My Goddess

Chapter 10 Freedom and Dignity

After dinner, Chen Xin insisted again and again. Cheng Shuixin finally agreed to let Chen Xin drive herself home, and of course, take Su Yifan with her.

Cheng Shuixin knows that her home address is absolutely not a secret for people like Chen Xin.

Chen Xin hoped that Su Yifan would express his opinion on his car. Unfortunately, the teenager who had just been pulled by Su Xiaoqing on the BMW two days ago did not show any surprise, which made Chen Xin feel a little unhappy.

At the gate of the community, after the two saw Cheng Shuixin's back disappear, Chen Xin turned her head and looked at Su Yifan: "Are you going for a ride?"

Su Yifan knew that Chen Xin had no good impression on him, and he was afraid that he had something to say. Su Yifan must have been a little timid when he heard this, but now his heart is calm.

"Okay, where do you want to go?"

Chen Xin turned her head to look at Su Yifan as if she didn't know him and said, "Let's go to Muhe Wharf."

The so-called Muhe Pier is a small scenic area on the Mother River in Binhai City. The wharf is more unreliable than Sydney's Lover Harbor Pier. A few broken boards and a few rotten piles made the Binhai Tourism Bureau send a sign of an urban cultural tourist attraction to hang it on the next management office. On the contrary, there is an open-air park around the dock, which is very popular with young people in love. It is simply a land that has witnessed various miracles.

Chen Xin definitely didn't want to talk to Su Yifan in the past. Now it's the end of winter and the beginning of spring. There are relatively few people here and it's convenient to talk to.

Jaguar passed steadily and quickly through the bustling street and soon arrived at Muhe Pier.

There were still many people around in the evening. Chen Xin didn't look at it. She turned off the fire and took out a pack of cigarettes from her coat and lit one for herself without asking Su Yifan if she wanted it.

Su Yifan sat on the co-pilot, and he could see his expression in the rearview mirror.

In fact, Su Yifan guessed what Chen Xin wanted to say to him.

"Su Yifan, I don't like to go around the circle. You can't get so close to Cheng Shuixin in the future.

Chen Xin spewed out a mouthful of smoke, leaving no room to open her mouth.

Before, Su Yifan would probably ask "why".

Not now.

Looking at Chen Xin sitting in the driver's seat, Su Yifan vaguely felt that the boy was very naive. In order to achieve the effect of threatening others like an adult, he specially lit a cigarette to talk about this topic.

Su Yifan understands that Chen Xin's politeness and worldly wisdom are for most people, and only for people he feels they need to be polite.

Chen Xin doesn't have to care about his opinion at all for an indifferent little role like Su Yifan.

So Chen Xin's conclusion is as soon as she opens her mouth.

Of course, this is still the situation when Chen Xin feels that Su Yifan is a little threatening. Before that, Chen Xin would not have said such a thing to Su Yifan at all.

An unprecedented impulse rose in Su Yifan's heart. He felt that his scalp was numb, and the strong anger after being insulted made his breathing restless.

Su Yifan turned his head and stared at Chen Xin sitting in the driver's seat without saying anything.

Chen Xin could see Su Yifan's anger, but she still said carelessly, "Don't you think how good Cheng Shuixin has a good relationship with you. Can people like you? Let me tell you the truth. Even if Cheng Shuixin is really blinded and chased by you, do you think you have a peaceful life?

Chen Xin's words showed a strong disdain, which is completely different from his usual demeanor.

"What do you mean by that?"

Chen Xin snorted disdainfully, "You don't know, do you? Several people in our school have made an agreement. As long as none of these people catch up with Cheng Shuixin, they will work together to make that man look good.

In the past, Su Yifan would never have commented on this kind of thing. Today, he somehow felt extremely ridiculous. He asked coldly, "How old are you? Is it interesting for you to tell me this?

After saying this, Su Yifan opened the door and got out of the car.

Chen Xin ignored Su Yifan's movements and asked through the car door, "It's not that I look down on you, it's up to you. Can you give her what Cheng Shuixin wants?"

What does Cheng Shuixin want? Su Yifan knows very well that she wants the world to pay attention to her, not to a specific person. Cheng Shuixin is undoubtedly loved by many people, and she may have no one in her heart.

"Flowers, applause, attention, and a good material life." Chen Xin shouted to Su Yifan standing outside the car door, "Do you think romance is free? What is the cost of taking a tourist photo of the Maldives? I also took a selfie in the car. Is the logo on the steering wheel completely different from Mercedes-Benz or Hyundai?

It is undeniable that Chen Xin's words are extremely powerful every word, which is the weight of reality. It will cause severe pain in the heart of a person.

Seeing that Su Yifan did not answer, Chen Xin took a cigarette and threw the remaining half of the cigarette out of the window and landed at Su Yifan's feet.

"Think about it, what can you give Cheng Shuixin? If there is wind and rain, can you help her stop it? Even if Cheng Shuixin is really with you, can you stop us from teaming up?

At this moment, Su Yifan calmed down and asked, "What are you doing together?"

Chen Xin smiled disdainfully and said, "What do you think can I have? What else do you need? As long as you add your fist*, can you stand it?"

Su Yifan couldn't help saying, "Why? Can you not be so naive?"

"You told me when the strong need to take care of the emotions of the weak? Don't forget that many people not only have fists, but also have privileges. That's the world you can never touch. You can't feel it in school now. When you graduate from college, you will find out how big the gap between people is. Chen Xin pretended to be mature and taught Su Yifan a lesson.

Knowing that Chen Xin was hitting himself, Su Yifan was still bowed by him for a while. It's not that his parents are busy in order to make the family better. Most of the time, the gravity of real life is so great that life can't fly.

"Don't mention changing the world, can you change your life?" Chen Xin looked at Su Yifan with contemptuous face and continued to increase the code, "I can take Shuixin to the sea for dinner every day and buy her a Hermes bag. Of course, Shuixin is definitely not such a vulgar woman, but can you give her what she deserves?

Chen Xin's words are very tacky, and she is even suspected of being an upstart. Su Yifan had to admit that this kind of vulgar words are very powerful, especially from a rich second generation like Chen Xin.

Su Yi turned her head and didn't look at Chen Xin. The air outside the car was cold and clean, which was much more comfortable than smoking second-hand smoke in the car.

Facing Chen Xin's suddenly and completely exposed face, Su Yifan didn't even bother to say anything. Chen Xin tried to put pressure on himself with words, but he didn't want to refute each other one by one.

The high image created by Chen Xin before became ugly and ridiculous in Su Yifan's heart at this moment.

Looking at Chen Xin with her hands on the steering wheel, Su Yifan shook his head: "You really have a lot of nonsense."

Su Yifan's disdainful expression was in place, which made Chen Xin feel annoyed. He wanted to get out of the car and fight with Su Yifan. He thought that his identity was not equal to Su Yifan before he could resist.

Chen Xin now enjoys the feeling of squeezing others with words. He pointed to Su Yifan's nose and continued, "Most importantly, I am much more useful to Cheng Shuixin. You know your value better than anyone else.

If someone said this about Su Yifan a few days ago, he would probably be really sad and angry. Now that Chen Xin despises herself so blatantly, Su Yifan is not very angry.

Behind it is the Muhe Pier. Su Yifan looked at the still frozen river in the distance and asked Chen Xin through the window of the glass, "You can only find a balance in these aspects, can you?"

Chen Xin's anger was provoked again: "Are you quite hard-tempered?"

"This has nothing to do with temper." Su Yifan looked at Chen Xin in the car and said seriously, "Whether it is freedom, dignity or will, this is my own choice. I have to respect them and can't give up casually. Someone told me that."

"I didn't expect you to pursue so much." Chen Xin is still trying to laugh at Su Yifan, "Can these things change into decent clothes for you to treat a beautiful woman to an authentic Western meal?"

"That's your opinion." Su Yifan simply said more directly, "We have different ideas. You don't have to hit me with your own set. This will only make me look down on you more."

Chen Xin's face quickly pulled down, and the previous high demeanor disappeared.

"Su, I finished my words today. It's your business whether you don't do it or not, and you are asked for any consequences.

Looking at Chen Xin roaring angrily, Su Yifan suddenly felt better.

Is this the true face of a person after tearing his disguise? Seeing Chen Xin threatening himself, Su Yifan knew that he seemed to understand the ridiculous veils that had been separated from each other.

Reminiscence of Su Xiaoqing's light words, Su Yifan admired this sister more and more.

Chen Xin wanted to say something cruel, and felt that it would be worse. After staring at Su Yifan for a few seconds, she started the car and drove away.

Su Yifan sighed. He thought that he would not get jealous because of Cheng Shuixin, but it seemed that he could not avoid it in the end.

In fact, Su Yifan knows very well that he has been very close to Cheng Shuixin before, and no one has ever felt that he was a threat. Chen Xin's anxious statement is probably because Cheng Shuixin has been too attentive and active in recent days.

After Chen Xin drove away from Su Yifan's sight, she slowly slowed down and pressed the dial button on the car, and a vulgar "On the Moon" colored ringtone came from the Bluetooth headphones beside her ear.

Chen Xin frowned slightly. The taste difference between this person and the person is too big. What he likes most is this song.

"On the Moon" sang a few words before answering the phone.

"Yo, Chen Shao, your phone call is really rare. What's the matter with me, an idle person?" A rough and lazy voice over there seemed to hum a few respectfully, and anyone could hear that he actually had no respect for this "Young Master Chen".

"Brother Chuan, don't you swear by calling me that?" Chen Xin slowly started the car with a smile and said as she drove, "I have wanted to have a meal with Brother Chuan for a long time. Do you think you have time tomorrow?"

Brother Chuan laughed twice: "Okay, Mr. Chen, don't say these polite words to me, okay? What's the matter, Mr. Chen, since you open your mouth, do you dare not do it for you?"

Chen Xin was both comfortable and unhappy when she heard this. What was comfortable was that she could still touch Brother Chuan, and what was unhappy was Brother Chuan's attitude.

In the eyes of Brother Chuan, Chen Xin's father is a figure. Chen Xin, a high school student like him, is too lazy to respect him.

If you think about it carefully, Chen Xin is only going to high school now, and she will graduate from college. After a few years of training, it is possible to take over his father's class. That's all years later. Of course, there is no need to respect Chuan, who is a person who calculates day by day.

Chen Xin hesitated for a moment and said thoughtfully, "Brother Chuan, I won't tell you anything. Today, I was a little unhappy with a classmate."

"Is there *?" Brother Chuan subconsciously asked the key point first. People like him are not afraid of big things, but afraid of trouble.

"Parents have nothing to do." Chen Xin gave Brother Chuan a reassuring pill with disdain, "I'm not a person who can fight, and I don't have any friends yet."

Brother Chuan is not the kind of brainless bastard. He smiled and said, "As you say, won't you just find a few friends of the school team to beat him? After all, it's not good for us to go to school. In case people know that you did it, it's not good to say it, right?

Brother Chuan's attitude was expected by Chen Xin. These gangsters said it was righteous, and they had better to shrink their attitude before waiting. Now it is the 21st century, which is no better than the days when blood could be mixed out. As long as it is a mess, there must be a lot of troubles behind it.

"Brother Chuan, I didn't mean to bother you." Chen Xin is also trying to learn from her father's sincere expression on Bluetooth ears. "It's more troublesome for me to find people in school about this matter. It's easier for people to make a big deal if they don't look up. If you come forward, scare him a little. He knows that I have no evidence. I think this level is just right.

Brother Chuan was silent there, probably thinking about the seriousness of this matter. After a long time, he was sure: "Is it really a scare? You don't have to hurt your muscles and bones?"

"No." Chen Xin feels that she is still a tasteful rich second generation. In many cases, her demeanor is very important even if it doesn't make sense. "Just click it."

"Well, I'll go back and step around the school. You send me a MMS message about this boy's photo or something." Brother Chuan is quite fashionable. "In a few days, your father still wants me to stare at the motorcade these days. It's almost spring and there will be a lot of work."

"Thank you, Brother Chuan." Chen Xin politely said, "I'm not an ignorant person. I can't let you be busy in vain."

"What is this? Chen Shao, you are too out of sight..." Brother Chuan finally felt much happier when he heard Chen Xin's promise that he was good, and he was no longer lazy just now.

Pressing the phone, Chen Xin felt that she was very strange today. How can the sense of superiority that is usually well concealed be exposed in front of a weak person like Su Yifan who has no advantages? Is it just because Cheng Shuixin has become more attentive to Su Yifan recently?

Chen Xin will never admit that he felt threatened today.

The change hidden under Su Yifan's calm surface made Chen Xin feel a sense of crisis for the first time.

Freedom? Will? Chen Xin showed a sarcastic smile, and he even had the impulse to go back and laugh at Su Yifan than his peers.


I find that I like typing stories more and more in a small dark room. It's great. There's nothing better than this.