The real mirror of online games

I, Qinglong City Master

The owner of Xuanwu City read the letter from the owner of Winter City and sighed, "It seems that it's time!"

Of course, Song Fei didn't know what the Xuanwu City Lord was talking about, so he could only look at the Xuanwu City Lord with a doubtful face and wait for his explanation.

Seeing Song Fei's doubtful eyes, the owner of Xuanwu City explained, "It seems that it's time to understand the novice village!"

Hearing the words of Xuanwu City Lord, Song Fei was excited. As long as the novice village is unblocked, Li Xiaoer can be brought out. Huang Lincheng's restaurants are all ready, except Li Xiaoer, a cook. As long as the cook is in place, he can start his own money-making business!

With the letter from the owner of Xuanwu City, Song Fei immediately went to Qinglong City, but this time Luo Ying still insisted on going with him. Luo Ying does not have the transmission privilege between the main cities. It costs money to teleport from Xuanwu City to Qinglong City, so Song Fei doesn't want her to follow. After all, it's only ten gold coins at a time!

But Luo Ying insisted on following, and it was not easy for Song Fei to order her not to go. Although Luo Ying is nominally his servant, he has never treated her as a servant. He just treats her as a little sister and spoils her, so that Luo Ying often acts coquettish with him now. As long as Luo Ying acts coquettish, Song Fei will have no way.

Finally, he found that he couldn't leave Luo Ying, so he could only take her with him, but in order to save the ten gold coins, Song Fei played a narrow eye. When he sent it to Huanglin City before, he found that the guards guarding the transmission hall only looked at the token but not people, and there was no signature of the holder on the token. So Song Fei took Wang Lin's brand and gave it to Luo Ying to see if this gap could be drilled. As a result, he found that this method was really feasible!

With Wang Lin's transmission token, with Xiong Ba and rhubarb, Song Fei and Luo Ying sent it to Qinglong City together. As soon as he came out of the transmission hall of Qinglong City, Song Fei felt that Qinglong City was much more lively than Xuanwu City. The shouts of hawkers and the shouts of pedestrians were noisy. People came and went on the street, there were many shops on both sides of the street, and there were many players who set up stalls selling equipment on the roadside.

Due to the original post about the relationship between Qinglong City and the novice village, 70% of players chose to come to Qinglong City. Although some players went to other main cities after the transmission between the main city was opened, more than half of the players were still in Qinglong City, so the excitement of Qinglong City is far from mysterious. Wucheng can compare!

Out of the Transmission Hall, Song Fei and Luo Ying went straight to the main mansion of Qinglong City. There is no need to inquire this time. As soon as Song Fei came out of the transmission hall, he could see that the layout of Qinglong City was the same as that of Xuanwu City, so he guessed that the layout of the other four main cities except Huanglin City might be the same.

The main mansion of Qinglong City is the same as that of Xuanwu City. In front of the door of the cave, there are two rows of guards of Gosensen. Song Fei came to the door of the house and handed over a letter of introduction from the Xuanwu City Lord before the bodyguard could speak, explaining his intention. As soon as the bodyguard heard that Song Fei was the special envoy of Xuanwu City Lord, he respectfully led him into the city master's mansion. Not long after waiting in the courtyard, the guard came out again and took him into the hall of the city lord's mansion.

"Are you the fourth king?" As soon as Song Fei entered the hall, he heard a thick voice talking to himself with a smile.

"It's the villain who has seen Lord Qinglong!" Song Fei immediately came forward to salute.

"You're welcome, come and sit down!"

"This is a letter from Lord Xuanwu to you." Song Fei handed over the letter from the owner of Xuanwu City first, and then motioned Luo Ying to sit down with him.

The owner of Qinglong City received the letter and read it carefully. In fact, there was nothing too important in the letter, mainly to tell him that it was almost time to unblock the novice village, and mentioned that the task could be handed over to Song Fei.

After reading the letter, the owner of Qinglong City put the letter aside and said to Song Fei, "Tianwang Si, would you like to do the unblocking of the novice village for me?"

"Of course, I am willing to work for Lord Qinglong, and I will die!" Song Fei held his fist and said solemnly.

"You don't have to die, just die!"


Seeing Song Fei's surprised appearance, the owner of Qinglong City laughed and said, "If you want to unblock the novice village, you must die once. In this case, are you still willing to take this task?"

"Yes!" Song Fei agreed without any hesitation. The reason why he is so resolute is not only because Li Xiaoer is waiting for him in the novice village, but also because he understands that the reward for such a big task as unblocking the novice village will not be less than that 20% experience.

"Very good! Young people, bold! No wonder even the four 'widows and lonely' can value you so much! Xuanwu really didn't see the wrong person!" The owner of Qinglong City nodded with satisfaction when he saw Song Fei's performance.

"Are widows and lonely?"

"Yes, ' widowhood and loneliness' are four strange people in the novice village!"

Four strange people in the novice village? Does it refer to Aunt Wang, Dr. Zhao, Zhang Blacksmith and Li Xiaoer? The most legendary people in the novice village should be these four people, right? And I only had contact with the village head except for the four of them in the novice village. After all, Aunt Wang is a widow, Dr. Zhao is a bachelor, Zhang Blacksmith is a widower, and Li Xiaoer is an orphan. She is really widowed and lonely!

But how did he see that these four people were good to me? Even if I carry the things they gave me, but those things are in my backpack, can he still see what's in my backpack? Or does he have any special ability to sense who he has been in contact with?

In fact, it is not special for the owner of Qinglong City to know who Song Fei has contact with. Players will be rewarded with prestige when completing tasks. These reputations are nothing to players, but they are different for NPCs. The player's accumulation of reputation is the affinity for NPC. The higher a player's reputation in a certain area, the higher his affinity for NPC in this area.

For ordinary NPCs, they can't distinguish the source of this affinity in players and only feel good about this person. However, a super-powerful NPC like Qinglong City Lord has the ability to feel the source of these prestige, especially from some special characters. It was for this reason that the owner of Xuanwu City would have handed over the matter of Beichen Tower to Song Fei. If he hadn't accumulated some national prestige because of the previous special missions, the Lord Xuanwu City would not have given him that task.

"Lord Qinglong, I want to ask, if I want to unblock a thousand novice villages, will I die a thousand times?" This is obviously impossible, and Song Fei is also very clear in his heart. In fact, he wants to ask why a thousand novice villages are in Qinglong City.

"There are not a thousand novice villages, in fact, there is only one novice village!"