My Goddess

Chapter 322 Life's Encounter

Su Yifan hesitated for a short time. In the afternoon, it was a boring review class, and escape did not seem to be a difficult option to make.

"Oc, where are you? I'll find you?"

"Don't be yourself, you're too out of the way." Wu Ming said with a smile, "I'll stay at the Binhai Ying Hotel. I'll come to you."

Su Yifan smiled and said, "If you come to me, it's not convenient for me to escape. Wait a minute, I'll be there in a minute."

After such a few words, Su Yifan also straightened out his thoughts. Last night, Wu Ming watched the whole process of Wang Jianhou's arrest with cold eyes, and must have paid attention to the follow-up. If he thinks that this matter is related to him, he is curious about whether he did it himself, and it is acceptable to ask himself.

You should know that Lao Wang is a celebrity in Binhai, which is comparable to Huang Di's father Huang Nuo, and his identity in the system is also dazzling. Although such a big heel fell on his dage son, it also means that some powerful people have taken action against him.

Yesterday, he was too calm. Wu Ming saw it, and his curiosity was almost certain.

The only thing that is not clear is the relationship between Wu Ming and Lao Wang, but from the way he looked at Wang Jianhou's capture yesterday, I don't think the relationship will be very good.

Su Yifan bribed the uncle at the door with a pack of cigarettes, picked up the car from the parking lot at the school gate, and went straight to the hotel.

Welcome Hotel used to be the most upscale official * guest house in Binhai City. Although it is surpassed by many so-called five-star and super five-star hotels, its special status remains unchanged. When Su Yifan arrived at the welcome hotel, it was the time when lunch had not yet begun. Many old men with big belly greeting in the hall. Su Yifan passed through these people and found Wu Ming, who was turning over the newspaper that day, in the corner of the hall.

Wu Ming's dress today is still a township entrepreneur. His gray trousers and white shirts are brand-new and clean, and his hair is meticulous. Seeing Su Yifan coming to put down the newspaper, he said with a smile, "We watched a good show yesterday."

Su Yifan said that he would enter the topic so soon? "Um" on his face said quietly, "It was crazy on the Internet last night."

Wu Ming laughed and said, "The Internet is a good new carrier, fast and effective, and has much advantages over traditional media."

The official flavor of this sentence was about to come out. Su Yifan did not comment, but said, "I didn't know that Wang Jianhou had done so many immoral things. It was really shocking after reading it."

"There are so many shocking things that I can't be surprised." Wu Ming saw that Su Yifan didn't like his official tone, so he didn't say so. "Little Su, please recommend a place at noon. I'm now a foreigner, and I'm not familiar with any delicious food in Binhai."

Su Yifan thought for a moment and asked, "Do you like Hangzhou cuisine?"

"Yes." Wu Ming seemed to recall, "When I was in Hangzhou last year, I went to the outside building, but I think the fish there are just ordinary..."

There is a common topic between foodies. Although Su Yifan is not an authentic foodie, he was trained by Su Xiaoqing and immediately connected with Wu Ming: "There are too many people who admire people, and good things have to change their taste. Then I'll invite you to a small restaurant today. Don't think it's simple.

Wu Ming laughed and said, "I really don't like to go to the big hotel. You lead the way."

Wu Ming didn't drive, and it didn't seem to be a driver but a car. I was not surprised to see Su Yifan driving. It seemed that he had seen too many ambitious teenagers, but commented: "It's not good to use this kind of car for walking."

Su Yifan said that this brother still couldn't resist the taste of his system, and his style was different from that of King Caesar the night before.

I drove to my friend's house. There are not many cars in front of the hotel today, probably because I haven't arrived at noon. Chen Zidong's green stubble was particularly dazzling in the sun, and the muscular young man was pulling up on a newly standing horizontal bar. The hard muscle lines attracted the maid waiter to glance at him frequently.

Su Yifan is curious about why Feng always leaves Chen Zidong, who is not very sociable, in the store. Others seem to have their own needs. Later, I was relieved when I thought about it. Chen Zidong was the most stable of these brothers, and he was relieved to stay at home.

Seeing Su Yifan bringing people, Chen Zidong jumped from the horizontal bar and did not shake.

"Big brother is not here. I'll take you to the private room."

Wu Ming doesn't like this: "No, the hall is fine."

The performance can be seen in the hall. Near noon, it is not the time of the performance. Only Shao Yang is present for all the performers.

Shaoyang saw Su Yifan and also said, "Brother, you are finally free."

Su Yifan smiled and said, "I always have to buy you a flower basket when I come. I can't afford to spend it."

Su Yifan, who had just paid Lin Xi's dubbing fee, could only attract Shao Yang's contempt. He chatted with Su Yifan for a few words and did not ask who the uncle who was beside Su Yifan was. He went back to the stage to prepare to play two songs on the guitar first.

Wu Ming also knows a little about his friend's home: "I heard that this * is quite deep. Do you know it?"

Su Yifan said, "It's okay."

Wu Ming feels that he can't understand this teenager more and more. Although he has left Binhai for many years, his relationship here is still staggered and vast. Why have I never heard that a family surnamed Su can have so much energy? Even if you are a rising star, you should know...

Thinking about it, Wu Ming can only think of a person surnamed Su, who has something to do with Binhai...

Contacting the teenager in front of him, Wu Ming was almost sure that the teenager in front of him must have something to do with that person. This faint smile seems to infect each other, although there is nothing consistent in appearance, and the temperament is too similar.

After guessing Su Yifan's identity, Wu Ming couldn't help sighing at the opportunity of life. If you can meet the Su family in this way, I don't know whether my luck is too good or too bad.

Many thoughts flashed in his mind, and Wu Ming suddenly felt that he seemed to be too traced. It can be seen that Su Yifan doesn't know what he does. His attitude towards himself is no different from when he first met yesterday. Isn't this calm attitude what he appreciates most?

It's too tiring to weigh all kinds of pros and cons in his mind. At this moment, Wu Ming feels that drinking and listening to songs here with a young man who has no scruples is the real life.

Shao Yang's singing is a little sad, and old men like to listen to it, which is one of the reasons why he is getting more and more attention at his friend's house. Su Yifan and Wu Ming left after dinner before the peak meal. Wu Ming seemed to be a little curious about his friend's house: "Is this restaurant Lao Hong's? Which son of Lao Hong do you know well?

Su Yifan did not hide it: "Hong Nan, that fat man."

Wu Ming laughed and said, "That little fat man, I've seen it. It's interesting."

Su Yifan still didn't ask Wu Ming what he did and why he knew so many indigenous forces in Binhai. I drove around the Muhe Pier and went to see several new communities and the latest university campuses that are now under construction. It was past three o'clock in the afternoon.

Wu Ming and Su Yifan were not very polite, as if Su Yifan should accompany him. After wasting enough time, Wu Ming asked Su Yifan to send himself back to the Ying Hotel and wanted to keep Su Yifan at the Ying Hotel for dinner.

"This really doesn't work..." Su Yifan said in a dilemma, "I have something else to do in the evening. Let's do it another day."

Wu Ming didn't force it either: "Ok, then you can't go to another day. Wait for you to go to the capital. Brother, I'll treat you."

Su Yifan smiled and said, "Okay, if I go to the capital, I will definitely come to you to eat and drink."

"I've said don't say 'you' or 'you'. Listen to it." Wu Ming didn't want to listen, "It's okay to call Brother Wu or uncle. I don't mind."

"I mind." Su Yifan waved his hand, "Goodbye."

Watching Su Yifan drive away, Wu Ming returned to his room, turned on the computer, and habitually glanced at the current news.

The moment he saw the news, Wu Ming had an impulse to call Su Yifan back.

Wang Jianhou's case has made headlines on a portal.

"Hey, what a hatred is this?" Wu Ming said to himself that he still underestimated Su Yifan's methods, or did Lao Wang offend others?

It's lively... Wu Ming thought that he was looking forward to seeing how Lao Wang would take over.

Su Yifan, who came out of the welcome hotel, ran directly back to school. On the way, Su Xiaoqing called him and said that he wanted to tell him something. Su Yifan simply parked his car on the street at the back door of the school.

Su Xiaoqing rarely communicated in other ways when he saw Su Yifan, and soon arrived in a hurry.

Su Xiaoqing, who penetrated very casually, was also dressed in clean sportswear today. After getting on the car, he hugged Su Yifan first, which made the teenager blush a little.

"I haven't hugged you for a long time, think about it." Su Xiaoqing said clingy words, and her voice was also soft and sweet, much more powerful than Cheng Shuixin.

Su Yifan felt that his nose was filled with the fragrance of Su Xiaoqing. It was full, which made him almost temporarily lose his ability to think. Instead, Su Xiaoqing let go of his hand and said with a smile, "Your car should be pasted with a completely opaque film."

Before Su Yifan tried to show his shyness, Su Xiaoqing continued to say, "I said something that I won't hide from you, and I will do it."

Su Yifan subconsciously tightened his spirit. He knew that the problem of Su Xiaoqing being serious was not a trivial matter.

"Calm down first." Su Xiaoqing held Su Yifan's hand in both hands, looked into his eyes and said, "I found Neil."

is just a simple narrative, which sounds like a thunder in Su Yifan.

"Where is she?"

Su Xiao looked at Su Yifan with peace of tolerance in his eyes: "Calm down... She is in the south, at the university town of Huadu."

Even though Su Yifan has become calmer than before after experiencing various things, he still trembles with excitement.

"Is she all right?"

Su Xiao nodded, grabbed Su Yifan's hand and said, "Don't worry, she's fine. I found her through AUU people, but now she's missing again."

It was originally good news, but I didn't expect the turning point to come so quickly. Su Yifan was surprised, "Why?"

Su Xiao showed a wry smile.

"Maybe... you don't want to accept my gift."