My Goddess

Chapter 209 Good Fate

The two stars had a reservation at the hotel. After dealing with the enthusiastic crowd for a while, they were escorted upstairs by many bodyguards and agents, and the rioting caused came to an end.

Even if Su Yifan was old, he still paid attention to Zhuang Shihan very frequently. He kept watching the narrow back disappear behind the elevator door before withdrawing his eyes and found that Su Xiao was looking at himself with a smile.

Su Yifan was not embarrassed this time. He felt that there was not much to hide between him and Su Xiaoqing, and he noticed the slight change of Zhuang Shihan just now.

"Sister Qing, Zhuang Shihan seems to be looking at you just now?"

Su Xiaoqing also glanced at the elevator door and said indifferently, "Maybe? How can I remember so many unimportant people?"

Su Yifan felt the domineering of this sentence and felt that he really had nothing to say.

Sometimes Su Yifan even feels that there may be nothing important in the world in Su Xiaoqing's view, right?

Of course, it does not include those things related to Su Yifan.

The diving instructor's daily schedule is fixed. Su Xiaoqing's temporary arrangement of jumping the queue made the two wait in the hotel for about 20 minutes. The diving instructor hurried in from the front door of the hotel and met the two.

Su Yifan didn't expect that Su Xiaoqing actually hired a female diving instructor for himself. She was still a young girl. She looked 25 or 26 years old. She was more than 1.5 meters tall and had a lot of peaks on her chest.

The diving instructor in shorts and small vest saw Su Xiaoqing and Su Yifan and walked by with a smile on his face and introduced from me, "Is this Miss Su? I'm Wu Meng, a diving instructor. Nice to meet you.

No matter what profession, friendly beauties can always be accepted more quickly. Wu Meng's attitude is very casual and with a trace of enthusiasm, which makes Su Yifan feel good. Su Xiaoqing also showed enough respect for this beautiful coach and got up and shook hands with Wu Meng: "Hello, Coach Wu, I'm sorry to trouble you."

No matter how bland Su Xiaoqing is, she is finally different from ordinary girls. A simple politeness made the impeccable female coach feel that the beautiful woman in front of her was unusual.

Of course, thinking that her arrangement today has been changed by the company, just to serve these two, Wu Meng's posture is very low.

"Miss Su, you're welcome. This is what we should do."

The benefits of professional routines are shown here. Although they are all nonsense, they can quickly narrow the distance between everyone. Wu Meng's smile is much closer to the female star just now, which is also because she has received too many guests of different status.

Wu Meng was initially dissatisfied with the company's temporary arrangements. God knows what the guests of this temporary arrangement are*. If you meet an old man who likes hairy hands and feet, you will be bored to death. There are often people queuing up for their diving classes, and most of them are young and beautiful. Even if there can't be any substantial development, it's good to mob the oil. Now seeing the age of Su Xiaoqing and Su Yifan, Wu Meng finally feels a little sure. At least the two in front of her don't look like they want to touch their long legs.

Diving instructors often walk between hotels on both sides of Yalong Bay, and most people recognize this famous young female coach. Wu Meng sat next to Su Xiaoqing without any hesitation and asked patiently, "I don't know if Miss Su wants to learn the diving course systematically?" I still want to try my skills in open water.

Wu Meng's words were not implicit. Obviously, she was asking Su Xiaoqing whether she wanted to have a good time or planned to get a certificate. Although this kind of question is direct, it is one of the most important questions for the coach himself, and it is also very pleasant for Wu Meng to ask.

Around the few open waters throughout the country, there are many diving courses that can be certified in the whole course, including theoretical practice and other contents. A set of basic introduction alone requires three days of teaching, and the minimum fee is thousands of yuan. There are not so many explanations for temporary tourists. Simple field education is enough to go into the water, and those tourists who have diving dreams stay underwater enough to complete the task.

Most people on Yalong Bay and Wuzhizhou Island, which receive a large number of tourists all year round, will choose the latter in order to add a label similar to "I have dived through the water" to their achievements in life to talk about people in the future.

Su Xiaoqing understood the difference and said with a smile, "We don't have much time, but he is the only student. Can he teach all the basic courses as much as possible?"

Such a question made Wu Meng's expression serious. The beautiful woman in front of him was obviously knowledgeable and could not be fooled. Judging from the tone and momentum, Wu Meng does not think that Su Xiaoqing is a person who is easy to be changed by others.

Of course, Wu Meng has often encountered such a time-critical and task-heavy request. After a moment of meditation, she replied, "To tell you the truth, the number of yachts is limited now. Although it is off-season, it can't serve only one person..."

"I've thought of this kind of thing for a long time." Su Xiao shrugged his shoulders, "I prepared my own yacht."

The abdominal manuscript that Wu Meng was preparing was interrupted in an instant, and the beautiful melon seed face was covered with surprise.


Surprised by her gaffe, Wu Meng quickly corrected her mentality and said frankly to Su Xiaoqing, "Miss Su, if you provide round-the-clock service, my cost may be slightly higher."

Su Xiao waved her hand gently and looked indifferent.

"You set the price."

In fact, for the diving instructors around Yalong Bay, income itself is not the most important issue. Wu Meng tested it in this way, which is actually looking at Su Xiaoqing's attitude. If you can meet a potentially wealthy customer through a few diving classes and form a good relationship, it is infinitely beneficial for young people like Wu Meng, who is still in the rising period. And Su Xiaoqing's attitude also made Wu Meng very satisfied. She felt that the girl in front of her was much more heroic than those old men who boasted to be generous.

After the two sides discussed an unquestionable price, Su Xiaoqing took Su Yifan out of the hotel, and Wu Meng followed them by phone to inform the company of today's arrangement change.

The beach of Yalong Bay presents a strange and delicate milky white in the sun, and it looks very charming in the distance. Of course, there will be a small amount of garbage when it is close. This is the price of world-class tourist attractions. If there is enough passenger flow, there will always be some pollution.

Naturally, a battery car came out of the hotel to serve the three people. Su Yifan first let the two ladies get on the bus and followed them with his luggage.

The battery car drove briskly in the direction of the yacht. After receiving the phone, Wu Meng began to cover the magnet with Su Xiaoqing. While complimenting Su Xiaoqing's beauty, she talked about some seemingly homely but could understand the other party's deep and shallow topics. However, Su Xiaoqing's experience in this area is much stronger than Wu Meng's. After talking for a long time, he jokingly got Wu Meng's measurements and shoe size.

This kind of women's topic must be boring for Su Yifan. He put on headphones to concentrate on listening to songs, and occasionally looked back at the road where there was no one, hoping to see a few bikini beauties walking through or something.

After looking at it several times, the bikini beauty did not see it, but Su Yifan found that a battery car was accelerating to chase after her.

Taking a closer look, Su Yifan found that there were two people sitting on the battery car, a man and a woman, who were the two stars who had just caused the riot in the hotel.

Ro Watson has changed a pair of white shorts with a white T-shirt, which is very suitable for his sunny and handsome face. Of course, the big sunglasses on his face are indispensable, which makes the smile on his face a little less intimate.

Zhuang Shihan wore no sunglasses, wore a light blue bikini, a tulle outside, and her hair was naturally black and straight. A pretty face has not many traces of makeup, and it is looking at Su Yifan with bright eyes.

The battery car they rode was very fast, and it didn't take long for Su Yifan to catch up with them.

The distance on the east side of Yalong Bay itself is not long. While Su Yifan reached out to help Su Xiaoqing get out of the car, Zhuang Shihan had already brought Luo Huasheng over there.

"Hello, Miss Su."

In fact, Su Xiaoqing had seen Zhuang Shihan and Luo Huasheng just now. She just didn't bother to make a statement. Now Zhuang Shihan shook his waist and walked to him. Su Xiaoqing can't pretend that he didn't want to pay attention to the star at all, especially when he took the initiative to say hello to him.

Zhuang Shihan's attitude was cautious and even a little humble. Su Yifan remembered that she looked back at Su Xiaoqing in the hotel lobby just now and was not surprised. On the contrary, Wu Meng also knew the young female star who was very popular recently. She looked at Su Xiaoqing, who had no reaction, and began to guess what the guest came from.

Zhuang Shihan hurried out without staying in the hotel for a few minutes, hoping to say a few words to Su Xiaoqing. Zhuang Shihan, who has traveled several laps abroad, will never forget that at a charity event he once participated in, an extremely beautiful Chinese girl sat alone in the corner with a glass and drove away several young rich people she could not imagine climbing like flies.

Later, curiosity prompted Zhuang Shihan to inquire about the identity of the Chinese girl, and then... she gave up her mind of knowing the beautiful girl.

Zhuang Shihan was surprised to meet Su Xiaoqing here again. Originally, part of the joint hype was the request for the two to play together on the beach. She simply let go and catch up with Su Xiaoqing. Naturally, the purpose was also to have a good relationship.

Zhuang Shihan is still somewhat confident about his affinity and popularity. And even if you can't do it, there is a sunny and cheerful Luo Huasheng around him, which can always attract a little Su Xiaoqing's attention, right?

Luo Huasheng is a little proud of his personality compared with Zhuang Shihan, but his reputation in the circle is still slightly better than Zhuang Shihan. Although Zhuang Shihan suggested that he take the initiative to find someone to talk to, he felt a little low, but he still followed him cooperatively.

Su Xiaoqing knew why Zhuang Shihan was so careful and nodded with a smile: "Hello, have we seen each other?"

Being able to talk to Zhuang Shihan in such a plain tone, Luo Huasheng couldn't help taking off his sunglasses and facing the girl as clean as clouds in the sky.

began to greet face-to-face. Zhuang Shihan's only obstacle in his heart no longer existed. He explained with a smile, "Miss Su may have forgotten that we once met at Mr. Enathan's charity party."

Wu Meng next to

has been completely shocked. It's not that she hasn't seen a rich man or a big star. However, seeing two famous stars so low-profile to a young girl, she still felt that the customer she met this time was really... a little big.


I received the cherry red axis keyboard as a birthday gift. Is this the rhythm that makes me write to death?

Ask for red tickets, everyone...