Star Trek

Chapter 240 Missile War 1

Every time, Liu Zheng clearly saw that the enemy's main battle tanks rushed along a piece of water in the direction of his base. Suddenly, Liu Zheng heard a roar, but he didn't see any missiles fired. However, Liu Zhengfoot can guess that this must be the attack carried out by his two tank missiles. Sure enough, with the sound of the swuffing missile flight, followed by a loud explosion, and then Liu Zheng saw that the main battle tank of the enemy in front had been blown into countless wreckage and fragments.

"It seems that its own anti-tank missile is still very effective against enemy chariots. You know, just one attack wiped out an enemy's main battle tank. Moreover, it seems that there is no trace of it. The car is really a bloodless sword. Liu Zheng couldn't help sighing. Then, in the same way, his two anti-tank missiles successively wiped out three enemy main battle tanks. Since then, a total of six enemy main battle tanks have been destroyed.

Then, the three enemy's main battle tanks behind, at this time, the speaker attacked Liu Zheng's base. One by one, shells attacked the combat laboratory in Liu Zheng's base. When he came, the enemy's attack target was very clear, that is, to destroy it and leave it to the combat laboratory. Liu Zheng knows that once his combat laboratory is destroyed, it basically means that he can't do without producing high-end combat units.

However, at this time, Liu Zheng's two tank missiles once again! With another swhew, the enemy's main battle tank and so on turned into nothingness in a blink of an eye. At the same time, a light blue beam of light fell from the sky and hit another enemy's main battle tank. The deafening explosion sound came, and the enemy's main battle tank was destroyed.

After seeing this, Liu Zheng was very happy. Finally, it actually proved that my anti-tank missile still has quite good lethal ability for the enemy's ground chariot troops. In this way, my heart will come out. Love is mixed to do it. There should be basically no problem with five to seven such tank missiles, combined with that kind of heavy long-range howitzer, to deal with the enemy's ground attack force.

Now for Liu Zheng, the biggest problem is the production and price capital in his base. Yes, that's true. Because now, I need to produce short-range ballistic missile launches. However, with the production and construction funds in our current base, it is really difficult to effectively produce two short-range ballistic missile launchers. However, you can build another technological drilling well. In that case, the two scientific and technological oil wells will continuously provide production and construction funds for themselves. In that case, the problem should be almost solved.

Therefore, under the circumstances of great shortage of production and construction funds, Liu Zheng still insists on building an oil well. It takes 2,500 production and construction funds to build a scientific and technological drilling well. However, it doesn't matter if more production and construction funds need to be spent in time. Anyway, Liu Zheng is very clear that if there is no sufficient source of production and construction funds, there will be no production force of his own. If you want to truly destroy that American player's base, you must first destroy the Patriot anti-aircraft missiles there. Otherwise, it is almost impossible to destroy other people's bases. Because Liu Zheng knew that he wanted to destroy the base of an American player, and the only combat weapon he relied on was his medium- and long-range missile. However, so far, Liu Zheng has known that there are at least three to five Patriot three-type anti-aircraft missiles in the enemy's base. And that kind of Patriot Type 3 anti-aircraft missile has quite strong air defense capability. Generally speaking, if there are three to five Patriot three-provincial anti-aircraft missiles, it is almost impossible for the other party to announce the enemy's air defense system with missiles. Therefore, Liu Zheng is deciding how to destroy the Patriot III anti-aircraft missiles in the enemy base first.

Now, Liu Zheng sees that the production plan for the construction of the second technology drilling well has been completed. That is to say, its second technology drilling well has been completed. In this way, naturally, the speed of earning funds for the production and construction of Liu Zheng's base will be further accelerated. After seeing this, Liu Zheng's heart relaxed. Yes, with money, everything will be easy.

However, soon after, an unexpected thing changed the situation of the whole battlefield. Originally, at this time, Liu Zheng saw that two short-range ballistic missile launchers had been produced in his base. In order to strengthen the attack force, Liu Zheng specially produced another medium-range missile launch vehicle. Of course, Liu Zheng also knows that even if he produces another missile launch sound, it is difficult to break through the air defense attack of the enemy's Patriot Type III anti-aircraft missiles. Yes, after all, relatively speaking, the enemy's Patriot III anti-aircraft missile has a relatively large number of anti-aircraft energy. Therefore, in this case, it is not so easy for my missile to truly break through the air defense system formed by the enemy's Patriot three-type anti-aircraft missile.

In this case, Liu Zheng also knows that he must produce several non-missile attack weapons. Then, with all kinds of non-large attack weapons, the village committee dropped several Patriot Type III anti-aircraft missiles in the enemy base. In this way, your own long-range or short-range missiles can attack successfully. Of course, Liu Zheng also thought about what kind of combat force to use to complete this mission. However,

Finally, Liu Zheng still gave priority to the production of that kind of long-range heavy howitzer. Yes, Liu Zheng still appreciates this kind of long-range heavy howitzer. The attack distance is long and the lethality is great. Moreover, what happened is left to the shells, and the enemy's anti-aircraft firepower is impossible to intercept it. In this way, it is naturally very appropriate to use this heavy long-range howitzer to go to some Patriot III anti-aircraft missiles in the enemy base.

Yes, Liu Zheng didn't expect that the enemy would send some infantry to attack his base. Yes, Liu Zheng saw that the group of infantry of the enemy, wearing grass-green clothes, moved 10 minutes quickly and looked like a group of ants.

To be honest, there is really no better way for Liu Zheng to deal with some of the enemy's infantry fighting power. Although there are two tank missile chariots in his base, Liu Zheng knows that Daliang tank missile chariots are only suitable for attacking enemy chariots, but naturally do not have a good attack effect on enemy infantry. In addition, the only weapon that can deal with the enemy's infantry fighting power is its own Shenwu cannon built when the base was founded.

At this time, Liu Zheng saw that the enemy's group of infantry had attacked the edge of his base one after another. Suddenly, when Liu Zheng felt a little helpless, a light blue beam of light fell from the sky and hit one of the enemy infantry fiercely. Five, with a scream coming, Liu Zheng saw that the infantry fighting power of an attacked enemy was shot off. However, after all, the number of infantry of this group of attacking enemy troops is indeed too much. There are nearly 30 people.

The infantry fighting power of so many enemy troops naturally relies on the Shenwu cannon in Liu Zheng's base, but it is far from enough. At this time, Liu Zheng saw that the dozens of infantry of the enemy had launched his seven anti-aircraft missile vehicles and surrounded them. Da Da Da Da, a dense gunshot sounded, and the enemy's group of infantry fighting power was making a fierce attack on Liu Zheng's group of anti-aircraft missile launchers with all their strength.

After seeing this, Liu Zheng was naturally very worried. However, there is no better way for me. At this time, suddenly, Liu Zheng saw that his three ballistic missile firing chariots had begun to launch ballistic missiles at the enemy's dozens of infantry fighting forces. Liu Zheng knows that his kind of ballistic missile launch vehicle has the ability to attack automatically. That is to say, even if they don't have their own strength, they can still attack the target.

However, when he saw his three ballistic missile chariots firing ballistic missiles at dozens of infantry of the enemy in the city, Liu Zheng knew that something was wrong. Yes, you know, the ballistic missiles launched by those ballistic missile launch vehicles have an explosive effect and lethal ability similar to nuclear bombs. In this case, after hitting the target, although the dozens of infantry of the enemy's combat power will certainly be eliminated, in the same way, due to the enemy's increased fierce shooting and unhensive combat power, the enemy's own anti-aircraft missile war vehicles are besieging, so under such circumstances, relying on themselves The super lethality of ballistic missiles, some of their own anti-aircraft missile fighting vehicles, will also be destroyed with the destruction of some of the enemy's infantry combat forces.

If that's really the case, the jade is really useless. But now, it's too late for Liu Zheng to stop it. With the sound of a swish missile launch, all kinds of ballistic missiles have drilled into the air, and then carried a group of infantry troops that roared directly against the enemy. Boom, followed by several consecutive missiles hit the target, and saw clusters of mushroom clouds rising, and the dark red explosive light blew the bodies of the enemy's group of infantry into mid-air.

At the same time, Liu Zheng saw that his several anti-aircraft missile launchers did not escape the bad luck of being blown up. In the future, Liu Zheng knows that he has at least five anti-aircraft missile launchers. However, under the attack of his own medium-range missiles, almost all of his anti-aircraft missile launchers were blown up. For a while, Liu Zheng saw the smoke and craters over his defense base.

Now, Liu Zheng is really a little dumbfounded. Yes, that's true. The reason is very simple, that is, now your anti-aircraft missile launcher has been blown up by your ballistic missiles, so what else can you do in this situation? Once the enemy's air strike force attacks its own base again, can you still rely on it?

Sure enough, at this time, the enemy's air attack began again. Yes, this time, at least seven enemy F16 fighters roared through the air. In the past, every time the enemy's 16 fighters were 1,000 meters away from their base, their own Red 72 anti-aircraft missile had begun to be launched for interception. But now, all my anti-aircraft missiles have been blown up by my own ballistic missiles. Therefore, at present, the only air defense force in Liu Zheng's base is two bicycle anti-aircraft guns. However, that kind of self-propelled anti-aircraft gun is simply not comparable to that kind of anti-aircraft missile. They are not a heavyweight at all. Therefore, in the face of the attack of the enemy's seven F16 fighters, Liu Zheng knew that this time, his base was really inescapable.

Sure enough, because the anti-aircraft missiles in Liu Zheng's base have basically been completely blown up, this time, the enemy's F16 fighters finally got their wishes. I saw that the enemy F16 fighters rapidly dropped in flight altitude, and then air-to-air missiles shot out, dragging the long tail flames on the ground. Some of the military in Liu Zheng's base were, including the construction of general factories, chariot factories, power plants, combat laboratories, ore refinement plants, etc. Some important military facilities attacked and went away.

coaxed five, bombarded five, bursts of explosions suddenly sounded, and a dark red exploding fog rose to the sky. Seeing that his main factory was built, more than 70% of his health was blown away, and the situation was extremely critical. After seeing this, Liu Zheng quickly ordered an engineer to rush to his main construction factory. Yes, in this case, there is basically no other choice for Liu Zheng. Although you can also use the system maintenance tools in the base to repair your own main factory, the maintenance speed is too slow. If you are not careful, it is possible that your main factory will be blown up. Therefore, in this situation, Liu Zheng dares not take it lightly. Therefore, simply sneak an engineer into his own construction factory, so that his construction factory can recover its health in an instant. In this way, the danger of being knocked out can be avoided.

Finally, Liu Zheng saw that after his own efforts, his main construction factory was finally saved, but some other military facilities in his base were still destroyed by the enemy. For example, his chariot factory was blown up and the barracks were blown up. And its own combat laboratory. It can be said that this battle is really a great loss for me.


Under the current situation, Liu Zheng continues to build his own chariot factory. Yes, the chariot factory is the most important military facility to produce its own combat power. In any case, I will build my own chariot factory again. In addition, according to Liu Zheng's plan, he will build a shipyard anyway. Yes, by observing the terrain, Liu Zheng knew that the enemy's base was close to that area of water for his own base. An area is actually a lake. Moreover, the area looks not small. In this way, once you build your own shipyard, a combat laboratory has already been built because of your own base. Therefore, in this case, once you successfully build a shipyard,

Then you can produce your own aircraft carrier. Once you have an aircraft carrier, because an enemy's base is also in this area of water, naturally, you can drive your aircraft carrier to the enemy's base. You know, that kind of aircraft carrier can take off seven to eight carrier-based aircraft at one time. If you build two aircraft carriers by yourself, you can take off more than 10 carrier-based aircraft with a one-time attack. You should know that if more than 10 are built to destroy an attack on the enemy's base, then even if the enemy has Patriot III anti-aircraft missiles, which are very good for the interception of Patriot Samsung and missiles, it is almost impossible to intercept more than a dozen carrier-based aircraft at the same time. .

And, now, Liu Zheng sees that he already has a considerable amount of production and construction funds in his base. Yes, now in its own base, there are at least 200,000 production and construction funds on top of the accounts. Since you have such a large amount of production and construction funds, you can certainly build more military facilities and produce more combat forces. Only when you have a considerable number of combat forces will your attack on the enemy have momentum, scale and effectiveness.