Pome Star

Chapter 169 Trust

(The hard disk of the notebook is broken... I @#¥%&*!)

When he left the building, Mo Gree's spirit was still in a trance. It was hard for him to believe that he had a face-to-face conversation with the great leader just now... Although it was a remote conversation through the Internet.

"Calm down, calm down, there are more important things to consider now..." Mo Greed his cheek and said, he began to comb what had happened before.

The headquarters of the Space and Border Bureau has lost regular contact with the coalition government, which shows that the matter has reached a very serious point. The head can't contact the Border Bureau and can't find senior managers - after all, there is now a senior hunter and senior guardian beside each senior manager - and scattered around the world. The newcomers of the three major organizations have lost their key memories, and I really admire that the leaders used this method to find and hear the latest situation from their own mouths for one of the few managers who have recovered their memories.

"...No wonder those superheroes in the bureau seem to have taken gunpowder recently. They are just deliberately provoking trouble, and the ones standing behind them are... But I think they are just baits and victims. I'm afraid that the one who provoked all this is... Most importantly, another organization actually plans to sit on the mountain. Guan Hudou plans to take action at the most favorable time... Don't you know that it's too late at that time... Moreover, if there is no mistake in guessing, the uncle should only be... But what is he going to do during this period? If even he knows clearly what his weakness is, there is no reason why that person doesn't know. If the uncle wants to let go, she is the key this time... He must find her before those people!"

After making up his mind, Mo Greed came to the roof of a tall building, but he did not move, but stood on the roof overlooking the block.

After a while, Mo Gree's mobile phone rang.

"Your friend surnamed Wen is on XX Street." A routine male voice sounded.

Don't hang up the phone with a smile. The power of a person is thin, while the power of the state machine is huge.

In just an hour, Mo Cong found everyone and gathered them in the unfinished building.

When looking at everyone's faces, Mo Gan saw all kinds of expressions.

Wenfeng was happy to see that he had returned to normal. Raj was still resentful of himself. After waking up, he heard Liang Yu, who had a complicated look, and Ziyue, who was full of distrust of himself.

Mo Greed for a bitter smile. In such a bad team atmosphere, he was really worried about whether the future plan could be completed well.

"Well, no matter what happened to us before, I hope you can put down your presentment and listen to my next words carefully..." Mo said greedily: "We don't have to collect any ring at all. Even if none of us has a 30-day rule, we won't have anything to do. "

"Well, you have 8 rings now, so naturally it doesn't hurt to stand and talk." Raj said coldly, obviously still worried about the robbery of the ring.

"I don't have a ring now. I can admit frankly, because my stupidity caused me to lose all the rings I got from you." Don't say it calmly.

"Who knows if you said these words?" Raj still said unconvincedly, "Maybe it's just to persuade us to reduce a few competitors..."

Mo greed shook his head and said faintly, "First of all, I want to ask a question. Do you have such a feeling that you don't have the memory of each other? It's like a stranger you met for the first time, but you always feel like you've known each other before, as if you've seen it somewhere, but you can't remember it at all?"

Everyone did not answer Mo Gree's question, but they all felt this way, which is why they didn't break their heads at the beginning because of the ring problem.

"The truth is that we are actually companions of Team 9 of Group Z of the Space Border Bureau and are members of one of the three plane organizations." Mo Greedy said calmly, "The reason why we have become like this is that we have participated in the newcomer exchange conference of the three major organizations, but someone has tamped with it in the competition..."

With that, Mo Duo first briefly introduced the multi-face world*, then briefly introduced the three major plane organizations, and finally talked about this newcomer exchange conference.

Everyone is a little confused. It's not that they can't understand, but what Mo Greeds said is really a little strange, and it is difficult to accept in terms of common sense.

But no one refutes, because they feel that there seems to be a word in the depths of their memory that echoes Mo Gre, and they also vaguely feel that Mo Gree's words are indeed true.

Seeing that everyone had wavered, Mo Greed continued: "Wen Feng, don't you wonder why a half-fox demon exists in this world where everything can be explained by science and logic? And Raj, aren't you surprised by your identity as a dark elf? Liang Yu, your semi-zombie body can't explain it biologically. Sister Ziyue, what is the mutation in your body and the strange flame when you fought? Hongye, why does your mind have the calculation speed and the fastest computer now? Lanxin, how do you understand the holy light healing technique you use in medicine?

As soon as Mo's greedy words came out, everyone couldn't help falling into meditation. At first, they had no doubt about their identity, as if everything should have been like this. This is common sense, but they didn't want to put their common sense in this more common-reasoning world, but it didn't make much sense.

"Your memory has not recovered, so I don't expect you to completely believe my words," Mo said calmly: "But I hope you can trust me for the time being. If you count the time, there should be something big going to happen." Mo Greed said calmly, "We must find a girl named Bai Wei immediately. She is now in the hands of the Chinese government and is closely protected, but I think you all know that the general weapons of the earth have no great effect on us, and advanced weapons may threaten us, but for senior management The rationale is useless. If there is no mistake, there should be strong people looking for her, and we must find her and protect her before that, because she is the most critical factor in this big event!"

"Why?" Ziyue looked at Mo Greed and asked with a faint doubt.

"Because she is the only weakness of the director's uncle..." Mo shrugged his shoulders and said, "If I guess correctly, it is deliberately by the uncle to let the situation become so bad. The purpose is to let go and solve the problem completely. If we hope If the director can completely solve the problem, then we must solve his only worries... So, let's go!"

"Where to go?" Wen Feng quickly asked.

"Rich City, SH."