Star Trek

Chapter 242 Missile War 3

Liu Zheng still made up his mind and decided to build his own shipyard first anyway. Sometimes, Liu Zheng thinks so. That is, although it is said that if there is no advance, it will be invalid. However, if you are too careful, at this time, you will waste a lot of fighters. Moreover, Liu Zheng has also thought that his shipyard will be attacked by enemy submarines after it is built. However, Liu Zheng has also calculated that when attacked by enemy submarines, he can use his base maintenance ability to repair and restore the health of his shipyard.

At the same time, its own shipyard should continue to produce its own submarines. Of course, Liu Zheng also knew that the destruction speed of the enemy submarine was naturally much slower than the maintenance speed of his base for the shipyard. However, even so, the enemy's attack submarine will not quickly destroy its shipyard in one fell swoop. Yes, it's definitely not that fast. The maintenance speed of the shipyard at its own base is naturally much slower. However, even so, the enemy's attack submarine will not quickly destroy its shipyard in one fell swoop. Yes, it's definitely not that fast.

In this case, I can use this period of time to produce at least three to five of my own submarines before my shipyard is final. Once your submarine is produced, you will have the capital and ability to deal with the enemy's attack submarine by means. Although this is a dangerous chess game, for Liu Zheng, you might as well have a try. Once successful, it means that you will no longer be threatened by enemy submarines.

It should be said that the previous battles were really difficult for me. However, anyway, so far, I have finally survived. The most difficult times are basically over. Now, you can basically say what you want in your hands. The production and construction funds are different, and the chariot factory is also under construction. Of course, the site of building the chariot factory is also built by relying on its own howitzer to remove some other military fences.

At this time, just as Liu Zheng felt that he really stood firm, the headquarters suddenly sent another message and sent an order: "Captain Liu Zheng, there is another enemy military radar in the northeast corner of your base. Your next task is to occupy the enemy's military anyway. Radar. Only after occupying the enemy's military radar can we figure out the location of all the artillery deployed by the enemy in its position. So as to create conditions for our next general attack. Task completion time limit: no more than 10 minutes.

Wow, a new task has finally come. Liu Zheng couldn't help taking a long breath, looked at the vast sea in the distance, and fell into meditation for a moment.

Although the headquarters has issued a target mission to Liu Zheng, that is, to occupy the enemy's spy satellite in the northwest corner. According to the instructions of the headquarters, the enemy's spy satellite will be of 10 points of great significance to its own side after its occupation. However, for Commissar Liu, the defense task of his base is still very heavy. Because so far, its own island has still not produced enough combat power. Therefore, in the face of a fierce attack by the enemy, Liu Zheng really continues to feel that the pressure is quite great.

Well, another landing battle of the enemy began from the right side of his base. This time, the enemy unexpectedly came with three amphibious landing ships. And the three amphibious landing ships, just after landing, released a considerable combat force. Among them, Liu Zheng found that the front amphibious landing ship released seven enemy marines, while the two mobile wooden ships behind released five tanks. Then, the enemy forces that had just landed began to attack Liu Zheng's base.

In the face of such a fierce offensive by the enemy, Liu Zheng felt that the situation was very tense. Yes, that's true. Now, due to the needs of the construction of the base just now, Liu Zheng has gathered his seven to eight special forces soldiers in the central position of his base. Therefore, at this time, there is no maneuverable combat force in the front position at the right end of his base. There are only two magnetic explosion coils, and there are three newly built ballistic missiles. Although they are relatively far away, they can barely attack.

" Da Da..." The marines who rushed to the front of the enemy first attacked the target. The target they attacked was a power plant on the edge of Liu Zheng's base. Then, behind the enemy's marines, several enemy chariots, which should be rhinoceros, rushed forward impatiently and began to shell at Liu Zheng's power plant. I only heard the continuous firing of shells, roaring across the sky and hitting Liu Zheng's power plant fiercely.

"Boom..." Without any defensive force, Liu Zheng's power plant naturally made it difficult to withstand the fierce attack of the enemy. Soon after, an explosion suddenly remembered that Liu Zheng saw a dark red explosion fire rising into the sky, and Liu Zheng's power plant was hyped into countless wreckage and fragments and scattered away.

After seeing this, Liu Zheng couldn't help but be very surprised. It seems that this time, the enemy is really not good. Of course, Liu Zheng's land-based fixed attack weapons are not for nothing. First, the two magnetic explosion coils finally began to power. With a "chila" sound, Liu Zheng saw that from his two magnetic explosion coils, two lightning-like magnetic arcs came, cut through the air and hit the two chariots rushing to the front. Boom..." Two explosions came in a row. Liu Zheng saw that the two enemy chariots rushing to the front were almost destroyed by Liu Zheng's two lightning-like magnetic arcs in a blink of an eye.

In this way, the two enemy chariots rushing to the front were knocked down, which naturally relieved some pressure on Liu Zheng's defense. Then, when the attack power of the enemy behind swarmed, suddenly, Liu Zheng was happy to see that his newly built ballistic missiles finally began to exert their power. As the roar of "whist" sounded one after another, the ballistic missiles opened fire one after another. "Oh", several missiles came out from those launchers, spraying the orange-red tail flame, roaring and being blow away by the wind. The missiles flew quickly through the clouds and fog. After crossing a melon line, they hit the roaring enemy chariots very accurately. Moreover, what makes Liu Zheng feel that the guidance ability of this kind of ballistic missile is so powerful!

Even if the position of the target has changed, the ballistic missiles still follow like a shadow until the target is hit. Boom~boom~" After touching the target, those ballistic missiles bombarded and exploded one after another, blowing up a dark red explosive light fog and rising to the sky. It is enough to show the power of that kind of ballistic missile.

In this way, Liu Zheng relied on his newly built ballistic missiles and finally wiped out the remaining attack power of the enemy one by one. Yes, it should be admitted that its own ballistic missile does have its uniqueness in defense, that is, the attack. Second, it is very lethal. Third, and most importantly, the guidance ability of this land-based ballistic missile is quite strong. Yes, that's true. Under the guidance of high-precision guidance, his ballistic missile can continuously correct the direction of its flight under the guidance of the guidance system after launch. Even if the position of the Russian attack target has changed, and even if the target moves very fast, he can still pursue it.

Therefore, it is precisely because their ballistic missiles have such a large and high-precision attack ability that the attack power of the enemy behind them was quickly suppressed. Then, in the sound of the explosion, in the dark red explosion, in the thick smoke fog, the group of attack forces of the enemy ended their attack journey.

At this time, Liu Zheng took a long breath and patted his chest, feeling extremely depressed. Shit, in the face of such frequent enemy attacks, it is really not easy to defend your base. Of course, Liu Zheng is very clear that the only way to defend his position is to strengthen his defense ability. Now, I have my own money, and the chariot factory and combat laboratory have finally been built. In this way, you should use all available time to produce some necessary combat units. Otherwise, although he defeated the enemy's attack again, it is hard to say whether he can hold on to the next enemy attack.

After thinking of this, with Liu Zheng's order, the production mission of five heavy missile helicopters was officially assigned. Yes, in Liu Zheng's mind, this kind of heavy missile armed helicopter is one of the strongest combat power. Therefore, when Liu had the opportunity to carry out combat power production, he chose this kind of heavy missile armed helicopter.

Heavy missile helicopter, neglecting the elite combat power in Liu Zheng's arsenal. Yes, that's true. The cost of this heavy missile helicopter is not very high, with only about 1,500 production and construction funds. However, the attack capability of this kind of heavy missile armed helicopter is surprisingly powerful. On the one hand, it has the ability to attack both air and opposite. And this kind of air combat unit with the ability of both air and team has no second type of helicopter besides its own heavy missile helicopter. Of course, this is Liu Zheng's pride and pride.

In addition, there is another very important factor that Liu Zheng valued this kind of heavy missile armed helicopter, that is, after its level is generally upgraded to the Samsung elite level, the missile attack launched, its destruction The power and destructive power are quite powerful. Moreover, this heavy missile helicopter can launch multiple missiles at the same time when launching a missile attack, so that when those missiles attack the target explode, it looks like a carpet attack. Almost the area within a radius of tens of kilometers is shrouded by the close explosive fog. It looks like a mountain of flames.

This point, that is, this kind of heavy missile armed helicopter can land on the ground for deformation. Once the deformation is successful, it will become a land-based artillery. Moreover, after transforming into a land-based artillery, the attack distance is also quite far. In addition, after landing on the ground, the land-based artillery formed can be repaired by field maintenance vehicles and protected by short iron curtains. And these two points are quite important for Liu Zheng. Yes, in many cases, in many cases, as long as your own heavy missile armed helicopter can be maintained by field maintenance vehicles, and the short iron curtain can be implemented is the protective facilities, so what other task is impossible to accomplish?

Finally, after two minutes, Liu Zheng finally produced two heavy missile helicopters. Liu Zheng knew that the emergence of these two heavy missile helicopters was of great significance to him. Since he had two heavy missile helicopters, whether it is the enemy's air attack force, the emergence of these two heavy missile helicopters has been of great significance to him. Since he has two heavy missile armed helicopters, whether it is the enemy's air attack force or the enemy's ground attack force, it should be said that Liu Zheng will no longer be afraid.

However, Liu Zheng also knows that although his heavy missile helicopter gunship has many advantages, it also has this fatal defect. That is, they may cause no harm to each other. That is to say, when they attack the target, the missiles they launch can easily hurt the heavy missile helicopters of their teammates in the air. Liu Zheng has encountered this situation many times. That's a quick thing for relatives and enemies.

Therefore, in order to avoid this situation, Liu Zheng decided to deploy his two newly produced heavy missile armed helicopters at the left and right ends of his position. In this way, although the island where your base is located is not very large, there is a distance of 700 meters between the left and right ends. And this 700-meter distance is enough to say that their two heavy missile helicopters will no longer interfere with each other. They can attack the enemy's combat targets as much as they want.

However, just as Liu Zhang was stimulating the heavy missile helicopter he had just produced, the enemy's next attack was somehow delayed. Wow, damn it. What the hell is the other party doing? Is there any bigger action? However, although Liu Zheng is eager to see what kind of attack effect his heavy missile helicopter has, Liu Zheng cares more about his further base construction. Yes, for Commissar Liu, now he is just ready for war. However, their own bases and defensive positions need to be further consolidated.

In this way, Liu Zheng saw that the amount of production and construction funds in his base was still 10 cents sufficient, so he decided to start building naval and Israeli combat troops. Of course, if you want to build a navy, you must build a shipyard. However, Liu Zheng has an idea in his mind, which is also what he is most worried about. As early as before, when his troops first arrived on this island, his three warships had been attacked by enemy submarines. Liu Zheng has an idea in his mind, which is also what he is most worried about. As early as before, when his troops first arrived on this island, his three warships had been attacked by enemy submarines.

Later, he sent several of his special forces soldiers to find the enemy's submarines. However, in the end, because his special forces did not have the ability to detect targets underwater, they finally failed. Not only that, on their way, they were actually destroyed by the enemy's submarine that followed them. That incident has always made Liu Zheng worried about it. At that time, Liu Zheng made up his mind that once his strength rose to a certain level, he would find the enemy's submarines and destroy them into pieces anyway.

However, so far, Liu Zheng has still not produced a combat unit that can detect enemy submarines. And of course, this has become a heart disease in Liu Zheng's heart.

So, when Liu Zheng built his own shipyard, he had doubts. Yes, since I can't detect the enemy's submarines yet, once my shipyard is built, it is bound to cause the enemy's submarine attack. At that time, he could not kill the enemy's submarine, which was of course a very big problem for Liu Zheng.