My Goddess

Chapter 273 New Experience

In terms of Cheng Shuixin's personality, she rarely explains anything to people.

It took so long to explain to Su Yifan that it was a rare concession in her life.

Why is it awkward, why do you always feel unsafe, why are you afraid of change, and why do you even look like a work first? Cheng Shuixin only explained a little, which is a rare breakthrough for her.

Such Cheng Shuixin made Su Yifan feel slightly raised. It was difficult for him to imagine that such a girl would one day leave his side and show her soft, happy, strong and lovely side to others.

Su Yifan felt that he should do something.

Looking that Cheng Shuixin's hand was subconsciously fiddling with the art candle that had not yet been lit, Su Yifan stretched out his hand and met Cheng Shuixin's fingers in the air.

The two have held hands countless times, holding hands, and even side by side. This time, Su Yifan took the initiative to stretch out his hand, and Cheng Shuixin's fingertips still couldn't help trembling.

Su Yifan didn't say anything, but grabbed Cheng Shuixin's hand and did not let go.

Cheng Shuixin did not struggle.

Across a small dining table, the two met, and Cheng Shuixin saw unusual firmness in the young man's eyes.

Such a look is really reassuring.

The two held hands for at least a few minutes before Su Yifan slowly let go.

"I'll take you home."

Cheng Shuixin looked down at the undrinkable coffee and raised her head with a sweet smile.



Sunday is usually the day of Su Yifan's suffering. This time, Yang Bingbing and Su Xiaoqing were asked to watch from afar and could not come to greet him. Although I don't quite understand why Ola made such a request, Yang Bingbing still followed Su Xiaoqing obediently, and the two opened eBay to see the auction of this Buffett lunch.

Those who can participate in the auction of Buffett's lunch are certainly not nobody, mainly in the financial sector. Whether it is an investment bank owner, a stock broker or some entrepreneurs who are eager to be recognized by the society, they have taken a stand to raise prices for the old man's lunch.

In fact, the last 20 minutes of the whole bidding process are the most tragic, that is, as of the hour before, almost all the bidders who are really determined to win will give the final price in their minds. The sky-high price of Buffett's lunch was decided at this moment.

Yang Bingbing looked at the introduction of previous Buffett's lunches and sighed, "Reputation is really wealth."

Su Xiao smiled and said, "At his level, wealth has to be calculated by GDP. I remember a photo of him playing cards with Gates and Soros, and many people joked that the chip should be 1% of the GDP of the United States. In fact, strictly speaking, even if no one really plans to bid for this lunch, his friends will not let the lunch be auctioned.

Yang Bingbing was a little distressed and thoughtful: "So it is only the consensus of some circles that really determines the economic trend to a certain extent?"

"Almost." Su Xiao smiled and said, "As the heir of the Yang family, you must know this. Economists' theories are all right, but the powerful wealth that can destroy those theories is everywhere in this world.

This is very realistic and cruel. Yang Bingbing nodded helplessly: "Actually, I know... I just think that the real situation can't be stopped."

"That's for sure." Su Xiaoqing said, "But the wealth game within a certain range is enough to create or destroy something. This is the main mode of wealth operation now.

"Innovation may not succeed, but the old method of wealth circulation and transfer must be effective, right?"

Su Xiao looked at Yang Bingbing with appreciation and said, "I think you are more suitable to be at the helm of the Yang family."

Yang Bingbing shook her head: "I hate intrigue."

"I hate it too." Su Xiao patted the girl on the shoulder, "But the reality is too cruel. If you want to keep warm, you have to face something."

Su Xiaoqing is teaching Yang Bingbing, who has nearly doubled the amount of underwater exercise and said harshly, "From today on, I will be responsible for your muscle massage."

Su Yifan was thinking about whether Yang Bingbing was going to step on his back through a big towel for a while. Hearing Euler's words, he shivered and couldn't help asking, "Why?"

"There is no reason." Euler seems to be in a bad mood and has a fierce attitude. "What you need now is not a recovery massage, but an intensive massage."

"What is that..." Su Yifan also wanted to ask more questions. He caught a glimpse of Euler with fierce eyes and felt that it was better to shut up.

Yang Bingbing followed Su Xiao to talk about various topics of American companies. Su Yifan has completed the first stage of exercise under Euler's eyes.

After landing, Su Yifan went into the locker room with Ola in a towel, causing Yang Bingbing in the distance to look over there frequently.

"Don't worry, everything will be fine." Su Xiao looked at Yang Bingbing with a light smile. The little girl's tension with Su Yifan was about to catch up with her. "Su Yifan's current exercise effect is almost over, and it needs to be promoted in some other ways."

Yang Bingbing was still worried after hearing this: "Is there no problem?"

Su Xiao smiled and said, "Do you believe there will be a problem with me?"

Yang Bingbing lowered her head shyly: "Sister Qing, I'm not suspicious of you..."

Both Yang Bingbing and Cheng Shuixin, both of them are usually strong girls, but when facing Su Xiaoqing, they feel that they seem to be automatically weakened by several levels, and they always feel weak. This natural gap makes the two girls have an instinctive awe of Su Xiaoqing. They really can't see through this powerful and mysterious sister.

"I will only be happy if you care about Su Yifan." Su Xiao smiled and comforted the little girl and said, "Don't worry, it's measured."

Even Yang Bingbing has a blind confidence in Su Xiaoqing. At present, he will no longer say anything and continue to discuss the diseases of some large companies in the United States with Su Xiaoqing.

Su Yifan, who was almost dragged into the locker room like a dead dog by Euler, had not had the opportunity to ask a weak and sissy "What do you want", but he had been kicked over on the rubber pad by Euler.

"Get down."

Su Yifan could only lie down honestly, worried and dared not look back.

Euler took a bottle of something from the cabinet next to him, unscrewed the screw cap, and poured ** on Su Yifan.

Su Yifan felt that his back was covered by a burst of warm things, which were thick and cool, neither like massage oil nor anything else Su Yifan knew.

After falling down a little, Ola bent down and pressed his hands on Su Yifan's back.

Today, Euler still wears a very hot tight sportswear, and as soon as he bends down, he reveals his deep career line, and the sky is behind Su Yifan's head. Unfortunately, Su Yifan couldn't look back and couldn't witness this great scene.

Even so, Euler's hands pressed on Su Yifan's skin without direct skin contact through the towel, which still made the teenager trembling all over.

"Don't move."

After warning Su Yifan, Ola's hands began to swim on Su Yifan's back. The force was actually very soft, and it felt like applying sunscreen to the little girl.

Su Yifan suddenly became messy. Is this the situation?!

Euler didn't explain, and Su Yifan didn't know how to ask questions. Euler's hands seem to be powerful, but in fact they are very soft. They wander on Su Yifan's skin, bringing layers of heat, giving Su Yifan an impulse to awaken something in his body.

The power of massage is not light or heavy. From the neck to the feet, Euler helped Su Yifan take care of everything he could take care of almost without gender barriers.

This is different from hugging girls and kissing. It's really exciting.

Su Yifan found himself shamefully hard.

Su Yifan is only wearing a pair of swimming trunks now, and he can feel that his oppressed little Su Yifan is a little ready to move. This kind of spring. The emotional massage is really an unparalleled stimulation for a teenager who has just entered puberty, which is 100 times more powerful than any love action movies and pornographic pictures.

To death, Euler has stood up and said two words to Su Yifan.

"turn over."

Su Yifan lay motionless and began to fantasize about the geometric formula and the scene of political teachers talking about the superiority of the Celestial Empire, hoping to soften Xiao Su.

This effort was doomed to be in vain. After repeating it again, Euler found that Su Yifan dared not move. He pinched his hands on his shoulder and grabbed it hard. His gentle and unparalleled hands suddenly turned into iron pliers, turning Su Yifan's whole body like a pancake.

Su Yifan exclaimed, and his hands wanted to cover important parts like a little girl who was seen naked. He was gently touched by Euler on his shoulders, and his arms were suddenly weak, revealing a bulging piece under his swimming trunks.

It was different from Su Yifan's imagination. Seeing his ugly posture, Euler did not show anger or disgust, but looked at Su Yifan with contempt and poured the bottle of oil-like thing on Su Yifan's chest.

Female hooligans know martial arts, and no one can stop it... Su Yifan thought sadly and indignantly.

Although it felt humiliating, Euler's massage returned to its tenderness, and Su Yifan could only continue to grit his teeth and endure this gentle torture.

This time, Euler still leaned over to massage Su Yifan. The huge peaks were in front of Su Yifan, which made people unable to see it.

It's too exciting... Su Yifan closed his eyes silently. He felt that he couldn't help looking at it when he opened his eyes, and he would anger Euler when he saw it.

If there is another person in this world that Su Yifan dares not provoke, I'm afraid it will be Euler.

Euler's massage is very thoughtful, from the neck to the chest, to the arms and waist, and even the inner thighs.

Little Su Yifan showed a state of anger, as if he could jump out of the bondage of swimming trunks at any time.

Euler turned a blind eye to all this, rubbed Su Yifan's body with both hands, and patted Su Yifan's waist.

"Turn around."

Su Yifan didn't use Euler this time. He turned over honestly and squirmed slightly to make his lower body a little more comfortable.

Seeing Su Yifan quickly turn over in embarrassment and embarrassment, a smile finally flashed on his face, which had been full of unhappy expressions.

"Hear back."


Before Su Yifan could digest the meaning of Euler's words, Euler had pressed one hand on the center of Su Yifan's spine, and a powerful force burst out in an instant, making Su Yifan feel that the bones of his whole body seemed to be shocked.

Countless fine and dense small pains ooze from the surrounding skin and converge into a severe pain that ordinary people can hardly bear.

Su Yifan finally understood what Euler put himself back.


What about those who want to see Euler VS Xiao Su?

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