My Goddess

Chapter 321 Special Treatment

The atmosphere at the end of the semester in the school is already very strong. Most of the top students who shouted that they usually don't listen to classes or study hard almost stay in the library at noon. Everyone says that their achievements are just like that. In practice, they work together, as if they can get a huge bonus if they become a top student.

Su Yifan has long been used to this kind of different behavior. After his grades in the midterm exam rose sharply, Wang Qin planned to talk to Su Yifan and encourage him or something. After so many things happened, Wang Qin went to this idea.

In that day's society, even in the self-respecting pure and clean campus, there is no problem that cannot be solved by money and power. Since Su Yifan had the ability to deal with her own thing, Wang Qin felt that she did not need to do more, and she even began to think that Su Yifan's midterm exam results might be cheating.

After Wang Jianhou entered, Lao Wang still wanted to protect him. He went to the bureau and found that the situation was wrong. He tried to find the victim to mediate face to face, but he had no choice but to put pressure on the leaders of the municipal bureau. As a result, Lao Wang's phone call was not finished, and all kinds of messages from posts and microblogs all over the mountain came out.

When Lao Wang heard that his son had been regarded as a hot search keyword on the Internet, he was talking to Liu Ming, Secretary of the Political and Legal Committee, about Kim Caesar today. Knowing that someone was going to punish his son, Lao Wang couldn't say it clearly. As soon as he heard Liu Ming saying a few official words, his beautiful little assistant over there had come to find him in a panic.

When he opened the web page and took a look, Lao Wang felt that his blood pressure went to the height of the explosive watch.

Seeing all kinds of posts with his son's bad things, even if Lao Wang didn't consciously know that this matter was definitely not aimed at Wang Jianhou, but at himself.

Liu Ming did not mention today's follow-up treatment of King Caesar. According to general, there are drugs in King Caesar, and it is also necessary to rectify and close entertainment venues. Listening to Liu Ming's meaning, Jin Caesar will really close for a few days, and the daily loss is 100,000. Lao Wang really doesn't think that Boss Ma is willing to hurt himself so much.

Binhai is local, while the network is national. Lao Wang is an entrepreneur from a traditional industry and has no experience in cyber warfare. I can only call a few executives of my company and a few big-ass women from the public relations department to come to the meeting. For a while, the Wang family was in chaos, and the matter of Bao Wang Jianhou could only be put aside and talk about it later.

Su Yifan didn't know Lao Wang's reaction. He only knew that Wang Jianhou didn't really come out after entering. As for the follow-up development, he no longer cares. After sorting out some of what he knew about Han Yun, Su Yifan allowed the female reporter to play freely. Han Yun went to pry the mouths of those parties or write some speculative reports. Even Su Yifan Chu Yin's phone number was given to Han Yun and asked her to contact them directly.

The final exam is coming soon. Su Yifan, who was busy, decided to take a day to go out with Cheng Shuixin as a reward for a single maid massage.

The generous response to Cheng Shuixin was also very sunny: "Okay, where do you want to go to play with me?"

There are still many students watching around. Su Yifan didn't care and asked, "Don't you remember your wish list?"

Cheng Shuixin has been in a good mood recently. Most of the anxious things have been solved, and she has returned to her normal and comfortable self. What's more, Buffett's lunch auction results are waiting for him. Cheng Shuixin is actively preparing to handle* in order to cooperate with Yang Bingbing's itinerary.

"Is there not much left in my wish list?" Cheng Shuixin really thought about it seriously, "Which one is it?"

Su Yifan is really patient this time and didn't answer Cheng Shuixin** at the first time.

"Think hard?"

Cheng Shuixin really closed her beautiful big eyes and thought about it. Her eyelashes were long, and the appearance of closing her eyes was so small and fresh that Su Yifan almost couldn't help kissing the beautiful eyelashes.

Fortunately, Su Yifan knows that this is a classroom. The eyes of the students around him are not only in full view, but even if he has some fancy thoughts, he is not suitable to display here.

Cheng Shuixin cooperated with Su Yifan in this way, which made him feel embarrassed to sell more. Just as she was about to tell Cheng Shuixin the answer, the beautiful woman with her eyes closed suddenly opened her eyes, stared at Su Yifan and asked, "I know, it's diving!"

Su Yifan said, this is indeed his standard answer. Cheng Shuixin's mind is so fast that she will often feel uncomfortable when she is already familiar with her.

"It's amazing, but it's a pity that there is no prize if you guess right." Su Yifan praised, "Can I be your coach in the swimming pool of the Olympic Sports Center?"

Cheng Shuixin thought that she would probably wear a swimsuit to show Su Yifan. Her heart beat faster and she was also a little looking forward to the boy's reaction.

Thinking that Su Yifan learned to dive alone in Hainan in order to realize his dream, Cheng Shuixin felt that it was nothing to show him in a swimsuit.

Su Yifan has conveyed his feelings countless times in an obscure or clumsy way. I'm afraid this is a special treatment that only you have. If you don't respond, it will be too much.

There was no hesitation. Cheng Shuixin nodded with a smile on her face: "Okay, didn't you tell me before that you were going to do it after the exam?"

"There may be a lot of things to do after the exam." Su Yifan actually felt very embarrassed about Cheng Shuixin, "I'm afraid I don't have time."

Cheng Shuixin was very smart and didn't ask Su Yifan what he would be busy with. With her knowledge of almost all Su Yifan's secretaries now, Su Yifan really has too many things to do after the exam.

After successfully inviting Cheng Shuixin to learn diving with him, Su Yifan went to the student union office again.

According to reason, the student union at the end of the term should try not to hold meetings or activities. It seems that Yu Zheng is still quite enthusiastic about this matter and is writing something in the office. Su Yifan saw Yu Zheng's serious expression across the table and felt that he must have imitated the posture of his parents when approving documents, which was quite similar.

So, no matter how mature they are, these young people are still imitating their parents awkwardly, trying to find a style that suits them from those successes that may not be replicable.

Su Yifan and Yu Zheng were not very polite. While knocking on the door, they went directly to Yu Zheng's desk. This desk was left by Zhai Yufei's era. I don't know which wrongdoer paid for it. It's really beautiful.

Seeing Su Yifan taking the initiative to find himself, Yu Zheng inevitably felt a little proud. He knows more or less about Su Yifan's temperament, which can make this boy take the initiative to find himself more than once to prove that his method is still more correct. At least Su Yifan will be inclined to himself when he has other choices, won't he?

was also familiar with Su Yifan's style. Yu Zheng put down his pen and asked, "What's the matter?"

"There's something wrong." Su Yifan said, "Can you talk to Mi'an?"

"Big things are hard to say, and small things are fine." Yu Zheng didn't boast. He knew that he didn't have the ability to pretend to be Su Yifan, and he was much higher than his own.

"Well, there is a song that I played in Huang Di's electrical chain for a while. Cheng Shuixin wrote the lyrics and wants to push it in Linhai City. Can you help me figure it out?"

Yu Zheng's mind was also fast enough, and he suddenly thought of what Su Yifan meant.

"There are regulations for singing in regular fast food restaurants, advertising songs or designated songs..." Yu Zheng seemed to scratch his chin with a pen and said to Su Yifan, "This is not easy."

"It's easy to stop looking for you." Su Yifan was not polite, "It's not a big deal. Many formal restaurants also have free time to play music. McDonald's KFC plays songs and depends on the store manager's mood. Don't be careless with this.

Yu Zheng smiled and said, "I don't want to pretend that it's difficult to do this. Let you give me more favor."

Su Yifan said, "I can only appreciate it if you do it."

"There is no problem with this." Yu Zheng actually admired Su Yifan's pleasure. He was wondering if he would be as calm as Su Yifan's resources. "Wait for the result."

Su Yifan nodded. He didn't say much politely to Yu Zheng that the delicate relationship between the two led to all the cooperation with a layer of mutual use. However, this kind of mutual use is still acceptable to both people. This clever balance will definitely allow the two to cooperate more in the future.

"Is that "Looking for it?" Yu Zheng was curious, "That's really good. Who is singing?"

"I don't know." Su Yifan answered the official setting as usual, turned around and left the office, "Waiting for your good news."

Yu Zheng has no temper about Su Yifan's behavior of turning his head and leaving after three minutes as a public toilet. He just smiled at Su Yifan's back and said to himself that you finally asked me for something. It's really rare.

The terrible atmosphere of the school near the big exam is getting heavier and heavier. Su Yifan walked between the teaching building and the activity building and could feel that everyone's face was not as flying as usual. Of course, the good student group such as Cheng Shuixin and Yang Bingbing don't care. Su Yifan, who is general, also has no sense of the final exam. The little sister's grades have been a little bad recently. Cheng Shuixin has to help her make up lessons in addition to doing things with her little sister. She is really a father and a mother. If it were anyone else, Su Yifan didn't believe that he would have such good patience to do these things.

I was thinking about whether to ask Su Xiaoqing to cheat at the end of the term. Su Yifan returned to the downstairs of the No. 1 teaching building, and the phone in his pocket rang.

He picked up the phone and looked at the number. It was a non-local number he didn't know, and Su Yifan vaguely felt impressed.

As soon as the phone was connected, Su Yifan knew who the other party was.

"Xiao Su, do you still remember me?"

Su Yifan smiled silently at the flower bed in front of him: "Brother Wu Ming, right?"

"Yo, I really remember." Wu Ming smiled on the phone, "Brother, I'm leaving the day after tomorrow. Do you have time to accompany me to stroll around Binhai City?"

Su Yifan is very curious. It seems that Wu Ming's identity in the system should not be low. Why is he so interested in himself?

Su Yifan thought of Su Xiaoqing almost the first time. Does it have anything to do with her?

But Su Yifan soon denied this idea. Su Xiaoqing once promised Su Yifan that if there was any problem, she would definitely tell Su Yifan that she would not have to play this method to expand Su Yifan's network. Introducing Su Yifan as his younger brother generously, I'm afraid there will be so many people who come to kneel and lick it unimaginable, right?

Wu Ming was also in a good mood today. He called Su Yifan. After making a request, he found that Su Yifan actually hesitated for a moment and felt a little strange in his heart. It's too late for those local presidents in Binhai to accompany themselves. Will they be rejected if they take the initiative to find this teenager?