Star Trek

Chapter 241 Battle of Missiles 2

So, Liu Zheng sees that there is a booming base construction and combat production in his base. These include the construction of shipyards, chariot factories and so on. However, just as Liu Zheng was busy building his own military facilities, suddenly, Liu Zheng saw that from the enemy's base, along the water, there were many enemy infantry fighting forces rushing in the direction of his base. After seeing this, Liu Zheng couldn't help smiling. Damn, the last time these infantry of my base team were messed up. Why, this time, did you still make me make the same mistake?

After thinking of this, Liu Zheng gave an order, so he mobilized his heavy snipers from the center of his base. Yes, it can be said that these heavy snipers have made their own contributions to the safety of their bases many times. Liu Zheng is very clear about this. Therefore, Liu Zheng has always deployed them in the center of his base. Under special circumstances, Liu Zheng couldn't finish sending them to the front line. Liu Zheng is very clear about this. Therefore, Liu Zheng has always deployed them in the center of his base. Under special circumstances, Liu Zheng couldn't finish sending them to the front line. It can be said that to some extent, in a sense, those heavy snipers are their last reliance.

In this way, Liu Qingshan saw that his heavy snipers bowed their waists and quickly gave the enemy the group of infantry closer and closer. Liu Zheng knows that his heavy sniper not only has ultra-long-range sniper ability, but also has a very high frequency of carrying guns. It can be said that he is a fast shooter who can carry out long-range snipers.

Papa~ At this time, Liu Zheng heard the crisp gunshot of the opinion. Liu Zheng knew that this must be his heavy snipers who began to fire on the enemy's infantry forces. Sure enough, as Liu Zheng himself expected, as his heavy snipers fell, not far ahead, he began to fire on the enemy's infantry forces. Sure enough, as Liu Zheng himself expected, as his heavy snipers fell, not far ahead, the enemy's group of infantry troops looked at each other like enough crops and fell into the pool of blood one after another. At the same time, a scream came, which sounded very harsh.

Under the current situation, Liu Zheng knows that building an anti-aircraft missile force first is a top priority for his base. Yes, that's true. Because, whether it is a player's base, from the construction to the current situation, basically, it already has long-range missile strike capability. Moreover, that kind of long-range missile attack is basically a long-range intercontinental nuclear missile. Once hit by the enemy's long-range mainframe and missiles, it will be a disaster for your base.

Liu Zheng once witnessed how a player's base perished under the opponent's long-range missile attack. Yes, just as Liu Zheng was conscientiously carrying out his base construction and combat production, he often found that the whole earth was shaking. That scene was simply a big earthquake. Liu Zheng knew that in this case, it must be a player's base that was attacked on a large scale. Yes, that's true. Generally speaking, this large-scale attack is the long-range intercontinental missile base against the opponent.

Liu Zheng once saw it with his own eyes. After a sound of information came, he saw that a player's base had been filled with smoke and a raging fire was burning everywhere. And the military facilities in that base have also been scattered, dragging into dark red mushroom clouds and rising to the sky one after another. Liu Zheng knew that the reason for this phenomenon must be that successive step-by-step nuclear missiles hit the same target one after another. In this case, not only will the hit target be blown up, but even all the military facilities and military forces near the bombing site will certainly not be able to escape.

Finally, Liu Zheng saw with his own eyes that the base of the player who had been beaten up was only one lonely construction factory. Moreover, the main construction plant did not last long to deal with it. With the opponent's repeated long-range intercontinental missile attack, another continuous dark red bangs rose to the sky again. The huge shock wave rapidly reduced the health of the lonely construction factory at a speed visible to the naked eye. Soon, the main factory finally couldn't support it, so the base was quickly wiped out.

War is ruthless. This is a bloody lesson from Liu Zheng. Therefore, if you don't want to be eliminated by others in war, you must first have the necessary defense capabilities. First of all, you must have a crystal and incomparable shield. And this extremely strong shield is the air-to-air missile system that defends the enemy's long-range air strike force. Therefore, Liu Zheng has been prepared for this since the beginning of the construction of the base. Yes, that's true. Among other things, the air defense forces built by Liu Zhengxian include, first of all, 7 self-searching anti-aircraft guns, which formed his own simplest and most primitive air defense force. Secondly, it is the seven medium-range surface-to-air missile system. Third, this is the seven long-range surface-to-air missile system. These include three land-based long-range surface-to-air missile systems and four movable long-range surface-to-air missile systems. In this way, it should be said that the anti-aircraft firepower system has reached a certain scale from the process to the land base to the movable base.


At this time, Liu Zheng saw several F16 fighters passing by his base and flying towards another base. In fact, Liu Zheng also knew that it was obvious that these F16 fighters did not come for his base. However, Liu Zheng still gave the order to attack. Because Liu Zheng just wants to convey such a message to the other party in this way: this is my cannon, and your fighter can't be said to swim casually and become thick. What's more, you can't fly casually from the edge of Laozi's base.

Without even saying a hello, he is too rampant. Therefore, I knocked one down first. Let you have a long memory. At that time, the fund built a long-range surface-to-air missile system in Liu Zheng's base. At this time, with Liu Zheng's order, a missile shot out of his land-based long-range surface-to-air missile system. Spraying orange tail flame, roaring through the wind, it looked like a long sword.

Although the enemy's two F16 fighters flew very fast, because Liu Zheng's long-range ground-to-air missiles flew against the two F16 fighters, the enemy's two F16 fighters flew very fast, but because Liu Zheng's long-range ground-to-air missiles The air missile flew against the two F16 fighters, so soon, under the regulation of the high-precision guidance system, the long-range ground-to-air missile quickly hit the target accurately. After coaxing, the enemy's F16 fighter was broken in the air.

Then, Liu Zheng's one sat on the roadbed long-range surface-to-air missile system and launched a second surface-to-air missile. However, by this time, the enemy's second F16 fighter had already flown over and spewed out. It seems that he is still laughing at Liu Zheng's surface-to-air missile system: you brag, you can chase me down at this time! However, at this time, because it had not been launched as a long-range surface-to-air missile, it actually caught up at a fast speed. The distance between the two became smaller and smaller. Finally, there was a loud explosion, and the second enemy F16 fighter was quickly shot down.

It is also from this case that Liu Zheng further summed up a bloody lesson: whether there is enough air defense capability directly determines whether the base can last. Therefore, Liu Zheng did not hesitate to drink and eat, and should try his best to improve his air defense system. On this basis, it is carrying out its own ground defense attack ability. Whether there is a strong enough air defense capability directly determines whether the base can last. Therefore, Liu Zheng did not hesitate to drink and eat, and should try his best to improve his air defense system. On this basis, it is carrying out its own ground defense attack ability.

Now, for Commissar Liu, the situation is not good. Yes, that's what fashion is. Because although Liu Zheng has now built a relatively complete air defense system, Liu Zheng found that his own air defense system could not be intercepted by a missile. This naturally took Liu Zheng's life. After careful inquiry, Liu Zheng finally understood that kind of missile is called the rattlesnake missile. This missile was launched from a player's base on the African continent. To be precise, the warship launched above the moving average and launched this rattlesnake missile is a destroyer. Moreover, this ratsnake missile is not very fast when flying from time to time. However, there is almost no air defense force that can intercept it. In this way, this ratsnake missile has become a very powerful weapon.

Moreover, Liu Zheng also saw that it was this kind of rattlesnake missile with quite strong attack ability. It is quite lethal. Moreover, the rattlesnake missile in the player's base aimed at his own base. Based on the equivalent of the explosion after the ratsnake missile hits the target, it is basically equivalent to the explosive power of a medium-sized nuclear bomb. It should be said that such an explosive power is quite scary.

Wu, that player should be said to be the first player to attack Liu Zheng. Seeing this, according to Liu Zheng's character, it is impeous to come and go. If people don't offend me, I won't offend them. If people offend me, I will offend them. Therefore, Liu Zheng is ready to launch a counterattack against the base of the player who launched the rattlesnake missile at him. The first goal is to destroy the enemy destroyer that launched the ratsnake missile.

However, what made Liu Zheng feel a little helpless was that when he finally produced two medium-range ballistic missiles, he found that his two medium-range ballistic missiles could not attack the target because of the distance was too far. In this case, the problem will come. I, Liu Zheng, know that even if his two ballistic missiles can attack the target, it does not mean that the target can be destroyed. Yes, you should know that although the enemy launched the rattlesnake missile, its own air defense force cannot intercept it. However, the enemy can definitely intercept this kind of missile. In this way, Liu Zheng fell into meditation. 500 all the time

So far, Liu Zheng has seen that he has destroyed five self-propelled anti-air guns and three short-range anti-aircraft missiles by the enemy's rattlesnake missiles. In addition, the land-based long-range anti-aircraft gun was once bombed into a raging fire, and its health value four suffered great losses. After seeing this, Liu Zheng couldn't help cackling his teeth. From time to time, the old thief has to grind away this player's base anyway. Otherwise, what face do I have in this game?


Later, Liu Zheng finally came up with a solution, that is, to build his own shipyard. Yes, according to Liu Zheng's setting, after building the shipyard, he produced at least three times and sent them to the aircraft carrier. Yes, with its own aircraft carrier, this kind of destroyer that uses the carrier aircraft on it to destroy the enemy's Nazhong passing by launching rattlesnake missiles. This is called attacking poison with poison, and more often tit for tat. Use your own sea warship to attack the opponent's sea warship.

Yes, this matter made Liu Zheng feel a little confused. Fifth, it should be said that no matter what kind of missile it is, it should be intercepted. Otherwise, what's the use of that small anti-aircraft missile? However, it is the enemy's rattlesnake missile, and all its air defense forces are indifferent in the face of this rattlesnake missile, and there is nothing they can do. This is really alive. Liu Zheng couldn't help sighing secretly. Wu's solution to this problem is to kill the warship that launched this rattlesnake missile. Other than that, there seems to be no better way.

In addition, Liu Zheng has made another preparation, that is, to build his own air force. Now, its own airport has been built for a long time. In the case that its own combat laboratory has been produced for a long time, as long as the aircraft factory is built, then naturally, it can produce advanced fighters. Of course, Liu Zheng is most satisfied with the kind of aircraft, which is Wu operating bombers offline. Although that kind of bomber is quite expensive and requires at least 4,000 production and construction funds to produce one. It should be said that such a price is really quite high for me. However, Liu Zheng knew that it seemed necessary to surround the base that destroyed the enemy, even if it spent more money on production and construction. Yes, that's true in the world. Otherwise, you will always be attacked by the enemy's ratsnake missiles.

In this way, Liu Zheng is improving his combat power from the production of naval combat power and the strengthening of mid-air occupation. At the same time, Liu Zheng also kept observing the current battlefield situation. Liu Zheng found that now, a war has begun between almost all bases. You hit me and I hit you with each other, and it's already a mess. However, for Political Commissar Liu, such a scene seems to be good. Yes, I happened to fish in troubled waters with the help of such a chaotic scene. Get what you want most.

However, Liu Zheng is also a little worried. That is, whether it is your own naval combat power or your own air combat power, just like flying over the base of African players, it is not so easy. Because in this process, we need to go through a region. A base is being built in this area. Godless, this base does not have a good relationship with Liu Zheng. In this way, whether it is your own air combat power or your own sea occupation, if you want to pass through there, you are bound to be attacked by the defensive forces in a base. In this case, it is also possible that his combat strength has been eliminated halfway before he reaches his destination. Naturally, such a thing is not what Liu Zheng wants to see.

Therefore, Liu Zhengqi should make a more detailed and effective plan. After thinking about it, Liu Zheng decided that he had better annihilate the enemy base first. Yes, only in this way will you not be attacked by them when you pass by there. Moreover, Liu Zheng also saw that the combat force in that enemy base was not very strong. With its current combat ability, it is not difficult to destroy that base.

However, just when Liu Zheng wanted to order his combat force to destroy the enemy base halfway, things changed dramatically. That is, suddenly, under the attack of the player, the one sitting on the enemy's base halfway through his attack actually It disappeared all of a sudden. It seems that he has been eliminated. After seeing this, Liu Zheng couldn't help but be 10 points happy. This is indeed the case in the city. Because the area where your base is located is located, it is exactly connected to there. In this way, it means that you have acquired a base for nothing. Just in time, he just laid his combat power on the large land, which was very close to his attack target. In this case, the medium-range ballistic missile I just produced should be very good for attack. At the same time, in order to avoid being destroyed by the enemy's air power, Liu Zhengtong threw away several anti-aircraft missile chariots.