My Goddess

Chapter 208 Take a look at you in the crowd

According to the standards of many otaku, there are not many three-dimensional female stars that are really worth pursuing. They not only can't be perfect in appearance, but also have such bad habits and small problems. Not many boys will feel that it is admirable to change their boyfriends to evade taxes and have to eat, drink and have fun with their big bosses. As Nell's mean words said, stars are mostly political and commercial accessories.

It is also for this reason that Su Yifan has been hesitant to let Zhang Yao continue on the road of the singer. He avoided returning the choice to Zhang Yao, or Cheng Shuixin.

Su Yifan also likes female stars, but most of them don't even have bone scum left, such as the world-renowned top beauty Audrey Hepburn.

Even if he is unwilling to admit it, Su Yifan clearly realizes that boys of his age are mostly pure visual animals.

Therefore, Su Yifan's recognition of young female stars is not very high. At best, he can remember a few that often appear in online news, including Sister Furong, who is known for scandals.

The young girl walking beside Luo Huasheng is also a star, and it is not easy for Su Yifan to recognize at a glance.

At a glance, Su Yifan knew that the girl was Zhuang Shihan.

Zhuang Shihan belongs to the type that can be written as a legend on the road to fame. Unlike most of the false experience of bragging about accompanying friends to sign up for the art examination but becoming a star, Zhuang Shihan was really favored by an old director with a strong artistic atmosphere in China in a campus audition and played a pure literature and art of that director. pian pian. Later, the literary film won an award in Venice, and Zhuang Shihan's journey began to be smooth.

Cheng Shuixin once recommended a literary film called "Now" to Su Yifan, and Su Yifan was very impressed by this heroine.

Seeing the star appear in his sight, Su Yifan was not excited at all. Even if Zhuang Shihan is a typical model figure with long legs, she is a little taller than Luo Watson in high heels, and her skin is as white as if she has abino.

Su Xiaoqing noticed Su Yifan's shift of eyes. Seeing that Zhuang Shihan was not excited at all, he asked with a smile, "Are you interested?"

Su Yifan thought that the sister beside him was the big gold owner that many stars dreamed of, and his immunity to stars was ten times stronger than 100 times.

Seeing that Su Yifan did not show his infatuation, Su Xiaoqing was not surprised at all. According to Su Yifan's understanding of Su Xiaoqing, it would be strange for him to really show Brother Pig's face to a female star.

"It's easy to see stars in Sanya." No matter how light it was, Su Xiaoqing was still a girl. He looked at Zhuang Shihan with critical eyes and said, "Are you interested? Let me ask for an autograph for you."

Of course, Su Yifan felt surprised, but he was just surprised. In his opinion, it is completely impossible for him to rush over to be a brain-damaged fan. It doesn't mean that he doesn't have an idol, but an idol will definitely not be such a star.

There were not many people in the hotel lobby, and the appearance of two stars at the same time made most people flock to them. Even if you are used to seeing all kinds of stars here and see these two popular masters among young people, many waiters are keen to be enthusiastic about the past.

Of course, there is another reason. Although stars are not good-tempered, they are still more generous than ordinary tourists occasionally.

With the entry of this group of people, the whole hall became lively. Su Yifan's mind suddenly came to the scene where he saw Professor Fang's speech in Binhai not long ago. At that time, the classroom was also surrounded by a group of people, like a rare animal.

Su Xiaoqing seemed to be able to guess what Su Yifan was thinking at any time. He just glanced at his eyes and said lightly, "After becoming a commodity, it's quite troublesome."

Su Yifan couldn't help but take a look at Zhuang Shihan's long legs and finally completely withdrew his eyes. He was still speculating about the relationship between the two new generation of popular stars. Are they already blatantly in love?

"Didn't you say that? Everything has a price. There is nothing we can do."

Su Xiao smiled lightly: "Yes, some people love and some hate this kind of thing, which also varies from person to person. Hey, don't you really want their signatures? It's also a great favor to go back and give it away.

Su Yifan thought about several girls he knew and Zhang Chao, a good friend who likes to indulge in games. It seems that no one is particularly interested in these two stars.

"It's not necessary. I think they should be quite annoyed by ask for signatures."

"It's all professional, and there's nothing to be annoying." Su Xiaoqing's eyes also stayed on Zhuang Shihan most of the time, and the popular handsome Luo Huasheng seemed to be unattractive to her.

Su Yifan is also a person who has done a lot of agent's homework. Thinking of those details, he extremely agrees with Su Xiaoqing's opinion: "Practicing smiling faces, practicing signatures... It's really painful to think about it."

"Your little sister also has to experience these pains. Think about how to let her digest this pressure." Su Xiaoqing shrugged his shoulders and said, "This Zhuang Shihan and Luo Huasheng appeared at the same time to build momentum for the new film, right?"

"Joint hype?" Su Yifan immediately understood what Su Xiaoqing meant, "What film can make these two people cooperate?"

"The film should still be in the closed stage." Su Xiaoqing really closed her eyes as if she knew everything and thought, "If I guess correctly, is it the early hype of "The Boy of the Sea"?"

Su Yifan had never heard of this movie at all, with a question mark on his face: "Sister Qing, what kind of film is that?"

"The selling point is the memories of youth, copying some of Haruki Murakami's meme and adding the skin of Taiwan's fresh director." When Su Xiaoqing talked about these literary and artistic works, his vision has always been extremely high. "I guess today's scene will be slowly announced soon after it becomes news, and the two refute the rumor by the way."

Su Yifan curled his lips: "It's really boring."

Su Xiao smiled and said, "The world needs constant stimulation to open your eyelids and look at you... If you hadn't been supported by the new game concept, who would have paid attention to you? If you want to do the project independently in the future, these things must be experienced.

Su Yifan certainly understands these principles. He supplemented a lot of knowledge about propaganda some time ago and had to admire the imagination of those people after seeing many hype methods. The means such as Furong and others are no longer very violent, and fake news and collusion with entertainment programs have become the simplest basic homework.

In today's era, without a lower limit has long become the motto of many publicity and planning. There is really nothing we can do.

Looking at the two people in front of you who choose to appear in Yalong Bay in the off-season, it must also be to prevent things from being too big and difficult to end.

"Zhuang Shihan's acting talent is actually not bad." Su Xiao paused for a moment and continued to comment, "If it really goes through some tempering, I believe that her future acting skills will surpass that of the older generation."

Su Yifan was deeply impressed by Zhuang Shihan's famous work. After hearing Su Xiaoqing's comments, he said with regret, "In fact, many times, the limitations of the themes of film and television works determine their height forward."

"Of course, more profound stories are easy to expose human nature and are more suitable for interpretation." Su Xiaoqing said, "But what really makes acting a part of life is the real life itself."

This is a very difficult sentence, which is not only about film and television works, but also about a kind of life perception. Su Xiao's light words made Su Yifan's heart ripple and thought of many people and things he had experienced.

"Sister Qing, you're right..." Su Yifan recalled the scene that happened some time ago, "Everyone is actually trying to play the role they want."

Su Xiao could easily hear that Su Yifan was a little depressed. He patted him on the shoulder with a smile and said, "There are also many people performing in their true colors. Don't care about this kind of thing."

Ignoring the temporary chaos scene in the hall, Su Xiaoqing continued to chat with Su Yifan indifferently. After all, in her eyes, the so-called stars are just ordinary people who are running for life, and there is nothing worth screaming and pursuing.

After some things, Su Yifan's mentality also changed a lot. His eyes stared at Zhuang Shihan without covering up, without longing and envy, but just simple and pure appreciation.

Such calm eyes appeared on a 17- or 18-year-old teenager. If he was noticed, he would be very surprised.

In fact, most of the time, stars wear sunglasses not to pretend, but to cover their eyes. Those ubiquitous photo devices are always easy to expose their hearts, which is what many people are most worried about. After being surrounded by many enthusiastic people, Luo Huasheng and Zhuang Shihan took off their sunglasses one after another and greeted everyone with a professional and perfect smile. The proficiency made people suspect that the two were doing the work they were sent to.

In the scene of stars holding the moon, Su Xiaoqing and Su Yifan soon became an alternative and eye-catching scenery. Their bodies simply did not leave the rest sofa. Their lazy posture was not like two young people at all, but like middle-aged people who were not interested in star culture at all.

Luo Huasheng, who was surrounded by the crowd to sign and keep saying clichels, actually noticed Su Xiaoqing as soon as he entered the hotel lobby. Who doesn't want to look at such a beautiful girl? In the crowd, he found that Su Xiaoqing did not rush over like many female fans, and he couldn't help but feel a little disappointed. You should know that for a young male idol like Watson, there are many cases of being surrounded by a group of dinosaur fans. Occasionally, a beautiful fan jumps out, which is one of the few small surprises.

Zhuang Shihan, who stands beside Luo Huasheng, seems much calmer. She has participated in many foreign film exhibitions and has richer media experience than Luo Huasheng, who is popular in China. After sensing the deviation of the eyes of the joint hype accomplice around him, Zhuang Shihan naturally followed his eyes.

Seeing Su Xiaoqing sitting on the sofa with a boring face, even though his emotions were almost perfectly controlled, Zhuang Shihan couldn't help trembling all over.