The real mirror of online games

Thirteen, Heavenly Power Maze

"Wu eight arrays! How to play this?" Looking at these eight words, Song Fei was depressed for a while.

Wang Lin looked at these eight words and didn't know what to do. Thinking about it, he unconsciously put his hand on the picture and touched it. Unexpectedly, when he touched the word "injury", he accidentally pressed it into it because it was a little hard. When the word "wound" sank, a small isosceles triangle suddenly popped out of the empty field of the octagon in the middle, and the top angle of the triangle pointed to the center of the octagon.

How can people not understand this situation? So Wang Lin pressed the word "Hugh" next to him without hesitation. However, when the word "Hugh" sank, a small triangle did not pop up in the middle as before, and the triangle that just popped up also sank. At the same time, the words "Hugh" and "wound" popped up again.

"It seems that there is a special combination order." At first sight, he shook his head and said.

"But what exactly is this order? You can't try one by one, can you? Then we won't stay here all our lives!" Say it in silence and depressedly.

"Dodge!" Chocolate suddenly rushed over.

From the time when I heard Song Fei say that this was the "eight arrays of martial arts", chocolate ran behind alone to turn over the book. Although everyone felt strange, they didn't care much. After all, there is no danger here now. Now she suddenly killed her. Could it be that she just turned over the book to study the eight arrays?

"Wu's eight arrays are divided into births, injuries, Xiu, Du, Jing, death, shock, eight arrays," without waiting for everyone to ask, chocolate began to explain. The method of cracking is to enter from the door of death and out of life, and can be solved in the order of death, injury, Xiu, Du, Jing, shock, opening and life.

Chocolate said, without taking care of other people's doubtful eyes, and pressed down eight words one by one in order. Sure enough, eight words were pressed in the order she said, and the words pressed were no longer bounced, and eight isosceles triangles popped up in the middle of the maze map, just spelling them into a regular octagon. At the moment when the eight sides formed, the closed door suddenly made a "rumbling" sound, and then slowly opened.

Looking at the door of the Tianquan Palace slowly opening, everyone suddenly realized a very serious problem. Just now, they were focusing on studying the mechanism that opened the door and forgot to block the door. At this time, if a group of monsters suddenly appeared in the gate, I guess their task would fail! So the long-range people hurriedly retreated, and several melee personnel immediately ran to block the door.

But when the door was completely opened, everyone once again felt a little overwhelmed. There is no monster in the gate, but it is not an empty hall. Five or six meters away from the gate, a wall connecting the roof blocked everyone's view.

Seeing the situation inside, everyone looked at each other, and no one knew whether they should go in or not. Through the situation of the first few floors, Song Fei and others already knew that once they all entered, the door would be closed immediately and locked them inside, and then they could only go to the next floor from the opposite exit. But there is no strange rushing to the door on this floor. Does that mean that there is ambushing them inside? If you go in and be surrounded by others, there will be only the fate of annihilation.

Finally, everyone decided to let Luo Ying and Phantom go inside to explore the way. According to the monsters in the first three floors, each layer is two levels higher than the previous one. The monsters here should be level 23, and the ordinary monsters at level 23 should not be able to see through the invisibility of Luo Ying and Phantom. So Luo Ying and Phantom went in to explore the way left and right. Half an hour later, Luo Ying and Phantom came out.

"There is a big maze inside. I'm afraid I can't get out. I didn't dare to go inside, so I walked along this road. But I've been in it for so long, and I haven't met any strange things!" Luo Ying said depressedly.

"The situation of Phantom is the same as that of Luo Ying." Wang Lin said helplessly.

Everyone fell into silence for a while. In this situation, no one knew what to do.

"The 'Tianquan Star' is also known as 'Wenqu Star'. It seems that this level is literary fighting, not martial arts." Song Fei said after thinking for a while.

"Then let's go in. We have to go in and find our own way." Zhang Xudong said.

Hearing Zhang Xudong say this, everyone had no choice but to go in together. When everyone entered the Tianquan Palace, the door behind them was immediately closed. Seeing that the gate was closed, everyone put on a high alert look and guarded against the ambush of monsters. However, they waited nervously for several minutes and did not see a monster rushing out from the depths of the passage, so everyone strengthened Song Fei's speculation.

Because they already knew that there was a maze inside, everyone didn't think much about it and walked forward together. The easiest way to deal with the maze: go all the way. Of course, the premise is that your brain is enough.

"Chocolate, how did you solve the eight pictures?" Wang Lin asked casually as he walked.

"Well, this," said chocolate, taking out a book and shaking it in front of everyone. Qimen Dunjia, recovered from the demon world, is recorded on it.

"Magic World!" Everyone screamed together.

"Of course, since there is a demon clan, there should be a demon world." Chocolate said proudly.

"You don't have to think about the demon world. You can't enter the demon world before level 70!" Seeing other people's expressions, the letters knew what they were thinking, so they stood up and explained in time. The three of us were brought there by special NPCs when we turned into demons, and the hidden profession of Dewdrop was transferred at that time.

While chatting and walking around a corner, everyone was depressed to find that there was another dead end in front of them. I have no choice but to go back.

"Why do I think this maze is so familiar, as if it has passed somewhere?" Look at the others with gloomy doubts.

"I know!" Ruier suddenly shouted, "This maze seems to be the same as the maze on the eight array map we saw outside!"

"It seems so! If I had known, I should have copied that picture!" It's even more depressing.

"It seems to be the same!" Chocolate closed his eyes and said while thinking.

"Isn't it, sister? You can be sure when you close your eyes and think about it? Do you think you are a computer? He said in silence and disdain.

"Idiot, don't you know that I have a talent for numbers and maze games? This kind of thing has never been forgotten!" Chocolate said proudly.

A black line immediately appeared above everyone's heads. How could others know this?

If you understand the structure of the maze, it is easy to walk, and everyone feels that since the maze is the same as the picture outside, the method of cracking should be the same. It seems that this level is not very sad. It would be too difficult to find a way in such a big maze. The feeling of walking into the maze is completely different from the feeling of drawing lines on paper. People here can easily get lost.

"Chocolate, why does it come in from the dead door? Shouldn't you enter from the door of life and go out of the door of death?" Silence ran behind the chocolate while asking questions in his heart.

"Do you still want to come out alive? The door of death has always been only available to the dead! Only the raw door is a glimmer of life, so you have to get out of the raw door. This is the meaning of 'nine deaths' and 'death and life'!" Chocolate explained while taking the road.

I have to admit that the girl chocolate really has a talent for the maze map. Everyone followed her all the way forward, but she didn't go the wrong way and went straight to the center of the dead door.

When he came to the center of the dead gate, the mechanism was quickly cracked by everyone. After the mechanism was cracked, the ground suddenly shook, and then the door they came in was sealed, and another door was opened on the opposite stone wall. Seeing the new gate appear, the chocolate immediately rushed out, and everyone ran out together. Now people have no doubts about the memory of chocolate, so wherever chocolate runs, they will follow. Running all the way out along the newly opened gate, after turning a few corners, everyone found that they had reached the outermost passage again, and then ran to the "wound" door with chocolate.

Two hours later, when everyone cracked the organs of Shengmen together, the shaking of the ground suddenly became very strong, and then the maze walls in front of everyone rumbled back to the ground, and a spacious hall appeared, leaving only the outermost wall.

The maze was removed, and a spacious hall appeared, and everyone suddenly felt enlightened. But now is not the time to enjoy this feeling, because the boss of this level has appeared.

In the middle of the hall, an octagonal table with a diameter of about three meters is sitting on a person. This person is completely different from the previous undead creature. Whether from his rosy face or the undulating chest, Seinfeld can conclude that this is a living person, not a corpse. So Song Fei immediately used a "fire eye" to see this person's information.

Wenqu Xingjun


Damn it, the legendary mythical boss, how can I fight this!

Wenqu Xingjun originally sat there with his eyes closed to refresh himself, but when Song Fei's "golden eyes" were released, he suddenly opened his eyes. After Wenqu Xingjun opened his eyes, a sharp light in his eyes shot out and then disappeared. Seinfeld flew out to the back as if he had been suddenly hit by a big truck, hit the outermost wall, and bounced back five or six meters before falling to the ground.

Seeing Song Fei's embarrassed appearance, everyone took a cold breath. This person's strength is too horrible! Moreover, he obviously did not intend to argue with Song Fei, but just taught him a small lesson. Otherwise, with this person's strength, as long as he took action, Song Fei would have already disappeared, and even the body would not be left!

As soon as Song Fei, who was bounced out, got up from the ground, he felt dizzy and his legs were weak. After checking his state, Song Fei sadly found that he had only had a little blood left. He was so scared that he quickly stuffed a primary blood elixir into his mouth. If you accidentally fall and fall to death, this person will lose a lot! When Song Fei carefully came to the crowd, Wenqu Xingjun finally opened his mouth.

"Ky, stop trying to spy on my information, or you will die miserably!" Wenqu Xingjun said coldly.

After listening to Wenqu Xingjun's words, everyone finally understood why Song Fei was beaten. It turned out that he was found out when he was spying on other people's information! But isn't Seinfeld "fire-eyed" and can't be found by the other party? Is it true that "fire eyes" are also invalid for this person?