The real mirror of online games

12, soul search method

The ghost attached to the silent body is very different from before. The previous ghost general did not put any skills at all, but after it was attached to the silent body, it could actually use the skill of silence. Seeing that he was surrounded by a group of people, the possessed silence immediately danced with a "sword blade" and stunned the people around him again. After that, the guy who didn't know whether to be called "Silent" or "Goul General" hit the beauty on the head again and put the beauty into a state of dizziness.

Although the heavy blow of the attached silence put the beauty into a state of dizziness, it woke up the others. Previously, they were stunned because they didn't know how to deal with this guy. It was too easy for such a group of people to kill silence, but silence was their teammates before, and they could not adapt to this change in status for a while, so they were stunned. However, after seeing such a sharp attack of silence, they finally understood that the guy in front of them was no longer their teammate. Even if they didn't kill him, at least they had to control him first and not let him attack their teammates at once. The silent attack is not high, and the soldiers in front of him can still resist him a few times, but the mage behind him has no strength. If he is close to him and the mage behind him is also so stunned, it will be like dead.

After thinking about it, he immediately rushed to a "Dragon Fist" and hit the silence into the air. Seeing that the silence was hit in the air by the first sight, the others also took action together. Although the damage between players and players is not as high as when fighting monsters, players will not have as much blood as monsters, so they don't fight a few times, and there is only a layer of blood skin left in silence.

Although the ghost possession has not completely turned the attribute of silence into a monster, it inherits one of the shortcomings of the monster, that is, the state of injury. When the monster's health value is less than 10%, it will enter the injured state, and the attributes of attack and defense speed and other aspects will be reduced. When its health value is less than 7%, it will enter a serious injury state, and various attributes will be further reduced. When its health value is less than 5%, it will enter a state of near death and completely slaughtered by others.

Players did not have these state restrictions and could fight to death with the strongest combat effectiveness, but after silence was possessed, they inherited the monster's purchase point. If it is a BOSS-level monster, it will generally have a life-saving skill, commonly known as the "big move", but the ghost BOSS's big move is possession. Now it has attached to silence, and as a player's silence, there is no such "big move", so when the blood volume of silence is only 5% left, it can only lie on the ground and remain motionless.

Looking at the silence in a near-death state, everyone immediately retreated. Originally, they thought that silence was useless, and the ghost general should be possessed by another person. But to everyone's surprise, the silence that fell to the ground did not respond at all, and the possessed ghost general did not escape from his body.

Seeing that the ghost general did not come out of the silent body, everyone didn't know what to do. Kill the current silence, will the ghost general die together? If the Ghost General can be killed in this way, it may be worth a try, but in the current situation, the Ghost General is obviously not afraid that they will kill the silence. If they kill the silence and the ghost general comes out and then possess another person, they can't kill them one by one, can they? Maybe this is the general's wishes!

Finally, everyone gathered to discuss and decided to use the old way to deal with the skeleton general. First, chocolate trapped the silence with the soul binding array, and then the soul separation of the dewdrop separated the silence and the two souls of the ghost general, and then let Tian Tian's wooden armor beast knock away the silent body.

As soon as the silent soul left the body, it immediately shouted, "Damn it, what are you doing? I almost killed me just now!"

Before everyone came, they explained to silence, and the two charms quietly flew to seal the silent soul and the ghost general. Two Taoist charms flew into their hands, shook their hands and threw out another one, and then the silent soul was released from the Taoist charm again.

As soon as the silence came out, he shouted again, "Damn it, why did you seal me?" But before he heard Hua's answer, he heard a system prompt first.

"System Tip: Does the player's dewdrop accept the resurrection by using the 'resurrection' on you?"

When I saw this prompt, the silence would be furious again in an instant. When will it hang up? But at the thought of resurrection, the silence immediately became speechless and obediently chose to accept it.

As soon as silence was resurrected, he instinctively checked his experience bar. At a glance, he found that it was 10% less, so he immediately wanted to lose his temper. But before he had time to lose his temper, Hua shook his hand and released the ghost general again.

As soon as the ghost general came out, he wanted to find another person to possess, but before he could possess another person, he was sealed in the middle by a big ice cube that suddenly appeared. Five seconds later, the gloomy "Thunderstorm" fell directly on the big ice, and then a series of skills fell on him, and then silence found that his experience had increased by 5% in an instant.

"Who will explain to me what's going on?" Seeing that the ghost general hung up, the silence immediately began to lose his temper.

"You are possessed." Hua said lightly.

"I know I was possessed, but how did I die?"

"The moment my soul separation fell on you, you were already dead." Dewdrop explained. It's just that your soul was trapped by the chocolate soul bound magic array, and then it was put away by the flowers. Otherwise, even if I use the resurrection technique, I will pull you back from the resurrection hall.

"Damn it! Your soul separation is too shameless. Kill it directly!" He shouted in silence and depression.

"Of course not. Soul separation was originally only effective for undead creatures, because ordinary attacks are difficult to attack their souls, so this skill is set. But you were possessed by the ghost just now. I just wanted to get the ghost general out, but your soul was also trapped by the soul array, so I came out together.

"Damn it, you can also figure this out! It made me die once! Oh, no, the soul bondage of chocolate is not invincible?"

"Of course not!" Chocolate stood out and said, "If the grade gap is too big, it can't be used. Moreover, there is another defect in the soul bondage array. Once the creature is trapped in it, all the blows that can cause damage are invalid. If we want to continue to attack the monster, we can only scatter the array, so we used such a complicated method when killing the skeleton general.

After this round of battle, a few hours later, Luo Ying finally got rid of the shadow of the rotting corpse and went to cook again. When everyone saw Luo Ying going to cook, they gathered together to check what the ghost general had burst out. Speaking of this ghost general, he is much more generous than General Skull. Although he did not burst out equipment, he burst out two skill books at once.

Soul search da method: advanced internal power heart method. Diligently practicing this internal skill can strengthen the body and increase the ability to control the soul.

Seeing this internal skill method, except for the three people who have internal skills, Song Fei and Wang Lin, everyone was moved, but when they saw the control ability of the soul behind, everyone chose to give up rationally. In the end, only Ruier, Dewdrop and Chocolate were left.

In the end result of the catching the place, Dewdrop won this "Soul Search Da Method", but when Dewde learned the skill in the envious eyes of Ruier and Chocolate, she found that this skill could still be taught. However, the internal skills that Song Fei and others have learned can be taught to 10 people, and the one she broke out can only teach 5 people.

Hearing Luzhu say that this internal skill can be taught, Chocolate and Ruier hesitated for a moment. They didn't know whether to learn or not.

According to the feedback from players on the forum, internal power is divided into four levels: primary internal power, intermediate internal power, advanced internal power and top internal power. After the last game update, the system store began to sell skill books of internal skills, but only one primary "Tunafa" can be bought in the system store. Intermediate internal skills are taught by others, and advanced internal skills come from their own understanding and skill books to fight monsters. At present, the top internal skills have not been seen among players.

Everyone knows that advanced internal skills can be taught to others, but the level of internal skills taught will be downgraded, and the top internal skills cannot be taught. Song Fei and others don't know, because no one has seen it, but it is estimated that it should be okay.

Now chocolate and Ruier are hesitant because of this. If they accept the teaching of dewdrops, they can only learn intermediate internal skills. But I can only learn one kind of internal skills. Now I have learned intermediate internal skills. In the future, if there is any adventure, I can't learn it if I get advanced internal skills. However, this internal skill method is too suitable for them. If the wizard can improve his ability to control the soul, it is equivalent to upgrading.

After a fierce ideological struggle, Ruier and Chocolate finally nod their heads and decided to learn this mental method. Anyway, as long as you have time to meditate more in the future, you can also upgrade the intermediate internal power to the advanced internal power, but I don't know how long it will take to meditate to upgrade the intermediate internal power to the advanced internal power.

After teaching internal skills, Ruier and chocolate have 3 points of internal strength. Through this period, players' exploration of internal power found that when they first learn primary internal power, they will get 1 point of internal force. If they learn intermediate internal power, they can get 3 points of internal force, and if they learn advanced internal power, they can get 5 points of internal force. After often meditating, you can increase your internal strength points. If there is any adventure, you can upgrade your internal strength.

The internal force points directly affect the effect of internal power. For example, Song Fei's "North Ming Xuangong" can sense the energy changes of living objects around him. The higher his internal force value, the larger the sensing range, and the distinction between living bodies in the range will become clearer and clearer. However, Song Fei's personality is so casual that he doesn't want to make any special achievements in internal work, so he rarely takes time to play, so that his current internal strength value is only 21 points.

The problem of internal power was solved, and everyone went to read another skill book together, which made everyone depressed again.

Ghost possession: Attach yourself to the target body to gain full control of the target body for 1 hour, consume 500 points of magic, and cool down the skill for 1 day. Skill limit: The controlled target must not be higher than level 5 of the caster, which is dedicated to the ghost branch of the undead clan.

Looking at this skill, everyone is speechless, and it is another exclusive skill. This group of people can't use it. I don't know if anyone can use it. However, since there are people like Lafeng, there must be a player who chooses ghosts. So Song Fei threw the book into his backpack and planned to contact Lafeng when he was free in the future.

After eating something, he opened the door with the key from General Ghost, and a staircase appeared again in front of everyone. Following the stairs to the fourth floor, as soon as the door opened, everyone was stunned, because they did not see the monster guarding the door in the buffer cabin on the fourth floor.

"What should I do? Where did the monster go? Where can I find the key?" Say it gloomily.

"Let's go and have a look first." First meeting.

Everyone came to the gate together. The plaque on the door said three words "Heavenly Power Palace". There was no keyhole on the edge of the door, but there was an octagonal pattern painted.

The outer ring and inner ring of this regular octagon pattern are two regular octagons, and the middle part is divided into eight equal waist trapezoids, each of which is a small maze. The outermost circle of the octagon has a circle of channels, and each small maze has two channels connected to the outermost circle. In the middle of the eight small mazes are a small square empty field, with the words "birth, injury, Xiu, Du, scene, death, shock and opening" respectively.

"Wu eight arrays! How to play this?"