My Goddess

Chapter 29 You three

Su Yifan looked at the confident man with glasses for less than two seconds and wanted to focus on something else. He felt that it was not surprising to meet this man with a daffodil-like smile on his face on this occasion. This kind of so-called dinner was to find a bunch of so-called successful people to make fun.

Su Yifan's diversion failed. When the confident man with glasses saw Su Yifan, he naturally remembered one of the few times in his life that he had been mocked. Seeing the beautiful woman standing beside Su Yifan, she seemed to flash a light behind her glasses, and immediately walked towards Su Yifan with a wine glass.

Su Yifan looked helplessly at Cheng Shuixin, who was still holding his arm.

Cheng Shuixin smiled more naturally than Su Yifan, and her voice was still very low: "Why do you make enemies everywhere?"

"Absolutely an accident." Su Yifan was heartbroken.

As soon as the two finished speaking, the confident man with glasses has come to Su Yifan and politely stretched out his hand to Su Yifan: "Although I have met, I haven't had a chance to introduce myself. Chu Hong, the general manager of Binhai Hongda Glasses Chain.

Grand is a big name. It sounds like if you are going to get the name registered trademark. Someone will tell you that someone has used the name ten years ago.

For people in Binhai City, grand glasses are a commercial miracle they can see.

It took him about ten years to start the optician business and develop into the scale of today's four branches and 12 branches in the province.

Ten years ago, Chu Hong encountered a wave of layoffs at the beginning of his work. The treatment of the factory that had just entered the relationship plummeted. Chu Hong, who was in his 20s, was dissatisfied with his fate and ran out to work alone. It has slowly emerged from the cracks of many large eyewear stores and become the largest eyewear chain in Binhai City.

Speaking of Chu Hong, many people will feel that this is a young man with a quick mind and a positive image. After all, single entrepreneurs who are only in their 30s are not bloated and elegant are simply rare animals.

Unfortunately, Su Yifan doesn't know Chu Hong. He has good eyesight and never goes to the optician.

"It turned out to be the owner of the optician." There was a beautiful woman around Su Yifan, and her aggressiveness began to improve. "I thought your glasses were very beautiful when I first saw you."

Chu Hong shook his left hand with the wine glass. He didn't expect the boy to be so annoying. Beautiful glasses means that people don't look good.

"Su Yifan, an ordinary student in a high school." Su Yifan was not timid at all when facing male compatriots. By the way, he also introduced Cheng Shuixin around him.

Chu Hong raised his glass and signaled to Cheng Shuixin. Such a fresh girl was too appetizing for him. The last time he stared at Su Xiao was also because the girl had a sense of elegance beyond matter.

Cheng Shuixin is so beautiful today that people feel embarrassed to look at it a few more times. Her graceful appearance is reserved and full of self-confidence. With a light smile, which man dares to say that she doesn't like it?

The black sweater with white collar may be an ordinary product on others, which is set off by Cheng Shuixin's beautiful figure and is already too eye-catching.

"Su's female companion is really enviable." Chu Hong had no scruples when he spoke. He felt that this straightforward praise could move young people more. "The last time we met in the theater, Su seemed to be a beautiful woman."

Chu Hong's meaning of sovoking discord is too strong. Su Yifan feels really tired of it - aren't you, a successful entrepreneur in your thirties, don't you feel ashamed to do this?

Cheng Shuixin stood on Su Yifan's side without hesitation at this time and smiled at Chu Hong: "That must be Su Yifan's sister. Compared with her, I'm really not even an ugly girl."

"Is it sister and brother?" Instead of being unhappy, Chu Hong was excited.

Su Yifan saw that as soon as he heard that Su Xiaoqing was his sister, he was afraid that he felt that he still had a chance and began to ** in his heart.

"Ai, isn't this Su Yifan? Shuixin, are you there, too?"

Chu Hong was about to say a few words to pull the relationship, so that it would be convenient to meet Su Xiaoqing in the future, and a voice came from the side.

Su Yifan frowned and turned his head to see Chen Xin appearing in his vision, looking at the three people with a surprised face.

Chen Xin's acting skills are really bad. Su Yifan gave Chen Xin 30 points in his heart. The exaggerated surprise expression must not have been practiced in the mirror.

"Didn't Chen Xin come with her parents?" Su Yifan is already very happy to be vicious, "Your father is a big shot in our city."

Chen Xin, who was satirized by Su Yifan and could do nothing but find her father, looked cold. Seeing that Cheng Shuixin was not having a good time, she could only say in a low voice, "Su Yifan, don't make trouble here even if you have a problem with me. You can't understand how important it is on today's occasion."

The moment Chen Xin appeared just now, Cheng Shuixin subconsciously loosened her arm and held Su Yifan. She was probably not used to being seen by other students, even if it was nothing to her.

Su Yifan was happy just now. When he saw Chen Xin's shit-stiring stick jumping out by himself, he was all upset and rushed to him.

"Because I don't understand, you'd better restrain it. If I do something on impulse, I will tell people all over the world that it's all caused by you. What do you think?


Chen Xin found that she was used to giving orders, and she couldn't say Su Yifan at such a critical moment when she should bicker.

Cheng Shuixin knew that she could not stay out of the matter at this time and walked between the two to separate their eyes.

"Oc's right, they are all classmates. Can there be any contradictions? Isn't it okay for everyone to be happy?"

Cheng Shuixin spoke, and the effect is naturally not bad. Su Yifan took a step back, and Chen Xin also regained her smiling face.

Chu Hong watched it with relish. This kind of struggle between teenagers for a girl actually occurs in people of all ages.

However, Chen Xin just smiled and did not follow Cheng Shuixin. Cheng Shuixin came to this dinner as Su Yifan's female companion, which has made him unhappy.

Su Yifan, who took a step back, had a broader vision than before. Seeing someone next to him coming with a wine glass, he couldn't help smiling bitterly.

"The world is so small... I can meet the three of you here at once."

The person who came is not someone else, but Jin Shenhong of Samsung Electronics. Jin Shenhong's glasses are flat. In order to pretend to be modest and hide his natural small Korean eyes, he looked at Chu Hong, who was standing beside him for a moment, and he looked very happy.

"Su Yifan, I didn't expect to meet you here. Where's your sister?"

Jin Shenhong's question made Chu Hong, who was standing next to him watching jokes, tremble and began to look at this suspected young talent creature.

Su Yifan finally saw that Su Xiaoqing was many times more popular than himself... In addition to Chen Xin's desperate pursuit of Cheng Shuixin, the other two self-respecting successful people have targeted Su Xiaoqing.

Thinking of the sister who never felt worried about anything, Su Yifan couldn't help laughing.

Do you two still want to chase Su Xiaoqing? Now I will start to eat fast and recite Buddhism, and I won't have a chance in my next life!

"I don't know. I heard she is very busy."

With a smile, Jin Shenhong said perfunctorily. Su Yifan looked at the three people in front of him and felt extremely annoying. He turned to Cheng Shuixin and said, "Let's turn around first."

Cheng Shuixin is actually watching the scene. She is not surprised that Su Xiao is popular, but she just wants to know what happened in the middle.

Hearing Su Yifan's suggestion, Cheng Shuixin certainly would not refuse. She waved to Chen Xin and followed Su Yifan to stroll in the banquet hall.

There are generally two kinds of guests for this kind of dinner, one is to make soy sauce, like Su Yifan and Cheng Shuixin. The other is the protagonist team, just like Chen Xin's father and many heavyweight entrepreneurs. According to everyone's level and business field, they are divided into different small circles to chat and fart, talking about all kinds of cooperation possibilities, and of course they also talk about gossip.

Cheng Shuixin's beauty is still too eye-catching, and a male companion has been accosted several times along the way. Su Yifan was in a good state of mind. He was very happy to help Cheng Shuixin as a shield and received two business cards.

"It's too luxurious." Su Yifan sighed with Cheng Shuixin, "This kind of inlaid business card costs ten yuan a piece, right? It's just to talk to beautiful women."

Cheng Shuixin covered her mouth and smiled: "I'm sorry, hatred is concentrated on you."

"It's okay." Su Yifan said with a smile, "Anyway, it's the same in school."

Cheng Shuixin was stunned and smiled: "...Did I really cause you a lot of trouble at school?"

In fact, there is no need to ask this question. Cheng Shuixin knows the answer herself. However, Cheng Shuixin used to feel that Su Yifan had nothing, but now she has come into contact with Su Yifan's unknown side, and her mood is naturally different.

Su Yifan remembered the softness of Cheng Shuixin's arm just now, and his heart moved and said the first sentence in his life to please girls.

"Happy trouble."

Seeing Su Yifan speak easily, his smile returned to Cheng Shuixin's face.

The two walked around, which was basically equivalent to announcing to those young men who planned to hunt for beauty that Cheng Shuixin had a male companion, Cheng Shuixin began to move freely with Su Yifan to meet some people she wanted to know.

Su Yifan, who has nothing to do, doesn't want to know anyone and retreats to the side of the dining table. He is still more interested in these dazzling delicacies.

After looking left and right, Su Yifan was planning to eat a pudding to try the dessert here first, and Chen Xin came over again.

"Look at your poor look." There was no one around, and Chen Xin couldn't help but want to stimulate Su Yifan, "You and Shuixin are destined to be in the same world. What are you doing and what are you doing? She is not destined to belong to you!"

Su Yifan seriously raised the pudding in his hand, bit off a piece, and ate it with a happy face.

"In my eyes, what you said is not as attractive as a piece of pudding."

On the other side of the banquet hall, Cheng Shuixin is chatting with several local female stars who also like to update blogs online. They are all today's performers. It is estimated that Cheng Shuixin wants to see if she can be recommended by someone, and the number of visits to her microblogs and blogs will increase greatly.

Chen Xin was so angry that he found that he could no longer pose any blow to Su Yifan with words. In fact, Chen Xin will not understand that Su Yifan has built a strong heart with a silent attitude for more than ten years. In contrast, Chen Xin, who has been living a smooth life, is really too weak.

"Stay away from me." Su Yifan said to Chen Xin, "I don't want to hit you here."

Chen Xin took a breath and subconsciously took a step back before she found that she was really scared and immediately felt ashamed.

Su Yifan ignored Chen Xin and picked up another mango pudding. He thought it was really delicious.

Chen Xin wanted to say something to support the scene, but suddenly the * music in the banquet hall disappeared, indicating that the nonsense part of the dinner party was about to officially begin.


The legendary erratic third update has appeared!

By the way, I found a beautiful woman as the secondary version. Everyone supports her more...