My Goddess

Chapter 9 Chen Shao

I'm afraid many people don't know who Jean Ale Duvik is just by name. But if you say the painter who is famous for painting bird shit, many people probably know it.

This is a pioneer artist, which is better than the so-called painter who painted on pins with his hair in previous years. In the early years, I couldn't draw oil paintings, but later I simply painted birds wholeheartedly. What bird corpses, hairless birds, bird shit... Unexpectedly, Europe was already famous before the financial crisis, with a painting priced at nearly one million euros.

To this extent, it doesn't matter to the outside world how the painter's work itself is. The important thing is that many people will wonder what a painting worth tens of millions of yuan looks like.

Such a cruel character can actually bring paintings to a second-tier city like Binhai City to hold a painting exhibition. There is really no better explanation except the Chinese people standing up... Su Yifan saw Duvik's painting on the Internet and said that he was really not interested, so he lazily did not raise his hand.

Four tickets, Cheng Shuixin must go, and there are still three places. Even if you can't go to the painting exhibition alone with Cheng Shuixin, this is also an opportunity for peers. Suddenly, many boys' eyes are eager to shine.

Cheng Shuixin continued, "I'm really sorry, my ability is limited, and I can only get these four tickets. The students who want to go to our literature club report their names. To be fair, let's draw lots to decide.

Cheng Shuixin's style is different from some cadres in the school. Since she said it would be fair, it must be fair. At least these students of the Literature Society believe in her.

drawing lots can actually enliven the atmosphere. Since ancient times, there has been no democracy in schools, and students are very excited about this kind of popular event.

Cheng Shuixin personally distributed neatly cut small notes and carbon pens, so that everyone could write down their names. Then it was thrown into a small dark cardboard box.

In the middle of everyone's discussion, Cheng Shuixin shook the box and said with a smile, "Also, there will be a selection activity for excellent teachers in the city in a few days. As usual, we will produce a few articles. Don't be lazy these days, okay?"

There are still a few days left to start the selection. Cheng Shuixin's words mean that everyone has to hollow out some thoughts to praise the teacher on the weekend. Everyone still attaches great importance to this kind of selection, which may not be once a year, and no one shows disgust.

Cheng Shuixin shook the box and put it in the center of the table.

"Su Yifan, come and be everyone's goddess of luck."

One sentence made the people of the literary club laugh out loud. Su Yifan sat far away from Cheng Shuixin. He didn't care much about this level of jokes and had to get up to get the box.

Cheng Shuixin naturally bent down and stretched out her hand and handed the box to Su Yifan. In fact, there was Li Peiran in the middle of the relay between the two, which was ignored by Cheng Shuixin intentionally or unintentionally.

Li Peiran's mouth**, smiled unnaturally and said, "Come on, goddess of luck, I'm waiting to go to the art exhibition with President Cheng."

Su Yifan took over the black box and replied almost instinctively, "Okay, I believe you really love art."

I have to say that honest people also have a lot of weight when they say vicious words. Su Yifan's understanding of Li Peiran is limited to his hypocrisy. Today, both counterattacks have gone in this direction, and the effect is very good.

Li Peiran looked ugly, and Cheng Shuixin was also quite surprised. Su Yifan has always been a person who doesn't like to talk to others. Is this really a change of sex now?

People in the Literature Society knew Su Yifan better, and the people at the meeting were surprised. Su Yifan satirized his monitor Li Peiran. Is the world really changing too fast?

Li Peiran's face was gloomy and he was about to open his mouth when there was a knock on the door.

The door of the activity room is never locked, and people who come with a knock on the door are more polite. Cheng Shuixin frowned slightly as if she had thought of something and said loudly, "Please come in."

The door was opened, and three people came in.

is the first person who is quite tall, more than 1.8 meters tall, but unfortunately he is a little thinner, and the feet of a pair of jeans still seem a little empty. A square face is neither handsome nor ugly. What is rare is that his face is very clean, without a white acne, wearing a pair of rimless gold glasses and a faint smile on his face.

The man was followed by two boys shorter than him, who were quite strong and dark all over. At a glance, he knew that they were the masters of the school team.

There are many people who can take two gangs around in the school, but there is only one who is so thin and so weak. Seeing this person appear, Li Peiran was already uncomfortable and how uncomfortable it was.

In Li Peiran's eyes, Su Yifan must be one level lower than himself, but the one in front of him is definitely several levels higher than himself.

If you decide to pursue Cheng Shuixin's qualification according to personal conditions, this person can be ranked in the top of a high school, and he can only wander in the middle and lower reaches.

The person who came is none other than Chen Xin, who had tried his best to get a smile.

"I'm sorry to bother you." Chen Xin was arrogant and had to follow the two people behind her back to the school. The etiquette was still very polite. "I just passed by here and accidentally heard President Cheng's words."

After Chen Xin opened his mouth, no one spoke. After all, his momentum is far from comparable to that of ordinary students. Moreover, Chen Xin often comes to the literary club, and everyone is familiar with it.

It is the first time for Chen Xin to have a sudden situation like today's meeting. Cheng Shuixin unexpectedly raised her head and looked at Chen Xin, who was talking.

"I'm very moved by President Cheng's efforts to seek benefits for everyone." Chen Xin spoke with an exaggerated expression, which attracted a flattering laugh, "I don't have much ability, just help President Cheng. I will personally give 15 more tickets to the Literature Society for the painting exhibition next Tuesday.

Chen Xin's words were understated and still attracted a few exclamation. This international painting exhibition has a strong commercial atmosphere, and the number of reception tickets must be limited. Mr. Chen took out 15 tickets at a time, directly depriving the literary society of the fun of lottery.

Cheng Shuixin sighed slightly in her heart. In these boys who opened their own peacocks, Chen Xin really had a little maturity in her heart. This move made him unable to refuse, which seemed to inadvertently let the people of the literary society accept his feelings and indifferently showed Mr. Chen's intentions.

Seeing that Cheng Shuixin did not say anything against, Chen Xin's face flashed and said with a smile, "Don't hate me. In fact, the lottery is also a pleasure, which has been destroyed by me."

Li Peiran squeezed out an unnatural smile and interrupted, "No, we should thank Chen Xin for her strong support."

Su Yifan looked at the monitor who had been a classmate for more than a year in surprise. He never thought that anyone could say such flattery so naturally. Su Yifan felt that he still underestimated Li Peiran, and this person would definitely be a hundred times more terrible than himself in the future.

Chen Xin entered the activity room and naturally sat down not far from Cheng Shuixin. This is also Chen Xin's smart place. He never acted too much in public, so that Cheng Shuixin didn't even have the opportunity to express his dissatisfaction with himself.

Su Yifan sat back and narrowed his eyes to look at Chen Xin and Li Peiran.

In the past, Su Yifan always believed that these two people were not in the same world as himself, and never paid attention to the performance of these young men who felt good about themselves. Now looking coldly, Su Yifan found the subtleties.

In school, the gap between people is actually not as big as expected. Su Yifan and Li Peiran think differently. He feels that Chen Xin is not much better than himself in any way.

Throughout the meeting, Chen Xin sat on one side naturally and did not speak or pay attention to Cheng Shuixin. He took out an English version of "Bird Collection" and turned it over casually, and waved to the two attenders to leave first.

After Chen Xin's horizontal insertion, Cheng Shuixin was completely in the mood to continue the meeting. After hurriedly saying a few words about the manuscript, the meeting was announced to be dissent.

Everyone got up in a complicated mood and dispersed. Many people noticed that Chen Xin did not mean to get up, and even the Bird Collection in his hand did not put down.

As the president, Cheng Shuixin must be the last to leave. Chen Xin's faction is afraid to wait for Cheng Shuixin, and then send her home on the way.

Li Peiran lingered for a few minutes, and the entanglement in his heart was quite obvious on his face. Finally, he only said hello to Cheng Shuixin and left.

According to the old rules of the Literature Society, Su Yifan still has to help Cheng Shuixin clean up before leaving, and today is no exception.

Cheng Shuixin looked at Chen Xin, who refused to leave, and Su Yifan, who was wiping the writing board. In contrast, Cheng Shuixin almost waved to Su Yifan without hesitation: "Su Yifan, I didn't invite you to dinner yesterday. Can you give me face today?"

Cheng Shuixin turned her head and smiled at Chen Xin: "Chen Xin, come together. I don't know how to thank you for your help to our literary society."

Chen Xin slowly closed the book in her hand and was slightly surprised.

Cheng Shuixin will not be surprised even if he refuses Chen Xin's request. Su Yifan and Chen Xin absolutely knew that this boy was definitely not an important role in Cheng Shuixin's eyes. Cheng Shuixin actually used this boy as a shield. Is it because she usually had more contact with him and really began to secretly feel that this boy was more important in her heart?

Bloomingly, Chen Xin had a feeling that didn't seem to be good.

"How can a beautiful woman treat you?" After all, Chen Xin still has some cities, and the smile on her face is much more sincere than Li Peiran. "I'll treat you today. How about we go to the sea to the bright moon?"

Cheng Shuixin shook her head resolutely: "No, I can't let you spend any more money."

Is it the bright moon on the sea again? Su Yifan is about to roar in his heart...

Chen Xin immediately stopped retorting. What he appreciated most was Cheng Shuixin. Cheng Shuixin would never be greedy for any small bargains, but he would not care much about who spent money on her. Such a free and easy girl is definitely a rare animal in high school.

In the evening, the meal was finally invited by Cheng Shuixin, in a Sichuan restaurant next to the school. Chen Xin felt that Cheng Shuixin was intentional and didn't give him a chance to show his car - in the whole high school, there were only a few students who drove to school by themselves, and there were almost no Jaguar drivers.

Because Su Yifan was there, the meal was very fast, and Chen Xin had no chance to say anything to close the relationship between the two. Most importantly, Cheng Shuixin obviously smiled more often at Su Yifan and always took the initiative to talk to him.

For the first time, Chen Xin felt that Su Yifan, a non-threatening guy, was a little annoying.

For Su Yifan, this meal was also very unpleasant, and Su Xiaoqing has not appeared all day.

The faint loss made Su Yifan a little scared. He was afraid that all this was just a strange dream.

Cheng Shuixin noticed Su Yifan's absent-mindedness and was secretly surprised. She didn't mutter on the phone this time. Instead, Su Yifan took out the phone several times to see if there were any text messages.

Seeing this situation, Cheng Shuixin couldn't help but feel a little upset: I don't play the phone anymore. How dare you be absent-minded?

This idea flashed through Cheng Shuixin's mind, and then she realized how casual she was to Su Yifan. Was she too much?

Thinking about it, Cheng Shuixin herself is also distracted...

So on the three people's dinner table, Chen Xin was left alone. How painful is it to eat with two people who don't want to eat?

What's more painful is that one of them is what you want to pursue...


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The bitter little author needs motivation... In addition, about QQ group - 281811087 goddess's pomegranate skirt, isn't it unscrupulous?

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In addition, I attach a thank-you list to thank these friends who support me. Now that I can't add essence, I have learned how to play with the book review area. I can only thank you here: windameister, thick leaves, fallen sweet potatoes, such as leaves still floating, landon, coquettish cats, legendary waste people , leaf mushroom, this name is easy to remember, winter ten, seal Zenzi, flower wheel bcfhkmw, block group, rotten chrysanthemum, wmf

The above ranking is in no particular order, you are all good people!