My Goddess

Chapter 459 It's not that scary

The corridor of the whole building was quiet. Ivan took three people down the stairs and let the other four people go upstairs from the elevators on both sides in two groups.

According to the information provided by Neo, the target should be on or near the top.

Nio did not have any information about Su Xiaoqing's exact location. He also speculated based on Albert's description on that day and the video call screen of Su Xiaoqing recorded by some people with his mobile phone later. At that time, the window behind Su Xiaoqing was a blue sky and a few corners of buildings. Judging from those buildings that expose the corners, Su Xiaoqing's location should be on a high-rise building about 30 floors, although the geographical location is not certain.

Anthony's attack can only be regarded as an auxiliary, which not only requires Su Xiaoqing to face network failure, but also requires Neo to re-determine Su Xiaoqing's position.

Coupled with the precious picture captured in the last video, Neo felt that he had finally caught the mysterious girl's tail.

Albert has not done similar homework, but he does have the faint fear left by Su Xiaoqing in his heart and does not dare to be impulsive. This gave Neo a chance to make a decision quickly.

Both the hand of the mercenary organization to hijack Su Xiaoqing. Of course, everyone is happy to succeed, and failure is not their own problem.

Nio walked alone on the street, imagining Albert's angry and surprised face, and the smile on his face was even more charming...

According to Albert's request, Ivan used video communication equipment to see the real-time monitoring screen. The moment he entered the building, Ivan had turned on the equipment, and Neo could see Ivan's subjective actions, as if he were immersive.

This single-point communication method will soon fail. Now that it has been completely located, Neo decided to contact Anthony and let him carry out a radius communication network attack with Su Xiaoqing's current position as the center.

Today's heavenly society is no longer what Neo was familiar with. It's really not the era when telephone booths could be found all over the streets. Neo walked nearly half a street to find a small business hall selling phone cards and public phones. The shopkeeper was drinking and playing with the computer. He saw a big foreigner with a smile coming in and greeted Neo in crooked English with a mouse.

Neo pointed to the public phone, and the shopkeeper immediately went back to continue playing games with a disappointed face. I thought a foreigner could sell him a cheap phone and add a phone card, but I didn't expect that he just came to make a public phone like migrant workers!

Nio didn't care about the boss's face, picked up the phone and dialed a number to go straight to Anthony's basement.

The phone number was dialed out, but there was no expected connection sound. Only then did Neo realize that since the telecommunications line was damaged and had a timely repair, the line should indeed be in failure.

After thinking about it, Neo called two random numbers near there according to Su Xiaoqing's position, which he also couldn't get through.

This is a relieved Neo who threw a dollar to the boss and turned away from the small business hall.

The mobile network is still available, but the signal has begun to be bad. Neo knows that Ivan and others intend to cut off the external communication of the whole community, and it won't be long before all signals are completely blocked. Even the external optical cable of that building will be physically damaged.

While Ivan could still be contacted, Neo decided to encourage the eight-nation coalition that had been temporarily captured by himself.

"Come on, that man is not that scary."

After hearing Neo's words, Ivan grinned and said, "What are you worried about? There are no security measures here at all.

What else does Neo want to say? Ivan over there has ended the call and even cut off the live video.

Standing on the street, Neo did not continue to struggle with this matter, but turned to the next goal he had set.

In Neo's plan, the raid on Su Xiaoqing was only part of it. He felt that Su Xiaoqing was not that simple, and of course he would not win so easily.

But judging from the current progress, it seems that I really overestimated Su Xiaoqing. Under the game of long-distance communication and various high-level interests, Su Xiaoqing showed unparalleled strength. But after the close confrontation, the magic of this girl does not seem to be so obvious. Judging from the current configuration of the eight-person team led by Ivan, even if Su Xiaoqing calls most of the police in the city, I'm afraid those people can still break into Su Xiaoqing's so-called forbidden land.

But Neo still did not change his plan. He strode to the residential area opposite the business hall, passed through a small supermarket, and came to the door of a Chinese medicine massage parlor with lights on.

There was no one in the traditional Chinese medicine massage shop. There was a white towel at the door, and Neo picked up the white towel and walked in.

When you enter the door, you can see a huge banner with a cursive word "de" on it, which is vigorous and powerful.

There was a sound of water in the bathroom. Neo stood still and waited for a while and saw an old man with water drops in his hands coming out and throwing a towel over.

This old man in a dirty white coat is in his fifties, with black hair and no white hair, which is in sharp contrast to Neo.

Seeing Neo appear here, the old man was not surprised at all. He took the towel and wiped his hands: "How important is it for you to use all the foreshadows left here?"

The old man speaks Chinese and has a local accent, but he doesn't accommodate Neo as a foreigner at all.

Nio also replied in Chinese, "It's so important that AUU has to pretend not to know me."

The old man was shocked: "What are you talking about?"

"If this operation fails, AUU will definitely get rid of all relationships and sacrifice Albert and me." Neo's tone was very flat, "So I came and did my best. Cancer, you have to help me."

The old man called Cancer put a towel on his shoulder and pointed to the massage room behind him: "Go in and talk about it. The network in Binhai City suddenly began to collapse just now. Didn't you do it?"

Neo smiled and said nothing, which is the default.

Cancer took a deep breath: "If you are found out, AUU can't take it..."

Nio shook his head: "As long as the goal can be achieved, nothing matters."

"Is it a backwater battle?" Cancer shook his head, "When you gave me the activation code, I knew there was nothing wrong with this... Tell me, what do you want me to do?"

"Albert probably came here, except for the intelligence relay station, only himself." Neo looked at the man who seemed to be an old doctor and whispered, "I want you to kill him for me."

Cancer was slightly surprised, but behaved calmly.

"There must be a reason."

"The reason is very simple." Neo said, "I found Albert's little abacus. Only by killing him can I stop him."

"You always have to tell me more." Cancer frowned, "Albert is a very racist guy. What is his plan for himself?"

"For a little girl under him." Neo didn't want to elaborate, but Cancer asked himself and explained a little, "That little girl is almost 18 years old, and some things may belong to her. Albert wants to take it for himself."

This degree of explanation may still be cloudy for others, but Cancer stared and immediately thought of something: "How do you know this kind of thing?"

"Nothing is absolutely confidential, unless it is done by God." Neo smiled confidently, "Albert thought he could hide it from everyone. He didn't know that I had seen those files long ago."

Cancer was silent for a moment and looked up and said, "Is this your personal behavior?"

"It's okay." Neo said, "Even if you owe me in Vietnam, give it back to me today."

Since Neo has said it to this extent, Cancer can only accept it helplessly: "Where is Albert now? I'm not confident that I can kill him, and I still want you to kill him.

"Of course I will do it, but not now." Neo is obviously more honest with Cancer, unlike Anthony's little hypocrisy. "You cooperate with me."

Cancer is no longer talking: "No problem, when?"

Nio looked up at the time: "Not today."

"You destroyed Binhai's network and communication today, not today?"

"Albert is chasing the little angel. We just need to wait until he contacts the intelligence relay station." Neo turned around and said, "Close the door and give yourself a few days off."

Cancer silently put the towel back on the hanger, took off his white coat, changed into a less conspicuous summer dress, and suddenly became an ordinary old man in his fifties, with no surprise in appearance.

Looking at Cancer's dress, Neo said with a smile, "Since you are with me, you can't be noticed. You can dress a little better."

Cancer said shyly, "I'm used to it..."

Locking the door, Cancer and Neo walked out of the community. In the night, the whole city was more lively than usual, and there were many pedestrians on the street. Neo asked Cancer, "Is it lively here at night?"

"That's not usually the case." Cancer took a look at Neo, "Because the network is broken, they are willing to come out."


Even Neo has nothing to say at this moment.



While Neo and Cancer joints, Ivan has led people to complete all the peripheral arrangements.

The wireless signal from the 29th floor to the top floor is completely shielded, and the optical cable is cut off. The building has become an island of information and cannot be contacted by the outside world.

All the exits were blocked and the elevator failed. Even if there was a helicopter, it had to climb to the roof to take off.

At this moment, the building starting from the 29th floor is as silent as a ghost city.

In addition to the people who guarded the elevator entrance and the safe exit of the stairs, Ivan began to search room by room with the remaining five people.

At this moment, Ivan, who was still worried, finally began to believe that he was really going to touch the 60 million dollars. This kind of dead situation may not be solved even if it is really a retired CIA agent, let alone just a young girl?

Unless as some AUU employees describe, she is really the embodiment of the devil.