The real mirror of online games

14, the test of Wenquxing

"Fire-eyed golden eyes" can be found, how strong is this person? Everyone sighed that it was strength that determined everything!

"Yes, the villain remembered it. I hope Xingjun won't be surprised!" Song Fei bowed to the ground as he spoke. In the face of this kind of character, it's better to be polite. Even if the player reaches the full level, he is still nothing in front of others!

"Well, I know the most basic manners." Wenqu Xingjun nodded his head and said. You have a little ability to solve the maze I laid, but if you want to go to the next floor, you have to pass my test.

"What about Xingjun's test?" Song Fei still asked politely.

None of the dozen people present think that the test is to fight with him. If that's not a test, it's destruction!

"I'm Wenqu Xingjun. Of course, I won't fight and kill your group of children." Wen Quxing said lightly. I will come up with a few questions that children have done. If you can answer them, you will pass.

This is not contempt, this is contempt, red fruit contempt! But if they have that kind of strength, I can't stand it!

"There are three levels in my test," Wen Quxing didn't care about the feelings of Song Fei and others at all. He continued: "The first level is poetry. If there are fifteen of you, then I will come up with fifteen poems. As long as you can connect the next sentence, you will pass."

"Xingjun, do fifteen of us each say a sentence, or can we do these 15 sentences together?" Wang Lin came forward and asked.

"As long as you can get 15 sentences right, as for whether everyone is right or not, it's your own business. But as long as there is a right or wrong, it will be a failure! The first sentence: Luoxia and the lonely fly together.

"Autumn water is the same color as the sky."

"The second sentence: the years are similar."

"People are different from year to year."

Fifteen poems are not difficult at all. They are all well-known poems. For Song Fei and others who have gone to college, there is no difficulty at all, so it is very easy to pass this level.

"Very good," Wen Quxing nodded approvingly when he saw that everyone had easily passed the first level. The second level is the intelligence test. There are five questions in this level, and the rules are the same as before. Question 1: A jewelry merchant left a will for his wife, son and daughter after his death. The will says that his son can inherit half of his property, his daughter can inherit one-third of his property, and his wife can inherit one ninth of his property, but the property he left them is 17 gems. How should they distribute these properties?

"The son is divided into nine, the daughter is divided into six, and the wife is divided into two." Wang Lin said the answer without thinking about it. I did this interesting math problem in junior high school, so I don't have to worry about it at all.

"Correct. Question 2: The epitaph of a mathematician wrote that one-sixth of his life was a happy childhood, and he lived another twelfth of his life. He had a thin beard on his cheeks and spent one-seventh of his life. In another five years, he had a son, but his son lived only half of his age. After his son's death, he spent four years and passed away. Excuse me, how old is this mathematician?

"84 years old!" Everyone was still bowing their heads and calculating, and chocolate had already said the answer. Seeing that everyone looked at themselves in surprise, they added, "Didn't I tell you that I have a special talent for numbers and labyrinths! Don't envy me, this is a talent that can't be learned!"

"Very good, the answer is correct. Question 3: Today, there are chickens and rabbits in the same cage, with 35 heads on the top and 94 feet on the bottom. What are the chickens and rabbits?

23 chickens and 12 rabbits." This time, no one else will go and wait for the chocolate to tell the answer.

Five interesting math questions did not do anything to this group of people, but made Song Fei and others feel that this literary star only has this ability? This water is too much! They don't even think about how many players can be like them, either with high education or high IQ? For most players' teams, it may have been brushed down in the first round of poetry. Moreover, if it hadn't been for the special talent of chocolate, they would still be wandering around in the maze!

"Yes, it seems that you can get out of the maze I set up entirely by luck! There is only one question in the third level, which is a logical question. A foreign envoy met the king, and the king gave him a question in order to embarrass the foreign envoy. The king called in eight guards, and the first guard said: at least one of us is telling the truth; the second guard said: at least three of us are telling the truth; the third guard said: at least five of us are telling the truth; the fourth guard said: at least seven of us are telling the truth. Truth; the fifth bodyguard said: at least one of us was telling a lie; the sixth bodyguard said: at least two of us were telling lies; the seventh bodyguard said: at least four of us were telling lies; the eighth bodyguard said: at least six of us were telling lies. Excuse me, how many bodyguards are telling the truth and how many bodyguards are telling lies?

As soon as this problem came out, Seinfeld and others immediately felt pressure. They have done this kind of logic problem before, but those who have done it before are three or two people, which is easy to judge, but this time it is a little difficult to get eight people at once. A careless young master like silence, who was careless all day, simply didn't even think about it and directly turned his eyes to chocolate.

"Why are you looking at me? I'm not good at this. I'm good at numbers and mazes. The chocolate turned over and said helplessly.

Song Fei and Wang Lin simply took out the pen and paper, wrote out what the eight guards said, and then judged one by one. After a long time, they finally came up with a result, and then Wang Lin said it.

"There are five truths, and three people are telling lies!" Wang Lin said decisively.

"Very good! Exactly! You have passed!" Wen Quxing said and waved his hand back, and the door over there opened by himself.

The moment the door opened, everyone received a system prompt.

"System Tip: Congratulations on completing the hidden task 'Wenqu Star Test', rewarding the national reputation of 3 points, Xuanwu City reputation of 10 points, and Qixing Town reputation of 50 points."

After the door was opened, everyone thought it was over, but who knew that the reputation reward of the system was issued, and Wenquxing also issued rewards.

"You can break the maze I set up and pass my test. So far, you are the first people. Let's reward you with this."

Wen Quxing said that with a wave of his hand, everyone felt that a golden light flashed on his body, and a warm current spread all over his body. Opening their own attribute panel, everyone found that their intelligence had increased by 5 points at the same time. Strong people are generous when they take action! Everyone sighed.

After the reward was sent, Wenquxing disappeared out of thin air, leaving only an empty octagonal table. Wang Lin originally wanted to go up and experience the feeling of being a literary star, but when he thought about the terrible strength of Wenqu star, he'd better hide away!

"What's going on with that question just now?" Tian Tian calmed down from the excitement of receiving the reward and immediately pulled Song Fei to ask the logical question.

"That problem is actually not difficult, but we were scared by the eight bodyguards who appeared at once." Song Fei explained. First of all, what these eight people said can't be false or true. In this way, we can be sure that the first bodyguard and the fifth bodyguard are telling the truth.

Seeing that everyone nodded, Song Fei continued: "There are still six people left. If the eighth bodyguard is telling the truth, the remaining six people should be false, but our assumption is that the eighth bodyguard is telling the truth, so there is a contradiction, so the eighth bodyguard is telling lies. ."

Everyone nodded together again.

"One of the third bodyguard and the seventh bodyguard said that at least five people were telling the truth, while the other said that at least four people were telling lies," Wang Lin also said, "Obviously the words of these two people are contradictory. Then at least one of the two of them is telling a lie, and the eighth bodyguard we judged before is telling a lie, then we can be sure that two of the eight are telling lies.

Seeing everyone nodding again, Song Fei took over again. If so, the sixth bodyguard is telling the truth, then we are sure that three people are telling the truth. So in this way, what the second bodyguard said also became the truth. So they made sure that the first, second, fifth and sixth guards said the truth, while the fourth and eighth guards said lies.

"How do you judge the remaining two people?" Rui'er asked.

"The remaining two can only be assumed." He suddenly said, "Assuming that the seventh person is telling the truth, then the remaining two people are all lies, which contradicts the hypothesis, so the seventh person is telling lies. Assuming that the third person is telling a lie, the seventh person's words become true and contradictory, so the third person is telling the truth. This just meets the requirements of the topic."

"What a mess, I can't understand it! You are just a group of animals!" Hua said depressedly.

Everyone is here to discuss the problem just now, and Luo Ying is cooking again. Although they have not fought for more than three hours, it is also very tiring to use their brains. Moreover, if you don't fight this level, it doesn't mean that you don't have to fight the next level. If you fight for a while and it affects your combat effectiveness because you are hungry, it will be miserable.

After eating, everyone walked out of the Heavenly Power Palace and came to the entrance of the fifth floor. As soon as the door of the buffer cabin on the fifth floor opened, the flower exclaimed again: "Why is this kind of thing again!"

As soon as the door of the buffer cabin on the fifth floor opened, everyone saw two zombies guarding the gate. The two zombies guarding outside the gate of Beichen Tower left a shadow on the flower. As soon as the two guys appeared, they invalidated the flower's "offering". Although she later figured out what was going on, after all, it made her depressed for a long time.

However, these two zombies are still different from the two zombies guarding outside the gate of Beichen Tower. The two zombies seen from Song Fei's "fire eyes" are only 23-level elite zombie captains, with a total blood volume of only 50,000, which is a little worse than the two guarding the gate.

Everyone's level has now reached level 23. Such a group of people dealing with two level 23 zombies is not the same as playing, so it only took two minutes for the two elite zombie captains to fall to the ground and burst out a few pieces of cloth for Wang Lin, but they still have no equipment and money.

The lack of money made Song Fei feel very depressed. Previously, the two zombies outside the Beichen Tower burst out with some money, but since they entered the tower and killed so many monsters, including the boss, none of the copper coins came out! So far, they have used several gold in the medicine used by everyone! Of course, the experience they get is also worth these gold coins.