The Brave Continent of Online Games

Chapter 31 Advance and retreat

The remnant blade stared at the darkness in front of him, and his face was extremely solemn.

His intuition told him that there was a trap ahead! The danger here is no less than the previous Scorpion King! And it may be more dangerous!

In the jungle in night mode, everyone's visual distance is very limited. If you take more than five steps, you can basically see nothing. The only way to see objects in the distance is to light them.

But in this case, ignition is equivalent to turning yourself into a target under the opponent's firepower, which is definitely the rhythm of death.

At this time, he finally found the map in his backpack. When he saw this suddenly appeared item, he couldn't help but have mixed feelings. If you had known that there was this thing, why would you have to fight with others? You can directly find the supply point, hide for another two or three days, and wait for the final pick-up.

While sighing his negligence, he also made up for it and quickly rushed to the nearest supply point to him. Anyway, let's take a look first.

But as soon as he got nearby, his intuition told him that something was wrong here.

In the dark jungle in front of him, he smelled an extremely dangerous smell. In the experience of being rounded up, this feeling will not be more than five times. The one who ambushed here is definitely a master among the masters!

Darkness makes the crisis in front of him more dangerous, but the blade understands that it is the only opportunity for him to compete.

In the dark, the other party can't see the current situation clearly. Unless he has night vision or other night vision equipment and skills, he can't see his actions as well as himself.

The opponent hides in the dark, but darkness is also his best disguise. The only way to get supplies here is to take advantage of the darkness, otherwise, it will be more difficult for you to do it after dawn!

The blade began to think about countermeasures and deduce various tactics. He was guessing who was hiding in the ambush here and why he ambush here!

Thinking of this, the heart of the evil blade moved!

I came here after I found the map. Obviously, the map has existed since I entered the game, but I didn't check my backpack, so I neglected it. That is to say, someone must have discovered the existence of the supply point earlier than himself, so the supplies in this supply point must have been taken away.

Since it was taken away, why is there still an ambush here!

According to ordinary people's ideas, they will definitely leave quickly after getting the supplies, so as not to encounter other opponents and cause a battle. At the beginning of the game, it was obviously the best strategy to maintain strength after obtaining supplies, but the ambush obviously did not want to do so at all. Instead of leaving, he used this supply point as bait, so he set a trap to hunt everyone who came here!

A person who dares to take such a bold action in such a game must not be mediocre.

The first reaction of the remnant blade at that time was the 'Yin King'!

This person is good at jungle warfare and likes to ambush his opponents. He once killed the whole legion without leaving any armor, both force and means are first-class. Therefore, the most likely ambush here is him. If the inference is true, he must not take it lightly.

He adjusted his breathing, relaxed his body, and released his guardian spirit.

The guardian spirit of the remnant blade is a dragon helmet centaur!

In this competition, except for Xuan Chibing, AK, a strange creature that does not need to protect the Yuanling, and the Scorpion King, which is not a human creature, among the remaining nine guardian spirits, the guardian of the remnant blade can be said to be the weakest.

Although the centauri has good speed and is good at fighting in the jungle and can use bows and arrows and other weapons, in terms of strength, this creature is not a creature living at the top of the food chain on the brave continent.

In terms of melee ability, the centaur, not to mention comparing with top creatures such as the force angel fire phoenix, even the nine-headed dragon and the puppet dragon are not what it can fight against, and any one can easily kill it in seconds! Such creatures have a high fertility rate, and their only role is to form troops on the battlefield to fight, trap their opponents or become cannon fodder.

Speaking of which, the remnant blade can also be regarded as a celebrity, and the guardian of Yuanling can't be so bad. But since his last guardian spirit, the dragon lizard, was bombarded with scum with a forbidden spell in order to protect him, he has never found a suitable guardian.

On the one, he has no time. He is always in an environment where he is being chased and killed, and he has no time to subdue a like creature as a guardian; second, his reputation is so bad that even if he wants to buy it with money, no one is willing to sell it to him. At first glance, they took pleasure in killing, so they immediately stopped doing business. Therefore, although he is a top master, he has never had a better guard.

This time for the competition, there was nothing I could do in the end, so I tried my best to get a dragon helmet centaur.

In the level of centaur, the dragon helmet centaur belongs to the fourth level, which is a melee arm. The weapon is a long-handled chopping knife, with horse's limbs and body, and a human upper body. Wearing a dragon helmet on its head, it is tall and strong, and its strength and speed are much higher than that of ordinary centaurs! But because centaers have human thinking, they feel that they are a member of human beings. As their peers, they naturally do not want to become human mounts. Therefore, centanthropes cannot ride.

Naturally, releasing this centaurs with the remnant blade is not for riding. He wants to repeat the old trick and use this centaurs to step on traps like the fat man who attacked under the starry sky before.

Although it is a scum, it is an extremely good choice to be cannon fodder. If you hang up, you will not be distressed at all, and it can also be used to break the traps of the other party. I have to say that this is also a good choice.

With an order, the centael began to start and quickly rushed to the darkness in front of him.

As a member of the jungle, the centaur's eyesight was much better than that of humans, and he soon found the position of bloody trousers.

But he also found the huge puppet dragon immediately!

This dragon helmet centaur is still a little wise. In the face of such a strong opponent, it will not be stupid enough to jump directly to death. He suddenly turned around, quickly turned around and passed by the puppet dragon.

The centaur's attack did not work, but shocked the 'bloody trousers'.

At this time, it was past ten o'clock in the evening, and the original 'bloody trousers' were already a little drowsy. A technical otaku like him can sleep for a few days and nights when he is busy, but if he has nothing to do, he will definitely doze off in the blink of an eye!

Just like Qianli chasing the wind whip guessed, Brother Pants is definitely a scheming person. After making an alliance with Qianli chasing the wind whip, he was also alert at first, but after seeing that the other party had not moved, he gradually relaxed. At night, when he fell asleep, he couldn't stand it anymore. Slowly It was dozed off.

The centa man woke him up. He shouted in panic and stood up with an axe.

With him, the whole defensive position he set up suddenly became bright!

This is also a setting for bloody trousers! Around the position, the trousers are equipped with several luminous devices. Once attacked, these luminous devices will be activated as soon as possible, making the neighborhood bright!

This practice obviously violates the principle of night fighting in the jungle. The most taboo thing about night fighting in the jungle is to expose himself to the light, which is equivalent to turning himself into a live target for others to be slaughtered, but for trousers, this is the only thing he can do.

It is precisely because he is not good at fighting in the jungle that he is afraid of the dark and he doesn't know what to do in the dark. He doesn't know how to fight at night or how to lurker at night. He is an ordinary person. Like ordinary people, when he encounters a sudden accident, he immediately turns on the light to see the situation around him. Only when he is in the light will he have some sense of security. Although this is a taboo for soldiers, he still has to do so.

The blade he was observing was shocked by the sudden light of fire. I have to say that this was extremely unexpected, and he was not psychologically prepared at all.

However, he quickly figured out the situation. The person ambushed here was not the Yin King, but a layman with a completely different jungle war!

In the face of such a scene, he was naturally secretly happy. His opponent exposed his deeds. Obviously, he was a Chu brother who had little combat experience. Such a person had a lot of ways to deal with him, but somehow, he still retained a trace of worry in his subconscious!

His intuition has always been very accurate, and the evil blade has never doubted, but at this moment, he can't find the source of this sense of crisis. The person in front of him is obviously not a master. Although he has several puppets, it is not a problem for the evil blade. He can completely avoid these puppets to kill them in one fell swoop. However, my intuition tells me not to do this. Once I take action, I may be doomed!

Is this still a trap!

He did not dare to act rashly and carefully observed the surrounding environment and the reaction of his opponents.

Except for the nervous bloody trousers, it is quiet around here! But the quieter it is, the more it makes the evil blade feel wrong. In this endless darkness, there seems to be an endless power that can devour itself at any time!

In! Or retreat!

This is a problem!

The remnant blade wants to retreat, but at this time he has no way out. If he can't get any more supplies, he will also have to withdraw from the competition after tomorrow.

The disabled blade doesn't want to quit the game like this. As a player, he needs money and needs a name. Since his hobby was made public, his life has become more and more embarrassing. He was chased and killed all day long, and he was monitored when he went out, and his income gradually became less and less. Some of the previous income channels were blocked by people. Now he can basically rely on killing and robbed. Some weapons and equipment were sold and barely maintained. Therefore, he urgently needs this competition, needs to achieve a good result, and needs to get more from this competition. For all this, I must live, kill the person in front of me, face all the potential dangers, and grab all the supplies here!

There is no way out for the blade! Even if this is a sea of knives and fire, he must break through!

He took a deep breath and began to slowly approach the bloody trousers!

At the same time, his helmet centaur is still in the jungle! This is one of the plans of the evil blade. He wants to use this centauri to induce the sense of crisis hidden in the jungle, but the centauri has run for a long time and still hasn't moved at all!

Finally, the evil blade decided to launch an attack!

Because he has seen that the bloody trousers are obviously a little unsupportable. As a technical house, he is neither physically nor mentally strong. In such a situation, the mental pressure caused by panic has consumed a lot of physical strength. At this moment, he is a little unsupportable.

Good opportunity!

With an order, the dragon helmet centaur suddenly broke out of the jungle and hit the defensive formation of Brother Pants fiercely.


A stone was thrown from the hand of the stone-throwing monster and shot straight at the dragon helmet centaur.

A flexible flash of the centa man avoided this blow.

The two sides immediately showed their respective advantages and disadvantages.

Although the stone throwing monster is long-range, the speed of stone throwing is slow and suitable for group battles. The centauri shows the characteristics of fast speed, flexible body and fast response. In one-one cases, the centauri can defeat the opponent.

But there is more than one stone-throwing monster under the trousers brother. At this time, the stone ghosts and puppet dragons were all ready. The advantages of the puppet clan are undoubtedly revealed at this time!

The dragon helmet centaur is one against three, whether it is a stone ghost or a puppet dragon, whether it is a head or a strength, it is countless times stronger than it.

What's more, there is a bloody trousers holding the underworld Shura!

Anyone can talk about the centaor killing in front of the battle! The impact of a centauri is tantamount to hitting a stone with an egg!

But when everyone's attention was focused on the centaur's forehead, the space seemed to shake, and the remnant blade appeared very strangely beside the bloody trousers!