroom cloud.

Moreover, with the explosion of the first intercontinental missile, the intercontinental missiles that followed later also exploded. This is a typical chain reaction. However, because their intercontinental missiles exploded in mid-air after all, although they sounded deafening and flashed, they did not cause any debris to the enemy's military facilities on the ground.

At this time, after seeing this, Liu Zheng couldn't help sneering. He knew that it seemed that it was difficult for him to achieve his goal by leaving the attack of the main battle tank under the protection of his iron curtain device. After thinking of this, Liu Zheng gave an order, so he implemented his iron curtain device on the five Type 96 main battle tanks. Immediately after a strange sound, some black light spots were mottled, covering the chariots. Next, the black spots became more and more conspicuous. As time went by, they suddenly changed from the mottled appearance just now to pure black. During this period, a silver-white light also kept shining, which made people feel very strange.

In this way, after a period of hard work, the base of an Indian player was basically disabled by Liu Zheng. Yes, as a result of satellite reconnaissance, Liu Zheng saw that some of the most important military bases of Indian players have been basically destroyed. For example, build a general factory, a combat laboratory, a barracks, an ore polishing plant, etc. At this point, the enemy's chariot factory is still carrying out normal production. Moreover, Liu Qingshan saw that there were about a dozen all kinds of tanks parked next to the enemy's chariot factory, including welcome tanks and five to six, and seven to eight main battle tanks. Of course, the infantry capabilities of other enemy troops can be basically ignored.

However, at this time, Liu Qingshan saw that almost all the ground attack forces, including the phantom chariots and the main battle tanks, were all gathered along the rugged and narrow small The road rushed in the direction of Liu Zheng's base. After seeing this, Liu Zheng couldn't help but be slightly stunned. Wow, damn it, it seems that this good thing wants to fight with me. However, the frequency is desperate, and I don't worry about it. After all, I still have several Longya rockets here.

Actually, it was not until this time that Liu Zheng realized that he had made a mistake. That is, I really take the ground attack power of the enemy too lightly. If they had produced a few more short-range or long-range ballistic missiles before that, then the enemy's ground attack forces would not attack the edge of their own base at all, and they would have been defeated in the process of attacking their own bases. However, it's too late to say anything now. Seven to eight enemy welcome tanks have attacked the edge of their base. At this time, Liu Zheng knew that the only thing he could do was to concentrate all his ground attack power of his chariots, and then form a strict defense system to completely destroy the enemy's ground attack.

Su Su, Su Su, dense dragon tooth rockets, roaring through the air. Then, the rain accompanied by the rain contract hit some of the enemy's welcome tanks that had attacked on the edge of Liu Zheng's base. Although Liu Zheng knew that his kind of dragon tooth rocket launcher was not very lethal, especially not very accurate. However, the density of this dragon tooth rocket is far more than all other attack firepower. The killing power of its own dragon tooth rocket is not very high, especially it is not very accurate. However, the density of this dragon tooth rocket is far more than all other attack firepower. Therefore, his density basically makes up for the shortcomings of slightly less accuracy. In the end, the attack power formed and the destructive power caused to the target are not very bad.

Boom, boom, as the contract's dense dragon tooth rocket cannon stone hit the target one by one, and the two enemy's welcome tanks exploded. Yes, you know, the enemy's welcome tank has poor health and defense power, so they also seem to be a little powerless in the face of such a dense dragon tooth rocket attack. However, due to their fast movement speed, at this time, three thoughtful welcome tanks have touched the side of Liu Zheng's Longya rocket launchers.

Then, a sharp cry came, which seemed to be the sound of some bird's call. And, at the same time, the same golden flashes shot from the muzzle of the light chariot. Moreover, after attacking once, the phantom chariots immediately transformed into a tree, shining like a ghost. Liu Sen knew that in this way, his combat power could no longer find and attack it. A part of the attacked chariot instantly turned red, as if it had been burned red, and its health value also dropped sharply as the attacked area turned red. Almost at that moment, it almost fell to "zero"!

In this way, the enemy's welcoming tanks, relying on their unique attack ability against the combat power of chariots, used the high thermal ray as the main attack weapon and successively killed Liu Zheng's three or two dragon tooth rocket launchers. Then, Liu Qingshan saw that at this time, the remaining four welcome tanks of the enemy had approached his medium-range anti-aircraft missiles after defeating his Longya rockets. You know, in the current situation, those medium-range anti-aircraft missiles are the most important force for the safety of their own bases. Yes, in the big battle, although the enemy's ground attack power is not very powerful, Liu Zheng knows that the enemy's air attack power is still very strong. Especially the large number of enemy fighter bombings,

Sometimes the value is beyond my expectations. Therefore, if you don't have enough anti-aircraft firepower, your base will soon be destroyed by the enemy's air strike force. Therefore, when the enemy's X Phantom tanks had approached his own anti-aircraft missiles, Liu Zheng was really unlucky.

However, a light blue beam of light fell from the sky and hit a welcome tank of the enemy. With a loud noise, the enemy's attacked phantom tank exploded into countless wreckage and fragments in a blink of an eye.

Then, the light blue beam of light fell from the sky again and hit the phantom tank on the ground fiercely. As a result, the attacks on the welcoming tanks of the very powerful enemy were wiped out one by one by those pale blue beams of light. It was not until this time that Liu Zheng found that the light blue beam seemed to fall from the sky in a spiral, and the momentum was 10 points sharp. Finally, Liu Zheng stayed old. Those light blue beams falling from the sky were fired by his own Shenwu cannon. And his Shenwu cannon was built by himself when the base was prepared. I didn't expect that at the most critical time, this was the Shenwu cannon, which helped his base a lot. Otherwise, once his anti-aircraft missiles are destroyed by the enemy's phantom tanks, the consequences will be unimaginable for his base. Yes, that's true.

At this time, Liu Zheng saw that another nuclear bomb attack had finally begun. Yes, my own nuclear attack this time is neglected by that type of superweapon. The anti-aircraft firepower in the enemy's base cannot be intercepted at all. Moreover, his lethality is also Yuanyuan's focus on general ground missile weapons.

five, four, three, two, one! Launch! In this way, with the end of the countdown, Liu Zheng gave an order and saw a huge missile, under the support of the rocket, spraying an orange tail flame, rising from the launch pad. Then, as time went by, the rocket became faster and faster. After flying to a certain altitude, it began to fly towards the enemy's base. The momentum is great, roaring one after another, passing through the clouds and fog, breaking through the air. Soon after, Liu Zheng saw that the super nuclear missile finally hit the target in the enemy base. That target is also an attack target carefully selected by Liu Zheng. That is, several enemy main battle tanks.

Yes, it is indeed several main battle tanks of the enemy. In the current situation, Liu Zheng sees that his base still lacks sufficient defense against the enemy's ground attack power. Although I have set up a production plan for five tank missiles, after all, it can't quench my thirst. Therefore, in this case, I can only give the enemy's ground attack force to three people as much as possible. In this way, I will relieve my worries. Therefore, Liu Zheng targeted the attack of this super nuclear missile on the main battle tanks in the base of the Indian player.

Finally, with the fall of his super nuclear missile from the sky, Liu Zheng saw that a rocket with a nuclear warhead fell from the sky. Immediately, a loud noise that was about to break the diaphragm of people rang through the earth. Then, a dazzling white light began to spread, spread and expand. It bulged, and then turned into a mushroom cloud and rose in the air, and suddenly there was a dazzling snow white between heaven and earth. Then, in the harsh explosion, in the dazzling white light, centered on the starting point of the mushroom cloud, a huge circle of impact circle was formed. The enemy's main battle tanks turned into nothingness in a blink of an eye under the huge impact.

After seeing this, Liu Zheng took a long breath. Wow, well, I finally destroyed the enemy's ground attack forces. In this way, I can concentrate on dealing with the enemy's air strikes.

In this way, it should be said that the base of an Indian player is basically non-existent for some of himself. In this case, for Liu Zheng, he just needs to concentrate on the attack of the enemy's American player base. Now, Liu Zheng sees that in a base of American players, the attack force he is worried about is the seven to nine intercontinental missiles. Yes, although it has quite good anti-aircraft firepower in its own base. However, once the enemy's intercontinental missile launches an air attack on itself with F16 fighters, it is still unknown that you can't resist it.

So, in this case, Liu Zheng decided that in any case, he would destroy the enemy's intercontinental missile launchers. However, at that time, the only combat power that could destroy the enemy's intercontinental missile launchers was its own superweapon, the super nuclear missile. Yes, although he also has the ability to produce intercontinental missiles, after all, at least 10,000 production and construction funds are needed to produce a long-range intercontinental nuclear missile. Yes, you should know what a huge amount of 10,000 production and construction funds are. At present, only a few hundred stations and construction funds can be used. Although my own technology drilling oil wells is constantly providing myself with production and construction funds, but then back, what's the use?

In addition, it is also very important that the production of an intercontinental nuclear missile requires not only too expensive production and construction funds, but also too much time. At least, it will take six to seven minutes to produce a nuclear missile. And time, at this time, how ghostly it is for me. Therefore, Liu Zheng naturally can't wait for his intercontinental nuclear missile to be produced to attack the enemy's intercontinental missiles. After all, at present, I have the strike capability of super nuclear missiles in my hands. Moreover, this is a cost-free super missile. In this case, why bother to wait for the intercontinental nuclear missile that costs 10,000 production and construction funds and more than seven to eight minutes to produce?

Yes, Liu Zheng knows that once the enemy's seven to eight intercontinental missiles attack his base at the same time, especially if the enemy's six to nine F16 fighters are also involved in the attack, then his air defense firepower is fierce, it is difficult to do it. Therefore, in this situation, it is undoubtedly a right and wise choice to kill the enemy's seven intercontinental missile launchers first.

At this time, Liu Zheng finally found that he had the strike capability of another super nuclear missile. As long as you give your own order, the enemy's intercontinental missile launchers will face a disaster. Yes, I know that it does not have a particularly strong defense capability, so in the face of the attack of its own super nuclear missiles, the enemy's intercontinental missile launchers will definitely be vulnerable. Liu Zheng is still very confident about this.

After thinking of this, with Liu Zheng's order, he finally began to attack his own super nuclear missile again. Suddenly, a rocket carrying a nuclear warhead fell from the sky. Immediately, there was a loud sound that was about to break the human diaphragm. Then, a dazzling white light began to spread quickly, spread, expand, expand, and then turned into a mushroom cloud and soar into the sky, and suddenly between heaven and earth A dazzling snow white. Then, in the harsh explosion, in the dazzling white light, centered on the starting point of the mushroom cloud, a huge circle of impact circle was formed. Before the enemy's fiery intercontinental missiles could be launched, they exploded with the deafening explosion and the mushroom cloud rising to the sky. Yes, all of them exploded. After seeing this, Liu Zheng's heart naturally felt much more relaxed.

However, although Liu Zheng shot down several intercontinental missiles in the enemy base, he also shocked some ground attack forces in the enemy base. Yes, mainly some of the enemy's main battle tanks. At this time, they gathered together, set out from the enemy's base, and rushed to Liu Zheng's base aggressively. It seems that he just wants to work hard on Liu Zheng.

After seeing this, Liu Zheng couldn't help but be a little worried. Yes, that's true. Because at this time, there are only two tank missiles that can really do their best in the ground defense. Wu is not very familiar with what kind of attack capability this anti-tank missile has. Moreover, the enemy attacked no less than 7 main battle tanks this time. But there are only two of my own anti-tank missiles. In this way, it looks natural and very disproportionate. However, at this time, I knew that I had no other good way. Fortunately, there is also a Shenwu cannon in his base. At the critical moment, my Shenwu cannon should also be able to play a certain role.