The real mirror of online games

2, level zero

Another working day, Seinfeld entered the game alone. Today, not only Zhang Xudong and Wang Lin have no time, but also Luo Ying is with him. As soon as he entered the game in the morning, Luo Ying blushed and told him that he was not feeling well, which stunned him. However, when he saw Luo's cowardly appearance, Song Fei guessed a rough idea. This game is so real. An NPC actually came back!

When a person comes to the capital of evil, Song Fei wants to see if he can take on a single task. If not, he can take on a suitable task for the team first. When Zhang Xudong and Wang Lin come back, he will do it together. Walking into the shop he often went to, the boss still had such a cold attitude as usual. When he saw Song Fei go in, he threw the task list to him without saying anything. Looking at the task list on one page, Song Fei looked at it carefully. You don't need to read the first few pages, just skip them. Those tasks are not what they can handle now. After that, there are some assassination missions, either to assassinate players or to assassinate NPCs. After so many days of assassination missions, Song Fei has also been a little tired of it.

After toss and turns, Seinfeld finally found a suitable task. This task is very simple. It is a task of delivering letters. The recipient is the second child of a restaurant in Winter City. The task reward is 13 gold coins, and there is more than one gold left in addition to the cost of transmission. Such a simple task should not have appeared here, so Sein Fei guessed that he might encounter trouble on the way to deliver the letter, or there was something shady in the letter, so it was published here. But Song Fei doesn't care about those. It's good to make money. With the special envoy token of the owner of Xuanwu City, he can make a lot of money by doing this task. As for the troubles on the road, just deal with them at any time. Of course, Song Fei's fancy to this task is not entirely because of money, but also because the name of the restaurant is "Li Ji Restaurant"!

Because the transmission is in the city and rarely walks outside the city, there is no trouble along the way. Song Fei is glad that he made another profit. Walking out of the transmission hall of Winter City and looking at this familiar and strange street, Song Fei sighed a lot. When he first came here, he was to do the task of Beichen Tower. It was during that time that he met the three letters, and the strength of the Tianxing team also reached its peak. Although he offended the Fengyun Gang, he didn't care at all. Half a year has passed in a hurry, and now the team has disbanded.

Thinking of the Fengyun Gang, Song Fei thought of his only friend in Winter City, Wang Yaoting. He remembered that when he returned to the novice village, Aunt Wang also asked him to bring a letter to Wang Yaoting, and the reward for the task of sending a letter to Aunt Wang had not been received yet. It seems that he also received it here, so he went to the city first. The main house. Wang Yaoting received a letter from his mother and burst into tears with excitement. He not only rewarded him with 10 gold coins, but also insisted on taking him to his residence to drink. After a while, it was already dark, and Song Fei left Wang Yaoting's residence and went straight to Li Ji's restaurant. Although it was already dark, it was not too late. This was the busiest time for the restaurant business, so Song Fei was not afraid to find the NPC Xiao Er who received the letter.

Li Ji Restaurant in Xuanwu City is located on a bustling street, with many shops on both sides. Although it is night, there are still people coming and going between the shops. The business of this restaurant is very good, and you can hear the noise from the diners from afar. Stepping into the restaurant, a burst of hot air came to my face, mixed with the fragrance of various foods and the strong smell of wine. Seeing someone coming in, Xiao Er immediately greeted him.

"Do you want to eat or stay in the hotel?" Xiao Er nodded and asked.

"How many sophomores do you have here?"

Huh? Guest, are you looking for someone?" Xiao Er was stunned by Song Fei's question.

"I'm here to deliver the letter, but the task only said that I should give it to Xiao Er here, but I didn't say Xiao Er's name." Song Fei explained.

"Oh," Xiao Er thought for a moment, and suddenly his eyes flashed. Just leave it to me."

When receiving this task, the publisher said that the reward was received directly from the second child who received the letter, so after handing over the letter to the second child, Song Fei stood in the hall and waited. Looking at a table of diners in the hall pushing cups and eating happily, Song Fei couldn't help wondering why the business here is so good? Are their dishes better than mine? Normally, it shouldn't be. I have Li Xiaoer's control. How many cooks can there be like Li Xiaoer in the whole phantom? But if not, how can their business be so good here? From the clothes, it can be seen that most of the people in the hall are players, and players are very picky about what they eat in the game. If it doesn't taste particularly good, they must be able to increase their attributes, otherwise players will not waste money in such places. The dishes that can add attributes in the game are at least made by a senior cook, and the food made by a senior cook will not taste too bad, so these two problems are actually a problem, that is to say, the cooks here are unusual.

"Your reward, guest." While Song Fei was thinking nonsense, Xiao Er had already sent the money.

"Xiao Er."

"Hey, guest officer, what else can I do for you?"

I have to say that the boss here is still very good at doing business, which can be seen from the service attitude of Xiao Er. When Song Fei met the second child of Yuelai Inn in Xuanwu City, his face immediately changed as soon as he heard that they didn't live in the restaurant and didn't eat. But this sophomore, no matter what you want to do, always greet people with a smile. Although the muscles on his face are a little stiff, it makes people look very comfortable.

"Do you have any seats available here?" Seeing such a little two, any guest will feel comfortable, so Song Fei's tone is also very polite.

"Here?" Xiao Er looked around the hall. Sorry, sir, it's not here, but there is still a private room upstairs. Do you want it?"

"What is the price of the private room?"

"5 silver coins in the ordinary private room, 20 silver coins in the luxury private room, wine and dishes are counted separately."

The price of the private room here is similar to that of mine, but Huanglin City is the imperial city of the emperor, and the price will naturally be higher, while Winter Palace is just a second-class city. In this way, the price here is a little higher than that of its own. If the price of the private room is like this, the price of vegetables should not be too low. Business can be so booming in such a restaurant. Is it true that their dishes are really better than mine? Thinking about this, Seine Fei is more interested in this restaurant.

"Let's have an ordinary private room."

"Good! An ordinary private room--" Xiao Er shouted and took Song Fei to the private room on the second floor.

I ordered a few high-priced dishes and asked for a jar of wine. Song Fei sat in the private room and waited. It wasn't long before the dishes came up. Looking at a table of dishes, Song Fei had no appetite at all. The player doesn't need to eat in the game, and he just drank with Wang Yaoting. Even if the delicacies are in front of him, he has no appetite. After checking the attributes of the dishes, Song Fei frowned. These dishes can't increase attributes at all, and the taste of dishes that can't increase attributes naturally won't be too good. So what do they rely on to attract players? I took a bite of the dish and tasted it. It really didn't taste good. I tried several other dishes, and there was nothing special.

These dishes were deliberately selected by Seinfeld, and there are also these dishes in his restaurant. The reason why he does this is to compare them with his dishes here to see what is good about the dishes here. But by comparison, he found that the food here is not better than his, so how can their business be so good? The food is not good, so is the wine ready? So Song Fei poured a large bowl of wine and drank it in one gulp. With a mouthful of wine, Song Fei frowned again. This wine is no better than his! The food is not good and the wine is not good, so what's special about him here? Why is the business so good?

Just as Song Fei frowned and guessed, he suddenly felt a faint in his head, and then fainted. After checking his state, Song Fei got the result that he was addicted to ecstasy and was in a state of coma for three hours. Grass, black shop! Song Fei scolded secretly and quit the game, but he thought that he must go to Wang Yaoting to report it when he woke up and let him close the black shop and recover his losses.

After watching TV for an hour in the living room, Seinfeld logged in to the game. The characters in the game have woken up, but the effect of the medicine has not completely disappeared. Song Fei only felt dizzy and rubbed his eyes hard to see the situation around him. This is a stone hut like a dungeon. The walls are bare and there is nothing. The hut has no windows. There is only a small door open on one side, and there is no direction from inside. There is a small table in the room. There is a man sitting in front of the table, and several people standing behind him.

"My grass, Xiongba!" Song Fei jumped up from the ground, but suddenly felt very weak. After checking the attributes, he was stunned.

1 level, 0%.

How did it become level 1? What's going on?

"Hahaha, Tianwang Si, I didn't expect it!" Xiong Ba sat at the table and laughed arrogantly.

Song Fei's mind was in chaos. He looked at everything around him with dull eyes, looked at the arrogantly laughing Xiong Ba and his men, and then looked at himself at the first level. His legs were weak and he sat on the ground. I didn't expect that after just three hours, my nearly 50 level was cleared, which was much faster than killing! At this time, Song Fei was no longer in the mood to quarrel with Xiong Ba, but he just endured the cynicism of Xiong Ba and his subordinates, thinking that his efforts for more than half a year had been in vain!

While Song Fei was looking at all this in a daze, a player behind Xiong Ba came to him and pulled out his weapon with an evil smile.