The real mirror of online games

II, pet box

Seeing Song Fei's doubtful eyes, the owner of Qinglong City continued: "A novice village can't accommodate a large number of adventurers at the same time. His Majesty also thought of this, so we used phantom separation technology in the novice village. First, we seal the novice village and a area around it, and then use the space separation skill inside the seal to separate a space into a thousand identical spaces. This saves space and solves the problem of too many adventurers.

"That is to say, there is only one seal. As long as this seal is lifted, the thousand overlapping novice villages will disappear, leaving only one novice village?" Song Fei thought about it and understood.

"Not bad!" The owner of Qinglong City affirmed Song Fei's speculation. The early trend of adventurers has passed, and now there are not so many adventurers entering the Phantom Continent at the same time, so there is no need for a thousand novice villages. But to break the seal of the novice village, you can only do it from the inside of the seal, but there is only one way to go back from the novice village, that is, to pass through the outside of the seal, but to pass through the outside of the seal, you must die once.

"Oh," Seinfeld nodded. Then Lord Qinglong, please tell me the specific way to break the seal, and the villain will do it immediately.

"The seal of the novice village is divided into eight directions, in the order of southeast and northwest, which are Du, Jing, Death, Shock, Open, Rest, Life and Injury."

Damn, it's the eight arrays of Wuhou again! Song Fei felt depressed. I have heard of the cracking method of Wuhou's eight array map from chocolate before. It is necessary to enter the door of life. It seems that this time of death is the time of entering through the dead door!

"The cracking method is to enter through the dead door, go out the door, and open the eight doors in the order of death, shock, opening, rest, Jing, Du, injury and life, and the seal of the novice village will naturally be lifted." The words of the owner of Qinglong City confirmed Song Fei's speculation. Although the order of unblocking is different from that in Beichen Tower, there are too many changes in the eight arrays of Wuhou Tower. The one in Beichen Tower may be the simplest one. Song Fei immediately took out his notebook and wrote down the direction and cracking order of the eight gates.

"But the dead gate is a special door," watching Song Fei write down the order of cracking the eight gates, and the owner of Qinglong City continued, "Whether any creature wants to come out of the dead door or enter from the outside, there is only one death, unless the creature has the strength to completely destroy the seal boundary. Of course, if he has that strength, he doesn't have to enter through the dead door. But you adventurers are different from our native inhabitants of the phantom continent. If we die, we will really die, but you adventurers can be resurrected. So as long as you enter the seal through the dead door and then resurrect, you will appear in the novice village.

"Oh!" Hearing this, Song Fei finally understood how to return to the novice village, but when he thought that Aunt Wang asked him to go back to play if he had nothing to do, he sweated again. Who will go back to the novice village to play? Isn't that sick? You have to run two more times, but you can't get out of the novice village again!

"Take this." The owner of Qinglong City handed Song Fei a set of keys and a pair of glasses.

"What is this for?" Song Fei asked doubtfully.

"Only by wearing these glasses can you see the doors on the sealed boundary, otherwise you can't find those doors if you stay inside for a lifetime! And these keys are naturally used to open the door!"

Hearing the words of the owner of Qinglong City, Song Fei was depressed again. At the beginning, he looked along the seal boundary in the novice village for seven or eight hours but didn't find the door he was thinking of. It turned out that he was missing this pair of glasses!

"Your Excellency, why are there only seven keys? Aren't you going to open eight doors?" Looking at that bunch of keys, Song Fei asked weakly.

"There are indeed eight doors, but due to the special attributes of the dead door, there is no need to lock them at all, so naturally there is no need for keys. In fact, when you entered the seal, you had already opened the door.

"Oh!" Song Fei nodded and finally understood the specific process of this task.

"Is there anything else you don't understand?"

"There's nothing I don't understand, but there is one thing I need to ask Lord Qinglong for help."

"What's the matter? Just say, as long as I can do it, I will definitely help you!"

"Lord Qinglong, look," Song Fei said, pointing to the rhubarb, "This is what Wang Yaoting asked me to bring to Aunt Wang. Also, this bear is my pet. If I die when I enter the seal, how can I take them with me?"

This question has been bothering Song Fei about what to do with the pet after the owner dies, but he thought that if the player dies, it must be in battle. But if even the player dies, his pet must also die, and it is basically impossible for the player to die if the pet does not die. But now, this problem is really in front of him. It is obviously not cost-effective to let Xiong Ba die with him and then pay money to resurrect. The key is that Rhubarb can't die. It's going to die. Song Fei really doesn't know if he can resurrect it. So it's awkward to do this task.

"This," obviously, the owner of Qinglong City did not think about this problem before. With his strength, he no longer needs to take pets to fight, or he doesn't have to fight by himself, so his pet has now become a real pet and is kept in his pet park.

"Housekeeper, go and get my pet box." The owner of Qinglong City thought for a while.

"Pet box!" Seinfeld was really surprised this time. Is there such a thing? The owner of Xuanwu said that there is no such thing?

"Xuanwu is too naive and generous. He is too good for his subordinates and pets. In fact, it's not that he doesn't have a pet box, he just doesn't want to use it!" The owner of Qinglong City said lightly.

It wasn't long before the housekeeper gave the pet box to Seinfeld. What Song Fei didn't expect was that the box he thought could hold the next pet should be a big and bulky thing, but the owner of Qinglong City gave him a very delicate small pendant.

This pendant is a glass bead the size of a human eyeball. A red rope passes through the small hole in the middle and Ties an auspicious cloud knot below. With no heavy feeling in his hand, he put it in front of his eyes and observed it carefully. Song Fei saw a cyan five-clawed flying dragon disk around it. The dragon head, dragon claws, dragon eyes, dragon horns and even dragon whiskers and dragon scales were clearly visible, which showed the exquisite production process.

Checking the attributes of the pet box, Seinfeld found that there were 10 grids in this small thing, that is, 10 pets could be stored in it. And this pet box can not only hold your own pet, but also other people's pets. Of course, the premise is that the pet must voluntarily enter this pet box.

Hanging the pet box around his waist, Song Fei found that this thing could also be used as a hanging equipment on his body, and it did not occupy the equipment bar, but it had no attributes. Looking at Song Fei hanging the pet box on his waist, Luo Ying frowned. The pendant was not ugly, but this thing matched with Song Fei's light armor, which really didn't match!

"I used this thing when I was young," saw Song Fei hang the pet box around his waist, and the owner of Qinglong City continued, "but it has been unused more than ten years ago. I wanted to throw it away at the beginning, but I was a little reluctant to leave it in the warehouse. I didn't expect it to come in handy this time.

"Luo Ying, it seems that you can't do this task with me. You'd better go back to Xuanwu City to practice with your eldest brother first." Song Fei said to Luo Ying.

"No, Brother Tian, I'll be here waiting for you to come back! Lord Qinglong, is it okay?"

"Yes, although Miss Luo Ying lives in the house, she is just like her own home. You're welcome!"

Well, Lord Qinglong has said, and that's the only way!

"Lord Qinglong, how can I get to the novice village?"

"From Qinglong City to the north, you can see the seal boundary of the novice village."

"Lord Qinglong, do I remember that there is a city in the north of the novice village?"