Pome Star

Chapter 170 The following crimes

symbolizes the building of the highest authority in the United States. The White House is now brightly lit.

At this moment, a banquet is being held in the restaurant, but there are no top celebrities, no rich women, only the first person representing the United States and several men who are completely bureaucratic.

Unlike the long table used to distinguish identities, this banquet uses a round table regardless of identity.

"I know that your next task will be very dangerous, and it is even likely that I will not be able to see you again, but change is always accompanied by bloodshed. If you are afraid of loss, human civilization will end here... The victim will not sacrifice in vain, and he will become a forever spread among the future population. Heroes!" The president said in an impassioned speech.

Some men have looked at the president with a fanatical expression, while others can restrain their emotions, but there is still a trace of blood in their eyes.

"But I believe that you are warriors blessed by God. You will definitely return triumph and bring back victory and yourself completely, and what you get will be more than flowers and applause..." A divine light flashed in the president's eyes and said pointedly, "God has set the earth as a transit of many planes. Standing is implying that we should make good use of it, rather than being timid and careful maintenance. The integration of multiple planes is definitely not a disaster, but progress! I can already see that the land planted by the Star-Spangled Banner in the future is happiness written with the culture of various planes..."

"For a new world of peace, freedom, democracy and happiness!" The president picked up the glass and said that the red wine in the glass was as red as blood.

"For the new world!" All the men raised their glasses and said that they all wore the signs of senior managers, but there were no senior hunters and senior guardians who should accompany them...

——————Split line————

Outside the headquarters of the Air Border Bureau, in the vast snowy mountains.

Murong Yushi, president of the Hunters Association, stood side by side with Lei Wulong, the leader of the Order Alliance, enjoying the beautiful but dangerous snowy mountains.

The organization led by the two should be completely opposite in essence, but the two people are quite harmonious at this moment...at least on the surface.

"It's about to begin, senior." Murong Yushi said lightly.

"What do you mean?" Lei Wulong asked coldly.

"Of course, it refers to the small actions of those who can't stand loneliness." Murong Yushi smiled and said, "Although it looks a little ridiculous, we can't say that it will definitely fail. After all, there is a lot of history born from ridiculousness, isn't it?"

"That's because, behind those ridiculous people stand behind, those who can laugh to the end." Lei Wulong also said with some point.

"Who knows, history is a mystery that will never be solved, and only the parties themselves know what happened..." Murong Yu said faintly: "But I don't know who will laugh to the end this time..."

——————Split line————

Gorha, the death knight, rushed back to the headquarters of the air border, and the hunters and guardians assigned to the same group with him did not follow.

While walking into the headquarters, Gorha just met Feng Wenliu, who also just returned.

"You don't look very good." Gorhagang and Feng Wenliu walked into the headquarters of the Border Bureau side by side and said.

"Each other." Feng asked Liu calmly.

"I think you are also because of the newcomer exchange meeting," Gorha just continued, "The ghost knows what the director's guy is thinking. He even let things go to such a chaotic point. If it goes on like this, the whole earth will fall into chaos, and some guys are also secretly**... ...If you don't do anything else, I'm afraid something big will really happen..."

"The Director!" Gorha just pushed the door and walked into Ren Jingyu's office: "How much are you going to let things go?"

"Hmm?" Ren Jingyu, who was buried behind a large pile of documents, raised his head impatiently, looked at Gorha with bloodshot eyes, and then lowered his head to continue processing the documents.

"Don't bother, always be a dead boy," Su Can's voice suddenly sounded. Gorha just looked at the source of the sound, but saw Su Can lying in the corner of the room, holding the drunken gourd and saying this: "That guy can't hear anything now..."

"I'm not a dead boy, an old man who is about to fall into the ground." Gorha immediately retorted.

"What?" Su Can sat up from the ground: "Old man, I'm in good health. If you want to go into the ground, you have to enter first."

"Are you going to let me bury you now, old man?" Gorha just asked in a low voice.

"Come if you have the ability, you don't know the depth of the world!" Su Can said unwillingly.

"Hey, in front of the director, you should restrain a little." Feng Wenliu said in a low voice.

"This old man started first." Gorha just said with an innocent face.

"You should know how to respect the old and love the young, stinky boy." Su Can curled her lips and said.

"I don't want to be preached by guys I don't even know!" Gorha just said loudly.

"Shut up!" Ren Jingyu suddenly roared, and the needle fell in the room for a moment.

He hummed impatiently, and Ren Jingyu buried himself in the file again.

"I think we are doomed..." Gorha just shook his head and said. He was about to leave when several senior managers poured in outside the door.

is led by a muscular man wearing red cloak underwear.

Gorhagang stepped back several steps in a row, and Gorhagang had guessed that there must be no good thing from the unfriendly expression on the other party's face.

Ren Jingyu raised his head impatiently, looked at the muscular man and asked, "What's the matter with you?"

"I have a few immature suggestions about the policy and future development direction of the air border bureau. I hope you can adopt them." The muscular man said neither humble nor arrogantly.

"Since you know that it is immature, you can go back and modify it by yourself and put it up at the internal meeting of the Air Border Bureau." Ren Jingyu lowered his head and said.

"Sorry, Director, I think now is the most suitable time." The muscular man said uncompulsively.

Ren Jingyu frowned, looked up at the muscular man and said, "Try to me."

"Since our space boundary bureau controls the plane channel and has the best geographical location in the three major organizations, why can't we take advantage of this advantage to draw on the strengths of each plane to fill the shortcomings of other planes and make all planes better? Since God chose the earth as a relay station for all planes, there must be his intention. How can we try our best to maintain the original and live up to God's expectations? The muscular man asked righteously.

"I deny your opinion. You can go." Ren Jingyu said lightly.

"Why?" The muscular man was simply overwhelmed by Ren Jingyu.

"It's very simple, because it doesn't conform to the regulations of the Air Border Bureau." Ren Jingyu looked down at the document and said.

"Regulations are just set by people..."

"I set the regulations! Any other questions?" Ren Jingyu raised his head and looked directly at the muscular man and asked.

"Since the negotiations can't solve the problem, it seems that we have to use some coercive measures." Dozens of senior managers poured in.

Although Gorhagang, Feng Wenliu and Su Can are not fuel-efficient lamps, they have no intention to do it at this moment. After all, when the strength is not much different, the number difference is too big.

"Are you going to start a rebellion?" Ren Jingyu looked at the muscular man and asked coldly.

"No, Mr. Director," the muscular man said politely, "We are going to start a revolution!"